• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    Pokémon GO - 10Km Eggs

    Pokémon GO - 10Km Eggs

    10Km Eggs

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:36 AM PST

    Dear Niantic Why, oh why do you put Pokémons without an evolution in 10km eggs? I got my 6th Absol...IN A ROW...and I'm about to lose my mind :)

    Love, a long time player!

    submitted by /u/Ar99mean
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    Unown in the wild!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    I guess this Pokemon is rare to find in the wild! It spawned by the poke stop at my job. Caught it at my desk!

    Unown in the wild!

    submitted by /u/winston3991
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    Everything There is to Know About Piplup Community Day! [January 2020 GamePress Guide]

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:09 AM PST

    • Date - Sunday January 19th

    • Time ;

    • Northern Hemisphere : 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in your local time zone. Exclusive move available until 4:00 PM.

    • Southern Hemisphere : 3:00-6:00 PM in your local time zone. Exclusive move available until 8:00 PM.

    • Drastically increased spawns for the Pokemon Piplup

    • The release of Shiny Piplup

    • Obtainable from catches, hatches, research, and raids

    • An increased Shiny rate (roughly 1 in 23) during Community Day hours

    • Themed Field Research "Catch 3 Piplup" for balls, berries, and Stardust

    • 3-hour Lures

    • 1/4 Hatch Distance for eggs incubated during Community Day hours

    • Applies only to eggs that begin incubating during Community Day. Already incubating eggs are unaffected

    • Eggs in incubation will keep their reduced distance till hatched.

    • All Prinplup evolved during Community Day hours learn the exclusive move Hydro Cannon
    • Charged TMs and learning a New Move will not give you this exclusive move

    • Must evolve a Prinplup during CD in your region (or up to two hours after)

    • Have a stable internet connection and consider doing a test evolve, as Niantic acknowledges server issues can and do happen during CD, yet refuses to compensate/correct this known issue.

    Check out the

    Full Guide on GamePress.gg!

    which covers tons of tips to make the most out of this exciting event.

    Before the Event

    • Survey "Updates from New Zealand"

    • Decide where to play

    • Acquire Piplup and Piplup Candy

    • Get your items ready

    • Set reminder alarms

    During the Event

    • Check out key reminders for CD mechanics

    • Consider the analysis for CD sale box (will be updated once available)

    • Review additional ways to acquire Piplup (Piplup Raids, Eggs, and Rocket Battles)

    • Research the Exclusive Move analysis

    • Set goals accordingly

    • Know when to Pinap and which balls to us

    After the Event

    • New Appraisal Tips!

    • Find a trading partner

    • Evolve your Pokemon

    • Start preparing for the next event!

    Happy Hunting! If this guide helps, consider sharing it with your local community!

    submitted by /u/NoLucksGiven
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    I finally did it!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    After 3 years, 6 months, and 8 days I finally got to level 40! Often times it felt like it was never going to happen; there was even a time where I thought my experience meter was going in reverse. I started playing the game July 7, 2016, the day after the game launched in the USA. For a year straight I played with friends, I even kept playing after the updates when many left the game. Come August 2017 when I started my MBA. I felt like I had no time to play PoGo. I would turn it on very intermittently. Sometimes months would pass at a time and I wouldn't even touch the app. Until September 2, 2018 when I met a new guy they hired at my work. After a short convo I learned he played PoGo. After a longer convo I learned he was a very dedicated player. Spending hundreds on dollars on the game, something I never thought I would do. He showed me how much the game has changed and all the new details. And I got re-interested! A week later was moltres day. He invited me to come out with his friends during their raid train. They had bought enough raid passes to raid for the whole 3 hours. I had the 5 free passes and one premium. After getting 2 shiny Moltres' out of the 6 raids I was so invigorated with the game again. I started to play a lot more. It started out as once a day for a few minutes. Then it turned into a couple hours a week. Next thing I knew I turned it on wherever I went. I started to go out of my way for raids and gym battles. Spent a long long time shiny hunting. I became a more dedicated player and finally tonight I achieved level 40!

    TL:DR I got to level 40 about an hour ago. Something I am very proud of even though I started the day after launch.

    Edit: clarification.

    submitted by /u/dewill4
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    You know those days....

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:37 PM PST

    Where everything goes right in pokego? I finally had one of those, I finally beat Giovanni and got moltres then I got a shiny growlithe and evolved him then I got enough rare candy to finally get a salamence.

    These days are rare but they feel the best!

    submitted by /u/kevinihno
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    Assembling the lyrics of "Glory to Hong Kong" with Pokemons

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:40 AM PST

    I named the Pokemons with the lyrics and made a gif.

    Orchestral version of the song

    Torterra-何以這土地-why this land

    Gloom-淚再流-is crying again

    Exeggcute-何以令眾人-what makes everyone


    Alolan Exeggutor-昂首-heads up

    Loudred-拒默沉-refuse to be silence

    Wobbuffet-吶喊聲響透-sound of chants is loud

    Mew-盼自由-wishes freedom

    Mew's Chinese name "夢夢" means dream

    Squirtle-歸於這裡-returns here

    歸(return) and 龜(turtle) has the same pronunciation

    Darkrai-何以這恐懼-why this fear

    Mr. Mime-抹不走-can't be wiped away

    Alakazam-何以為信念-why with our faith

    Wurmple-從沒-we never

    從 and 蟲(worm) has the same pronunciation

    Mawile-退後-back down

    Zangoose-何解血在流-why despite the bleed

    The scar at the eye resembles the well known first-aider who got shot at the eye by police

    Oddish-但邁進聲-the sound of our march remains

    Seviper-響透- loud and clear

    Its tail reminds people of Crotalus(響尾蛇)

    Crawdaunt-建自由-build a free (and)

    Referencing the American flag


    Farfetch'd-香港-Hong Kong

    The gen 1 regional for HK

    Staryu-在晚星-in a stars-...

    Slakoth-墜落徬徨-...-falling, and anxious


    Snowy Castform迷霧裡-from the mist

    Mareep-最遠處-the furthest location

    遠(far) and 軟(soft) has the same pronunciation

    Horsea-吹來-blows here

    Metapod-號角聲-sound of horns

    Pidgeot-捍自由-defend our freedom

    Referencing the US again

    Eeveelutions-來齊集這裡-assemble here

    Hitmonchan-來全力抗對-resist with full force

    Moltres-勇氣-valor (and)

    Moltres is the symbol of Team Valor


    Dialga-也永不滅-never dies

    Beartic-黎明來到-the dawn comes

    黎明(Leon Lai) is famous singer in HK

    Zubat-要光復這香港-must free Hong Kong

    蝠(bat) and 復(recover) has similar pronunciation

    Kangaskhan-同行兒女-sons and daughters along

    Plusle-為正義-for justice

    正 also means positive

    Delibird-時代革命-revolution of our time

    代(time) and 袋(bag) has similar pronunciation

    Medicham-祈求-we pray that

    Gardevoir-民主與自由-democracy and freedom

    Reference to Lady Democracy in HK and Statue of Liberty in NY.

    Aerodactyl-萬世都不朽-not decay even after centuries

    Solrock-我願榮光歸香港-may the glory to Hong Kong

    submitted by /u/HiThisisCarson
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    First Community Day Memoir

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:14 AM PST

    With the latest CD coming up I got a bit nostalgic. It's been nearly a year since I started playing pogo. My son(11yr old) got me playing last February and I admit I thought it was just gonna be rubbish tbh but I went along with it and thought at least I get to have some bonding time with my boy. The first CD we went to our local park and I thought I was gonna be the weird old guy hanging out with a load of kids playing pogo...but how wrong was I! My kid was the only kid there and every other player was actually older than me! They seemed to be organised and the leader of the pack was an old lady on a electric buggy driving to each raid with at least 25 people following. I thought wow what a crazy situation and had a little chuckle to myself. Anyway coming up to a year playing and I'm totally hooked on the game and met some cool players along the way. Here's to many more years! :)

    submitted by /u/gingebond
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    My buddy has -1.53 km walking distance

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:09 AM PST

    I don't think I've been walking backwards.


    submitted by /u/Maskdask
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    First HUNDO Woohoo http://imgur.com/gallery/rrCQ5Cd

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:53 AM PST

    On my way to The Starling Mall in Malaysia when i came across a gym. Spun the wheel and noticed a growlithe beside the gym. Idk why i decided to catch it but luckily i did. After catching i chhecked its IV's and WOW my first hundo. So glad that it happened today http://imgur.com/gallery/rrCQ5Cd

    submitted by /u/wfflee
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    I think I've lost my buddy.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:47 AM PST


    Could it be that you can be separated with your buddy if you're driving too fast with gotcha on?

    Not a glitch, after restart it's still the same and with some distance walked negative number decreases.

    submitted by /u/tsunx4
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    First ever non community day shiny! So happy!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Never thought I would get one, was with some friends and I managed to get it. Anyone remember their first shiny?


    EDIT: Holy shit, just found out it was also my cakeday when I got it and posted this.

    submitted by /u/A_Sushi
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    5 Months in the making!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:12 PM PST

    5 months ago was world tourism day. I've had that "Trade a Pokémon caught 10,000km away" take up one of my research spots for 5 whole months. I was finally able to find someone to trade with and I finally got my Zangoose! I live in America so this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm so happy! Now I can have 3 research quests again.

    If you're seeing this Jared (the kid who I traded with), thanks for the Elekid and the Zangoose!

    submitted by /u/Trevor-On-Reddit
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    TIL Battle rewards can give 2 Sinnoh stones

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    I don't know if its new, but I had to double check if I really got 2 Sinnoh stones from one batlle.


    submitted by /u/maxwillemsen_
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    Players from all around the world, what's your favourite Pokepun name?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:57 AM PST

    In French, we have "Canarticho" which is an artichoke-duck and it doesn't make any sense as he's holding some leek!

    We also have "Chenipotte" which is a kind of Caterpimate.

    "Férosinge" is a ferocious monkey.

    "Tentacool" is for cool-tentacle (tentacule in french!) and his evolution is "Tentacruel" for cruel-tentacle.

    And so on!

    What about your language? Share your favourite ones!

    Edit: added a picture of canarticho! canarticho

    submitted by /u/AnnaRocka
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    Walking Buddy catch assist!?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:18 PM PST

    I was trying to catch something and the Pokemon attacked and deflected my ball. It flew back in my direction. Suddenly off to the left of the bottom of my screen I see my Lucario (who is my walking buddy) punch (or headbutt?) the pokeball BACK towards the Pokemon for a successful catch. Did anyone else know this was a thing!?

    submitted by /u/Ano_Akamai
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    I don’t understand how coins are given after holding gyms

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:09 AM PST

    My Snorlax has just returned from holding a gym for almost 5 days. On two of those days, other Pokemon I put in other gyms achieved their 50 maximum coins before being knocked out.

    When Snorlax returned, I expected: 5 days * 50 coins Minus 2 days * 50 coins Equals 150 coins

    However, I received nothing. Can someone explain why?

    submitted by /u/jambo_1983
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    The past 5 days or so my adventure sync has seemed to start vastly underestimating my logging, not even sure how it comes up with my mileage.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:35 PM PST

    I started becoming very suspecting of adventure sync about 4 or 5 ish days ago, and today I kept track and foudn that it added 3.7km in a time where my health app (and what seems like a very reasonable estimate) logged 5 miles. I'm going to start keeping track for here on out, but its been about 80 minutes since I finished my last walking (I past 2 1/3 mile many many hours ago, and hit 5 miles about 90 minutes ago). This wasn't a problem before (started replaying about 4 weeks ago and adventure sync didn't seem to have any issues for those first 3 weeks) but its been really bad the 4 days so I wonder if they tried to "fix" something recently . I think (but not 100% entirely sure because didn't keep a strict track of things) that it added 0.5km last night in a time frame I walked 1.2 miles.

    Add : I'm checking my health app, and since 9am monday I've walked ~14 miles or ~22.5 km, and I'm currently 16.3km, so it might have been mostly been getting bad most recently.

    Edit : After a while (an absurd amount of time after finishing walking), it came out 20.3km, so about 10% short of what I think it should be, but I probably had walked the 3.7km by 3-4PM or so and it still said that at 830PM

    submitted by /u/PlasticSystem
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    Game crashes

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:33 AM PST

    I have an iphone 7 and i have never encountered this before but since yesterday my game crashes like every five minutes or so?? Is this a common bug?

    submitted by /u/piscesinsun
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    Got very lucky tonight

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:20 PM PST

    Caught this shiny after 4 raids tonight during raid hour. I really wanted this shiny and poke gods were shining big on me! Much luck to everyone else to find their own shinies!


    submitted by /u/savlots
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    Prinlup community day

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:55 AM PST

    Since I have like 9 2km eggs, if I hatch them all durinf this event do I still have the increase chance of shiny? Or do the eggs need to be aquired during the event?


    submitted by /u/King__ginger
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    Jumpong back in

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:53 AM PST

    Just getting back in to the game but i created a new account.. any chance if adding me as a friend so i can send out the gifts and recieve them for challenges? Or even battle eventually?

    submitted by /u/Wiccanwimp97
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    Visiting San Francisco for the first time have some question (German player)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Hey I'm gonna visiting San Francisco for the first time (hotel near pier 33) and wanted to ask if there are some local Hotspot and raid groups (maybe also 100iv groups) I can join for the time I'm visiting.

    Also if there are some areas I should not stay at a certain time would be nice to hear from some SF players.

    Also if you need Mr. Mime or mime Jr. You can pm me and meet up when I'm there (2.2-9.2)

    Greetings from a fellow go player from Germany.

    submitted by /u/ikayx
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    Blastoise worth the power up?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:33 AM PST

    I've got a 15/14/14 Squirtle is he worth powering up? I'm kind of tempted he's one of my favourite water starters

    submitted by /u/rojoe68
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    Searching for a Friend

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:27 AM PST

    Hi guys, so I've been grinding on many different challenges, but since I work four jobs, it's been kinda hard to play for long every day. It's taken about a month to go up from Level 30 to 36, but I'm making my way there. Anyways, I'm searching for a Level 25 player named Phaelor. I don't still have his trainer code, and I don't know his Reddit user, so I thought I'd call on my community to help. If you know this player, please reach out with his r/user so I can communicate with this PoGo friend and team up. Much Thanks!!!

    submitted by /u/taterbug4824
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