• Breaking News

    Friday, July 30, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Hey trainers, please be aware of what Niantic, and this sub consider to be cheating (rule 3)

    Pokémon GO - Hey trainers, please be aware of what Niantic, and this sub consider to be cheating (rule 3)

    Hey trainers, please be aware of what Niantic, and this sub consider to be cheating (rule 3)

    Posted: 29 Apr 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    There has been a considerable uptick in bans related to users talking about cheating on this sub. We follow Niantics trainer guidelines which can be found linked in rule 3 of the sub. https://nianticlabs.com/guidelines/

    Specifically their 4th section

    4 - No cheating

    Don't do it. Play fair. Our games are meant to be played on mobile devices and get you outside to have adventures in the real world. Don't deny yourself or someone else of an authentic gameplay experience by cheating.

    Unfortunately, methods of cheating are limited only by cheaters' imaginations, and include the following:

    using modified or unofficial software, playing with multiple accounts (one account per player), using tools or techniques to alter or falsify your location ("spoofing"), sharing accounts, intentionally exploiting a bug to gain reward, abusing refund policy and mechanism, buying or selling in-game currency or items on third-party platforms, buying/selling/trading accounts, or any other activity that is in violation of Niantic's Terms of Service, available here: https://nianticlabs.com/terms/ 

    The big ones showing up of late are account sharing for whatever reason, and multi accounting.

    Yes we know everyone and their dog has 2 accounts to raid or pvp or trade mons to themselves.

    Niantic officially states this is cheating. If you want this changed take it up with them. If it is ever removed from their trainer guidelines we will reflect that in rule 3.

    The other big one is exploits to gain a reward. There are many many things that could fall under this, but for us, the one we see the most is faking steps in whatever method people can come up with.

    This is clearly against the spirit of the game (going places and catching mons).

    If you admit to cheating on this sub, there will be a ban. Period. This is not negotiable.

    If you disagree with something being a cheat, please refer again to the trainer guidelines, they are pretty clear cut.

    We consider it an endorsement of cheating if you talk about how you have cheated, refer users to cheating resources like dedicated cheating subs or specifically name cheating tools, ask for help from a cheater even if you yourself dont cheat. There is no circumstance that it is OK to cheat. Implying there is, is an endorsement of cheating.

    Tangentially related we do not allow gym take down requests or pokemon trade requests(these are also listed in our rules) specifically because we are a global sub and the only way you are getting help globally is from a cheater.

    submitted by /u/BootsMade4Walking
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    Niantic, don't tell my irl contacts I play so much Pokémon please

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    I am horrified with the welcome screen that offers to make me visible to all my contacts. Reminds me of the time Google connectied my Gmail account and contacts to my YouTube account filled with stuff I'd only upload anonymously. Don't do stuff like this. Connecting with friends is marketing lingo, not a feature people actually want.

    submitted by /u/skynomads
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    Full 100% Eevee Family

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    2 Eevees catched in wild. 3 Eevees cathed during Eevee CD event. 1 Vaporeon from raid 2 Eevees acquirers through trades (none of them lucky trade)

    My biggest concern was getting the Gen 1 trio with the random evolution mechanic. Luckily enough I managed to snatch the Vaporeon through raid and still hadn't used the name trick for Jolteon and Flareon.

    Here is the beautiful family!

    submitted by /u/PurjoPelle
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    The COVID Bonuses are STILL on track to end August 1st, despite the community’s efforts

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    At this point, does Niantic even LISTEN to the community anymore? We've made a petition, spoke to the support team, and done everything we could to get them to make these changes permanent, but Niantic still wants to drop the changes. Do they even KNOW that COVID cases are surging right now? If they do still take off the changes, I honestly don't really want to play the game as much anymore. These changes have made a big impact on the game as we know it, and if they take them back, I honestly think they'll LOSE MONEY. Niantic is making a STUPID decision here, people.

    That's the end of my rant. Niantic, if you see this, (No they won't) KEEP THE COVID BONUSES FOR GOD'S SAKE!

    Tl;Dr: Niantic is making a very dumb decision by reverting the COVID bonuses even though we're still in a pandemic and Niantic might lose money because of this

    submitted by /u/SomeoneHasntUsedThis
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    In August 1st we will lose important bonuses.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Hi. I said it before and i will said it again: The only good thing in the pandemic was pokemon go! We got so many good things in 2020 and in 2021. We enjoyed as much as possible pokemon go from home. Pokemon go was great again and it was awesome to play and enjoy most things from Home. Right now Niantic will get rid most of those things we love... Insence Effectiveness. Getting rid of double pokestop distance. Thats a bad move. First of all the pandemic is not over yet. So i dont know what to do from August 1st but im here to ask you this. Give me 3 reasons why i should keep playing pokemon go or give me 3 reasons why i should stop playing pokemon go from August 1st. Also what is the most important thing to you to keep playing this game?

    submitted by /u/ilikethisnow
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    I won’t log in the day the current bonuses expire.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    I intend to not log in to Pokeman on the first day the current bonuses go away. I can accept most of them as temporary. But making remote raid passes less powerful is ridiculous. And the other bonuses make the game more fun too. That's the point, and removing it is antithetical to the best version of a good time.

    So, I intend to send a 1-day message. I am sure Niantic is quaking in their boots.

    submitted by /u/OrangeGringo
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    Probably the best gift & sticker combo I've ever seen

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    Lately I've been trying to pick stickers with a similar theme to the gifts I send, but I think my friend has me beat - found this absolute gem waiting for me today. I need to up my game...


    submitted by /u/-henryf
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    Voltorb turf war

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    My buddy and I don't seem to be welcome in this part of town...

    Turf War

    submitted by /u/MiniBoglin
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    I swear someone at Niantic really wants me to scan the kids playing in the mall fountain

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    There's one of those outdoor mall fountains where the water shoots out of the ground so kids can come and play in it, and pretty much every single time I spin the Pokéstop there, I get a task to scan it. Stop asking, I'm not going to take scans of kids playing in their swimsuits, ya weirdo.

    EDIT: lmao at all the people who think they invented scanning the floor instead of the stop

    submitted by /u/Bryplodocus
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    Finally surpassed my "blue"

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    Years ago before the 41-50 addition there was a guy I met during a raid hour and we became friends on pogo and we'd occasionally see each other and exchange pleasantries. I was still in the mid-30s but he was a solidified lvl 40. Thought there was no way I'd ever catch him but I ultimately stopped playing a couple months after. Then 2021 came and I was living in a town rich with pokestops, gyms, and unique pokemon. That pushed me to play more and I've done roughly 22 million in xp since the beginning of the year and it has finally put me just in front of him! Once I saw we were within a couple million xp I just went for it. Feels good, but now I have loftier goals of catching people that are still over 30 million in xp ahead of me. Tons of grinding, but definitely worth it.

    submitted by /u/badguys8
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    How many people got the shiny Dialga?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    I was just curious because it seems like either you have really good luck or terrible luck. I personally got 6 shinys this time. I also tried to invite as many new people as I could so they could get one too.

    submitted by /u/justausername0985
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    If you could be a dialga and turn back time to experience a com day again, which com day will it be

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    Idk. For me it might be gible com day. It was great to see that many people together grinding such a rare mon shiny, almost every pokestop in my area had a lure module on it.

    submitted by /u/Moonknight1810
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    Unpopular Opinion? Wish the new feature actually showed the contacts that are active players not just all contacts in general.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    So I understand some people have been afraid that others might find out they play pokemongo....but I WISH this was actually a feature. For those of you scared to link contacts, rest easy knowing that it does nothing but provide Niantic the opportunity for you to invite people to the app. It doesn't show you who plays, which is unfortunate.

    I really wish that is what it was. I was so excited to see who played, but going to the "add contacts" option I quickly realized it is only designed to get you to link people you know to the app.

    Since there is an option to opt out of this, PLEASE Niantic overlords allow us to see and add contacts that are active players.

    submitted by /u/_tinygoblin
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    Before today I had completed 68 legendary raids without finding a shiny...

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    As the title says, that's the background to this post. No prizes for guessing what happened next...

    I'm starting to grind raids more, so I have notifications for raid invites turned on in my settings.

    Halfway through a work-day my phone buzzes. I work a desk job and the boss isn't in at the moment, so I take a peek.

    Raid invitation, Dialga, now.

    We crush the poor guy in a matter of moments. And wouldn't you just know it, there's my big green lad.

    Legendary raid number 69. Truly, the number meant for giving. And taking. And... catching? I should stop now.

    submitted by /u/SMJ2893
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    Ending PoGo Bonuses & Increased Options

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Since Niantic is scheduled to make what might possibly be one of the dumbest choices in history in just a few days, I wanted to post some thoughts.

    New Snap is getting a free expansion, Pokemon Unite is picking up in popularity, and BDSP/Legends will be coming put at the end of this year/beginning of the next. The point here being that for a lot of people, PoGo is the only non mainstream Pokemon game that they play but it doesn't have to be that way.

    Niantic made $21 million over the two days of Go Fest alone. The distance extension reduced issues involving trespassing and made the game much more playable for those with mobility issues. But hey, let's "get out and play" while ignoring worsening COVID cases.

    If the changes don't bother you, then feel free to ignore this. If the changes do bother you, take advantage of the choices around you and use that to speak to Niantic in the clearest message that you can send.

    submitted by /u/ofthevalleyofthewind
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    Finally got my firat shundo!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    I've been trying to get a shiny Taillow since I saw one two weeks ago and there have been plenty around. Finally caught this one today. About an hour later I was checking the IVs on my recent catches and couldn't believe my luck!


    Edit: Title should say "First" not "Firat" lol

    submitted by /u/blairg8
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    Trouble opening the game

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Hey there, this is my first post, I'm glad to belong to this community!

    Everytime I reopen the game (iPhone SE small) it doesn't load (satus bar gets stuck at 50% always) and I have to sign out and login again, everytime. I have reinstalled the game several times, turned off/on the game, switched from WiFi to 4G and it keeps happening.

    I remember having this issue in the past with a Samsung Galaxy J6. Do you guys think it has something to do with RAM? Processor or the phone being too old? Anyone else having the same issue?

    Thanks in advance for the support!

    submitted by /u/donVersa
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    What things to avoid you wish you knew when you started playing pkgo?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    I might as well start: - wish I never used those rare items (sinnoh/sun stones etc...) to evolve a mediocre Pokémon. Now that I catched better ones (3* stars and above) I have big regrets.

    Edit: I'm looking for advice please. I mainly used the game to make my long walks less boring. Now I would like to play the game smarter.

    submitted by /u/TH02N
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    There should be a restriction on how frequently you can take back the same gym

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Well, I live in a part of my country that developed really nice in terms of pokestops and gyms over the past years. But with this come also some problems. For the most time there was a guy with multipe accounts (as indicated by: username0xx, username00xx, username000xx and so on). He got suspended like halfe a year ago and the game was actually fun again. But since a month or so, he is back with different account names following the same scheme. But what exactly is the problem I have with him? He seems to be obsessed with controlling all gyms. As soon as you take one (and it's always a really annoying fight as he only puts in tanky mons like Chansey and blissey) it takes maximum 30 minutes before my pokemon is kicked out of the gym again, making it practically impossible to get to the 50 coins a day.

    While I understand that gyms are designed to be fought over, it takes away all the fun if you habe to fight 3000cp Chansey all day long for not more than 3 coins.

    In my opinion there should be some sort of regulation or mechanism in the game that makes such an unfair behaviour harder/impossible.

    What are your thoughts on this topic? Have you experienced similar things?

    submitted by /u/en338
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    What Common Pokémon Was New To You Way Later Than It Should Be?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    For example, I just found and caught my first Barboach. As a level 43 player.

    I was out of town maybe 1.5 hours away from home exploring a different city, when I saw a silhouette pop up on nearby. Thought it might be a new release I didn't hear about? So I had to drive around a National Guard armory - for some reason there were multiple Barboach but they all hung out only in these grounds? - until I got to a corner where I could barely reach one.

    Caught it and thought I got something unique or cool until I saw it evolves into a Pokémon I've encountered plenty of times… then also looked it up on this sub and learned it's a common trash mon in other parts of the world!

    Would love to hear other stories like this!

    submitted by /u/MBThree
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    My first Eevee CD. Any tips on how to prep and get the most out of it?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    The upcoming Eevee CD will be my first Eevee CD and with so many evolutions possible and on top, it being a 2-day event, do you have any advice on how to prep for it? And how to get the most out of the 2 days?

    A bit more info:

    I've caught a few eevees before of course, including 1 shiny, but none of them have amazing IVs (I typically want >90% or great PvP stats to even consider evolving it).

    I've got ~1,000 eevee candies at the moment and caught the following evolutions (with bad IVs) in the wild already:

    • Vaporeon
    • Flareon
    • Leafeon
    • Umbreon
    • Jolteon

    I enjoy PvP and filling the Dex.

    Thanks for any tips,


    submitted by /u/danidapi
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    "Here ya go, mate. Stirred to perfection."

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:07 AM PDT


    Kadabras and Alakazams are natural baristas. They can mix drinks with psychic precision, their high intelligence lets them give great advice to customers, and they can read the mind of a malcontent from a mile away.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Has anyone caught a Cubone recently?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    I still have to complete my Let's GO, Meltan mission, and I need to catch a Cubone. So far I haven't had any luck. Has anyone caught one recently? When are the best times and location to catch them?

    submitted by /u/cinnamonapples-
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