• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Pokémon GO - We’re working on reverting strikes for some Trainers who incorrectly received punishments on their accounts. This will be done for Trainers automatically, whether or not they have contacted us.

    Pokémon GO - We’re working on reverting strikes for some Trainers who incorrectly received punishments on their accounts. This will be done for Trainers automatically, whether or not they have contacted us.

    We’re working on reverting strikes for some Trainers who incorrectly received punishments on their accounts. This will be done for Trainers automatically, whether or not they have contacted us.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:39 PM PDT

    My First Successful 5 Star Raid

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Tonight I was on a break for work. I opened up Pokemon go and right as I did I saw a 5 Star Raid start. I don't usually play with anyone so the chances of me defeating a raid are quite low, but I decided to see what pokemon was there anyway.

    Lo and behold, 6 other people were waiting in there for the raid to start. We all defeated Dialga before the timer reached half way and walked off with a Dialga. It might not be my favourite legendary (team Palkia!!) But I was stoked nonetheless.

    Anyway that's my little story of why I love this game. Sometimes you get a bit of good luck and timing, and you walk away with a new legendary.

    submitted by /u/The-Confused-Goose
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    We should be able to spin a gym our Pokémon is currently occupying

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    What the title says. I wish we were able to spin a gym our Pokémon is defending. I think this would give people a reason to go out and occupy more gyms as well as being able to hit your daily spin if you love far away from one and you know you have a mon in a gym that is out of your way or you don't want to leave home.

    You can give berries at a distance, why not spin?!

    submitted by /u/nicoleleah321
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    Just hit level 40!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    Hello! Earlier this day i hit level 40, which has been my goal ever since the game first came out (even that level 50 is a thing. So as you can imagine i'm super happy to have reached this milestone. Now my new goal is to go even further, but how can I get xp fast? I know the basic ones like raids and friendship but are there any other methods out there? Anyways, i'm super happy to have finally reached my goal.

    Edit: Is this the correct flare?

    Edit 2: Thanks for all the tips! I will be on the lookout for xp events and also evolve some pokemon during spotlight hour!

    submitted by /u/Tredood
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    I love how...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:26 AM PDT

    Now that I need to catch Porygon for the ultra unlock none want to spawn. But before one would pop up every time I open the game... But the same thing happened for the kubuto and omanyte so I shouldn't be surprised.

    submitted by /u/Heavyarms9898
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    Returning Player

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    Just started playing again after stopping due to personal reasons in the winter of 2016 and found out that most of my pokemon from 2016 are highly valuable simply due to the fact that they're old! I have been trading a bunch of them with the friend that got me into it and get a lucky trade every time :D. Does anyone else have any returning player tricks like this that I should know about?

    submitted by /u/overgrows
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    Anyone else getting annoyed when you sign out and log back in, some settings are reverted?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    When this happens to me, my Battery Saver setting turns OFF, when I want it ON, my Friends List sorts by Name instead of Nickname, and when I click on a Pokemon, it asks me if I want AR mode on. Which is even more annoying, given the fact that if you click "Maybe Later" it STILL puts you into AR mode. I kinda want Niantic to fix this, because I'm having to sign out and sign back in a whole lot more now due to I think some server issues. Really ticks me off when I change settings and then I exit and relog into the game and they're reverted.

    submitted by /u/SomeoneHasntUsedThis
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    You can see Pokémon moves in raid lobbies when long pressing them

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Literally just found this out after 4 years after thinking "why can't we see moves in lobbies". Just leaving this here in case others didn't know this as well.

    submitted by /u/AxelllD
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    Forever Eevee

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    I know people have their fancy Shundo's and Legendaries. I have a handful of hundo's and decent amount of shinies, but this little guy will forever be my crown jewel. He will never evolve. He will never battle. He will forever be the man at the bottom who holds up the rest of the totem pole. And he is proud of that.



    submitted by /u/manamonggamers
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    Official Niantic Partner "Spieletrend" from Austria got a 30 Day ban for no reason after he got hit by a Red Warning befor (Also for no reason). Niantic needs to do something NOW

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:04 AM PDT



    He even appealed for the ban and only got a automatic message which says he wont be unbanned until the 30 days are over. The false warnings and bans are getting out of hand and even as a OFFICIAL PARTNER he doesnt have a chance of getting unbanned, making me think about all the other people who got banned for literally nothing and cant do anything. This problem has to get more attention as it has right now!! The support doesnt even bother about all the request and only send automatic messages

    Small trivia: Spieletrend, also known as Daniel Schilling, is the largest German/Austrian Youtuber with 370.000 Subscribers and a official Partner of Niantic for 2 years now

    Edit: NIANTIC FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGED THEIR MISTAKE! https://twitter.com/niantichelp/status/1419810452666679297?s=21

    Edit 2: Spieletrend resigned as a Partner of Niantic

    submitted by /u/Shadowadra
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    Catching Pokémon from around the world.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    My partner and I use Pokie genie extremely often and challenge ourselves to try and catch a raid boss from every part of the world.

    Today I caught a Dialga from Kawagoe, Japan (to which my partner is very jealous).

    Most notably I have a Rayquaza from the United States. A Suicune from Dhaka, Dhaka Bangladesh. An Articuno from North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany A Latios from Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy A therian Thunderous from Metro Manila, Philippines And three Charizard from Denmark, England & Korea.

    And various legendaries from around my home (Australia).

    Does anyone else keep track of this? I would love to know!

    submitted by /u/JassyTech
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    Unable to authenticate. Can login via Pokemon Trainer website

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:51 AM PDT

    I was trying to get my son setup on Pokemon Go. He's got his own child account under my parent account that he's used for Pokemon TCG etc.

    He can login fine on the Pokemon Trainer website.

    We've tried updating, uninstalling / reinstalling, clearing cache and data, etc. We've tried selecting new player + returning player, no joy.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/poppahorse
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    Right before I caught this I thought "I wonder what shiny Rhyhorn looks like?"

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    It's IVs are terrible, not even one star but I don't have very many shiny Pokemon so I'm okay with it here he is!

    submitted by /u/elliosmith
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    I was raiding with random people and was too scared to approach them and say hi.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    I'm a returning Pokemon Go player and I play alone. I used to have friends playing the game with me but they all quit for "reasons".

    I always feel a tiny bit lonely when playing the game since I can't find any players to enjoy the game with and I never did a trade with anyone else than my alt account on my old phone (which is just lvl 20). Also all the friend related features like gifting, I posted my friend code to a discord to find at least some people to trade gifts with. But 5 star raids are a no go to me since I'm only lvl 35 and have trouble even with 3 star raids.

    So the main story is, when I played on Go Fest alone in a city near me, I went to solo raid a Deino. I overheard some younger people talking near me and I just ignored them and went to take a seat further away from them. However it turned out that they were playing Pokemon Go and raided with me. As we took down the Deino I was thinking if I should go talk to them but my social anxiety stopped me and I just put my hat on and went the opposite way as they did. I regret doing this even though they were about 2-3 years younger than me.

    So I wanted to ask if you have any suggestions on how to approach people playing Pokemon Go in the future. Or even the same people since I remember their nicknames (about 5 people in total).

    submitted by /u/Whisperer286
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    Niantic is working on lifting false strikes

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:14 PM PDT

    They said this over on twitter at the time im posting this

    "We're working on reverting strikes for some Trainers who incorrectly received punishments on their accounts. This will be done for Trainers automatically, whether or not they have contacted us. We apologize for the error.fa"

    i saw some people over here posting about receiving random bans so i thought i should post this here

    submitted by /u/HayKd
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    What's happened to research breakthroughs

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    We've gone from Groudon and Kyogre to Chimecho. Why can't we get decent Pokémon from the research breakthroughs anymore? We should get legendarys again

    submitted by /u/dapren22
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    Do you know this trainer? Torikoudon

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Based on the raids/gifts I would say they are from Japan… and I just wanted to thank them for all the raid invites and for being such a good long distance friend, and soon to be best friend! If you see this and know them please message me!!! My trainer name is Spahirider!!!

    submitted by /u/Level100Farfetchd
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    Not Counting Distance

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    I just returned to Pokemon Go after a year and it seems that there is some kinds of bug that does not count my steps. Even though I have walked 15 km, but neither my egg steps nor my buddy distances seem to increase. I was walking while opening Pokemon Go so I don't think that adventure sync is the cause. I play on my Iphone 12. If anyone has a solution, I would appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/ChronoQuang
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    What is your first hundo ( and some questions about my pokemons)

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Mine Is a Castform. Its around 1000 cp. And that is my only hundo currently. I am level 27 btw and started 29 days ago. So I assume Its normal. And my best pokemons are 2000 cp Machamp 2300 cp Darmanitan and 2700 cp purified Ho-Oh ( my first leg) I have 6 shinies and around 10 event pokemons (7 are same) Is this a good for 1 month player?

    submitted by /u/Middle_Conference_33
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    Create Medals for Good Friendship Etiquette

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Everyone has friends who gift daily and friends who never send gifts. I know this is in part due to gift opening and sending limits (which should be higher IMO) and strategy to maximise chances of being lucky and improving the friendship level but why not have medals for good friends. Something like the following.

    -sent gifts to a friend 3, 10, 20, 50 days in a row. -opened gifts from a friend 3, 10 20, 50 days in a row. -sent X many raid invites to friends. - accepted X many friend invites from friends.

    The higher medal level you reach for these the higher your chance of getting lucky friends with your best friends with the next interaction.

    submitted by /u/CaligulaBlushed
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    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    I have a shiny eevee with 15/15/12 IV Wondering should i evolve it but i want it to look cool while also being useful for pvp or pve I havnt used any of the nicknames yet and dont mind walking or whatever to get certain evolutions Which is best to go for?

    submitted by /u/Hayes187
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    Captured Raid Pokemon Have Different Moves?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    So I've caught two Dialga in the past two days.

    The first was absolutely vicious, crushing my Pokemon with Draco Meteor (had to rejoin three times!). On capture, he didn't have Draco Meteor, he had Thunder.

    The second was much easier (only had to rejoin once) since he was using Thunder and my Pokemon were resistant. Oddly enough, on capture he has Draco Meteor.

    Is this a common thing that I'm just now noticing? I know that after the battle it generates a new encounter (hence why they sometimes turn shiny after battling a non-shiny), it just seems weird that the moveset would change. I know I can just use a TM to change the move, it's just a little annoying.

    submitted by /u/Zcuzz
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    iOS vs Android?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    Have an iPhone 8 and thinking about a switch over to Android, probably S21. Wondering if anyone has done a similar jump and has some pros and/or cons for me to consider.

    Some thoughts…

    Any added functionality with the game or a Gotcha device when using Android and it's open platform?

    Lag improvements?

    Did you find the screen sensitivity was different and hard to adjust to for excellent throws?

    Does Android have a recording button like apple so I can watch GBL replays?

    submitted by /u/RZelli
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    Minimalist Style Savant

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    My avatar in PoGo literally wears nothing except for a Pikachu onesie.


    submitted by /u/wadafik
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    I finally finished my original 151 Pokedex!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    I'm so happy to have achieved it but a little sad that it's over. I'm not sure what to do with myself now. My goal was to finish the original 151 and I've been playing for so many years, I don't have much interest in finishing any other Pokedex regions. I feel like I finished. I feel like I caught em all!

    submitted by /u/willvth
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