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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon GO Search Terms 101 (update 08/2020)

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon GO Search Terms 101 (update 08/2020)

    Pokémon GO Search Terms 101 (update 08/2020)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    This poor kid in my discord

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Pair of kicks I made to play Pokemon Go in!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Got My Dragon Types for Dragon Week

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    Saw a really cool gen 1 Pokémon mural while driving today.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Someone please help me..

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Kyogre having fun at the pool

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Sunflora in its beautiful habitat

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Cascoon’s reaction to being painted green

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:36 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    They wanted to go outside

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Defending my bro!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    Hatched a shiny of my favourite Alolan form. I love the purple tint on this shiny line.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Pokémon go players spent nearly $9 Million on Saturday

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Took this sweet shot this weekend at GO fest! I didn’t realize the relevance of the background until now ��

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Gifts reverted - and nerfed?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    We've been living the good gift-life for a while, typically getting 5-15 pokeballs per gift, and otherwise generally higher quality items. It seems like the added "buffs" to gifts we got a while back has been reverted, but they feel worse than what they used to be - to me at least.

    I just opened 8 gifts, and 3 of those only contained 2x Potions. No stardust, revives, balls, etc. Just two plain potions. I don't remember ever getting "bad" items (I delete mine right away, personally) so consistently as well as in such low numbers. I could swear the minimum number of items used to be 3 per gift in the past. Maybe I was just never this unlucky before now.

    How do you feel about the change to gifts? Does it affect you? Is it too drastic, or do you think it's fine?

    Personally as a rural player with loads of spawns one pokestop I have to walk 300-400 meters to sit by, this seems extreme. I'd have to go sit at my local stop for 8-12 hours a day to keep up with spawns, or essentially stop playing all together past the first 10-15 captures per day.

    I think it's an understandable roll-back, but gifts feel worse than they used to do before they got stuffed with items. Striking some balance in between the two might be more benefitial in terms of balancing things out without alienating non-big city players.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/AldorinDK
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    Addressing the complaints about GO Fest 2020

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    I have participated in 3 out of 4 GO Fests (I missed 2018, but I live in Chicagoland, and decided to play in the area during part of the event. I also had close friends who were able to play in the event, so I believe I have a general picture of what the event was like), and can easily say this was my favorite out of all of them. I've seen a lot of complaints being made about this event, and I would like to address them below.

    1. "The Shiny Rate was too low"/"I deserved more shinies"/general complaints about shinies

    Shinies are never guaranteed, nor should they be. They are, quite literally, given out at random. They are meant to be something special that you may get, as Niantic and the Pokemon Company says, "if you are lucky", that make the game just that much more exciting. If shinies were given out at higher rates, they would lose their appeal, which would take the fun out of getting them and having them, hence why complaints about having too many CD shinies are common. I agree that shiny rates should be boosted for certain events, especially if you paid for them. But they should also be rare enough to make them cool to have. The shiny rate on this event was perfect. It was high enough that I was consistently getting shinies (right around 2/hour), but rare enough that my final shiny on Day 2 was just as exciting as my first shiny on Day 1 (around 1 per 70-75 possible shiny encounters). Regarding the rates for future GO Fests, especially if they were Play at Home events like this one, I would be happy with the rates we had.

    1. "The game was glitchy"/"Servers were bad"

    I know my experience was better than others', but out of the 20 hours of gameplay experience, I did not have more than 10 minutes where I actually couldn't play any part of the game (catch Pokemon/Rocket Battles/etc.). Yes, certain features (friends list, raid invites) were glitchy/unavailable for parts of the event. But every glitch and laggy bit that appeared was fixed, or at least improved, within the next hour or so. In my first friendship hour, I was really only able to open gifts for the last 15-20 minutes. But by the second friendship hour, I was able to access that feature, without glitching or lag, the entire hour. It's at times like these when I think back to the first GO Fest in 2017, and I look at how far Niantic has come. Then, the game was never really fixed the entire day. But the fact that Niantic, in the middle of this event, was able to address these issues, and fix them gives me hope for the future, and shows how much they were trying, and succeeded to make this an overall positive experience.

    Also, Niantic was not only dealing with the million or so players playing GO Fest. They were also dealing with the rest of their player base, those who didn't buy tickets, playing at an increased rate in order to take advantage of the rare spawns. For those of you who are complaining that certain features were broken for a small amount of time, and therefore your entire experience was ruined, I ask you, how much time were you actually not able to participate in the main part of the event, which is catching pokemon, completing research, and battling team rocket. If those main parts were broken for you for a significant portion of the time, I am truly sorry, and I invite you to contact Niantic about that. But for the rest of you who were able to catch Pokemon, battle team rocket, and complete your special research, I ask you to appreciate the fact that Niantic was able to keep those features running, while dealing with an increase in player activity, bonus visuals (confetti, fireworks, etc.), and the other things added just for GO Fest (global challenge arena).

    1. "They should have given us more resources"/"I needed more pokeballs/potions"/"I needed more storage given to me"

    First of all, Niantic gave us at least 200 balls from research. They also let us open 200 gifts on the first day. The friends list was not broken for the entire day. You had time to open your gifts.

    Secondly, GO Fest, like other events, has always required prior preparation in order to make sure you could enjoy the event to the fullest. In each of the 2 GO Fests I have attended in person, I did my best to open up Pokemon storage, gather up Pokeballs, and make sure I had the opportunity to gather more resources when necessary. This GO Fest was no different.

    This GO Fest made preparation especially easy, as we were able to choose our playing field, instead of being put into an unfamiliar map that no one has ever seen before, and therefore were not able to plan the best way to replenish resources. This allowed us to plan routes, which allowed us to maximize the amount of Pokeballs we could get, and easily replenish what we spent catching Pokemon.

    For those of you who say that you have no Pokestops in your area, I invite you to check out the wayfarer program. 6 months ago, the park that I spent 75% of my GO Fest time at had 4 Pokestops and 2 gyms. I single-handedly added 11 stops. The park now has 4 gyms, and 13 stops, which made it a perfect place for GO Fest.

    And for those of you who will say that to have the necessary bag and Pokemon storage space to fully enjoy the event requires players to spend even more money, I respond with this. I have never spent a cent on Pokecoins in game. Every Pokecoin I have ever had has been earned freely. For the event, I was able to have around 900 Pokemon storage spots free. I also had around 800 combined Pokeballs (400 Great Balls, 250 Pokeballs, 150 Ultra balls). It is possible to get the resources necessary to enjoy the event freely, and without much effort.

    Closing Statement:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this GO Fest. I had an incredible experience, catching a ton of shinies, and enjoying the time spent playing the game I love. I was actually able to play it with my local community, in my local community (while staying socially distant of course), which made the event that much better. Being able to see my work adding Pokestops to that park finally pay off as I saw more people playing there than I had seen back in 2016 was truly a proud experience for me. For Niantic to throw this huge event together after only 3-4 months of planning is insane, and I am blown away by how much they were able to do. I have seen many people want to focus on the small bad parts about this event, and I ask them to weigh them against the countless good things that happened during GO Fest. If you decide to focus only on the negative things that happen, you will never be able to truly enjoy something, and I ask that you apply that to this event.

    In the future, I hope that they offer something like this, a play-at-home experience available for those who cannot get tickets to the in-person events. Many people have been proposing a 2 ticket idea, and I fully support that, and hope Niantic listens. They sold over a million tickets for a play-at-home experience this year, and I can't imagine that number will go down in the coming years.

    If anyone wants to comment on what I said earlier, please feel free to leave your thoughts below, and I will happily discuss this with you. If you're still reading this, I thank you, and wish you a good day.

    submitted by /u/msbshow
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    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Shiny Muk!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    With the nerf in pokeballs, the game becomes unplayable for some people. Can we start a hashtag or something?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    I don't want to go out to get pokeballs from the stops because of the Covid. I've been relying on gifts to replenish my supply for about 4 months and I can't afford to buy pokeballs worths 460 pokecoins everyday.

    submitted by /u/pm_me_ur_selfie99
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    Caught my first shiny Pokémon in e comfort of my living room after playing for the first time since 2017. I’m hooked again

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Rural players will now have to save up pokeballs for days to be able to participate in a meaningful way on community days.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    With the latest nerf to gifts, I'm not actually sure the game is playable for me anymore without buying pokeballs in the store (which isn't going to happen, unless the number of balls per coin goes up significantly).

    Opened 30 gifts and received 7 pokeballs, 3 greatballs and 1 ultraball for a total of 11 balls. I essentially can't use incense anymore as I'll run out of balls after a few catches.

    The closest cluster of 3 pokestops is about a 25 minute drive away, so I guess I could park there for an hour and spin every 5 minutes to get 60-70 balls but if I even bother to catch anything while out I'll probably come home with 0-10 balls left anyway?

    I'm really hoping it's just a glitch, as some gifts give literally nothing (zero items or star dust).

    I'm just disappointed I guess.

    submitted by /u/emerzionnn
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    Look who I caught smoking in my living room.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:20 PM PDT

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