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    Thursday, July 29, 2021

    Pokémon GO - What is your favorite Pokemon that most don't care for?

    Pokémon GO - What is your favorite Pokemon that most don't care for?

    What is your favorite Pokemon that most don't care for?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    I'll go first Oddish/Vileplume. I love this little flower dude. Side note , I caught a 4* Oddish and wanted a 4* vile but when I evolved it got turned into a Bellossom. I was so irritated I quit playing for a few days..

    submitted by /u/dev_doll
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    My Mom's Pokémon Could Kick Your Pokémon's Butts

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    TL;DR my elderly mom initiated a raid, fought, and caught a Dialga on her own and she's super rad and I love her.

    Hey guess what BACKSTORY

    Ever since the days of the 8-Bit NES, my mom has handed me the controller at boss fights. In Metroid, she'd find all the missiles and bring the appropriate beam weapon, but I fought Ridley and Mother Brain. In Breath of Fire 2 & 3, she handled everything on her own just fine. But the stress of a boss fight would always prevent her from doing it herself. It was actually psychologically-crippling for her.

    Around 1999, we had her try playing Ocarina of Time, and she just didn't "get" 3D games and analog sticks. So for the longest time she didn't play games at all. Just to see what would happen, I downloaded Pokémon Go onto her phone a few months ago and helped her on her first few days. After a few days she was level 20 and it became clear this was a game she could play. My older brother didn't think she'd care at all... I suppose I didn't know how she'd react either. But she started asking us "hey you guys wanna go catch stuff at the village?"

    You see, she needed to rediscover herself. My dad/her husband passed away on December 28th 2017. These last few years she's even said "I don't really know who I am anymore." It's a thing you probably don't want to believe or hear, but yeah, even us old adults lose ourselves with time, and forget who we are deep down. For all those many years she was "Jesse's wife" and became only that. Her individually was mired with time.

    Pokémon Go has been a pretty awesome way for me, my wife and mother to spend time together doing an activity as a family with what's left of us here. It all started with a Tyranitar raid one day. She was level 24, and hit 25 off the raid exp. I had to set up the raid on her phone, select through her 900CP Pokémon, dual phone fight, and catch it for her. It became a fun thing to power level a newbie account, with my wife and I being in the mid-30s at the time. I remember thinking "I wish I had a near perfect TT at level 25" and then thinking how cool it must be for my mom. So that became the thing we did: help boost up mom's account. Did GBL on her phone for her to farm dust, the whole deal.

    After every C. Day, we trade hordes of Pokémon for 2-4 days then evolve the best Luckies and pump them up. By level 32, my mom had an army of Garchomps, Tyranitars, Dragonites, Salamence and droves of legendaries. I of course directed her to the majesty that is Umbreon and Alolan Muk, among choice others. And named her 98% Shadow Aggron "DO NOT PURIF" just to make sure. For over three months now, I've shown her all I know. Got a good 300,000XP from showing her how to evolve en masse during Natu spotlight hour. Hooked her up with tons of friends from r/pokemongofriends. Taught her how to evaluate good from bad Pokémon.

    Today, I was gutted that my wife and I had to be out during Dialga raid hour. My mom wouldn't get back until past 6, and we'd be out from 4PM to 8PM. So I had to accept the loss of not being able to get a Dialga for her. My wife and I stopped by a gym on the way home, wherein all six Pokémon had been in there for nearly 3 days. Well, yeah, it's almost 8PM and that's not exactly a polite time to kick people out... but 3 days? Naw, let's juice that gym out. It's not far from home anyway.

    So we take it out and a Beldum appears. Oh good!, another 0/5/1 middle finger of IVs I bet, right? Oh. No... it's--perfect! So I called my mom and told her to get down to the municipal water district gym NOW. You want this hundo! She gets there in like 95 seconds, catches it and is like "oh, look what I got today" and I'm expecting another shiny because they magnetize towards her. It's even funnier because she doesn't realize it's shiny half the time, and we later look through her phone like "when did you get a shiny Growlithe?"

    But no, she shows us a sicknasty 15/14/13 Dialga and I'm like... blown away. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED ! Ever! Since 1989! Never! My mom saw a lobby with 0 people, joined it, left at 25 sec. Repeated it twice. Then people joined... more joined. She got most damage dealt, althouth her Dragonites and Garchomps fainted fast (it had Draco Meteor) they crushed its HP the hardest all the same. On her third Golden Razz great throw... ding! It's all yours!

    Y'all should have seen how proud she was. I'm proud for her even. This really is a much bigger step than it seems or sounds. My mother has had crippling anxiety for most of her life, but she wanted that Dialga so badly that she broke out and went for it by herself with no support. It's honestly incredible. I'm beside myself in disbelief still. It's so awesome! I've tried to help her for years and Pokémon Go is the thing that did it, of all things.

    Now this game isn't magically solving all the problems. That will take time and effort. Yet it stands that Pokémon Go is the first game to ever cause my mother to come out of her shell, and she's old enough to be a great-great Grandma to a decent portion of this sub! People don't typically change like this at such extensive ages, much less for the better!

    So I must extend my gratitude to this sub: for all the positive, helpful, insightful posts, links and comments--y'all know who you are. I see you, and I appreciate you. Keep doing what you're doing. Those of you who've spread useful, important information, responded to a newbie or returning player's questions... you are why this happened. This sub helped me up my game, and I taught those things to my mother who has put them into practice. In time I know she will rediscover herself more fully, but at least for now, she has found at least one part of herself: a dedicated Pokémon Trainer.

    Thank you all, once again. You're beautiful.

    submitted by /u/OberonPrimeGX
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    Pokemon Go helped my dad lose 40 lbs and his diabetes went into remission!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    My father has started to play Pokemon Go. He's a 60 year old man, recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Ever since he's started playing he's lost 40lbs and his blood sugar levels have returned to normal. The doctor said as long as he keeps up the exercise and has a good diet, the diabetes will stay in remission. I couldn't be more thankful for this game.

    submitted by /u/Big_Then
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    How does Pokemon GO not ban spoofers, but accidentally ban regular players?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    I see so many spoofers, especially a ton that enjoy streaming it. I wonder, does Niantic really care that much about spoofing? This is me saying I am for or not for spoofing, but how exactly would Niantic fix this situation?

    submitted by /u/Shadowslasher-20
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    Please Niantic, just add some sort of animation or alert for when people are in a raid lobby!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    Seriously, how do we not have this by now. We have an animation showing when a gym is being attacked but not when a group is trying to raid? If we are able to see people about to raid while on the overview of the map there would be so many more people joining and that means more money for Niantic I don't get it.

    submitted by /u/Flamfive
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    Why are bulbasaurs hard to catch??

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 11:47 PM PDT

    Is it just me or is bulbasaur super annoying to catch. Ill use ultra balls and razzberries while getting great throws and it always takes atleast 5-7 throws

    submitted by /u/eastboy_09
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    Is there a better feeling?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    I love the feeling of joy I get when I'm in a car, bus or train and I see a gym of my team coming up and I manage to get a Pokémon in while we drive past.

    submitted by /u/EoinNotRoom
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    Caught a shiny Baltoy! Let's see what its stats are and....wait what?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    It's a 0%...and a shiny? What's the opposite of a Shundo? Do those have names? Shnundo? I've never seen one of these before. I have a few 0% IV and some 0* shinies but never a 0% shiny.

    Shnundo Baltoy

    submitted by /u/Taggart451
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    Why you shouldn't be intimidated by raids and do one every day.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    So for a lot of older players this is probably a no brainer but for players like me spending most of the time ignoring raids because you don't have enough friends to run them.

    The poke genie app is very easy to use and I recommend at least giving it a try. I ignored it for the longest time because I simply associated the app with remote raids and didn't know easy it was to host a raid.

    This has opened up an entirely new aspect of the have and I hope it does for anyone else playing that has largely ignored raids. All you need to do when you have a raid near by and host a raid on the genie app. Something you can do with the free raids pass. Every step of the proses is simple and explained as you are doing it. It even automatically copies things you need to your clipboard.

    Not only can I now catch raid exclusive pokémon but hosting also gives you 15k extra xp on top of the raid xp as you gain level 1 friendship with all 5 players you invite to the raid.

    Again I'm sure most people on this board know all of this but if this opens the game up to just one other person like it has for me then it was worth the time to write.

    submitted by /u/LughCrow
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    I remote raid a lot, I never understood the need for the courtesy message

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Surely if they know how far away I am, they know I'm not meeting in person with anyone to raid on the opposite US coast, yet they still send me a message when a certain amount of people join the raid. It seems to come up when there is more than one person at the physical location, but it's just hilariously unnecessary.

    submitted by /u/TIFUstorytime
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    Catch Everything!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    I am on vacation in a remote-ish area, so while I am seeing a lot of Pokémon, there are no Pokestops. I am down to like 30 Ultra Balls, with no Poke Balls or Great Balls.

    A CP 222 Hoppip popped up. At first I didn't bother because I was low on balls - I actually ran from the encounter. But he continued to hang around and finally I decided to catch him…

    And it was a Ditto! My first one! One of my favorite Pokémon from when I was little!

    submitted by /u/FerociousGiraffe
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    Severe Spoofing Problem in my Town

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    I used to live in an area dominated by a particular yellow spoofer who would fill all the gyms in the area with 5-6 pokemon, had some sort of automatic berry feeding program, and even if you would grind through all his guys with a team of people, he would take the gym back almost instantly. This happened regardless of the time of day. I got fed up with it and stopped playing the game entirely.

    I just moved to a new town, and it's the same thing, but with a blue player. Uses the same lineup...blissey, chansey, snorlax, wabbufett, hariyama, and a random shiny. Nobody can get into the gyms, and if you happen to drop a guy in when he hasn't filled the gym, your pokemon is locked there for weeks at a time.

    The blue-dominated gyms are in remote locations, or the middle of public parks i've been and nobody is in sight. I know for a fact there is cheating going on.

    Why do people do this? Is there a way to get them banned? I've tried reporting the accounts, but they change the names periodically. It's been like this for at least 2 years. Does Niantic not care? It's driving me insane, and it breaks my heart to see young kids trying to beat the gyms and giving up when they can't make any progress.

    submitted by /u/Azansketh
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    Magikarp Candies

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    Well, I've been on for months trying to evolve this Magikarp. And today, I hit the biggest milestone yet. As of right now, I'm 69 candies away. Makes me feel….nice!

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Map255
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    How are battle league ranks gained and why does this vary so much?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    Im trying to understand how the battle league progress system works and finding nothing online, while what I am seeing/experiencing makes no sense. So how do you actually progress from one rank to the next?
    e.g. today I finished grinding from rank 18 to 19. It took about 4 days of occasional battling and probably around 7 or 8 'rounds' of battles. I'm not a particularly good GBL player, so I've averaged around one win in each round of 5. But I finally got to rank 19 today.
    I did another round of 5, got thrashed in 3, just lost 1 and won 1.
    I was immediately promoted to rank 20.

    The same has happened a few times. Some ranks seem to take dozens of hard gained wins, some fly past even if I lose most of my matches.

    Does anyone know a source that explains the system, or have any insight?

    submitted by /u/Maieth
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    Thanks Cliff!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    I had a Rocket Radar on me and I stumbled to Cliff, and of course I apparently solo'd him with my Sirfetch'd and won. He's mad as he should be and I go catch the Shadow Pokemon. And what do I find? A Shadow Shiny Seedot! I was shocked! I purified it and was so happy! Of course I already have a shiny Seedot but this is my first Shadow shiny I've ever gotten and its been 2 years! Too bad its a 2 star though...

    submitted by /u/Zygarde718
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    The gift icon pops up, but no gift is there

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Is anyone else experiencing this? Even if I just opened a gift, I scroll down the rest of my friends' list to open others, I then scroll back up and what do I see? The gift icon is back up for a friend I literally just opened. But, when I tap on it, there's no gift to open.

    Am I the only one experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/c4h0u9y2
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    Where are all the porygons at?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    A couple of days ago I couldn't move without spawning at least one polygon, now as soon as I get the task to catch 7 of them they disappear off the face of the pokemon world! Anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/imnotthe_messiah
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    Anyone else having connection issues, particularly since the last update?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Happens on wifi and data. It will just give me a "Cannot connect to server" or something like that. Then when I close and reopen the app it loads the bottom bar halfway and just stops. I have to sign out, then sign back in and it loads up right away. Any fixes?

    submitted by /u/blairg8
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    Special Research Question

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Is there any way to get older special research quests? I'm a new player and I see I missed out on shiny ditto, shiny mew, shiny celebi and victini and I just want to be able to get them 😩

    submitted by /u/_itachi45
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    Sorting by online

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    When sorting by online your friends icons should show a different color for what they are doing. If they are raiding it can be orange, if they're battling it can be yellow. It would be much easier to see who to invite to raids if this was implemented.


    submitted by /u/D4NKD1X
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    Best Starters by region

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    I haven't played main series games since they're very very rare to get where I live, so anime, cards and then PoGo have been my only sources to maintain the fandom. Based on these impressions, my favourite starters come from: 1. Hoenn (all are great) 2. Kanto (Iconic ones, especially squirtle family for me) 3. Sinnoh (All, particularly Piplup) What are your fav starters by region and why?

    submitted by /u/Temporary-Finger-676
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    Pokémon Go and Grief

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    I downloaded Pokémon Go near its first release five years ago. Around that time, my grandma had passed away within the same week. My older cousin, younger brother, and I would play the game as a way to deal with the grief and get our mind off. I continued playing the game for a month or two until I lost interest. Every summer, I would download it again almost as a seasonal habit, but it wouldn't feel the same as my family and friends no longer played and it would remind me of that lingering grief.

    Fast forward to now, I have a boyfriend who is kind enough to try out games that I play since he notices that I'm pretty lonely when I do play them. He's pretty silly since for almost all of the games I convince him to play, he becomes just as into the games as me (resulting in more hours of play or higher levels than what I had accumulated over a long period of time). We've barely seen each other this year mainly because of quarantine, but through Pokémon Go I feel like we always have something to talk and laugh about. He shows me screenshots of shinies and his hundo's all of the time and we FaceTime each other while we walk to catch Pokémon. It's been nice to have another form of quality time with one another, especially when we get to battle each other with our proud (but probably mediocre) raid catches. I haven't really thought about the grief again until now.

    With the new features since the app's first release, I've gotten a lot of joy through it all. It's also helped me realize how much love I had been surrounded and blessed with since my grandma's passing. She was the one who always reminded me of love in the first place. All in all, I'm really glad Pokémon Go has evolved into this amazing app that seems almost ageless.

    submitted by /u/rosepinkbutter
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