• Breaking News

    Monday, February 1, 2021

    Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:00 AM PST

    Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

    If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread.

    Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

    Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

    Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    I can relate to this Cyndaquil rn

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:24 AM PST

    Who else hates potions from gifts?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:30 AM PST

    Found a real life Pokestop at Descanso Gardens (California)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:15 PM PST

    When you fail to catch anything more than 3 times

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    3 consecutive excellent curve throws go brrrrr

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:20 AM PST

    Rondoudou, please don't hurt my family

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:57 AM PST

    Woke up to a Froakie spawn and got excited, boy did my day plummet after

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:25 AM PST

    My Grandma's area rug has little pokeballs

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:54 AM PST

    Don’t have many shinies, but at least I got a golden pine nut.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:32 PM PST

    Team Rocket event infographic

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    Anyone still holding to some special gift from a trip, event...?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:01 AM PST

    Spnt 5 mn on ths plz snd upvote

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:39 PM PST

    Exactly how I felt scrolling through my Pokemon from the last day when I came across this :/

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:22 PM PST

    Go down to the docks today and you might just find a friend

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:38 PM PST

    Meet my FIRST Ever Best Buddy “TyraniTina”!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:01 PM PST

    Why can’t I transfer this to sword and shield?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:30 AM PST

    Ever since I started hatching 12k eggs

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:28 PM PST

    "This divine Pokémon blows around the world, always in search of a pure reservoir."

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    After he hit the L ride without me he wanna chill in my house ����should I let him in ?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:32 PM PST

    My weavile I caught during the sneasel event.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:24 PM PST

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