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    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Oh and your mega blastoise can't wear sunglasses either

    Pokémon GO - Oh and your mega blastoise can't wear sunglasses either

    Oh and your mega blastoise can't wear sunglasses either

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Petition to get 1 remote raid pass a daily gift

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    So I did a mega raid yesterday, and something I never thought would happen did.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    I'm in my 30's I've moved around a couple time in the last 17 years. Did a mega raid via discord last night in my area. (Morgantown WV) and after the raid someone messaged me that they recognize the sn I used in discord from their steam. AND THEY WERE RIGHT! I haven't played a game with this person for close to 15 years. I lived in Indiana at the time but we played my all time favorite online game (SuperMondayNightCombat) like crazy back in the day. I am A, genuinely touched this person recognized my name after all this time and B, genuinely amazed at what a small world it is.

    Really made my day.

    submitted by /u/skelingtonking
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    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    A reminder of the true mastermind behind this Mega system

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    Open letter to Niantic: how the botched implementation of Mega Evolutions may lead Pokemon Go to a catastrophic path

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    To Niantic and all the community,

    First of all, I'd like to preface this letter by saying that I usually dislike the strong negativity that frequently makes its way into this forums and into this game (at times with good reason, nevertheless), because I understand that it is a complex game and bugs are - sometimes - bound to happen.

    But now, Mega Evolutions. This is probably the most anticipated feature ever for MANY, many players, both veterans and casuals alike, an amazing transformation for you favorite Pokemon which takes them to the next power level while looking absolutely awesome at the same time. No one that I know in this earth dislikes Mega Evolutions, and as such, it is about the safest bet you can make in this game.

    I do wonder what went wrong in the meeting room and in the brainstorm sessions to end up which such a disgraceful and botched implementation of what was supposed to be the most awesome feature in the game. I cannot even begin to imagine.

    Look, Niantic is a business and it HAS to make money. That is perfectly normal. I also work corporate and, like it or not, money is the drive for everything we do. But the thing is: this model is the furthest from a moneymaking scheme than it could ever be. The person who came up with the idea, and the managers who approved it... I'm not sure what happened or what went through their heads.

    I am a whale. I want to give money to Niantic. Seriously. When I play Pokemon, I have zero problems or regrets spending money on coins, because when you get to your thirties (or before) you understand that it's the same as giving money to a cinema or any other hobby. If it gives you joy, go for it. Pokemon Go gives me a lot of joy, and I LIKE to support it with purchases and dough. And many people on these forums do too, although it is perfectly fine to be F2P too, obviously.

    But the thing is: Mega Evolutions are the opposite of what makes me give Niantic money. And this is not a "statement" or "boicot" or anything, it's just that, as a product, the current implementation of Megas is EXTREMELY unattractive for basically everybody.

    Why? Well, the main issue and the concept that is central to all this mess is just one:


    Yes, permanence. Permanence in the sense of achieving something after a great effort and knowing you finally have it, forever. Permanence is everything in Pokemon Go.

    Most of the people to gravitate into this game do it because of the awesome feeling of FINALLY getting something and knowing that all the effort was worth it. That 100% Dialga after 80 raids. That extremely elusive shiny after shiny checking for 2 weeks straight. When you get it, it's such a rush of dopamine - but the best thing (and the thing that keeps us glued to this game) is that it is always there!

    I remember a few months ago when I lucky traded for a Dialga and it ended up as a 100%. I couldn't believe it at the time, and the thing is, in the following days, I would wake up, open the app, couldn't help but smile just a bit when looking at the Dialga. It was awesome. I'm sure that this has happened to some of you on some occasion.

    Megas go against all these principles because it violates the very foundation and core of what makes Pokemon Go great. Permanence.

    A small clarification: I'm NOT saying that Mega Evos should be permanent in the sense of a "permanent transformation", that goes against the lore and is not the way to go gameplay-wise.

    The concept of permanence, in this case, is that you have the PERMANENT option to Mega Evolve for some hours (and some cooldown) with no additional cost.

    Otherwise, you finally get your Mega Evolution, you enjoy it for some time, and then it's back to normal. All your efforts wasted. You cannot wake up in the morning, look at that Mega Charizard and smile, because that will be tainted by the "50 energy to Mega Evolve" button.

    With this in mind, I propose a few solutions, open to - obviously - discussion among the community:

    1. The initial cost to Mega Evolve it's perfectly fine. I, along many raiders, are no stranger to hardcore grinding for the Pokemon we love the most. As a whale, I WOULD easily spend 10-15 raid passes to gather 500 energy if it meant that afterwards it could be activated at no cost. Those are a LOT of raid passes and money for Niantic, but it triggers the dopamine and addictiveness in us because we can see the carrot and the end of the stick. A lovely Mega Evolution to admire when we FINALLY unlock it. With that in mind, I would be OK with increasing the initial cost IF it meant that the other conditions are met. 2. Further costs should be removed. As said before, this violates the utmost principle of Pokemon Go - permanence - and it's a HUGE turnoff for any whale or casual who would thing to spend on this - we will not do it because we cannot see the carrot at the end of the stick. If Niantic is adamant on keeping some kind of further cost, a middle-of-the-road solution would be that 3-heart buddies have an extremely reduced cost and 4-heart best buddies have no cost at all. This would still help Niantic indirectly monetize it by means of the Poffin for players impatient enough to wait the 30 days. A specific cooldown to only be able to do it once a day or similar adjustment would also be probably fine. 3. If the system is kept like this, GBL is down a catastrophic path. If the only way to compete in Masters (and in some occasions, other leagues) is to grind for (easily) several days, hoard the energy, reserve a few hours to battle on GBL and THEN Megaevolve, this is the beginning of the end. It will be no different than those predatory, extremely P2W games that you see some times on the App Store. Plus, imagine the consequences for people who had reserved the time to do the PVP battles and something unexpected happens (work, kids, whatever) and they cannot play in those 4 hours. All that effort - again - gone to waste. 4. Finally, the current system is unsustainable long term with specific mega energy and non-general energy. When Charizard (and the others) go away, what hill happen to their Mega Evos? We cannot evolve them until they come back? Only people who obsessively hoarded energy will be able to use them in PVP? There has to be some way to get "general energy" (such as rare candies) to be able to Mega Evolve. 

    There are some other issues, but I think this are the most pressing ones. As a closing statement, I love the game, I WANT to love Mega Evolutions, everybody here wants to. But the current implementation is a broken, botched mess which will lead Pokemon Go down a catastrophic failure if it's not promptly remedied.

    I hope this letter helps to redirect Mega Evolutions to the awesome path they are destined to and I am eager to further discuss other types of implementation for the Mega Evolutions and other issues that you may have encountered.



    submitted by /u/DantehSparda
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    "Official" Shiny Blastoise cosplay? ��

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Everyone today

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Sneak peak at the new live action Exeggcute Movie...

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    MEGA disappointing

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    I know everyone is going in hard on Niantic for this, and giving them some serious flack...

    Mega Pokemon. Species specific energy. Too much work for not enough reward. A pay to win scheme. Completely unattainable goals. A temporary 4 hour evolution window. You HAVE to pay money to even get close to mega evolving a single Pokemon.

    And I've got to admit... the community is absolutely... RIGHT on expressing these opinions.

    This is diabolical from Niantic. Utterly greedy, it's shameful. I won't be spending a single penny on this system until it has been revised. And oh boy, it better be revised. This is shameful from Niantic.

    Sorry, rant over.

    submitted by /u/lukebampton
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    Finally told my Charizard that his mega evolution wouldn't be permanent. He.was.not.happy.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    So that was a f***ing lie

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Petition for Pokémon go to give you a raid pass every day

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Mega evolution isn't worth it

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    As we know, Mega Evolution in original games are temporary which can be done as many times with Mega Stone and has no timer in battles and will only revert after the battle is over. Furthermore it is described that it's only achievable when the pokemon is close to the trainer. Meanwhile Pokemon GO's system is totally different that has nothing to do with original mechanics and according to sources the Mega Evolution requires Mega Energy which can only be obtained through Mega Raids and the Mega Evolution only lasts till 4 hrs even if the pokemon has been in battle.

    My assumption is that it's totally useless if we are going to use our raid passes in 2-3 raids just to Mega Evolve single pokemon which only lasts 4hrs.

    Niantic should have come up with Mega Stone system where Mega Evolution is only applicable to best buddies and can be done as many times we want. They could have also included timer for Mega Evolution in battles instead of the 4hrs system.

    submitted by /u/Sipbloodyhell
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    Straight in the bin

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Matching my favorite shiny today ��

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    We Should Boycot Mega Raids

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    They are very badly executed and are a huge cash grab from Niantic if enough people refuse to do them it'll make a difference I've fine 2 mega raids and am refusing to do more people Join Me!

    submitted by /u/ToxicJolt124
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    Love it. Sucks that I can only keep him for only 4 hours tho. Big sad��

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    My happiest day of playing this game.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Smeargle Photobombs Garchomps spotlight (By Me)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Mega evolutions... more like mega fraud

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Did i get it wrong or lasts in pokemon go the mega evolution just 24 hours?! I was so hyped for like 2 years about po go getting these and now i got to do 4 to 5 raids just to get my favourite charizard 24 hours mega evolved... I dont wanna think how many we gotta do for legendary, in the future.. It makes sense in the normal games that you got 1Megaevo per fight and so on but its just greede in pokempn go lets be honest.

    This will just be a feutre for who is gona fight in the league, for coölectors like me it makes no sense (and as expected, its super buggy lol).

    I will not evolve any pokemon.. i refuse to do bc it makes no sense. I'm sad.

    P.S. sorry for bad english, was rushing to bc im at work ^

    submitted by /u/Osix8
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    He looks quite angry

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:10 AM PDT

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