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    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Pokémon GO - I caught an Azelf using an incense at home this morning

    Pokémon GO - I caught an Azelf using an incense at home this morning

    I caught an Azelf using an incense at home this morning

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:43 AM PDT


    for context, it was past 8am so I was just trying to catch Solosis and Gothita... then THIS popped up and I screamed

    edit: adding date proof https://imgur.com/a/rsDNSJw

    submitted by /u/mashingButtonsWildly
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    Commission I did for a couple who love playing Pokemon Go together

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:31 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    My favorite part about battle league is

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    When my dude just stands there for ten seconds doing nothing, then all of a sudden his health bar is gone. Pretty cool feature.

    submitted by /u/heathentribes69
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    Looking for a person

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    I got into a match with someone named Hattegger and the game lagged and it resulted in my Pokémon not dying to his special attack and allowing me to kill him. Does anyone know who this person is so I could friend him and then we could fight a fair match?

    submitted by /u/SJG07
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    Pokemon Go Commission I did of their Avatar and her Shiny Oddish Evolutions

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Welcome to Great League PvP: (part 8) Teams (Fighter, Charmer, and Water leads)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    Part 7 here

    Welcome to the final part of this series. Today we're featuring Fighters, Charmers, and Waters.

    Fighter (Counter user) as lead

    Deoxys (Defense) is also a great lead candidate. As a Psychic-type Pokémon with Counter, a Fighting-type move, the damage adds up overtime and can put a lot of pressure onto the opponent, even on a Dark-type Pokémon that is supposed to counter Deoxys. Do not think you can outsmart anyone and use Deoxys (Attack) as a lead, it performs terribly here. Rip if you accidentally choose it, though.

    Medicham resists Counter. The only Pokémon that reliably counter it are Fairies. While Toxicroak is double weak to Psychic, having the Poison typing helps it beat other Fighters (including Medicham without Psychic).

    Vigoroth has Body Spam and doesn't lose hard against anything other than other Counter users and Ghosts. Body Spam with STAB is not a joke at all.

    Deoxys (Defense) + Azumarill + Altaria

    Potential counters: Azumarill, Haunter, Skarmory

    Great against: Bronzong, Hitmontop, Medicham, Scrafty, Toxicroak, Vigoroth, Quagsire

    Notice why Scrafty and Vigoroth are often listed as being countered? They are unable to reach full potential without energy lead. They can easily flip some matchups with energy, so be aware of that (even though they are listed in 'great against', you rarely win by a large margin)

    Parting words done. Have you noticed? Almost every team with Altaria counters a wide variety of Pokémon. Altaria's resistances definitely help. With Deoxys (Defense) and Azumarill, 2 tanks, as bodyguards, the team can net you wins pretty steady.

    Deoxys (Defense) + Umbreon + Azumarill

    Potential counters: Meganium, Tropius, Venusaur

    Great against: Bronzong, Cresselia, Froslass, Jirachi, Magneton, Probopass, Skarmory

    2 tanks are tanky, but 3 tanks? Even tankier…, plus they still have great moves to back up. The team definitely works better than on paper. They're so tanky that they're able to survive the 60-second switch clock. They counter Steel tanks.

    There are two downsides, though. Azumarill can be easily countered with a Grass and a shield; the team doesn't win hard.

    Note that Bronzong is also a Pokémon that performs the best with energy lead, so other than Umbreon, Altaria and Azumarill, others can't really safely switched in.

    Deoxys (Defense) + Registeel + Azumarill

    Kieng has featured this team, too. Azumarill is the safe switch to get off shields. Registeel can clean up the match when there are no shields left.

    Medicham + Magneton + Altaria

    Potential counters: Azumarill, Cresselia, Haunter, Sableye

    Great against: Lanturn, Forretress

    The team is great at dealing neutral damage. Magneton has spammy Discharges and Magnet Bomb, while Medicham and Altaria have heavy-hitting Fast moves.

    If you encounter an Azumarill, just sacrifice Medicham and deal as much damage as possible (and hope the opponent doesn't have a Steel tank at the back). You may safe swap into Magneton if the opponent doesn't have a Fighter/Mudboi in his/her team.

    Medicham + Haunter + Bastiodon

    Potential counters: Hypno, Sableye, Swampert, Whiscash

    Great against: Forretress, Magneton, Skarmory

    Haunter is a great counter to both Marowak (Alola) and Azumarill, two of Medicham's hard counters. Even though Haunter is frail, Bastiodon is in the back to tank Charged moves while also being checks to them. Mudbois with energy lead ma dominate this team, if Medicham doesn't hit a Dynamic Punch.

    Toxicroak + Umbreon + Skarmory

    Potential counters: Mantine

    Great against: Meganium, Muk (Alola), Victreebel

    Skarmory will be your primary safe switch, mainly due to it being able to overcome some unfavorable matchups with energy. Even if the opponent switches Bastiodon in, Toxicroak can farm it down after Skarmory faints.

    Charmers might be a problem after Skarmory faints, but they don't like getting hit by Toxicroak's Sludge Bomb, either.

    Toxicroak + Hypno + Registeel

    Potential counters: Mantine

    Great against: Meganium, Muk (Alola), Victreebel

    If you encounter a Water Pokemon in the lead, don't panic. Deal as much damage as possible with Toxicroak before fainting, often burning opponent's shields. If you face a Flyer instead, switch to Hypno to get Confusion damage in. Don't switch into Registeel as you will lose a hard counter (and Toxicroak also handles Fighters which Hypno beats).

    Vigoroth + Azumarill + Noctowl

    Potential counters: Deoxys (Defense), Raichu (Alola), Skarmory

    Great against: Forretress, Haunter, Sableye, Steelix, Mudbois

    Noctowl is there to wall Haunters at the back, trying to sweep through the team. Watch out for Sludge Bomb, though.

    Fairy as lead

    Wigglytuff + Linoone + Bronzong

    Potential counters: Muk (Alola), Steel

    Great against: Haunter, Togekiss

    Linoone is your safe switch and counter against Azumarill. It is really good with some energy lead. Grass Knot + Thunder is usually preferred over Dig (despite performing better and Steels)

    This is actually Speediest Chief2's team, you may check out the video here.

    Wigglytuff + Deoxys (Defense) + Probopass

    Potential counters: Forretress, Lanturn, Swampert

    Great against: Raichu (Alola), Togekiss

    Pretty average team. I don't know how to explain it well. Type matchup has it, though. Raichu can't take Charms well, apparently.

    Clefable + Shiftry + Haunter

    Potential counters: Wigglytuff, Poison, Steel

    Great against: Azumarill, Froslass, Meganium, Mew, Raichu (Alola)

    The team is pretty difficult to master. Every member requires a shield to unleash their full potential. The problem is that you only have 2 shields unless you get the 3rd shield bug, so knowing the timing is crucial. And they're basically toothless against Steel.

    Gardevoir (Shadow) + Victreebel (Shadow) + Hypno (Shadow)

    Potential counters: Marowak (Alola), Steel

    Great against: Hitmontop, Lanturn, Raichu (Alola), Swampert, Vigoroth

    Triple Shadow team, that's really cool. But is it useful after all? Surprisingly, yes. Except for losing hard to all Steels, the team hits hard and forces the opponent to shield.

    I think everyone now knows how frail Swampert actually is, right? It can be charmed down by Gardevoir before reaching the second Hydro Cannon.

    Mawile (Shadow) + Azumarill + Altaria

    Potential counters: Azumarill, Cresselia, Mantine

    Great against: Bronzong, Forretress, Muk (Alola), Umbreon

    If you face a Water lead, switch Mawile out. You can't deal significant damage without consuming shields and Mawile simply isn't a Pokémon that baits shields fast in return. Thankfully, the rest of the team covers Mudbois well (but not Azumarill).

    If not, then congrats, Mawile with at least a shield wrecks anything else with the corresponding Fast move. Ice Fang, Fire Fang and Bite are all useful depending on your team comp and your opponent's. Do not use Astonish, ever.

    Mawile walls Umbreon, no fancy baiting necessary (though Play Rough would be nice, it actually loses in 2 shields going straight Play Rough).

    Water as lead

    Swampert and Whiscash are the most common Mudbois. Swampert is better against Skarmory, while Whiscash is better against Altaria. They both are fantastic Steel counters and countered extremely hard by Grass unless with energy lead (Blizzard onto Grass FTW).

    Mantine has the potential to nerf opponent's attack stat, but it relies on shield baiting to win some matches.

    Lapras and Dewgong are two of the few Water-type Altaria counters that can beat Grass (tanking one super effective Frenzy Plant).

    Swampert + Azumarill + Altaria

    Potential counters: Azumarill

    Great against: Bronzong, Charizard, Forretress, Marowak (Alola), Muk (Alola), Scrafty

    Sludge Wave Swampert is preferred here, mostly because how it covers against Azumarill. However, "cover" does not mean "beat", but does take Azumarill pretty low without baiting.

    Remember one more thing, the only Grass counter on your team is Altaria. Do not let the flying dragon faint until you have taken out opponent's Grass.

    Swampert + Meganium + Bastiodon

    Potential counters: Quagsire, Vigoroth, Grass

    Great against: Bronzong, Magneton, Raichu (Alola)

    Hope your opponent does not have a Grass Pokémon. If he/she does, you lose. If he/she doesn't, you win. Meganium + Bastiodon is a such good pair.

    Whiscash + Mantine + Skarmory

    Potential counters: Hypno, Mantine

    Great against: Jirachi, Sableye, Toxicroak

    Mantine + Whiscash is great. Having air and ground support, the team isn't too weak to anything. Skarmory counters Grass better than Mantine, which is still usable with some energy lead and baiting.

    Toxicroak can't do many things to this team. The fighting frog is just an ATM (it means you can farm up).

    Whiscash + Skarmory + Umbreon

    Potential counters: Hitmontop, Mantine, Umbreon

    Great against: Froslass, Jirachi, Muk (Alola), Sableye

    Skarmory can't beat Hitmontop in 1 shield scenario. Close Combat paired with Hitmontop's high attack simply is too much to handle, and apparently also too much for the other team members. On the other hand, Umbreon and Mantine are too tanky.

    Muk (Alola) can't do too much to this team. Sableye and Jirachi can beat Skarmory with some energy lead.

    Lapras + Altaria + Azumarill

    Potential counters: Azumarill, Haunter

    Great against: Altaria, Marowak (Alola), Muk (Alola), Quagsire

    Old, classic Ice Shard Lapras is ready to sweep teams that rely on Altaria to win. After Lapras is down, Azumarill is in the back to help you out. Again, Altaria beats Grass. Poor Alolan Marowak has the same fate as Altaria against this team.

    Be aware of opposing Azumarill if you aren't running Play Rough on your Azumarill, though.

    Lapras + Medicham + Umbreon

    Potential counters: Medicham, Toxicroak, Venusaur, Fairy

    Great against: Muk (Alola), Skarmory, Swampert, Whiscash

    Side note: Skarmory tends not to beat Fighters these days, and that (kind of) shows why Altaria is better as a Fighting counter.

    Mudbois are going to have a hard time. Swampert needs to land Earthquake to win against Lapras. Umbreon outbulks it. Medicham simply does more damage with Counter.

    However, a team with Umbreon that doesn't contain of a Steel or Poison is weak to Fairies in every single way. Fighters that Medicham can't beat also cause trouble.

    Dewgong + Whiscash + Mantine

    Potential counters: Hitmontop, Meganium

    Great against: Altaria, Bronzong, Skarmory, Steelix, Togekiss, Toxicroak

    Final team in this series, yay! This is the team that TheAsianMilkMan used to get to rank 10 (!!). A solid double debuff team (see above), plus Whiscash in the middle spamming Charged moves, your opponent will be frustrated over time. Timing out is the key to win. If you manage to keep all 3 Pokémon alive, you win.

    However, using triple Water indicates that the team is weak to Grass. Or iS iT? I'm happy to inform you that this isn't the case.

    You might want to check out Kieng's video on your own to get more information about how to use it correctly. However, Dewgong desperately NEEDS the legacy Ice Shard + Icy Wind to do that well.


    This marks the end of this series (for now, until the next big meta shakeup). Stay safe, everyone! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/333-blue
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    I catch a Shiny Beldum today.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    How rare is that? What are the odds? I love this event so far. I hope you catch one as well. They are lovely and also we can use them in Ultra or Master leagues. :) http://imgur.com/a/kta7U3B

    submitted by /u/ilikethisnow
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    I got my first Shlundo! Story in post.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Decided to go for a walk to free my mind due to the current covid-19 situation. I randomly met a luckyfriend so we decided to trade a shiny cobalium. https://imgur.com/gallery/9IFqCx3

    submitted by /u/pezco
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Gbl lag after update

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    For the most part my gbl hasn't been super negative but ever since the newest patch it's back to how it was in preseason. Literally every game I play I have huge lag spikes. This wasn't an issue until I updated to the new version. I've lost 100 rating because my opp gets to fast move me for 5 seconds while my guy stands there atleast once a set. Probably just done with this until it's actually fixed. So much for Pikachu libre. What a huge waste of dust

    submitted by /u/Lithar
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    Currently I’m reading a manga called Kaguya-Sama : Love is War. Pokémon go managed to make a small appearance!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    no you will not

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    I lost on a 12 win streak on GBL last night but received a 4* shiny Cobalion as a reward just after! :)

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Shiny 4* Cobalion

    This was my first shiny from a gbl reward I was very happy to see this after being tilted after my loss it was also my first 4* Pokemon! What has everyone else gotten as a reward recently?

    submitted by /u/jakepool
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    Lucky Exchanges choices

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Hi !

    I'm Lucky with 4 of my friends but idk what exchange, i have all legendary Pokémon on my pokedex

    According to you, I must prioritize which ?


    submitted by /u/nmen00v
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    Bug: GBL match disconnected before match even started- counted as a match loss

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Doesn't bother me that much because I wasn't planning on winning for or five matches anyway, but after using a premium pass and having it happen is a little irritating and could really bother someone else

    submitted by /u/Furrycheetah
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    Great League is ending- what was your best team?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Always gotta love the vast ocean of difference between players at 1750 vs 1850. Now that I'm back at that higher rank, I almost don't want it to end. Been cleaning up with this team.

    Azumarill as a closer for the bulk and dual attacks with wide coverage. Skarmory to cover for the weakness to grass and just all around a lot of resistances. My lead? Jirachi. That little thing has absurdly wide coverage and powerful attacks. Hits anything well unless it resists psychic. Since it is has one of very few steel moves, it even covers its own weakness to fairy.

    My big weakness is to electric, but outside of Deoxys that doesn't tend to be too powerful. Used to love Hypno as a lead, but it is more vulnerable to dark and fairy. Jirachi is a lot, man.

    What has been your best team?

    submitted by /u/MalcontentRonin
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    Morning guys and girls. With the new psychic Pokémon event starting this morning I've managed to catch enough Solosis to evolve into all 3 forms. For anyone who has incense left the spawn rates for these seem to be boosted ☺️

    submitted by /u/K1R1T0-0911
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    Egg incubator not counting

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Ive had a few issues with my account, i was in Reykjavik in September playing and suddenly my account was logged out and ive spent 7 months getting it back

    However i got it back a few days ago and eveeything is working fine but my distance walked goes up but it still is stuck on the old total distance i walked in Reykjavik. So my eggs arent going up andnmy total distance isnt either

    What can i do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/IntestinalBees
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    Shiny rate boosted for safari zone people?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Just wondering what the current consensus is from people that had tickets and are getting the safari zone spawns. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/PsychoRed335
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    Question About House Spawns

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    How does the game determine where to place house spawns? I have a friend that gets 3 spawns at his house and lives in the same area as me, while I get none and even none on the nearby. I'm basically just wondering if there is any way to increase the chances of pokemon spawning at my house, since now that I can't go out, I basically can't play the game.

    submitted by /u/SlySweetBunny
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    Not recognizing my activity

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Pokémon Go says I've walked 0 kms this week when in fact I've either walked or ran about 23 kms so far...

    submitted by /u/KadenLane
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    One one else get a win in GBL because of “Time Expired”?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    I just played a battle in GBL and the game stopped midway through battle with a message something along the lines of "time expired". During the entire match I was experiencing terrible lag. The timer to swap Pokémon after one of my Pokémon fainted even glitched and showed as much as 20 seconds on the timer. When time expired I wasn't sure if it would treat it as a tie and give us both a loss but was surprised to see that it gave me the win. I had two Pokémon left and he had one left. I wish I had the screenshots to prove it.

    I felt bad because if there was enough time he most likely would've beat me because both my Pokémon had low health. I'm sorry to whoever that was, just no I wasn't hacking or cheating, GBL is just a broken mode that needs some work.

    Edit: Super glad to get someone quick, thorough answers from fellow redditors.

    submitted by /u/ibleev
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    Question for Jump Start Research

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I recently got back into Pokémon go and I started doing the Jump Start Research and from one of the completions I encountered a Dratini.

    This is the Dratini I encountered.

    After looking it up apparently everyone gets a Dratini it's just part of the thing.

    My question is does everyone get a good ivy Dratini?

    submitted by /u/Nach0Nacho0
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