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    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    Pokémon GO - It was just what I wanted and I love it!!

    Pokémon GO - It was just what I wanted and I love it!!

    It was just what I wanted and I love it!!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    My perfect Lucario helping fight the battle to become healthy again!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Not sure if this belongs in the food section or gaming section. ��

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    It was so sunny I didn’t realize he was shiny until I got home. Used all my candies without hesitation :D

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    You've caught a wild Weedle

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    PokemonGO builds character

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    The Cheez-its are his!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Catch a Ditto today for your Catch a Ditto research.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    Just a reminders that for today's spotlight hour (Tuesday the 16th) from 6 to 7pm, Numel will be boosted in spawn in the wild and on incense. And those Numel could turn out to be a Ditto.

    So if you're looking for a Ditto, that's your chance.

    You'll also earn twice the stardust for catching pokemons so crack an incense open with a Starpiece if you need that sweet stardust!

    submitted by /u/Fuzzy974
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    Make the pokemon world great again, more pokemon diversity.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    To summarise

    Although that I have a lot of love for the pokemon world, I'm honestly afraid of the direction that niantic is taking. I pledge for TPC to wake up and ensure the long term existence of their core product, instead of it being used as an ordinary cash cow. Wherein we cant expect any content except for the (re-)release of a pokemon with a (new) meta-moveset or their shiny release. The game has became dragging and predictable. The same encounters, the same diluted eggpool, the same raids, the same grunts. I pledge for some changes that I believe could drastically improve the game. However I also ask for the community to stand up against the infraction done upon the pokemon world. The mission of TPC is to enrich both the virtual and real world with pokemon characters. Niantic has seriously done great work by implementing pokemon in the real world. However we must also acknowledge that since then process has been limited.

    If nothing is done then I'm afraid it wont be long till the majority of long term players will kill the next sentret they'll encounter. I seriously hope that some famous youtuber can make this popular. I'm not doing it for me, I'm doing it for the pokemon community. Let's make pokemon fun again.

    If you agree you can sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/PokemonDiversity


    My name is ash ketchum from pallet town and my goal is to be the very best. Like noone ever was. To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause.

    I will travel across the land, Searching far and wide. Each Pokemon to understand The power that's inside.


    Many of the current pokemon go players will know this song from beginning to end. Whether they want to or not. I remember hearing this song as a kid. We tried it all to become real pokemon trainers, through Nintendo, pokemon cards, or just plain imagination. * I'm charizard! ** then I'll be mewtwo * you cant be mewtwo, hes too strong. We have all been there.

    Too imagine that almost 20 years later I would get the opportunity to actually become a "pokemon trainer" was like a dream come true. Despite the fact that I had grown old and bitter. I was actually really excited about the chance to catch them all and train them to be the best.

    New faces, niantic and TPC

    Not only did it consume me and other nostalgic people but even those that hadn't been familiar with pokemon at all. My dad is even playing pokemon, I wouldn't have imagined that 20 years ago. We also have all our own reasons to play. To catch them all, to be the best, to have the strongest, have most shines. Whatever your long term goals are.

    For all of this I must embrace the arrival of niantic and all that they have done. Bringing the chance of becoming a pokemon trainer closer too reality than ever before. I've met many new people, had fun and memorable experiences since day one. However there are some things that must be addressed as well. The pokemon company, the true mastermind behind the franchise, has had as their objective/mission to enrich the real and virtual world with pokemon characters.

    Statement pokemon company : to enrich both the real world and the virtual world with the Pokémon characters.

    A wonderful dream, objective and goal that I very much support. However I feel that if the pokemon company does not quickly intervene in the current development of the pokemon world, by the hands of niantic, then the consequences might become worrisome. The mission of TPC contradicts everything niantic is now doing .As a first day player I have come to see that niantic is no longer developing the pokemon world. It is solely profiting out of it.

    Come on niantic

    We are talking about a billion dollar company that is milking money from those that want to explore the pokemon world. A company that isn't realising or creating any new content except for new shiny releases, new pokemon releases and new movesets.

    Exclusivity and FOMO

    Pokemon are for a majority behind a paid wall. I mean pokemon such as Riolu (fan favourite), shinx, timburr, kink, yamask, gible, axew, archen, galarian and alolan and some others are almost exclusively available through eggs or raids. Those eggs dont guarantee at all that you'll get any of them. It might be another feebas (50/80). I believe that it was EA games that has been sued for similar loot boxes.

    Day 987 still catching pidgeys

    I personally believe all pokemon should be available at all times(except legendaries). Why is there only scrap available? In all the other pokemon games we are able to encounter anything the further we go. I'm still encountering pidgeys, sentry and rattata. (We have 500pokemon available) Isn't the game so far developed that we should see all the pokemon? I've been level 40 for 3 years... I understand why the first generations came out slowly. But it is worrisome if new pokemon are the only content that they are able to bring. Or that pokemon are solely event bound. None of this is in line with the TPC mission. Furthermore I wouldn't mind catching gible the next 5 years but another year of pidgeys I wont survive.

    If everything remains behind a door and is only available by buying raid passes, events or incubators that dont guarantee anything then the game is going in the wrong direction in my opinion. I've been stupid as I also paid money to get those elusive gible, axew and riolu. I cannot imagine that in the pokemon world you would have to pay a large amount of money to gain incubators, just to hatch a pokemon you probably dont want. Once again It isn't aligned with the vision of the pokemon company, far from it.


    However honestly for me no more. The pokemon world has so much to offer that I don't understand that the game has limited itself to only new shinies, moves and pokemon.

    I'm still using the same pokemon as before... I've never used my butterfree, seaking or jynx because they are useless. All pokemon types that are available are there for balance... so why are dragons non existent, even during windy weather. It probably sounds to you that I'm just annoyed that I've still not filled my DeX. However besides regionals I've got everything so I'm not ranting because I dont have a 2nd axew I'm honestly worried about the direction we are going.

    Pokemon world diversity

    The pokemon world has so much to offer. It would be a tremendous shame if niantic wouldn't take advantage.

    Things that would easily improve the quality of the game:

    • Abilities - that's how many unused pokemon suddenly become relevant

    • Wild pokemon encounters : You are attacked by a dragonite/snorlax/gengar/mamoswine. what will you do?

    • The gym system has so many options. After 3 years the gyms have been exactly the same. A new gym system : my idea would be... create gym types that vary every 2 weeks like nests. Eg. Week 1 gym A : ice gym Week 1 gym B : dragon gym Week 3 gym A : ghosts gym Week 3 Gym B: steel gym Every pokemon of that type gets an additional ..% bonus. Only 1st/6st spot can be legendary. Medals to become gym leader. Giving additional bonuses. Medal 1 : frozen medal /Ghostbusters medal Medal 2 : ace trainer Medal 3: Ice master Medal 4 : ice gym leader

    The attacker can also earn medals Medal 1: ice breaker Medal 2 : ice crusher Medal 3 : the meltdown /dragonslayer Medal 4 : a hot sunny day medal

    • Full release of movesets, for variety in battle.

    • Full release of pokemon without limitations except location or truly weather. 1. I dont mind if mountains are full with dragons and my humble Holland isn't. I mean I understand that in northern europe you encounter different pokemon than in southern europe and the same goes for the rest of the world. Some pokemon are more likely to be found in one place than another and that is fine. But nobody deserves to encounter only scrap pokemon. It's not the idea behind the pokemon world. Every pokemon must be available. (Ash would have quit a long time ago if he were still haunted by those ferocious pidgeys.)

    2.why do we have a weather system? I've never seen a dragon during windy weather except for 5* raids. And all other weather encounters are predictable as well. Sun : cacnea or numel Rain : magikarp and sunkit Normal: rattata, pidgey, sentret Windy : murkrow and pidove

    Can change per region but come one we have over 500 pokemon available what the fuck are you doing. Excuse my language.

    3.They are scared that after we evolved our first axew or gible that we will quit. But they are meta relevant, we will continue catching/hatching them for candy, good iv, raid teams and just to fill gyms. I might finally use some pineaples. Pokemon is also about the encounters, the surprise, the wow.

    4.it will allow new players to catch up instead of doing it by re-releasing everything, instead of fucking up weekly encounters, which should actually be rewarding for playing 7 days in a row. (Although it is not in line with the pokemon company vision)

    1. It stays true to the pokemon company vision.

    • 10km eggs should only contain meta-relevant pokemon and no damn feebas or shawk. It is insulting. And honestly guys we all have to stop paying for that shit.

    • Continue working on the team rocket quests despite the Corona outbreak. It doesn't have to be limited to pokestops.

    • Let us choose which pokemon we want to see on nearby.

    • Create special encounters with special pokemon... like team rocket but then with legendary, mythical or other strong pokemon to fight and hopefully capture.

    • Create storylines per team color

    • Give bonuses to team colors

    I mean this is just me being creative. I'm sure many of you will have more ideas on how to improve the game. Just like we improved the game by creating maps, discord channels, the silph road and organising many more local communities.

    What do I think that must be done?

    1. The pokemon company has to wake up and realise that niantic is currently using the pokemon world( their core product) as an ordinary cash cow.

    2. The community must start to make a stand against the direction of the game. With their elite tms, legacy moves, looteggs and their fomo-strategy.

    3. Niantic needs a competitor in order to realise that pokemon is not a cash cow but a long term opportunity.

    To summarise :

    Although that I have a lot of love for the pokemon world, I'm honestly afraid of the direction that niantic is taking. I pledge for TPC to wake up and ensure the long term existence of their core product, instead of it being used as an ordinary cash cow. Wherein we cant expect any content except for the (re-)release of a pokemon with a (new) meta-moveset or their shiny release. If nothing is done then I'm afraid it wont be long till the majority of long term players will kill the next sentret they'll encounter.

    If you agree you can sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/PokemonDiversity

    I feel a little better writing this for myself, but I've decided to post it anyway just in case a lot of you agree. I will start a petition to address TPC to wake up and save their core product.

    What you can do!

    I admit that I will buy the go fest ticket and if you love pokemon then I seriously understand that you will do the same. However I ask you this : 1. Please try to limit yourself spending money on the game - the eggs are not worth it and trust me shiny latias or Latios is not worth to spend your money on.

    1. Please sign the petition so that we can show PTC and Niantic that we need change

    2. please share this petition with your local communities.

    P.s. I understand that just recently the tickets for go fest went into sale and I honestly doubted to continue this petition. However my point has never been clearer. We are deliberately getting scrap pokemon so that they can earn a lot of money releasing the pokemon at their own convenience and for the highest prize. 15 euro is not a lot but times the players base it is over 300million just for mass releasing (if they do) gible.

    allpokemonareequal #allpokemonmatter #apm #pokemondiversity #makepokemongreatagain #asnowydayinhelltoencounteradragon

    If you agree you can sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/PokemonDiversity

    Sincerely Badfella007

    submitted by /u/Badfella007
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    This is shiny boi he was my first ever shiny and I love him with all my heart he was just a lonely chickorita until I took him in to my arms and I love him and I wanted to share him with the world

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    He found his long lost buddy!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    Sun form in the rain ��

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Shiny Latias is looking at a plane ✈️

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Pokémon Go Fest Graphic

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 04:05 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Lucky not lucky

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    Do you think that is better to max a lucky pokemon first than a not lucky one? For example i catched a 2862 Reshiram 14 13 15 not lucky, and i got a 2258 12 12 13 lucky, is it worth to max the lucky one even if its bad?

    submitted by /u/Kaihalla23
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    Can we invite friends to raids yet?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Can we invite friends to raids yet? Me and some friends really want to do a five star raid tomorrow during the raid hour, however some of my friends live far away, will I be able to invite them to one of the raids or is that still unavailable at the moment? Thank you

    submitted by /u/samwhite920
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    Why does everyone want a ditto?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    I'm very new to pokemon go, yesterday on my second walk I caught 3 dittos but I saw on reddit that a lot of people want one but can't seem to find any. Is there something special you can do with them or are they just rare?

    submitted by /u/TheRealCrysor
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    Best place for Pokemon Go in Koblenz

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    Im able to spend the first day of GoFest 2020 in Koblenz (Germany), but i am Dutch and have no idea where i should go for the most amount of spawns, stops and gyms.

    are there any Koblenz players or people that often go there and are able to provide me with a street name or something?

    Also while im there im obviously going to keep myself Corona proof (mask etc.)

    submitted by /u/Guus2Kill
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    Squirtle’s happy to finally be out and about!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    To do or not to do

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Should i use my elite charged tm on my medicham for power up punch or i know its not great league but what do you guys think thanks for the help A fellow pokemon player

    submitted by /u/jayjay012893
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    Going on a hike

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    Niantic postponing decision to drop 32-bit Android support

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    It would be awesome to have a sticker book, similar to the Pokédex but for stickers!

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    The stickers are an awesome new idea, but I wish there was a way to see our "collection" of them. It would be awesome to have some sort of sticker book to be able to see which ones we've gotten and which ones we could get.

    submitted by /u/Melssenator
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