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    Thursday, August 19, 2021

    Pokémon GO - New player megathread

    Pokémon GO - New player megathread

    New player megathread

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    In this post I encourage newer/unknowledgeable players to ask questions and the community to answer them.

    We as mods see a lot of repetitive posts, and some of you guys that lurk new probably do as well, so we are looking to spread some info outside of our mostly up to date faq page curated by the one and only /u/thisismypokemonalt .

    Here are a few topics I see from trainers to start us off.

    • Can some one trade me x pokemon? This is a global sub, and trading distance is generally restricted to 100m, so no.

    • What are the stardust costs to trade? These vary by what you are trading, and your friendship level. Here are the pertinent stats.

    Standard Trades Good Friend: 100 Great Friend: 80 Ultra Friend: 8 Best Friend: 4

    Shiny or Legendary (caught) Good Friend: 20,000 Great Friend: 16,000 Ultra Friend: 1,600 Best Friend: 800

    Shiny or Legendary (uncaught) Good Friend: 1,000,000 Great Friend: 800,000 Ultra Friend: 80,000 Best Friend: 40,000

    • What is the blue aura around my mon? That means it was caught in the last 24 hours.

    • What is the black shadow on the ground? Zoom out, there is a Team rocket balloon above you.

    • Is xyz Pokemon good for pvp? Depends on what league you are fighting in. Here is a website designed to assist with the vast information around that.

    • I am new and don't have a lot of stops, what can I do? Use gifts to stock up on items. You can get friends here or on our Discord

    • How do I get more stops? At level 38 you can start submitting stops that qualify Ample information about that process is available here. If you are not yet level 38, search for your local community discord or facebook group and let them know you have viable locations.

    • Can I trade a friend a pokemon, and then trade it back to me for the free evolution? No, pokemon can only be transferred once. Full stop.

    • Why havent I gotten my gym coins yet? and will I get more than 50 if my mon is in a gym for more than a day? Coins are only awarded once your Pokemon is knocked out of the gym. The max coins you will get is 50. Period. 9 hours, or 9000 hours it doesn't matter. If you already got 50 that day, and your long time mon falls out, you are getting 0 that day.

    • Why are there so many of x Pokemon on my screen? Is it Tuesday? Then it is probably spotlight hour.

    There are several great resources out there for new and continuing trainers.

    Pokemongo's update page


    Niantic support twitter

    Leekduck is an incredibly well curated unofficial resource as well

    And as always, those annoying pop ups we dismiss without reading in game actually have pertinent news in them.

    submitted by /u/BootsMade4Walking
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    Niantic refusing to disclose odds in Pokemon Go should be enough for all of us to play for free.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Thanks to diverse research groups in r/thesilphroad it's been demonstrated that the shiny odds for Heracross and Kangaskhan have been manipulated, meaning it was significantly easier to get a shiny of those mons at the beginning of the event. We also have other research studies for egg events showing they're simply a scam. And lastly, Niantic himself has "accidentally" turned off shinies in the past, and poorly compensated those who already spent even hundreds of raid passes trying to get the shinies. To me this is a bigger concern than the distance to spin pokestops, and a major reason to just play for free.

    submitted by /u/fegodev
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    Our Lord has a new form... and he brings fish.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    Was lucky enough to catch him before the gym loaded. Truly, we all are blessed this day. https://imgur.com/a/pbPb6a9

    submitted by /u/MultipleEeyoregasms
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    Just realized after today I should have been catching as many Basculin as possible.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    With Basculegion on the horizon there's no way the event was just a fluke. We were all supposed to be hoarding up 400 candy for when we can finally evolve it.

    We've been duped.

    submitted by /u/Banjoubu
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    Distance restriction game breaking. Due to GPS drifting.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    In Phoenix AZ, the distance restriction is so bad that while I'm in a raid it will kick me out.

    When I get kicked out my avatar is running all over the place.

    The distance limit is literally game breaking. This is true on my Galaxy S6, and my Galaxy note 10 plus.

    Is Niantic aware that this happens I've lost many raid passes to this. I stopped playing years ago because of this. Covid literally fixed the game for me.

    This restriction breaks the game again.

    Any suggestions. Certainly their in game help us no help.

    submitted by /u/Xlander101
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    Don’t you judge my team

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    I have a gym that was added near my house. We are a fairly small area. Now, I love eevees for absolutely no logical reason . They are just cute. So my friend walked over and added his 3000 cp gyarados to this gym with me. And he sent me a pic showing how much bigger and badder it is that my Jolteon.

    Well, that is unacceptable. My Jolteon is strong and cute and a good boy yes he is. This attack on the family will not go unanswered.

    So now I just keep throwing those higher end berries to heal the entire gym fully every few hours to keep his best Pokémon stuck in the gym.

    I've had it trapped for 3 days.

    He sent me a text begging for his Pokémon back.

    So Reddit... what should he do to make up for insulting my cute good boy ?

    submitted by /u/PoliticalNerdMa
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    GoFest Tickets Passes

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    Tired of PoGo taking away my tickets. So I made my own!

    submitted by /u/yoguruto_7
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    Team Rocket Grunt Battles

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Not to rant but I'm pretty over catching 1 star poochyena's and venonats, each grunt battle should have a slight percentage of being able to capture whatever their strongest shadow Pokémon was or Atleast the 2nd bc it's such a boring unrewarding thing to do

    submitted by /u/Slimesznbih
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    They say there's a pokémon somewhere around here. I just can't find it.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    All I see are the eyeball decorations in the yard. I was hoping to catch a pokémon. I hope it didn't leave.


    submitted by /u/XL_Pumpkaboo
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    Unique battling between my brother and I

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    So I have been playing Pokémon Go since it's release in 2017, but my brother started less than a year ago, so he does not have a lot of the mons I have. To make things fair when we battle, we have decided to create our own battle league Max CP, as we battle using Pokémon 100 CP and under. It has completely changed the way I view 10 CP Pokémon, and I often find myself hoping a Pokémon is under 100 CP, so I can mix and match mons. My favorite to use is Ludicolo, which I got as a Lotad of 10 CP.

    TLDR; My brother and I battle using Pokémon under 100 CP

    submitted by /u/buttcheekbaby
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    Slipping into the GBL Abyss

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 03:13 AM PDT

    Hey Folks,

    So at the start of S8, great league got me to ACE and around 2100. Then Ultra league and element Cup weren't my best but I kept my ranking. Now with Ultra Premier, I was doing okay (still circa 2000), right until I got one bad set of RNG and found 5 battles with complete hard counters to my team. I lost all 5. That dropped me like 100 points and I starting slipping into the abyss.

    What do I mean by this? Well as soon as I dropped below 2000, there seems to be no predictable meta, no consistency with any teams at all and its coming extremely hard to predict and build a team to reliably get me up and back over 2000 again. I've seen triple fire teams, triple fighting teams, triple fairy teams. Who uses triple single type?!

    All the battles feel like rock paper scissors down here and I just jeep slipping. Now at 1700 and I honestly don't know how to get back as every team I play gets countered

    Anyone else been in this same situation? Any tips to get out?

    Cheers, A sad battler

    submitted by /u/Exeggu-Thor
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    We need more Magikarp and Rattata in the wild

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    Their respective medals are nearly impossible to complete with the current spawn rate. I played for almost four years with 865 Rattata caught and 83 small and 931 Magikarp and 133 large. To complete the platinum medals with this current rate, I would need approximately 10000 of each, which is insane. With the current spawn rate, I calculated more than 10 years to complete the medals.

    submitted by /u/That_Occasion1008
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    None of my distance is going towards my eggs nor my buddy candies

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    I just reinstalled the game the other day after about a year, so it might have something to do with that, so am I doing something wrong or is my account just broken or something?

    submitted by /u/daddyshreklover
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    Anyone else just enjoying Pokémon Go?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    I mean. This subreddit should be filled with the joys of playing this game, but instead it's gotten to be a whine fest.

    I'm playing the same game! I'm walking to Pokestops, catching shinys, battling and having a good time! 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe we should just have a single post at the top that is for whining only.

    submitted by /u/the-Gaf
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    Thank you to the raiding group that defeated Palkia this afternoon in Teusaquillo, Bogotá. My first 5* raid!

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    I was looking through the Palkia raids on my radar today when I spotted one with four people in the lobby. Impulsively, I decided to join with a remote pass, though I didn't know the other players and have never done a 5* raid before (I play solo). And we did it! Defeated Palkia with literally 0 seconds on the clock and I caught a shiny one! Thank you to whoever my raid partners were!

    submitted by /u/dfotw
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    Gym candies

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    I have a Pokémon that has now been sitting in a gym for 20 days and I just passed the 200 berry mark. What's the highest amount of berries you've given to a Pokémon?

    submitted by /u/PhantasmicFxtrt
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    Hey ! A returning player needs your help with potions

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Hey so um im a returning player coming back after a 2 year break from the game due to burnout. And when i returned i noticed that i am not getting any potions. Has the drop rate been lowered or am I just delusional

    submitted by /u/Thundefang377
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    For the life of me, I’ll never understand how people spend hundreds of raid passes for getting shinys.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    Full disclosure – I am a whale and spend 60-75$ a month on this mostly on Raid passes. My playing style is running my gotcha as much as I can to catch stuff for dust, go for a 3 hr walk a day and spin stops and do 2-3 T5 raids a day or more if the raid boss is interesting.

    I'm part of multiple local Whatsapp chats for raid coordination and I'm astounded as to how much people spend to get shinys. I have 4 people in my chat who have done ~400 Heracross raids and 300 Kangaskhan raids since it came out all for shinys. I can understand if people go ham for meta relevant legendries but this is ridiculous. I personally did 97 Dialgas when it came back as I wanted a hundo and enough XL to max it for GBL. Once I got my 296 XL candies I stopped. I've done 54 Palkias since it came back mainly as I got a 98% shiny and wanted enough regular candy max one to 40.

    I've only done 6 Heracross and 4 Kangaskhans since these two arrived in raids; the only reason for doing them was to burn my free raid pass while I'm on my daily walk. AFAIK Shinys just have a different color scheme and no special moves only reserved for shinys. Even a whale such as myself cannot comprehend spending tens if not hundreds of dollars on shiny hunting.

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/emperorarg
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    Is Burmy a ridiculously rare Pokemon outside of events?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    I have only ever seen and caught one, maybe two Burmys in my entire time playing GO. Is it just ridiculously rare? I live right next to a beach, to the point where the sea foam hits my window whenever we have a storm, so I swear I should have seen at least a few more of these godforsaken things, but I haven't, and I can't find anything online talking about their spawn rates outside of events like the Bug Off. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/The-Town-Narcoleptic
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    I’ve had 4 quests sitting for months

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    [Fee Free To Add Any Of Your Own Seemingly Impossible Or Just Frustrating Quests In General Below]

    1. Evolve a magikarp. Would you believe I received this quests only a couple weeks after evolving my first ever ( it's okay I only need 20 more candies now )

    2. Trade 3 Pokémon with friends. Great, I have plenty of pogo friends but none who live near me or that I know personally so I cannot trade.

    3. Catch a ditto. By far the trickiest and more luck based of the 4, I received this quest 3 days after catching my first and only ever ditto.

    4. Take a snapshot of landorus. I'm sure many of you have a landorus, catch them all the time, whatever. I've never even seen one let alone shoved one in a ball.

    C'mon Niantic, gimme a break. I love challenges but not when they're not challenges and just based of my luck and geography in correlation to my pogo friends :/

    submitted by /u/hugebigmuscleman123
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    What determines when friend level increases?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    I have several people I'm X amount of days away from leveling up on friend level with. I am trying to time it up for all of them to level up at the same time so I can pop a lucky egg and star piece.

    Is it when I send them a gift? If they open one I send? Does there have to be action on both ends? I guess what level of interaction is required to qualify a "day" played together.

    submitted by /u/Ravennation1
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    What can I do if I'm 40 candies short for last evolution of Roggenrola and they are nowhere to be found?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Is there an egg that contains Roggenrola? Or idk specific region? Or do I simply have to walk 200km/spend rare candies? I just can't find ANY Roggenrolas

    submitted by /u/Maxim4447
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    Lucky after being unlucky

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    I missed out on a wild archen, and i heard it was really rare. After that, I found a shiny roggenrola and a hundo aipom both weather boosted. Thanks RNGesus

    submitted by /u/La_Chancleta
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