• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Does anyone else have problem with relatives or friends who keep telling you that "playing Pokemon GO is pointless and childish"?

    Pokémon GO - Does anyone else have problem with relatives or friends who keep telling you that "playing Pokemon GO is pointless and childish"?

    Does anyone else have problem with relatives or friends who keep telling you that "playing Pokemon GO is pointless and childish"?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    For context, I'm almost 18 this year and I've been playing PoGo since its launch with a few half a year breaks. This game is one of my few excuses to go for a walk instead of sitting at home, but for some reason my mom keeps commenting on how childish and stupid it is for me to play this game. I downright just tell her that "I'm going only for a walk" just have her shut up, but she sees through it and she still won't. How can I enjoy anything if I'm being constantly judged for the things I like? Does anyone else have this problem with their parents and/or friends?

    EDIT1: To people who suggest me convincing my mother to play PoGo with me - I would absolutely love to, but considering her lack of any will to play the game, her currently poor health and a slow phone. It's not possible at the moment. Maybe some day, though!

    EDIT2: No, I'm not going to cut contact with my mother, just because she criticizes my hobby. Sure, it makes me roll my eyes and feel a little insecure about it, but I've seen some unnecessarily harsh words towards my mother in this thread. Please be reasonable, cause when I get to move out to my own place, it certainly won't be because of her insulting PoGo lmao

    submitted by /u/KaszMann
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    Niantic should reset Eevee name trick for Comm Day

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    With Eevee Community Day coming up with special moves for each evolution, Niantic should allow trainers to use the Eevee names again for evolutions. While the last 5 releases all have non-name triggers to guide their evolution, the initial three are all chance-based.

    By the way, if you have an Eevee that meets multiple conditions, like the hearts for Sylveon, the mossy lure for Leafeon, and the distance + night for Umbreon, is the evolution random or is there a system for prioritization?

    submitted by /u/SilenceDogood2k20
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    please help my mom

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    i got my mom addicted to pokemon go and she has not put down her phone in a year

    i am very hungry please advise

    submitted by /u/drainwrld2
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    Niantic is Violating Consumer Protection Laws

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    I found this as I follow Zelda stuff.


    The player requested to not be contacted by a staff member of Niantic because that member is toxic. And without warning or email, they revoked in-game support access.

    How does one resolve an issue with a purchase? If you make a purchase with coins you paid money for, but it went wrong, you are legally entitled to have the business you made that transaction with allow you to contact them to resolve the issue.

    Niantic blocking access makes it so that customers cannot get help with bad transactions, allowing Niantic to steal. This person has no real ticket history as they have no team (another tweet they posted).

    Consumer Protection Laws were put in place to protect the consumer from bad business deals. A business cannot intentionally sell you a bad product. If it's faulty, they are obligated to replace it. Niantic is "selling" virtual products and are removing protections.

    This is new but I've seen it before. Anyone else see this removal of customer support access?

    submitted by /u/Amiibo_Trafficking
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    What is your reasoning for picking a buddy?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:58 AM PDT

    So.. I'm confused a bit. I can't seem to pick a buddy to stick with. Sorry if it's a noob question.

    I'm quite the noob, so at first I picked my strongest Pokemon (at the time was a Wartortle that I could evolve by walking with and earning candy), but quickly my Blastoise became just another ~1650 cp mon that I never use anywhere. Then the starter event rolled out and he became totally obsolete. I am not going to level him up for now. I caught a shadow Ho Oh from Giovanni and was super hyped, made it my buddy. I mean, you cant go wrong with a legendary right? Well... Turns out you can. My Ho Oh sucks. He is weak, and requires 20km for one candy. His IV is meh at best and I quickly realized I am not going to use this guy at the foreseeable future. I switched to an almost perfect IV Sceptile that I left at Great League lvl but now I see that at best buddy he will get a CP boost, and that would make him unable to compete in the great league anymore so I need to pick another buddy....

    So what are YOUR reasons when picking a buddy?

    submitted by /u/KittensLeftLeg
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    Timeout….how the hell some of y’all level 50 already?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Correct me if I'm wrong but does it take 156 million xp to get from level 40 to 50? 1-40 is 20 million which I can somewhat deal with, but 156 million!?!? AND YOU HAVE TO DO THOSE CHALLENGES TOO? I know they buffed excellent throw xp and added friends bonuses but what else are ya doing!? 0.o

    submitted by /u/mysticwarrior27
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    My Shining Pokemon

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    I know you wanna show em of so, Let's see your Shinies! Don't be shy lol. Here are my 6 Shining Mon.

    My Shiny Pokemon

    submitted by /u/slicksavage31
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    Pokemon Go Theme Flowerbed & Pond

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    Pokemon Go Flowerbed with Onix, Oddish and Bulbasaur. I love garden and pokemon so decided to do this ;p Unfortunately Onix head is not super as i'm not stonecutter - simply i have found proper rock xD

    Pokemon Go Pond Flowerbed

    submitted by /u/R4vnos
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    Setting a goal - Level 40 by Go Fest 2022

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    I have played pretty casually off and on since the game launched. During Go Fest this year I hit Lvl 36 and got to the 3rd stage of the "All-in-One #151". To complete this stage I must hit level 40.

    Here is an overview of where I'm starting. The goal: hit level 40 by Go Fest next year.

    I have carefully calculated the level engagement I would need to hit daily as well as including spotlight hour bonuses and more time commitment on community days. See my spreadsheet work and track my progress here.

    Can I keep it up for 350 days? or will I fall short.. only time will tell.

    Edit: there are many people with some great suggestions about how to complete this quicker or more efficiently. I appreciate every suggestion! On a personal note, I have also broken this down into dailies because I have long struggled with consistency and completing long term goals (we won't even get into weight loss). Its an opportunity to work on self discipline, increase how much I walk (sedentary job) and lastly to just nerd out on spreadsheets. Perhaps level 40 is too easy of a feat, in a couple months I will reevaluate and decide if I need a stretch goal. Thank you for taking the time to read and provide some great feedback!

    submitted by /u/thorninmysoul
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    Turning off the new contactslist friends feature

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    I was curious to see who where playing so I turned it on thinking I'd be able to turn it off afterwards, well it appears you cannot. I can't find it nowhere in the settings, online, or at the contactlist feature.

    So I guess if you don't want it to be turned on forever, do not accept it.

    submitted by /u/AlternativeCoat
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    Covid-19 Bonus changes ending in NZ & USA

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    So the Covid-19 bonuses will end on 1st August for these regions. The most contentious of these are the reduction in the pokéstop and Gym interaction radiuses, and the decrease in incence spawns

    The decrease in incence spawns may only be a drop to 1 every 90 seconds increasing to 1 every 45 to 60 seconds when walking as this is what happened in October 2020.

    However, if of people do not want to keep these bonuses then we may need a concerted effort from those in the USA and NZ to actually keep them. NIANTIC have said that they will respond to your feedback. I suggest putting in a DAILY ticket to support politely telling them your thoughts on the changes. I suggest writing down your complaint about the interaction distance reduction and the incence spawn reduction in a separate document that you can then Copy and paste from throughout August (and beyond, if necessary). If enough people send negative feedback regarding these changes then we could make a positive change. Only send one complaint a day as we do not want to spam them, but if multiple consistent and well written complaints are made then this will back our position.

    Behaviour that results in Niantic employees coming off of Twitter due to the level of aggression experienced is UNACCEPTABLE. This may not help get a solution to our problem.

    For the Pokéstop/gym interaction distance I have written a template below for anyone to copy and paste and add their own concerns or experience. With this kind of complaint it is important to keep it polite and constructive and give them a reason why it should be kept, beyond that you liked it.

    Dear Niantic,

    I am writing to give feedback on the new Covid-19 bonus removal changes. I am enjoying Pokémon Go, however some changes are limiting my enjoyment and have impeded the experience and the fun of Pokémon Go. The pokéstop interaction distance reduction makes the game difficult to play as I now have to get closer to gyms and pokétops to interact with them. This can be dangerous as it may mean crossing busy streets that I am not used to crossing or blocking pathways in large groups while we Raid, which can be intimidating to other people not playing the game. My biggest concern is that this limits the experience for those with limited mobility, where the increased interaction distance allowed them to access stops and gyms that were previously inaccessible to them (or were difficult to access). Niantic requested my feedback on this when the changes were announced at the end of June 2021 and I would appreciate if you would consider my experience.

    Kind regards,

    submitted by /u/Froggo14
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    First ever 100IV after 2 years of playing makes it all worth the wait.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    I've played PokemonGo pretty consistently for the past 2 years ever since i got into it with my friend from University. Since then i've watched all my friends almost effortlessly catch 100IVs while never seeing one on my account myself. I was absolutely shocked when I received this from a lucky trade, my first ever 4* at level 38.

    and I'd go on another 11 thousand catch drought if it means i get one as good as this again.

    Genuinely Shocked

    Thanks to my mate Ben for helping me facilitate this <3

    submitted by /u/TwoTimeToj
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    I know we're playing with our buddy to get them excited...

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    But why does Mewtwo have to make it awkward?

    submitted by /u/Odaecom
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    Italy Pokémon go server are down from 16 h

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:32 AM PDT

    Why won't they fix it? I can't even access to the customer support because it's inside the game. I hope they give us more time to do the quests when (and if) they fix it 🙄

    submitted by /u/FED3LEGO
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    Favorite Pokémon?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    One answer only, evolutions are assumed. My personal all-time favorite, if I had to choose one, is Litwick. Love that lil ghosty candle boy.

    submitted by /u/mariahgabriella_
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    AR Mapping issue

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    I used to do the AR mapping tasks for poffins all the time, but recently whenever I try to upload the data it just says it "failed to upload" moments after pressing upload. Then if I save the task for later when I'm on wifi it just doesn't upload either. Any help or anyone else had similar?

    submitted by /u/MaxFTE
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    Have that many people really given up the game?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    I kept 20 friends that I would exchange gifts with every day, now I only get about 5 back and the rest aren't sending and haven't opened theirs. And on top of that I have a Pokémon that's been at a gym for 9 days, another 2 that have been at their gyms for 6 days, and a nearby one to them that also hasn't changed in 6 days. They usually change at least twice daily. Even the gyms at a local park didn't change today. You can't normally keep them for more than an hour unless you have it past midnight.

    Have that many people really stopped playing?

    submitted by /u/jacksleepshere
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    How do you do bigger raids if it seems nobody plays around your area?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    People join the gyms, but no one ever seems to do raids! I got bigger ambitions and want to do the bigger raids but no one joins

    submitted by /u/Naps_is
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    Are Vullaby really that bad?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of posts conplain about always hatching a Vullaby and I definitely understand the frustration of not getting enough hatched varieties.

    I just beat Arlo today, and it went a lot smoother than I expected it to. Now I want to beat them all and try for 12km eggs. I'm mentally preparing myself for all the diaper birdies.

    Other than the dex entry is Mandibuzz good for anything? I've never used one in the games so I know nothing about this Pokémon.

    submitted by /u/0tiebear
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    Is… is this neat?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    I've got a flareon from launch that weighs 0.09 kg. Worthless glitch or incredibly valuable treasure?

    submitted by /u/Humorousphlegmflam
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    So…. My adventure sync is broken

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    It tells me to turn motion and fitness on but there are no motion and fitness buttons. I have an iPhone XR if anyone can help!!!

    submitted by /u/Earthfarmer
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