• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Can we please get legendary/mythical pokemon for research breakthroughs again?

    Pokémon GO - Can we please get legendary/mythical pokemon for research breakthroughs again?

    Can we please get legendary/mythical pokemon for research breakthroughs again?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    It's ridiculous that after 7 days of continuous research tasks completed we only get an Alolan Ponyta. I miss when we could get actual worthwhile pokemon by completing the research tasks. That was the only way for me to get legendaries consistently, I dont have the time, money or friends to be able to complete legendary raids. I'd rather have a pool of sought after pokemon with a changing legendary being rare in the pool than what we have currently.

    submitted by /u/JPBlaze1301
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    First Hundo!!!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    After slogging through the research missions for Luminous Legends Y and stalling at catching 11/12 shadow mons (the GO Rocket balloons mysteriously stopped showing up lol) I caught the reward Deino and boy was I happy when I saw every bar filled up! I have no friends who play so I figured someone here might share my excitement! Good catching everyone

    submitted by /u/Original_Worth7846
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    This is a special day for me!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I finally best buddied my very first shiny - a perfect Magikarp from 2017!

    Anyone else have that one special mon that they value most? I will never evolve this Magikarp for the nostalgia alone.


    submitted by /u/WTFHunta
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    TIL On a battle party screen, holding down on a pokemon shows their moves

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    This works for in raids when selecting pokemon, as well as rocket battles and the battle league. I always had a hard time with remembering which poke.on had which moves.


    submitted by /u/Pacman0928
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    Just hit level 40 and got something special.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    So ive been playing since release and have been working towards it. Last night i finally hit it and claimed my shiny mew. I got a 1399 aka a hundo. Making it my first shundo and first catch post level 40.

    submitted by /u/hebbmat330
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    First ever 100% IV! And it's a legendary!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    After two raids in which I failed to catch Yveltal, I was ready to give up, but I tried a third time instead, and caught Yveltal! I go and check its IV, and whaddaya know! It's got a perfect IV!

    Edit: https://imgur.com/a/gN4cqEE

    submitted by /u/Stormfalcon123
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    [Humor] My wife has agreed to play Gible CD with me. Here’s her research progress bar.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    I'm a fairly casual player so I don't meet up with the local groups anymore. I told my loving partner that Gible has been pretty rare for most of the game and I'd really like to trade for some lucky-shiny ones.

    So she opened her account to collect some balls. Oof.


    submitted by /u/mikebellman
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    I finally caught my first ever shiny!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    I just recently started playing again since 2016 and caught my first shiny Clefairy! Should I evolve or keep it a Clefairy?

    submitted by /u/seanssy
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    Any speculation on what is after the Season of Legends?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    The Season of Legends ends in 4 days, any ideas of what is "season" is next and what pokemon/raids/events it will include?

    submitted by /u/PositiveCockroach608
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    I think Meloetta will be making its debut..!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    In the in-game news niantic told us that by completing a research we get a mythical pokemon. Since the go fest is based on music, and no mythical pokemon can sing other than Meloetta, I came to the conclusion that Meloetta will be making its debut. What do u think? Post your opinions

    submitted by /u/Siddusriram194
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    "New" airplane mode trick

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Not sure if this is common knowledge, hence the "New" in the title, but if you put airplane mode on your phone you can evolve or purify bulk amounts of pokemon, then when you're finished turn it off and get the animation of 1 pokemon. It doesn't always work, but I had 5/8 for evolving and 7/10 for purifying yesterday, so it does a good amount and saves a lot of time. I hope this is helpful for some of y'all.

    submitted by /u/hazagi
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    Caught my first ever raid legendary (yay!) & now I have a couple questions

    Posted: 27 May 2021 02:18 AM PDT

    Here's my Yveltal

    • Do legendaries always have max IVs? My main question. I've never even seen a mon with all 3 bars filled, but obviously this is a special case. Idk if I just got super lucky or not, but if I did, I wanna brag to my friends lol

    • Should I go for a different moveset? I generally don't care too much about movesets because i don't get to raid too much, but I might as well have a good moveset on my only raid legendary. I have a handful of TMs.

    • Is it worth using rare candies to try & level this up? I really don't even have very many, so I don't want to waste them. I guess it makes sense to use them on this mon, but I just wanna make sure there's nothing specific I should save them for (research steps or something of that nature)

    submitted by /u/ModsRNeckbeards
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    Is GoFest ticket worth it?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've been playing PoGo since it first came out, but have only really started getting into it fairly recently. I haven't participated in GoFest before, and since the ticket is cheaper this year (?), I was wondering if people who have done it previously thought it was worth the money?

    I've never caught a Unown which it sounds like some of them will be available during the event?

    Tips and advice appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Auskee42
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    Please show lvl 41 evolution accomplishments we already completed

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Spoiler text just in case people don't want to know the level 41 requirements.

    Although I can guess which ones I most likely have evolved, I can't remember which Eeveelutions I made exactly. If they could make it known which ones we have already done, that would be helpful. I know this is a pretty minor touch, but it would be nice to have.

    submitted by /u/uwlryoung
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    I got a perfect IV yveltal from PvP battling!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:08 AM PDT


    I didn't even know you could get legendaries from PvP, but I'm certainly not complaining! I did a couple yveltal raids but never could catch this one, yet I got this one on my first ball haha

    submitted by /u/Frye_daddy
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    A nudge button?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    So I have added people from different Pokemon GO subreddit's and after sending/receiving gifts, we are finally one day from achieving the "best friend" rank. Unfortunately, I have no clue who the person is so there's no way I can even send a quick message to them. Sometimes I feel like people are so consistent with the gifts UNTIL it's one day before best friends. 🤣 But I mean there's no way we can even double egg it without some sort of communication so therefore I'm really just tryna get the 100k and move on with my life 🙂 thus explaining where this "nudge" idea of mine came from...lmk yalls thoughts 😅

    submitted by /u/Cold4sf
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    Which would you choose: 91% Shadow Mamoswine, or Hundo Purified?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    First thing this morning I caught this happy little 91% Swinub. Which would you do: evolve it into a very respectable IV Shadow Mamoswine, or purify it and bask in the hundo?


    submitted by /u/crow-bot
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    I went on an 18 winstreak with this line up in the current trainer league

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    Hypno - confusion - fire punch, thunder punch

    Vaporeon - water gun - aqua tail

    Wigglytuff - charm - ice beam, play rough

    just thought I would share. I didn't get less than 4 wins with this and played across midnight to reset the limit. much rare candy. maybe not impressive. maybe help someone. yes

    also I did this https://imgur.com/31hf5BP 26k experience in one catch. can anyone beat it?

    submitted by /u/siggub
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    Is the Pokemon Go Fest ticket worth it if youre at sea during the event?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Was wondering if the Festival ticket is worth it if youre unable to go to pokestops etc?

    Thanks for help! :)

    submitted by /u/AamirBarkawi
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    if you encounter a reward pokemon from a quest/league, can you run away and return once they're weather boosted?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    I have a pupitar as a league reward, and it may be rock weather later on today. really would like to know if weather has an effect on their IVs if you have already encountered them- I just previously caught a 100% stunfisk during clear weather so I know the rewards are at least effected if you open then during the weather

    submitted by /u/Killzone3265
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    Shiny and iv’s

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Shiny and iv's i was wondering if it matters if a shiny has good iv's or do u want them for their looks only I have a shiny eevee and want to evolve it to sylveon but it has bad iv's

    submitted by /u/Ro3540
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    Account verification sounds a bit overkill

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Can anyone explain to me as to why Niantic has the worst account verification process asking questions for verification that spans the last 5 years. I got my email hacked in 2019 and had to delete the email and change my email for several services. At the time I was so focused on the important things such as banking info and other sensitive info that I forgot to change over the email associated to my Pokémon go account.

    Tuesday 5/27/21 till now with Niantic Support has been a nightmare where as a consumer of their product that I'm trying to get back into playing doesn't care about the user and makes no attempts to resolve the issue with empathy like most Support teams are paid to do.

    In 13 emails I have included my email associated to the old account, the phone number associated to the account, I sent a screenshot of the account that I had on my phone before I stopped playing, I listed locations that that account would have been used in including the location where i first made the account in 2016.

    There's also smaller details such as the miles walked on the account, battle record, and the amount caught, and I also included the usernames of the friends I have associated to my account.

    These are the questions asked for account verification:

    When was the approximate Month and Year the account was created?
    What login option did you use to create your account? And what was the email address used to register this account?
    Have you added or modified your login info in the past? If yes, please share the login provider added or removed along with the email address.
    What's your last approximate current IAP balance?
    When was your last in-app purchase, along with the receipt for that purchase?
    What's your current Team? Have you changed your team in the past? If yes, please provide the month and date of when that change happened.
    What's your current Level? Please provide the approximate month and date you reached that level.
    Name up to the last two devices you've used to login to your account.
    What was the last achievement or medal you had unlocked? Provide the approximate month and date of your achievement.
    Have you participated in any of the Niantic Live Events? If yes, which event did you participate in along with its location?
    Any additional details you can share about your account such as: recent achievements or medals, device model, …. etc.
    This information will help us make sure that we don't compromise the security of the account in question by verifying the correct owner of the account.

    I last logged in in July of 2019 its been quite awhile and with the email changes I made I had to change my apple ID and now I don't have access to any of my purchase history from before this year. This account verification is Overkill and they only provide you with 2 attempts. I got rejected on my first attempt and sent them an email for my second including all the info I listed above and that at this point there is so much info there that there shouldn't be an issue. At the end of this latest email I sent I said

    " At this point I feel that I have provided you way more than enough information for you to let me into my account and if you are unable to resolve this than I would like to speak with management about this over a call and I have the next three days off where you can call me between the hours of 10 am PST to 11pm PST"

    Now I work in CX support doing what this guy does and I deal with a lot of disgruntled customers but he didn't address anything about me asking for a supervisor or explain as to why he needs the most obscure details of the account when I Provided the email associated to it. In the company I work for we only require an email or phone number so verify its the user not this crap where we need you to identify the current pokecoins balance on the account. Not like I would know since i haven't used the app in 2 years.

    My friends who play also pointed out that they let hackers run rampant on the platform being able to roam the earth without ever leaving their home. so why do they care so much about protecting this account

    I'm making this post so hopefully it will go somewhere and these workflows for account verification will change. Luckily Apple support was able to provide me with a receipt from 2019 to show I purchased something from them. But it shouldn't be this hard for account verification where even the Owner of the account is sitting here not knowing the info required to have access again.

    TLDR: The account verification for Pokémon Go is Overkill and needs to be changed.

    submitted by /u/5eshenanigans
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