• Breaking News

    Friday, October 16, 2020

    Pokémon GO - If you have extra lures drop them at Children’s hospitals in case there are kids playing nearby

    Pokémon GO - If you have extra lures drop them at Children’s hospitals in case there are kids playing nearby

    If you have extra lures drop them at Children’s hospitals in case there are kids playing nearby

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:31 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Yes, Pokémon go is fun, except when you have to spend half an hour standing in the rain while holding an umbrella for your mom so that she can catch pokemons.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Just caught my fifth shiny

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    [CONCEPT] With strange eggs being introduced, this needs to happen!

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Caught my favorite shiny!! Named him Greino :D

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    I’ve hatched about 20 Shroomish

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    A guide for acquiring the new 12k eggs.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I noticed my community was getting frustrated with acquiring some new 12k eggs so I decided to make a guide about the stuff related to them so that everyone can get access to the newly available pokemon without having to go through so much pain in the process. Some of the stuff in this guide might seem trivial to some players but I wish at least some of you will find it helpful. The guide is divided to a couple of sections concidering different things surrounding the acquiring of the new eggs and this event. Please take note that my observations in this guide have been made at a site that is rich with poke stops and the information mostly concerns playing during the ongoing event during which rockets spawn more frequently.

    Playing Style

    The main goal is to get red eggs as fast as possible while walking around. This is acquired by searching for grunts actively while playing. I even do grunts when I have my radar ready for buddy battles etc. and you might spot this in some parts of the guide. However, if the area you are playing at is running low on grunts, I recommend saving them for the next red egg if you already have your radar ready. I'm also using Go-tcha when I play and will be writing some things in the guide for fellow Go-tcha users. People with Pokemon GO Plus don't have to worry though, this guide has something for everyone and your device is more forgiving when avoiding spinning stops. :D


    The antagonist of the event, filling out the egg slots when no one needs it to. I like to switch the spinning of stops off from Pokemon GO's settings when my distance to hatch reaches less than 0.5km. If an egg happens to hatch in the middle of something else and I have 4 or more radar components collected, I also tend to switch Go-tcha off from my phones notification bar. I don't know how the notification trick works with other OSs than Android, but switching Bluetooth off in a panic situation should fix the problem.


    At this part of the guide I will tell my opinions and ideas for hatching during the event. The distance you cover while defeating six grunts varies from around 1km to 2.5km with the current spawn rate. This covers distances of 3 different eggs from which I prefer to hatch 5ks for reasons stated below. I'll also give you some ideas how you should hatch the other eggs to get the 12ks to your egg slots.

    5k eggs

    These are in my opinion the overall best choice when hatching with your infinite incubator. They are the easiest ones to obtain as they don't require During the event they will require a walking distance of 1.25km which will mostly make them finish a little earlier you get a new radar, but this can be easily regulated and I will get to it in other parts of this guide.

    2k eggs

    I like to call these the panic eggs. During the event they hatch too fast for collecting six components, but if your egg slot is filled and your radar is ready or almost ready a 2k egg with a 0.5km hatching distance can really save you from the situation. I try to keep 2 or 3 of these at hand for some unexpected situations, I'll hatch the extras if I don't have other eggs ready.

    7k eggs

    These are the eggs that have the most optimal hatching speed for the event in my opinion. However, getting new ones requires so much extra hassle that I just can't see it being worth it. The only special scenario I can think of is to get 7ks is if you don't have many radar components and want to open your gifts early as they can ruin your midnight rocket boss egg chance. More about this special scenario later.

    10k and 12k eggs

    The slow eggs. I don't like hatching them in regular incubator and therefore I recommend hatching them in bundles with your other incubators if you have some. There are several reasons for this:

    a) Restocking your 5ks and 2ks for the next round of acquiring red eggs b) Star pieces and the extra dust gained from hatching c) Frustration control*

    *I was still quite happy to get a Sandile from my last batch of 7 12ks and 1 10k even though other hatches were 3x Trubbish, 2x Larvitar, 1x Absol and 1x Feebas. Imagine hatching those mons one at a time! It is a matter of personal preference, though.


    Rocket Radar

    When you have a radar and under 0.5km distance for the next egg hatch, turn off Go-tcha or at least the stop spinning from the settings of Pokemon GO and find a leader. If a balloon is a about to appear and I have a radar and no chance of getting an egg slot quickly I just tend to turn the radar off in the bag to save it for later and to get to do a regular grunt.

    Super Rocket Radar

    If you have a Super Rocket Radar now, don't beat Giovanni yet. I understand that you want the elusive Shadow-Mewtwo, but battling only the decoys helps you get the regular radar faster and hence speeds up your egg collecting process. I can't believe I'm telling you this, but battling decoys also gives you chance to roll some bellsprouts to get a good pvp specimen of Victreebell (sorry everyone…). However, the important thing with this radar is to always, ALWAYS remember to turn it off before a balloon appears as a) Giovanni blocks out the leader trio from appearing in the balloon, b) defeating Giovanni slows down gaining your components. Then again you could just stop using super radar for the duration of the event or beat Giovanni ASAP to keep the rustling of your jimmies under control.


    Gifts are a solid way of getting a little star dust and the most optimal way of getting xp. However, they tend to fill your egg slots when they have the chance. Many players I know tend to open their gifts close to midnight, which is kinda risky during this event as you try to get an empty egg slot for the midnight leader. For this reason I recommend opening the gifts during day and maybe getting some 7k eggs in the process as they have the most optimal hatching distance as mentioned earlier. I recommend opening gifts when your egg has just hatched, and you have 3 or less radar pieces. After the previous step put a 2k egg to your infinite incubator and you don't have to wait too long if you are in middle of a grinding. In my opinion getting 7ks is also optional as it increases the amount of micro managing your egg inventory and might frustrate people.


    I think this part of the guide might be a no brainer to some people as we are talking about a one-year old mechanic. Anyway, I think that it is important to talk about exploiting the mechanics in battles against the leaders as they many times can save the battles. NPCs stop attacking after a pokemon is switched and after you or they use a charge move, and this gives you the goal to try to get in as many fasts as you can in these "freebie slots". You also don't want to lead with the the pokemon you want to use to take down the leaders first pokemon, but instead switch your lead to your counter to leaders lead to get in some free fast moves. You also want to use some charge moves that get charged fast, as they are good for getting the leaders' shields down. You can see my current teams against the leaders below. All of the attacking pokemon are at least level 35. I will also go through my general strategies against the leaders briefly. Basically I usually use 2 attacking pokemon against a leader and my third pokemon is one I'm getting a buddy battle for.Take note that these aren't the only possible options for defeating the leaders and the main emphasis on this part of the guide is to learn to abuse the mechanics of the NPCs against them and not to build the same teams I use.

    N = changing pokemon I'm buddygrinding

    Cliff: N, Dragonite, Machamp

    Switch N to champ. Champ does super effective damage against omanyte and many of the other pokemon cliff is using and Cross Chop is a fast charge which is good for getting the shields down. Dragonite has a good coverage for some pokemon champ is struggling against.

    Arlo: N, Kyogre, Heatran

    Switch N to Kyogre. You can farm Growlithe down with Waterfall and Kyogre also works good against many of the other pokemon Arlo has. Surf is also a good charge move for getting down the shields. Heatran also has a good coverage against many of the pokemon Arlo is using. This is my newest leader team as I had to make some changes to my general Arlo lineup as the first pokemon wasn't weak to fire anymore and it's usage could be limited. Other pokemon I've been using against arlo are magnezone and mamoswine.

    Sierra: N, Giratina-O, Machamp

    Switch N to Gira. Drowzee either does none or some damage with its fasts and shadow claw + ominous wind have a good shield farming potential. However, I've been using shadow ball gira and in addition to being fast enough it even does good damage to Sharpedo as it is super glassy. Gira also takes care of alakazam and exegguttor smoothly. Machamp handles Sierra's dark types with no problem.

    That's all folks, finally reached the end of my first guide! Thanks for reading and good luck for your red egg hunt! 😊

    submitted by /u/SuperPoisoning
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    "This pitiless Pokémon commands a group of Pawniard to hound prey into immobility. It then moves in to finish the prey off."

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Pokédex/Pokemon bag synergy

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    There should be an option to go straight to a pokemons Pokédex entry when looking at it in your bag. There should also be a search option in the Pokédex itself.

    Just a thought

    submitted by /u/frothywingspan
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    Second shiny

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Yeah I’m back shitposting

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Look at this duuude.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    This grunt is impressed, frankly I am too...

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    My pokemon go is crashing atfter the new update i dont make it past the niantic screen

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    As said my pokemon go just crashes everytime i try to start it i am using an iphone 8 and it shouldn't be issue im not jailbroken nor have i used cheats

    submitted by /u/Artickxz
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    I think I found a bug, I didn’t get trubbish from my 12k egg.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Dear diary, I have finished hatching eggs..

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Dear diary,

    So today I have completely decided to stop the egg grind. I have met 270 Team rocket grunts, I know their names and their families. Good people really and they introduced me to some nice locations, Pokémon and XP.

    Unfortunately their supervisors weren't so nice, I was able to meet 45 of them through out these few days of grinding. Luckily they came to me in hot air balloons (who still travels like that). None of their Pokémon were friendly or shiny for that matter which is ok. They did give me eggs, and diary you know I be hatchin me some eggs. I got some good XP and items as well.

    They eventually gave me 45 eggs but sadly I couldn't just simmer them I HAD to hatch them all as fast as I could. I was ready! New Pokémon are always good to see, sometimes better than sparkles (rarely) wouldn't you know it tho:

    • Trubbish: 22
    • Absol: 16
    • Larvitar: 5
    • Vullaby: 1
    • Pawnaird: 1
    • Sandile: 0

    Edit: - Scraggy: 0 - Deino: 0

    I did get some good XP, and candies but I suppose it was just another adventure with PoGo.

    I'm not crying diary, it's been raining inside.

    • BadDog
    submitted by /u/_BadONE
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    The app doesn’t start

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Im on iOS 14.0.1 on iPhone XR Not the beta version. Rebooted Uninstalled reinstalled Deleted safari data Set time from automatic to manual and back Still no work Any ideas ?

    submitted by /u/PCSE_32
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    Even Team Rocket is impressed with my 100IV Shiny Giratina ��

    Posted: 15 Oct 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    My almost 100% lucky Squirtle

    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 12:10 AM PDT

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