• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 12, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Who else didn't get a shiny Wooper?

    Pokémon GO - Who else didn't get a shiny Wooper?

    Who else didn't get a shiny Wooper?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Went diligently Wooper hunting every break I had in my day but here I am with over 500 candies and no Shiny :(

    On the bright side, Wooper was a rarity before this so I never thought I'd get enough candies to evolve the one I caught months and months ago, and now I can :)

    submitted by /u/raven-wg
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    in the whole 4 years i’ve been playing pokémon go, i’ve had to deal with a lot of annoying things, but nothing has annoyed me more...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:55 PM PST

    ...than having to use great balls/razz berries or ultra balls on <200 CP fletchlings. it's bad enough that apparently ultra balls are stupid rare/scarce now, you're telling me i need to use them to catch first evolution CP 137 pokémon?

    A wild Fletchling appeared! Razz berry, great ball, great throw. shake, shake...

    The wild pokémon escaped!


    submitted by /u/user02181981
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    All my Community Day chocolates in 2020

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:08 AM PST

    A round-up of all the chocolate and cake truffles I made for Pokemon Go Community Day in 2020! I miss being able to give out sweets at the park, but at least I've been able to spend more time on some of the trickier designs this year.

    All of these are different flavors of cake and/or chocolate ganache that I hand-shaped, then dipped and decorated entirely with white chocolate and candy melts. More pics and videos of my process on my Instagram @miscellaneousmao.


    submitted by /u/miscellaneousmao
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    Golden gym badge should increase the reach

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:00 AM PST

    I think we don't get much for achieving the gold gym badge and I think it should increase the reach for said gym. This might seem as a first world problem but I have a gym that is literally five steps away from me which for some reason I can't reach from my home. I go out less often since it's very cold outside right now (also cause of covid) And getting dressed up and go out just to spin it once seems unreasonable. I might be asking too much, but that would seriously help a lot.

    submitted by /u/RussianIlluminati
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    Niantic please lift the opening gift limit for tomorrow

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 05:28 AM PST

    As a rural player who is currently relying on 2 stops and a gym for this entire day, gifts are an absolute god send but I have easily hit the 20 limit within an hour or two. I have to wait 5 minutes to maybe get about 6 poke balls and just hope I hit some excellent throws while my lucky egg is on. Back when your buddy would bring a lot of poke balls every so often was amazing during com days at the beginning of the pandemic would be great to bring that back especially how a lot of the world is still on lockdown

    submitted by /u/SlamJamThankYouClam
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    This is what determination looks like.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:22 PM PST

    Have a plan think it throug then execute it, it will take time, it wont be easy but at the end it will be worth it!

    I didn't do it a buddy of mine that goes by IvaakRyu did. From one of the Pogo comunitys i belong, once in a while hell ask for alternate names after some nominations got rejected, then try again and neverteless he prevail.I have my fare share of accepted submission but this is by far the most impressive i have seen. Thanks buddy.

    Project Pokestoped a lake

    submitted by /u/zurdopilot
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    Got Gengar

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 05:53 AM PST

    This is my second day playing this game and I have been hunting down numerous Gastlys for that one Pokemon. Gengar. And today I have finally got Gengar, along with a few lucky catches (Snorlax and Shiny Rhyhorn). This took hours of work but I have finally done it. So proud of myself.

    submitted by /u/GmerxDa364
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    Is Anyone Else Irritated Over The New Galarian Mime Research Line?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:44 PM PST

    I just saw the advertisement for the galarian mime research quest. They are charging $8 CAD for a Pokedex entry. You get one encounter with Mime and if you're out of work right now, you don't want to pay for a Pokédex entry??? Has Niantic just come to a point where they only care about maximizing profits and taking from people and handing out garbage research?

    submitted by /u/RyFry135
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    Latest NINANTIC event is garbage, and is only a money grab

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:36 PM PST

    Who the hell thinks galarian mr mime is worth 7 bucks, 8 bucks whatever the crap it is. Really ninantic, and what am I going to do with my 8 dollar Pokémon, he is t good for raids, he isn't good for pvp so why the hell would I pay for him. Ninantic and or Nintendo should be ashamed. Every other galarian has been free so far so why do I have to pay for one. Btw I won't be paying. I don't mind paying for. Ticket that gives me some worth. I'm already boycotting megas since I have to pay to RENT a poke for 8 stupid hours. We get 1 free raid pass a day, why can't we get 1 free remote raid pass as well. I was so proud of how ninantic pushed remote raids when we were all stuck at home, and adapted the gAme to be finer at home, now you monetizing thoes QUALITY OF LIFE. Things unbelievable

    submitted by /u/Itlhitman
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    Am I just having bad luck? Or have shiny odds not changed?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 02:31 AM PST

    I've caught hundreds this morning, nothing is shiny, am I just having impossible luck? How is your community day going? Are you having better luck than me?

    submitted by /u/__jxed
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    Shoutout to Makuhita

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Shoutout to the real MVP of the game.

    Every time I see you on my map, I smile.


    Because you're so great for excellent throws :')

    Thank you for my grind to 40.

    submitted by /u/bluetopaz22
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    Is shiny piplup boosted today?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:14 AM PST

    I'm playing on the first day of comunity weekend and ive already caught every shiny of the ones that are supposed to be boosted today, except for piplup, although i've checked like 50. So my question is wether ive read it wrong and piplup is boosted tomorrow or today?

    submitted by /u/OK-b-o-o-m-e-r-
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    Galarian mime Event

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:37 PM PST

    The 7.99 fee for Galarian mime is very worrisome. Ninantic with this and the Kanto event are testing the waters in order to see how much people will pay for monthly events. I personally don't mind the .99 fee for CD days, but 7.99 for any Pokémon event, especially a non legendary, like mr mime is very anti consumer. I hope the community voices against this for I fear that in the future there will be many events with Pokémon locked behind a sizable paywall.

    submitted by /u/Goodramaster
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    Shiny Regirock is live

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:11 AM PST

    I spent today hosting some Regirock raids, and it seems like the pokemon gods smiled on my efforts.

    just caught my first ever shiny pokemon from a raid, say hello to Mr Chocolate

    submitted by /u/Meatchris
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    What are all the ways to get 2km eggs?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 04:58 AM PST

    I'm going to hunt for the pokemon from last year but I don't know if there are more ways of getting these eggs then by pokestops.

    submitted by /u/Shadowslasher-20
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    Regarding Paid Events

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:52 PM PST

    Paid events should be able to purchased with PokeCoins instead of just real world currency. Many companies (especially in the battle pass model) have switched to purchases being made with their in-game currency. While there are many other issues with paid events making potential rise in frequency in this game, this change would provide another option to many players who are frustrated about spending fairly large amounts of money to gain access to short, collector based events.

    As a bonus this adds to the game by allowing players to further take advantage of playing the game to earn the right to play an event, instead of being forced to hand over money.

    submitted by /u/justbrowsing527
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    Rainbow text in name

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:15 PM PST

    I recently fought a grunt with a shadow magikarp as the encounter afterward. When I tried to catch the Pokémon I noticed the text of its name was in a rainbow font. I've never noticed this before. What does it mean. It wasn't anything special, not a Hindi or zero or shiny. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Chaos_Cr3ations
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    A small doubt

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:41 AM PST

    What I want to ask is that can Gurdurr be evolved into Conkeldurr by trading? Because I saw on a post in this subreddit that Gurdurr will be evolved by 200 candies. Help me

    submitted by /u/Siddusriram194
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    Best CD Raiders?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 06:27 AM PST

    I'm a somewhat casual player with no interest in PvP outside of bullying Team GO Rocket. What Pokémon should I prioritize this Community Day? Which Pokémon are best in their class for raids, like how Smack Down Ttar was, or Meteor Mash Metagross still is (as far as I know?)

    submitted by /u/Dragon_Overlord
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    "Come on, bud. I'm not gonna hurt you..."

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:57 AM PST


    "... Well, other Pokémon from other trainers ARE going to hurt you after i pit you against them. But i won't hurt you, per se."

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Community Day spawns but no research?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:50 AM PST

    I have the CD spawns active right now but no research yet, it's currently 9:49am CST here, is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/CityOcean
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    QoL Ideas: Search string to exclude tagged Pokémon, ability to mass transfer mythicals and legendaries

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 07:41 AM PST

    Title basically. Excluding anything just makes the transfer process more faster and the same goes with the mass transferring of legendaries and myrhicals.

    Since Meltan has become easier to obtain I now have to deal with the bittersweet experience of transferring out 60 Meltan every few days for 15 - 45min.

    It takes me up to 45min because some days I stop transferring because I'm not in the mood. I love that we can get Meltan. Truly do. But a faster way to transfer them and others like it would be Godly.

    submitted by /u/mythicaltimelord
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    How's your shiny luck today?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2020 03:53 AM PST

    How's your luck going today on community day? I've just got a shiny Piplup, Seedot and Ghastly - all from using an incense in a relatively rural location!

    How's it going for you?

    submitted by /u/Diyus
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