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    Thursday, July 8, 2021

    Pokémon GO - A heads up for the collection challenge

    Pokémon GO - A heads up for the collection challenge

    A heads up for the collection challenge

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    Not all required Pokémon are guaranteed to be found in the wild! Specifically: the gen 2, gen 4, and gen 6 starters. To get them you might need to use a lure module, or get them from some field research.

    Here is a site that explains it all, scroll down for some easy-to-read info-graphics.


    Edit: those Pokémon can still spawn in the wild if they were in your local spawnpool before the event started.

    Edit 2: the gen 6 Pokémon can also be found in 1 star raids Also made the original post a bit clearer

    submitted by /u/PinkPhi
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    So I know we’re all excited about a flying Pikachu…

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    But is nobody going to talk about WHO'S making Pikachu fly and how dangerous it is!? How do they eat? What if they get scared? Is this done willingly or by force!? Niantic you cruel monster!


    submitted by /u/Unagustoster
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    Pokedex update - How is there STILL not a search option in the Pokedex!?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    This is just an absurd oversight. Why is a trainer not able to search through the pokedex for a specific name? In order to do this, you need to go to your pokemon storage - if you HAVE one, you can click it and then click on "See in Pokedex" and then you can see it in the Pokedex. If you DON'T have one, you cannot even use this workaround.

    Just a huge oversight. QOL improvements are so few and far between...makes me think we may never have this very easy addition.

    submitted by /u/unevenvenue
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    Anyone else going over the top planning for GO Fest?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    Since I didn't play for nearly two years, I missed out on a heap of legendary Pokemon as well as limited/rare wild Pokemon, so I feel like I've got a LOT to catch up on during GO Fest.

    I've set up a spreadsheet, partially so I can work out which of the wild Pokemon I want to focus on during each environment hour, but mostly so I can keep track of all the legendaries I need to get from each raid hour. I've even tried to work out time zones so I can coordinate with people in other parts of the world to get the legendaries from the Lake Trio that I can't get here.

    Does anyone else do this sort of thing? I know a lot of people would find making spreadsheets etc boring but I'm already pumped for the event (and I'm one of those anally-retentive people who loves making lists haha). I'm also hoping that if I don't manage to get everything I need by raiding with my local group, I can make up for it by raiding with other people in later time zones/regions. My local group are already trying to work out 'raid paths' so we can travel together in/around town and coordinate our raids.

    I haven't done a GO Fest before (either I wasn't playing or the tickets were too expensive), but with the tickets so cheap now it's worth it for the extra raid passes alone. I just hope it isn't as laggy/buggy as it has apparently been for some of the past GO Fest events.

    EDIT: Here's a link to the spreadsheet if anyone wants to download a copy (hopefully it works):


    Sorry if any of the time zones are wrong, I just used an online converter (also the Australian times are Melbourne/Sydney etc, so you'd need to adjust time if you're in/coordinating with central or western Australia).

    submitted by /u/RabidRathian
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    Go fest 2021 newbie here, with a few questions to help prepare :)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    Hi all, as the title says, this years go fest will be my first that i can actually play both days, and am curious how i should prepare for it. What should i stock up on, be prepared for, etc. Any tips ot tricks from the last years that may help? Thanks so much!!

    submitted by /u/Captured_Cloud
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    NGL, The new Pokedex SLAPS and...

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    I have been casually but consistently collecting Lucky Pokemon for the past 2 years. Apparently I've collected 238 including legendaries, most of the starters, and everything in between. A couple weeks ago where they changed the lucky background display so you could barely tell if any Pokemon you had was lucky or not without staring at the screen for 5 seconds, I was so upset; considered quitting the game.. I didn't know that they were finally coming out with this long requested change. Super happy here now!

    I'm wondering which new dex were you all most interested in and why? Anyone else like me considering quitting it before they popped out with this huge new update?

    submitted by /u/Mariahchan
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    Postcard Map!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    It would be super cool if there was an interactive world map where you could see where you had received postcards ~ it's so cool to see them from all around the globe :)

    submitted by /u/hallowinning1
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    I think I messed up

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    Doing that quest where you essentially get a free dratini and I already evolved it before taking a snapshot of it. Do I have to wait til I find another one or will they accept a Dragonair snapshot?

    submitted by /u/kanyeetwest69
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    I finally beat Giovanni

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to this game and I'm bamboozled by all the chat around IV, charge, fast etc. However after many attempts I finally beat him! I used Tyranitar, Emboar and Gyrados. DELIGHTED!

    submitted by /u/massie_le
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    Psystrike on Shadow Mewtwo

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    So I recently hit my first tank 19 for that ETM and decided to use it on my Shadow Mewtwo for Psystrike

    He's Level 29.5 and Best Buddy (CP: 3378), I do PVE mostly (raids) and was wondering if Psystrike was worth a ETM for raids

    submitted by /u/Guilty_Advantages
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    App Crashing forever

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 04:09 AM PDT

    hello im not sure where to go, but my app has consistently crashed every time i attempt to open for the past year+. i've tried all the usual power on/off, delete redownload business on my iPhone but to no avail... just wondering if anyone has any other suggestions ? :)

    submitted by /u/the123454321
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    Gen 2 startes missing?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    I just need the 3 Gen 2 startes for the 5th anniversary and have not seen one yet. Anyone else having the same?

    submitted by /u/kingkappie
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    Unpopular Opinion?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Go Battle League currently isn't enjoyable. I can't stand when people bring in three legendaries. I wish would try and build more unique teams than just using legendary Pokémon. Maybe that's just me tho.

    submitted by /u/Prison-M1ke
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    Friends problem

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    I am having trouble doing some of the friend related quests and I have a bunch of gifts I never use, what do you recommend.

    submitted by /u/Tynamo-lord429
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    shadow marshstomp

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    is it impossible to get now?, it is the 2nd pokemon in the girl's "these waters are treacherous" but ive done like 70 of them and never got the 2nd pokemon

    submitted by /u/AshorK0
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    Niantic should add raids at night as well!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    I play the game mostly at mornings with my bicycle and it really bugs me that the only thing i can do is to hatch eggs and catch pokemons whenever i encounter them. I understand that these hours can be dangerous, but the streets are all empty at my city and it would be really good to do raids with my morning bike buddies.

    submitted by /u/tendiriod
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    Is it worth it to catch and/or keep multiple event pikachu?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    I've found a couple of the event pikachu, but they tend to be hard to catch and fairly weak. Is there any point in catching more than a couple for trading?

    I'm sorry if the question is dumb in any way, I've just started playing again for the first time since 2017

    submitted by /u/Myturtledied
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    New Pokedex Tabs Do Not Apply Retroactively

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    One of the new tabs in the pokedex is "Perfect." Now perfect pokemon are not a dime a dozen...and with CD moves many starters I have found that were perfect, I evolved on those days

    Under the perfect tab, however, it does not unlock those prior evolution entries. It only checked for what i currently have. So if I wanted to fill my perfect dex, I now have to re-find/hatch/trade for every entry a second time. This is untenable.

    Some of you would argue this would be hard for niantic to do, to check for every single previous entry.

    I disagree. For every pokemon it has a date caught attached to it, and id imagine someone could check the game logs to verify my perfect blaziken or metagross was in fact originally hatched or traded as a torchic and beldum respectively.

    Those who would argue further that the implementation of a ticket syste, or in game scanning system, or whatever would need to be done is too much of a headache or a time sync for niantic i ask you this: Which would take longer- having a company verify in which way every t2/t3 4* pokemon was obtained, or having every player reobtain a 4* of all prior 4* pokemon they already had?

    This time sync should not be passed to the player. Something I hope will be done about this. I am not saying it needs to be done tomorrow or like ASAP; there are bigger problems in the game. But there does need to be something to address it.

    submitted by /u/BenAndrion
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    Has anyone gotten the Youngster gold medal?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    I have caught 1,249 rattata and only have 140/300 tiny for the challenge. Even further away from the Fisherman medal.

    submitted by /u/bonezbonez
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    I really wish there was a “Congrats” sticker

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    I really wish there was a "congrats" sticker

    I just think it would be really nice. You could send it to people when they catch shinies, get a cool new buddy or when they hit level milestones. I send a lot of gifts every day and I love using stickers tbh, maybe they can add one for a new event or something.

    submitted by /u/LilNyeTheCocaineGuy
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