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    Wednesday, July 28, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Pokemon Go Saved my Niece's Cat

    Pokémon GO - Pokemon Go Saved my Niece's Cat

    Pokemon Go Saved my Niece's Cat

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    My girlfriend's niece is 15, and her cat Niles got out and had been missing for a month. Everyone pretty much had given up hope. Then, last night. I decided to go for some late night shiny hunting. (Still looking for my Kabuto). As I was about to call it quits and drive home, I looked to my left, and a fat tabby cat was sitting in the middle of the road. I immediately recognized it, and rushed him home. If I'd decided to just stay home for the night, we probably never would've seen him again. Another reason to shiny hunt. lol

    submitted by /u/VenomousDeath27
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    Something isn’t right here

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    Don't be suspicious don't be suspicious

    Lime Pokémon tries to blend in

    submitted by /u/ladiesman2one7
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    Can anybody else not sign in?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    I closed the game because it wasn't loading and reopened it and now it refuses to login. I've got full bars of WiFi and data yet it still won't. Are their servers down or just me? I'm in the UK if that makes any difference.

    Edit: signed back in and works fine, no clue why it didn't before.

    submitted by /u/Ungodly_Box
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    Look, Simbeevee... Everything the light touches is our kingdom

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    Me and my buddy enjoying a beautiful sunset while trying to complete the 4/8 of A Ripple in Time https://imgur.com/a/Uw52qK6

    submitted by /u/leandroproerd
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    Is there a canon explanation for where Pokémon go when you send them away?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    You get a candy from it, so my family always calls it "sending them to the glue factory" but does the game ever provide a canon explanation? Or does the professor just squash them into some candy and send it back

    submitted by /u/nae-nae-gang
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    There is no one, correct, way to play this game - particularly when it comes to controlling gyms.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here about people who think they are entitled to sharing gyms so everyone gets there 50 daily coins.

    I've seen countless comments talking about how you're a jerk if you like to maintain control of a gym. How team Instinct always takes the two gyms right next to each other when it would be smarter to only take one so the other team gets their coins. How people who knock others out of freshly captured gyms are selfish.

    I just want to say I strongly disagree with this sentiment. If capturing gyms is fun, go out and capture all the ones in your area. People are not entitled to easy, free 50 coins every day.

    I have a gym a block away from my house. In my mind, that's "my" gym. I take pride in controlling it. I've posted this before and got a mass of downvotes and angry comments saying it somehow takes the fun out of the game - guess what, I'm playing, and I'm having a blast. Others come and take the gyms I take and it's fun for them too - because gym captures are a part of this game we play.

    The other players in town don't have to take your 50 coins into consideration when they capture a gym. You're entitled if you think that way. The whole community doesn't have to share your particular views on gym captures.

    submitted by /u/Tsar_Ernest
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    Friendship XP should have a claim button

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    A feature they should add to Pokemon Go is an XP claim button when you reach certain levels of friendship. I have tons of people that just need to open the last gift for ultra friends but won't because they are waiting to coordinate lucky eggs. If they had like a claim feature people could move on at their own pace.

    submitted by /u/Wacomattman
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    Anyone else experiencing phantom gifts?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    I have gifts from friends showing on the trainer list but when I open the individual trainer the gift does not show. Frustrating as some are very close to best friends. Anyone else got this?

    Sorry if this is covered before had a quick browse and couldn't see anything. If so please direct me towards it 🙂

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/TheKOG183
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    I'm surprised that the distance increase bonus is literally the best thing that could happen to the game

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    It helps too much in the sense that it saves you the hassle of reaching difficult areas or even crossing the street, it also helped me here in my apartment and by miracle it reaches the gym I have on the other street.

    I think I'll take a break from the game when the bonus is gone, because it is unfortunate that they remove it if it has done more beneficial things for everyone.

    submitted by /u/Mathiasxd148-
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    Extreme loss of progress

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    I just lost my whole pokemon go account, i was just about to reach level 35 and now i get to start all over again. When i started my account i used my school email because i did that for almost anything, it was just very convenient.. i graduated this year and my school email was deleted. Along with everything attached. Not a smart play... Never doing that again

    submitted by /u/sygriddraakje
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    I love the community with the exception of these players

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    You know those players that will back out of a raid the second it starts, or a few seconds before? I hate it. If you're gonna back out because not enough people I get that. But when you do it to troll? It's disgusting. You are wasting players hard earned dollars, or time by going to a gym, hoping it stays there for a certain time, and doing it again DURING A PANDEMIC. And sometimes it's players backing out when the raid starts, because it's near them so they can just join again. I had around 100 coins. I've never done a dialga raid and decided I wanted one. Go battle league wasn't giving me one, so I decided why not do a raid. 5 people in. Two people level 32 but I think it will be fine. Two people leave when the raid starts. Now it's me and the level 32 people. We couldn't get to yellow health. If you're gonna leave, then leave around 15-20 seconds before it starts

    submitted by /u/bear_bear-
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    Should you evolve shiny pokemon?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    I'm torn between evolving my shiny Dratini right now. I almost feel like it is a crime to evolve your shiny baby pokemon: wanted to get your guys thoughts on evolving shinies!

    submitted by /u/_itachi45
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    So lately I’ve been losing weight from playing this game!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Before I got Pokemon GO, the only thing I liked to do is laze around in my bed and watch TV all day. But now, I've started walking and running a whole lot more!

    I walked/ran for a little over an hour today, and my Fitness Watch says I've burned 230 calories! And just think, if I never got this game, I wouldn't have been as healthy as I am now. I've been hatching eggs left and right too! I also know one day, I walked a little more than EIGHT MILES! (A.K.A. 12.875 KM)

    If you like to jog/walk/run and don't already have this game, I HIGHLY recommend it, it'll help you lose a significant amount of weight in a matter of months! I can officially walk for longer than I used to now :D

    Tl;Dr: This game helped me lose weight and walk for longer, recommend you get this game if you don't already have it

    submitted by /u/SomeoneHasntUsedThis
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    How to find Ditto

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    Anyone having trouble finding a ditto? I have been catching almost everything I see, but still not coming across one. Do they show up on raids? Any ideas on how to increase my chances of finding one?

    submitted by /u/blueknox66
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    I play every day and I've never seen an Axew

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    I play this game all the time, use incense, hatch eggs, the whole package. I travel fairly often as well, yet this little dragon boi continues to evade me. Are the spawn rates that low? I'm level 41, I've been playing since day one and I've never seen it. I'm all for maintaining rarity and all that but I sure would like to get my hands on an Axew one of these years. Gen 5 is one of my favorites and I love Axew. It can be 000 for all I care I just want one.

    submitted by /u/Gamesgar0
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    No one plays in my area

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    When the app first got released everyone used to play and you wouldn't have any problems with destroying raids. But now no one in my area plays anymore and seeing all the Dialga raids knowing i cant do them is annoying. Any tips or anything ?

    submitted by /u/ceqsa
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    10 Excellent Throws and Dialga ran

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    Did a Dialga raid. CP 2240. Mastered the Excellent throw (after watching YT). Received 12 balls. Hit 10 EXCELLENT throws and the 2 that weren't excellent were GREAT. Dialga ran. Golden raspberries were given for all throws. How can you have a raid boss that would be uncatchable or catchable only during those GREAT throws (but probably needed an EXCELLENT in one of those 2 times to catch it).

    submitted by /u/Papapodcasts
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    Game won't load

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:01 AM PDT


    Since yesterday I have had problems loading the game. It gets stuck in the middle of the loading screen.

    I tried switching from Wifi to data and back but it won't load in both cases. I deleted the app and then it works 2 or 3 times and then it's stuck again.

    I also tried to update my phone (iPhone 11) to the latest iOS version but that doesn't seem to work either.

    Does anyone have a similar problem/knows a solution?

    submitted by /u/httpkookie
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    Constantly “failed to login” am I the only one!?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    Happened 5 times to me today! Had to re login! It started happening after today's update! I'm in IOS, am I the only one!?

    submitted by /u/sin-iudicii
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    The nearby radar needs an improvement. Why can't we scroll down like we do for raids?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    In my hometown there are 28 pokestops visible from my house. Yet I am constantly given the same 9 pokemon at the 4 closest pokestops near me. The radar should be able to show you at least the closest 30 pokemon near you with the top 12 being what's closest and the rest going by rarer or less common pokemon

    submitted by /u/Erockplatypus
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    Best event ever!!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    I would say this is the best event ever that i participated in pokemonGo. All these weeks i would ride a bike just to complete the 25km distance to get the adventure sync egg and get a cranidos. Took me 2 weeks to get one with meh iv. But today i got a hundo from the wild and i maxed it out and evolved it. Im always a sucker for hundos, and the game really to me is about getting hundos! Just wanted to share this here. Dont lose hope everyone and i would say wait till the event gets over so that you dont power up the wrong mon. My patience really helped me out here.

    submitted by /u/lifeisabout-balance
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