• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 20, 2020

    Pokémon GO - "Dare to Dream Big"

    Pokémon GO - "Dare to Dream Big"

    "Dare to Dream Big"

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Porygang where ya at

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    With the coming changes possibly coming to sticker drops - I have decided to make my definitive sticker tier list. I have already transferred all of my Pokemon and trashed all of my items. Praise be to our new sticker collection app.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    Dear Niantic, let Rural players add pokestops already!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Dear Niantic,

    please lower the lvl requirement for Adding a new stops. It's a paradox as it is now. Rural players cannot add new stops because they need lvl 40, they cannot get to lvl 40 because they don't have stops and spawns.

    Players in big city have milions of stops and can grind to lvl 40, but since they have so many, they don't even have the need to add new ones.

    Rural players can provide income too!

    I would gladly buy incenses (if they remain as they are right now)) to catch pokemon but i don't have stops to spin for pokeballs. (inb4 just buy some - absurdly expensive - no way)

    I would gladly buy raid passes if i would have gyms with raids avaible.

    I would even buy event tickets if i had any places to even spawn pokemon from those tickets.

    Just lower the requirement to lvl 35 already, it's high enough so the new players won't spam, and it's a achievable for dedicated rural players (took me 1,5 years to get to 35 with my 1 stop 2km away from where i live) There is absolutely no reason why only max lvl players could add new stops.

    If you are afraid of spam let us add 1 nomination for week, or two. Even one pokestop could change the rural players experience.

    Please niantic, stop ignoring rural players

    submitted by /u/slayervirus
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    Fleeceking reacting to Heatran

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    I would love to see my XL and XS Pokémon actually appear smaller or bigger in-game.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    Anything but that please

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    How I feel when I catch 2 shinies in the same week

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Ponyomaka ��

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    After nearly 4 hours of failed raids to try and get a Genesect, this guy appears in my doorway. My first ever shiny!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    My Axew loves fountains!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    You get a makeup event she gets a makeup event You all get a makeup event !!!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    I decided to revisit Pokémon GO a few days ago after four years of not playing and already found my first shiny! He’s not the strongest, but I’m proud of him anyway :)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    cOme on niantiC

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Finally hit level 40 last night!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Finally hit level 40 last night!

    Repost as the last one was removed.

    I finally hit level 40 last night, looking forward to the max level cap being raised to 50!

    I understand the new levelling system won't be just based on XP, and I also wonder if this will then allow us to power up our previously maxed out Pokemon?


    submitted by /u/cochinitapibil300
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    Been waiting all day

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Today I met the guardian of the forest

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    No talk me when i angy

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Dear Niantec, Please give me a way to see who I can send a gift to quickly.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Not everyone opens my gifts every day, and some of those that do don't return one (not a big deal). I just want to give gifts to everyone that I can.

    submitted by /u/toeonly
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    I'm calling doctor.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Out of all the pictures I have took

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    My happy lil Victini skateboarder!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    New coin system rollout to North America

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I had two accounts that have been in a gym for 3 days, just get knocked out this morning, and only got 30 coins. Then just now, my snorlax knocked out of another gym and did not get any additional coins.

    Are they rolling out the new system today, or am I just getting screwed over by a bug.

    Located in Ontario, Canada.

    Image of my notifications feed showing the time gap between other gifts and when the first Pokémon was knocked out: https://imgur.com/gallery/ynWmcAt

    submitted by /u/Scarvis12
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