• Breaking News

    Monday, March 23, 2020

    Pokémon GO - One last call to all of you playing Pokémon, let’s all follow the guidelines and the measures in place for now! The world needs us all in this! No exceptions, and we’ll see eachother on the flipside! STAY SAFE!

    Pokémon GO - One last call to all of you playing Pokémon, let’s all follow the guidelines and the measures in place for now! The world needs us all in this! No exceptions, and we’ll see eachother on the flipside! STAY SAFE!

    One last call to all of you playing Pokémon, let’s all follow the guidelines and the measures in place for now! The world needs us all in this! No exceptions, and we’ll see eachother on the flipside! STAY SAFE!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    FitBit support

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    There should be an option to add your FitBit account to your Pokémon GO account, that way users who have fitbit could use it for adventure sync, since Google fit and FitBit's cannot be paired.

    submitted by /u/waf-lis
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    30 "free" incense without "free" pokeballs are useless for those under lockdown

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Sure, we can't walk around to catch pokemon so luring them to us is super useful. But for those of us who don't live anywhere close to a pokestop, we can't spin for more pokeballs. The lure was great in that pokemon spawned almost one after another. Except, I ran out of pokeballs after using 3 incense.

    I have no way to spin stops right now. We are capped at opening 20 gifts a day, and I open 20 gifts a day thanks to wonderful people adding me through reddit. I'm lucky if get 30 pokeballs a day from opening gifts. The catch rate hasn't been altered, so I might catch 15 pokemon with 30 balls if I have a really good day. In reality, if I want to actually continue playing pokemon go during this pandemic, I'll have to start dropping $10 to get 200 pokeballs every few days. I'm lucky to even have a job from home right now, who knows if it'll last.

    What I'm saying is, the incense was a wonderful gift, but it doesn't actually help any of us under lock down and in reality is a capitalist scam to boost purchases, namely of pokeballs. Thanks Niantic.

    Edit: hey guys, I know we all have different opinions about the ethics of capitalist corporate behavior during global crisises, and I know corporations are technically individuals under US law and I've therefore bashed an individual myself, AND I know it's a big thing to ask on Reddit, but please do try to refrain from insulting actual persons on this post. We're all stressed now, let's disagree while still being nice to each other :)

    submitted by /u/19anon93
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    My Solution to GBL Rewards

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, Curbob here. I've recently started browsing this subreddit ever since GBL came out, as it gives me a competitive purpose to the game that we all love. There's been a fair amount of discussion on the rewards for GBL, and I'm personally struggling with the fact that I am trying to reach rank 10 despite being a level 35 player starved of resources, yet tanking my battle rating is the best way to get the rewards I want (for the most part, rare candy).

    I have a fun solution that addresses most concerns revolving around these rewards. The solution is actually a recycled Pokemon idea from the main stream game: Battle Points (BP). Here's how I envision this to work:

    • Award BP after each set of battles. All battles reward BP, however wins and rank increase the amount of BP rewarded. Premium passes award additional BP.

    • BP is a currency that can be saved, you can use it immediately if you wish, or you can save it for a bigger payout.

    • Have a BP "Store", where you exchange your BP for bundles of rare candies, TMs, stardust, rare items, Pokemon encounters. Niantic could even have separate purchases for a regular pokemon encounter and a legendary encounter.

    The idea is pretty simple, yet it fixes a lot of the problems that currently exists. These include:

    1. People are interested in different rewards. Some people don't have raid teams and would love to get more stardust as rewards. Other players are casuals who need more Sinnoh stones to evolve their Pokemon, while others are hardcore battlers who could use more candies to give their legendaries second moves. Even a Pokeball bundle right now would solve a lot of issues with lockdowns due to COVID-19.

    2. Tanking is discouraged to an extent, as you are awarded less BP while you are tanking. Furthermore, lower ranks (and/or rating) awards lower amounts of BP, providing incentive for everyone to grind toward the top of the ladder.

    3. Four wins on a free track of five battles can be really difficult for many battlers. Right now, ending with three wins out of five can feel really bad, especially for those who are only interested in battling for the Pokemon encounters. A BP system would give meaning to each set of battles, and each battle individually as right now, many people are just tanking their set if they lose the first two battles and miss out on an encounter.

    Overall, I think this is an approach that hasn't been fully discussed but could be a simple solution to many of the problems the GBL reward system currently has. I'd love to hear what you all think, and if there's a way to get Niantic to read this, please let me know, thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Curbobz
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    An idea to help players in quarantine/isolation and promote the new buddy feature

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Your buddy should be able to spin pokestops for you that are on the map but too far away for you to spin yourself. I mean when your buddy is with you on the map they already walk far away some times. So why not put this feature to good use.

    This would help out players who want to play the game, want to use the extremely cheap incense that Niantic gave us, want to send gifts to friends to help them out.

    I am aware that there is already a 'gift' feature where your buddy gives you a gift but for me at least that mostly contains just berries. No pokeballs, no gifts, no research tasks.

    submitted by /u/danbywinby
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    100% IV Azumarill

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    I just found out that I have a hundo azumarill while I was clearing my pokebox. I have become the very thing I've sworn to destroy... (https://imgur.com/gallery/3ZSc8Sj)

    submitted by /u/RealAtomTiger
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    Daily Care Pack

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    Niantic should hand out a daily care pack to anyone logging in to the game, containing something like 50 red, 25 blue and 10 black pokeballs for as long as we have Corona situation.

    As others have mentioned, gifts dont really guarantee getting any pokeballs, and with more and more people in isolation the number of gifts go down as well. Given the more effective incense and increased spawns, it just isnt enough.

    Also, they could easily double the number of items received from spinning stops and gyms (and opening gifts?) during this period to make sure that if you DO go out, you wont have to spend hours walking around in crowds in order to just fill your item bag.

    The current game settings actually give you MORE incentive to travel to stops (and risk getting infected), since you are missing the vital balls needed to actually play the game in isolation.

    submitted by /u/nik_lin
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    PSA: You don't need to tap your device hard in order for the app to register each command.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    A light touch is all it takes. I go to raids and tourneys and this is what I see. People tapping up a storm which I'm sure is not good for you ergonomically speaking because my account it's likely to cause some sort of damage to you.

    Or maybe your device has trouble reading each command. So if that's the case I understand. But if not just take it easy. You don't have to work that hard. Also you should know that tapping faster won't change any outcome. Zen Headbutt will never charge up any move faster than Pyscho Cut or Confusion. It's not a race! Just take it slow. End.

    submitted by /u/ImNotReallyANerd
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    Hatched 6 garbage eggs today, then got my Genesect and.. oh my gosh

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    https://imgur.com/1HOLzvQ I actually screamed in my car. I walked a ton, walked more at work, hatched nothing but garbage magikarp and Panpour. Finished my quest and ... look at that beaut!!

    submitted by /u/agremlinstorm
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    Temporary Feature Concept: PokeStop Remote Access Modules, help guard PokeStops from Team Rocket Go!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    This Event Concept is intended as a way to enable players to continue to enjoy Pokemon Go, while still respecting and encouraging self-isolation and/or quarantine during this incredibly difficult time, without completely breaking the spirit of the game. It would be easy enough to simply reward players with free items, but adding some sort of activity requirement, especially one that encourages positive behavior and attitude as well as inspiring a team-work effort to defeat an enemy, I think would be more effective and inspiring people to stick to isolation and quarantine guidelines.


    It has been a long battle against Team Go Rocket's sinister ways, but our hard work is paying off!

    Thanks to your hard work in battling Team Go Rocket Grunts and Leaders and collecting those Mysterious Components, Professor Willow's lab has devised a new way to protect PokeStops from Team Go Rocket!

    Trainers will be issued a device called a "Remote Access Module", which uses a modified version of the same technology Team Go Rocket has been using to steal from PokeStops. The Remote Access Module will allow you to remotely connect to PokeStops in your area to collect items and/or battle Team Go Rocket, should they be found hanging around, all from the safety and security of your own homes!

    Because there is a risk that this new Device may fall into the hands of Team Go Rocket, making it easier for them to steal, Professor Willow's Team has built in a fail-safe; The Remote Access Module will slowly recharge between uses, allowing up to two uses per day. For any extra uses, it must be charged up by engaging in positive activities!

    Walk with your buddy, feed them treats, take snapshots of them, complete field or special research tasks, battle against other trainers, perform long distance trades, send gifts, transfer or evolve Pokemon, and more to recharge your Remote Access Module! The requirement of these positive actions will surely prevent Team Go Rocket from being able to use this improved tech to remotely steal from PokeStops!

    There is no telling how long it will be before Team Go Rocket is able to improve their own technology, so be sure to make good use of the Remote Access Module while it still works!

    -Each player will be temporarily issued a free Remote Access Module. Team Go Rocket will inevitably find a way to defeat this new technology eventually, at which point the Modules will be disabled and automatically collected from Trainers.

    -After first use, the Module will begin to slowly recharge. You may speed up the charging process by engaging in positive activities, otherwise the standard charging rate will only allow two uses per day. Performing positive activities will allow unlimited uses per day.

    -Perform positive actions to charge up your Remote Access Module, such as walking with your buddy, taking snap shots of or feeding your buddy, remote-trading Pokemon, transferring Pokemon, completing field or special research tasks, evolving Pokemon, hatching eggs, defeating Team Go Rocket Grunts/Leaders, participating in league battles, sending gifts to friends, adding new friends, and more. Each of these actions will accelerate the recharge of the Remote Access Module to some degree - some actions will charge it more than others.

    -Activate your Remote Access Module and select "Automatic" or "Manual". "Automatic" will choose the nearest PokeStop to connect to, "Manual" will allow you to manually select any that are nearby.

    -To access a PokeStop you've already connected to, simply activate the Remote Module from your Inventory and you will be whisked away to the PokeStop.

    -You may detach from the stop and select another prior to spinning a stop, if you so choose.

    -Once connected to a PokeStop, the PokeStop will function as if you are standing right next to it. Spin the stop for items, or engage in battle against Team Go Rocket Grunts or Leaders.

    -Item types and quantities given from PokeStops are the same as they would otherwise be, with the exception of Gifts - Gifts will be a guaranteed item from all PokeStop spins for the duration of this event, as long as you have less than 10 in your inventory.

    -Lure Modules cannot be attached to PokeStops at this time, however using a Lure Module on a Remotely-Accessed PokeStop OR a PokeStop visited in person will EXCHANGE the Lure Module for a Special Incense which features the same properties of the Lure Module.

    submitted by /u/Left4DayZ1
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    Guys....we need to admit that maybe PoGo isn't the best game to play during a pandemic.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    I keep seeing all these posts complaining about free incense but no balls, and how greedy Niantic is, and all these features they could add to make it better for quarantined people. But the truth is that this game is fundamentally based on walking to achieve goals. Eggs, balls, Pokemon, items, are all acquired by walking. Even the gifts that you give each other come from walking around and spinning pokestops.

    I'm not saying we should all stop playing, I'm still planning on catching some good boys when I go out for groceries and stuff. But just keep in mind that this game isn't designed for your lifestyle if you're stuck at home. In order to fix that, Niantic would have to change the game entirely, and we probably wouldn't like it all that much.

    So maybe just accept the fact that PoGo isn't going to be one of your daily activities for the next month or two, and try out another mobile game that might work better while you're stuck at home.

    submitted by /u/DontCareBoutReposts
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    Silly idea for self isolating

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Introduce Pokémon little league. No passes to play, max 10 battles a day. Only Pokemon sub 1000 no legendaries. Win poke balls, great balls, ultra balls, a basic berry or super potions. Wins do not count towards badges or league ratings.

    This gives our useless Pokémon an outing and gives lockdown players a chance to get basic items but you have to work for them.

    submitted by /u/thintwizzle
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    Remote Lucky Trades

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    With the Quarantine, Niantic should allow remote lucky trading with Lucky Friends. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/iPhoneSk8er
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    Why, oh why, does Niantic force you to catch the Pokémon to proceed onto the next 5 league battles

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I have 4 Cobalians already, each one of them ate up 20 balls. Now I'm stuck quarantined with nothing left and this goddamn Cobalian is keeping me from getting more candies.

    Niantic: okay since you guys are quarantined at home here are 30 incenses virtually for free.

    Also Niantic: oh you don't have any way of getting balls? Well open up that wallet.


    submitted by /u/BriVel9
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    Eggs should take time to hatch instead of distance

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    This is an old idea I have, but since half of the world is in quarnatine it makes even more sense now.

    2km could take 2 hours, 5km 5 hours and so on. These are just examples of course.

    Maybe they could also mix both ways and make hatching faster if you walk.

    submitted by /u/johnpv190
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    Poke genie

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I use poke genie on my iphone. Like it very much!

    But only have one question with this. Is it possible with pokegenie to check "range iv" before catching the mon? Like calcy iv does.

    Why do i ask? Wanne check for shinies and saving pokeballs but i dont wanne leave the good ivs behind. I found it on pokegenie if i caught the pokemon with ivision but not when i am in catchscreen.

    I use iphone x

    Thx for the fast responses guys!!

    submitted by /u/Thajoejoe
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    Galarian magnemite

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I'm pretty sure that I've come across a wild galarian Magnimite. When I say wild, of course I mean civilised.

    submitted by /u/AdaMan_
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    I've had some close wins in the battle league before, but this...

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 10:10 PM PDT


    I don't think it can possibly be closer than this. Got the charged move about a millisecond before I was toast.

    Additional note, the mini Lapras looks adorable while its shrinking!

    submitted by /u/SyNiiCaL
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    Pokemon Spawns with Incense Bug

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I threw on an incense some minutes ago, and for some reason the phone vibrates like normal to indicate a spawn, but when I go look there's nothing there, and it repeatedly keeps on vibrating.

    Anyone has this too?

    submitted by /u/VesselATtheBest
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    Need good GBL party

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    I have the basic Pokémon which are decent in GBL like Azumarill and Medicham but need a 3rd Pokémon to add to the team. I have tried many things like sudowoodo, Alolan Raichu, and Moltres but have gotten no frequent success. Any tips on what I should use?

    submitted by /u/hamstirxp
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    Just a thought about all the demands due to quarantine...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    So... What about instead of demanding this and that, free Pokeballs, free pokestops and whatnot, people just... Hear me out... Take a break from the game? All this demanding sounds like a serious addiction to this game. Is it that good? If you can't go out, don't go out and play?

    Besides... Niantic still has to make moneys. If you need balls that bad, what about buying some? You can do this... They were nice enough to give people insences. And not only that. We have halved eggs. We have a free GBL... I simply don't get what drives people to become mad at a company, spam threads and demand things... It sounds like a serious issue.

    submitted by /u/Jostabeere
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    My favourite Pokémon name

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Every time I see this dude and his buddy, makes me laugh. He hasn't changed it since day 1 when the name rules were lax.

    submitted by /u/lawraa
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    Expand the ring around our players.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    With the impending doom of the world happening. Hopefully Niantic will expand the ring around each player maybe 2 times larger. This will give people more mons to catch while not having to leave their domiciles.

    submitted by /u/yamnevek
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