• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 13, 2020

    Pokémon GO - RIP to all the pokemon I transferred

    Pokémon GO - RIP to all the pokemon I transferred

    RIP to all the pokemon I transferred

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 05:23 PM PST

    Up until recently, I didn't use the appraise tool, and only evolved pokemon with the highest CP level.. I think back on all the pokemon I transferred that were probably 3* or even perfect 4* just because they were 100CP lower than a 0* (because that would be just my luck).... I know better now and check EVERY time before transferring... but I still think about it a bunch

    submitted by /u/thatguy3495
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    4 and a half years, I finally got one! 100% shiny!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 06:13 PM PST

    https://twitter.com/HalberdierV2/status/1337936727751716868 and its a cute lil penguin, too! (i havevnt really got much to say other than it just took forever looking for this thing and im real happy its cute. otherwise its not exactly something i would need 100 characters to say -_-)

    submitted by /u/Halberdierv2
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    Don’t approach kids asking for trainer codes

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:24 PM PST

    I had a rather unpleasant interaction today

    I'm just doing my thing doing a raid my dad is waiting for me in the car the gym was too far from the vehicle so I had to walk a little bit.

    I'm just wrapping up my raid when a man in a car pulls up and yells to me "do you wanna be friends?"

    I respond "I'm happy with my current friends"

    He retorts back "no in Pokémon Go you are playing?"

    I reply "no I'm good"

    He then drives away, I'm sure most won't do this but I just want to say please don't do this. If you want to make friends use r/pokemongofriends or anywhere specific to making friends in Pokémon Go. This guy wanted me to go up to his car to exchange trainer codes I don't even think most adults would be comfortable with that.

    submitted by /u/Sam_Fisher_2005
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    First shiny!!!!!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST

    First shiny!!!

    Hi Pokémon Go friends, I just want to share this. I recently started playing Pokémon Go, I caught my first shiny Pokémon today and I feel really happy about it.

    First shiny

    submitted by /u/Amazing_Condition114
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    Community Day Issue

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 03:52 AM PST

    I bought the $1 community day pass and am stuck on the "Catch 15 Gastly Weedle and Seedot" quest, because I didn't have time to finish it yesterday. They're all 11/15, and I just thought I'd be able to finish it today.

    But none of those Pokémon are appearing now! Will they start appearing after 5PM?!? But then I won't have time to finish the other 2 quests

    Is this a huge design flaw or what?! It's unfair they didn't say that it would be impossible to complete after Saturday! Please help!,!,!!!, I want the rewards :c

    submitted by /u/DDDredge
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    Found a 0% abra today!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Found an abra today with IV of 0! Didn't realise this was possible. Is this a new kind of rare find 😅


    submitted by /u/Adurbe2
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    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:19 AM PST



    Also a suggestion that if there are a couple of pokestops near your house add a lure and an incense to yourself, it works very well

    good luck.

    submitted by /u/MrDollarBills
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    What is this....a trade for ants?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Went to pick a pokemon to trade and the screen looked like this. I was still able to tap and choose pokemon and trade like normal but its very hard to tap a point that small on the screen. It kept choosing the wrong pokemon. https://postimg.cc/nsRLr228

    submitted by /u/KittehOfColor
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    I freaking hate the idea of using Shadow Pokémon.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Ok. You just encountered a Team Rocket member.

    They have a Shadow Pokémon team, which by artificial means, have powered them up considerably, at the expense of the Pokémon's well-being.

    You beat them, and are able to rescue one of them.

    Now's the time where you should purify the Pokémon, so as to free them from their suffering.

    Instead, you profit from its unfortunate condition to go up the tiers in the Pokémon League.

    What makes us better than Team Rocket, if we are still exploiting their methods after defeating them?

    Pokémon are supposed to be our cool, cute, even monstrous partners, not angry and corrupted beings.

    And the fact that the game does not even discourage this behaviour is a bit weird, to say the least.

    Give me your opinion in the comments down below!

    submitted by /u/KyrostheWarrior
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    Thoughts on being able to move around the Tag order for organizational purposes

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:46 AM PST

    OKAY, so before I begin I will start by saying that I love the new tag system and I have already spent hours sorting my creatures by stats, location caught, etcetera...

    However I have around 30+ tags at this point and still adding more (this may sound excessive but my I swear it is not).

    The problem is that the tags are in the order of when you created them and there is no way (that I am aware of) to move around the tag order in the column, thus also changing the order in which the tags are displayed for the Pokemon too. And when you have OCD like me and tag everything and keep adding new things to tag (like trade to @user or teach new move) its hard to tag quickly.

    But it's getting harder to due without it taking so long. I would really like to hear y'alls thoughts on this.

    TLDR: Do you guys think that Pokemon Go should have the options to move around the tag order without having to edit out and change the whole tags system (like being able to drag the tags to the top and bottom of the tag list)?

    submitted by /u/ShaunArcanine
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    Anybody else strike out today?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 04:31 PM PST

    After being glued to my phone for a little over 4 hours clicking everything in sight, I only came home with a single 100cp shiny Rhyhorn... girlfriend walked away with 9 assorted shinies in less than 2 hours of casual play. I'm pretty salty to say the least. Thanks Pokemon Go, for being the fun distraction I desperately needed today. I know nobody cares, I just needed to whine in public about it. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/thehoney_badger
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    Shiny 0* or a normal 3* ?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:14 AM PST

    🔊So I just got a shiny 0* magikarp and a normal 3* magikarp , which one of them should I evolve? I definitely cant do both , so please help me. The event is over in 2hours🤔

    submitted by /u/JimBeVibinTho
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    I think they should add (rare-ish, spaced apart) Pokemon centers. thoughts?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 05:29 PM PST

    I think that certain pokestops should become Pokemon centers. This way, there's added incentive to walking out of your way (free heal) and the potion/revive vs center heal system takes on the same sort of risk/reward system that it does in the games. You could go out of your way for a free heal, or you could use up your potions/revives to stay where you are and stay in the game. Maybe, to balance it a bit, there could be a 6 pokemon heal limit, and a timer before it can be used again? Just a thought. What are yall's opinions? Would this work?

    submitted by /u/foobeezoobee
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    Keep Best Friends?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:42 AM PST

    It takes a while to get to Best Friends- most often the person stops opening/sending gifts once reached as I guess there's no big XP boost to be gained.

    What's the usual etiquette? Any crystal ball gazing as to what might be enabled in future for Best Friends?

    Most of mine are overseas, so little benefit to them or me at present, I tend not to delete them if they keep opening/sending gifts given the mutual effort we put in to get to that status!

    submitted by /u/Vatherian
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    What’s the most strategic way to use rare candies?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:48 AM PST

    I have all these rare candies I'm not sure what to do with. I used to use them all on meltan (but then the meltan event happened rip).

    Which Pokémon do y'all like to spend your rare candies on?

    submitted by /u/bigglyboblee
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    Purifying Pokémon

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Recently I found out that purifying increases a Pokémon's IV. Is it worth purifying a 3* to make it 4*?

    submitted by /u/mtgawesome1
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    Hitting level 40 after 4 years!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 11:19 PM PST

    In a poetic ending, after a Machamp raid, I turned the two poké-stops next to my residence—which have been there for the past 3 years—to earn the final 200 experience to hit level 40.

    On to level 41!

    Watch my Pokémon Go streams on Twitch.tv/larsjos

    submitted by /u/lario_
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    My app won’t let me feed two golden razz to my friend.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 04:15 AM PST

    Maybe it's not a bug? I usually just feed my buddy 2 golden razz ( raid a lot) to save 10 seconds. However, I can fill the meter with anything else other than golden razz... anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Jackielegz8689
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    Buffing XL candy

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:47 AM PST

    So, XL candy can get your pokemon to level 50.

    But, 100 candy/XL candy? Really? When some pokemon take ages to get that much candy? Why? I feel that the cost shld be cut. The only reason why it could cost that much to get 1 candy is for delayed progress, but even still, when legendaries are rotated they shouldn't cost such an exorbitant amount.

    Should they be lowered? And, if so, to what cost? I think 10 would be too easy, maybe 50 or 25?

    submitted by /u/RnbwTurtle
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    Can you solo a regirock?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:34 AM PST

    He's the only one I need of these rock monsters, but I'm not around a lot of other players. Can he be soloed?

    submitted by /u/StonerButchy
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    Why is catching Shadow Pokemon become so difficult?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:05 AM PST

    Recently I've noticed that it's become super difficult for me to catch Shadow Pokemon after beating a Grunt/Team Leader. The red circle disappears very quickly and the Pokemon animates regularly. Does anyone have any tips please? Am I the only one experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/Pamhalliwell89
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    Hatching eggs help!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 06:49 AM PST

    I have apparently walked 13 km this week and no eggs have hatched - the progress hasn't even moved for either. I have been unable to hatch eggs for a month now.

    Any help???

    submitted by /u/Chaddjj
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    Magikarp new attack button?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    I found out that a purified magikarp has a new attack button while a regular magikarp has no new attack button, and Is this on purpose or not?

    submitted by /u/iceman1125
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