• Breaking News

    Monday, July 27, 2020

    Pokémon GO - I'm so happy for you man.

    Pokémon GO - I'm so happy for you man.

    I'm so happy for you man.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Double shadow shiny from one team rocket battle! Both Jessie and James were feeling generous today

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    I hatched a Deino in front of a cloud that looks like Deino!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    As a disabled person I have finally completed all my reseach requests!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    I can't move around and walk as much as you other folks, but today I finally managed to complete all the research requests! I just wanted to share my monday happiness with you.

    submitted by /u/lordnickefa
    [link] [comments]

    Level cap going to be increased

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    They are basically the same thing.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    One of the coolest GO Fest shiny!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    But why would you do this? We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close! And then you add a Heatmor??

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Night Audit- working overnight at a hotel was hard enough before Covid and now this crazy Karen’s coming out. Not wearing a mask, not maintaining 6 ft. Send help!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    My reaction to everyone playing dragons after the event

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Gible ran away ��

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Getting along with the popular kids

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    [OC] Drew me & my long distance friend remote raiding during GO Fest

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Buddy gifts right now

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I got extremely lucky this time! I caught all the special starter in their shiny version! Anyone has achieved this too? Let me know!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Am I the only one disappointed they did not use the real shadow mewtwo?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    When you get that text ������

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Just chilling under a tree with my new shiny when suddenly team rocket struck ...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    It should be a feature

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    How it feels when I just do the daily interactions with my buddy Pokémon and rarely ever do much else with them.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    3 shinies this weekend! Overall it was a fun time despite the glitches (seriously wish they'd fix their issues once and for all). I was hoping for more shiny encounters but 3 is better than zero!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Don’t want to leave you guys with the idea I just hate on our customers. We like most of them (smallish town), even the complicated ones, and not everyone is a Karen.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Hehe it do be like that

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Got a new feature for my fish tank ��

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:28 AM PDT

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