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    Monday, August 2, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - August 2021

    Pokémon GO - Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - August 2021

    Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - August 2021

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:00 AM PDT



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    I'm sick of the memes here, I want the discussion posts!

    try http://nr.reddit.com/r/pokemongo for desktop users or this for mobile/app users.

    Niantic support : https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us

    /r/PokemonGO FAQ: /r/PokemonGo/wiki/FAQ

    There's this Pokéstop/Gym near me which seems inappropriate. Can I report it?

    Use this link. However, Niantic seems to be preoccupied with other things now, so don't expect too much.

    We have Niantic representatives on both here and /r/TheSilphRoad - please do not ping them for bugs which are in the known issues page unless you have found a niche yet gamebreaking issue/exploit.

    Where can I find other players in my area?

    Try our regional subreddits list! Also, see the related subreddits or TSR's community map!

    If you have any suggestions for FAQs to append to this thread or for meta questions, message the moderators or mention /u/PokemonGoMods!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Gameplay complaint mega thread

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    Look guys, we get it, we truly do. Niantic has a loud majority (myself included) miffed at the reset to old distances despite the advanced warning it would be this way. There are numerous reasons why this is a bad idea, the biggest being that covid is not even close to being over.

    This post is for users to discuss in one place that frustration.

    The rules for the sub are still in place. Feel free to complain share what you are doing, how you think niantic should handle the distances, etc.

    Do not call others to action. What does this mean? Broadly if your comment is everyone should do x y or z that is a call to action.

    If you want to talk about how this impacted you do so. If you want to talk about how every one is a salty boi who didn't deserve the upgraded distances, do so civilly (rule 1 is very much in effect here guys)

    If you want to say hi go ahead and do so.

    As stated yesterday the conversation has been open on the sub for a month now and the complaints were flooding the sub and we wont let the entire sub devolve into a complaint sub.

    This is were and how you may continue to have your voice heard, because yes it is important to have it heard, but it is important to maintain order and let users with questions, stories, bugs etc also have their voices heard in a normal way.

    With all of that out of the way here is my thought. Covid is not over, delta variant is spreading like wildfire, while I accept that Niantic warned us the reversion was coming, they should have delayed it. I in principle am fine with the old distances as the point of the game is to go to places and see those places. If you are 80 m away you cant see that plaque you just spun, or might not walk in front of that shop that has a nifty sign. But the risk of closer interactions is significant and Niantic has been tone def to the concerns raised in the last month by users.

    submitted by /u/BootsMade4Walking
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    Stop telling me to scan pokestops, Niantic. I'm not going to do it.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    There is no way I am walking around with a camera trying to "scan" a pokestop. I can't think of anything more dumb, embarrassing, and potentially confrontational in this day and age than doing something like that.

    submitted by /u/earthman34
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    New Ideas for Niantic

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    With the recent pokestop distance changes I thought I would give them some similar ideas.

    1. Make trade distance 1 foot and limit to 5 trades per day.

    2. Remove the free daily raid pass, so we are encouraged to walk more, just because.

    3. To catch Pokémon you must be on top of the Pokémon, it's not realistic to catch a Pokémon 20 feet away, we should have to be right on top of them.

    4. Remove quick catch trick.

    5. Double the length of all animations for trading, catching, reward screens etc.

    I think if they implement these changes it would complement the recent changes, sure they aren't as bad, but I'm not a sociopath so I couldn't come up with something as evil as them.

    submitted by /u/Thortox
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    How it feels to play Pokemon GO in the US today...

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 07:31 PM PDT


    F for the ability to reach Gyms from across the street...

    submitted by /u/skewtr
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    Top 10 Worst Changes to PoGO

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    First let me start by saying that this is an opinion post. I should also note I may have forgotten some terrible permanent changes. Please keep this in mind as you read. Thank you :)

    10) Removal of Free Raid Pass extended distance

    For the past year, you used to be able to attain a raid pass at a distance of ~300-325 meters from a gym if it had a raid actively on it, or if there was a raid egg on the gym (by clicking the gym, then clicking the egg icon in the bottom left). This was particularly helpful this past winter when my area saw numerous snowstorms and while I couldn't go out and raid, I could at least, safely, attain my daily raid pass so that I could use it the next day when snow was plowed and it was safer. Niantic just a few days ago silently patched this out. The reason it's at #10 is because you can still easily get a raid pass by going to a gym. This was, simply, a nice little QoL change (bug) that didn't hurt no one.

    9) Removal of PokeStop Spin XP when bag was full

    Back in 2016, you could spin a PokeStop with a full bag and still attain 50 XP for doing so. I remember going to my local hotspot and walking around in the middle of summer for well over an hour just catching and spinning PokeStops and gaining a ton of XP. I remember enjoying these little sessions a lot. One day, I suddenly didn't gain XP and got an error when trying to spin a PokeStop when my bag was full. I went online and saw others complaining about it and that Niantic had "patched it." This was the last day I'd go out for a fun session like this. I really miss doing this...

    8) Removal of shaking leaves to show spawn points

    Another 2016 removal. Remember the shaking leaves? These showed where your local spawn points were and if you went to it, you had a "chance" to encounter a Pokemon (later was discovered spawns were 30 mins, so you had to time yourself correctly to "guarantee" a spawn). I also remember the golden fast shaking leaves. These would show where a nest was located and was very helpful in finding mini-nests and things of that nature. It was exciting to step into a park and see all the shaking gold leaves. Niantic removed this feature because "too much for their servers to handle" and to this day we still don't have any feature to show where nests are located. Sad that we knew more about nests in 2016 than we do in 2021...

    7) Removal of Sightings when PokeStops are nearby

    Just another change that made no sense. The common complaint when PokeStop Sightings went into effect was that you could see Pokemon down the street but not across the street from you. I miss seeing shadows on my nearby and having to do some hunting for them. While it's nice to know where that Pokemon is exactly, I did like having to do at least some form of hunting for them.

    6) 1st In, 1st Out Gym Changes

    I've always felt the gym system would be better with a 1st in, Last out mechanic. It just doesn't make sense for it to be the way it is. You're the one that worked to turn the gym to your team, why are you also the first one to be booted then after? I miss the old gym system but def saw and understood its flaws.

    5) Implementation of the Speedcap

    I can understand why a speedcap was implemented, but never understood why they did it the way they did. I'll never forget driving to my local library to refill my item bag and on my way, using my GO+, and it suddenly erroring out on every Stop. I was confused by this and thought there was a problem with my +, so I waited until I got to an empty road and manually spun a stop while I drove by. No dice. I asked in my local discord server if anyone else was having this issue but it was later in the night so no one was really checking. The next day, tons of threads and posts online about the new speedcap changes. This change in particular though hurt quite a few people and was one of the bigger waves of "I'm leaving this game" that was seen.

    4) Removal of 3-step tracking

    The first wave of uninstallations. This was such a fun and great feature that really got you out to explore. Combined with the shaking leaves, and you truly felt like a real Pokemon trainer. However, "server issues" would persist and this ended up breaking pretty early on in the games life. Niantic has been asked if they ever plan to bring this back and they said no.

    3) Reversing the effectiveness of Incense

    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say Incense was pretty useless up until the COVID bonuses. I never used it outside of CD/GO Fest type events because it just flat out sucked. Unfortunately, it seems Niantic has reversed its usefulness and as such, they'll just collect dust in my item bag.

    2) Reducing 100 Coins per day to 50

    Remember when you could get up to 800 coins per week if you redeemed the 100 coins every 21 hours? Those were the days. Like I said above, I miss the old gym system where what you dropped actually mattered. I still haven't forgiven Niantic for this (and never will). I wish we got to see the new coin system that AUS got to test with for a bit (without the forced raid part). What a shame :/

    1) Reversing Double Distance

    Come on, you knew this was gonna be #1. I don't even have to say much about this. This is universally agreed upon to be the worst change in history for this game.

    I hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane for those who have been around since 2016. And for you newer guys, what neat features you missed out on.

    Aight, welp, uninstalling PoGO now. I'll be back when Niantic makes double distance permanent. If that never happens...then so be it.

    submitted by /u/NianticSucksBooty
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    Regarding the reduction of the pokestops' range

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    Around here (Latin America), let's say there's plentyful of places which are better off staying away from while walking around. The pathways aren't the best, and usually you can't just go around with your phone in hand while walking around on the streets. The nearest gym I've got is on an iffy side of town. Before the reduction I was able to access it by simply staying inside a Papa John's located in a nearby commercial spot. Thanks to Niantic I won't be able, nor willing to visit that gym anymore due to the risk it represents.

    submitted by /u/Snoo_8127
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    If your upset about the spin distance reduction stop playing and delete the app

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    The easier way to send a message would be to cut their played base in half or more. If they see they loss 200k+ players they might actually listen them them compared to just 200k+ players complaining

    submitted by /u/Reasonable-Waltz-437
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    The radius decrease prevents players from accessing gyms/stops at their intended location

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    I get that some people are frustrated about not being able to reach things like they used to. And I think it's up for debate on if it's really fair if someone should have access to a gym/stop from their house. But I think the most frustrating part is places like a fitness gym or coffee shop that has its gym/stop location named after its establishment was placed too far from its location, so now I'm literally at that establishment and would need to run out to the parking lot or busy road to access the PoGo location. If you want to modify the location, suggestions take about 6mo to process. That's unacceptable if you're going to neuter the range like this. Nice work Niantic

    submitted by /u/thetransportedman
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    Bought a house with no spawns after being used to an apartment with tons of them.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:50 PM PDT


    The first image is the apartment I lived in for the last two years. Tons of spawns, it was great.

    I just bought a house and moved in Thursday. No spawns at the new house, literally 0 no matter how long I keep the game running. I've made a dire mistake.

    Pour one out for me guys. With my messed up back and knees I don't really get to walk around too much.

    submitted by /u/CivilizedPsycho
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    got my first shiny :)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    http://imgur.com/a/s1ZCHkI I just catched my first shiny today and even though it's stats aren't the best I'm still fucking happy :)

    submitted by /u/Charluci
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    About the pokestop and gym distance controversy

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    I've been reading this subreddit's posts for the past day, and have seen three types of opinions, people who do not care, people who are affected by this, and people who actually agree with the change, I have seen arguments such as "Its Pokemon go, not Pokémon stay, you don't need pokestops from your home", I understand that this game is about going out, but, there is something called having a life, I can't play pogo all the time, I have mostly time when im going from one place to another, catching what I can in the way, since the distance is decreased, I can hardly spin pokestops in the way, and I don't have the time to be stoping in each place and walking other way to spin a pokestop. The other thing, is that, when I can't play pogo and I'm home I activate my go plus, and leave the game afk farming pokestop, so when I go out I always have pokeballs, now with the half distance I go out and have a poor amount of pokeballs, this damages my experience and honestly takes away any type of motivation to play.

    To all that are calling players that disagree/complain about this "Cry babies", try seeing this side of the problem.

    submitted by /u/F_En_El_Chat_04
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    Bidoof easter edition

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    May this be the event we have all been waiting for? Bidoof easter edition https://imgur.com/gallery/5dSVXaH

    submitted by /u/cofiey
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    Talk about awful luck

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    How bad does my luck have to be to have the only shiny snover I've ever come across run away after one throw when I use a golden razz, ultra ball, and with a great curveball throw…Just brutal. Anyone else have awful stories like this?

    submitted by /u/krudi15
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    Maybe not the most useful 4-star...

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    But it was still a nice surprise today :D


    submitted by /u/ActualTymell
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    Best Pokémon go day ever

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    Today I successfully caught my first charizard in the Wild while doing a special research task. Finished the special research task and got my first ho-oh. It was a pretty hot day and as I was walking back home a blastoise popped up on my nearby. It was kinda far so I debated catching it or walking home since I was drenched in sweat. Decided to go back downtown and catch my first blastoise too. Great day.

    Edit: later that night evolved dragonair into my first dragonite though a low cp and battled defeated and caught my first dialga.

    submitted by /u/PassTheGUAC_
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    Nicknaming is cool and underrated

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    For the last week or two I've been nicknaming my Pokemon (maybe only 5-10 a day) but since then I've loved throwing out Kevin (Snorlax), Billy Ray (Rayquaza), Cape Dog (Entei) and Moto Moto (Hippodon) into battle knowing they have a bit of character to them. I know some people have thousands of Pokemon and heaps of double ups, but for the average joe it's a cool little sentiment!

    submitted by /u/LachlanIsTheRealMVP
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    Using my first incense of the day in the last hour the of the special bonus as I begin my two week quarantine after contracting COVID post vaccine.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    I just wish I lived in the same fantasy world full of rainbows and Ho-Ohs that Niantic lives in. Stay safe out there trainers!

    submitted by /u/lightcurrent
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    Playing while in the military.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:44 AM PDT

    As the title suggests im currently enlisted and had found myself really enjoying pokemon GO again after not playing for years.

    This was before the pandemic and 1 thing I noticed right away was there are 0 (zero) pokemon spawns on military bases. This means the only way you can even catch pokemon on base is through incenses. Welp... guess what just got taken away from everyone. Increased effectiveness to incenses. I know that you can achieve the same effectiveness by walking but heres the thing, walking while playing on your phone isn't something people are ok with in the military. Its a great way to get chewed out. So looks like no more catching pokemon for me.

    Additionally about the pokestop spin radius: this hurts me a lot as I actually had 1 pokestop that just BARELY reached my barracks room but now, Nope. Not even close. This means to even be able to spin one of a handful of pokestops on base I need to go out playing on my phone. Again thats not a thing you can really get away with.

    One thing I wish I could get is a car to go off base to play but I have to travel a lot and getting a car isn't a good investment right now. Sadly. So my LamborFEETies are all I can get.

    All that being said I really enjoyed picking pokémon GO back up again and its makes me really sad to say that playing pokemon GO on a military base is just bad. Really bad. If you play on a military base you are at such a disadvantage that its insane. You have to pay money to find pokemon and now probably have to pay money to get pokeballs to catch those pokemon.


    Niantic sucks.

    submitted by /u/Echoes_Act__3
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    DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

    If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread.

    Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

    Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

    Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Poke Scans

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Damn there had to go to the alter of a church to spin my Poke Stop this morning. I use to do it from the parking lot. Come on Ninantic! Gonna get me arrested! Please change this quick!

    submitted by /u/Thin-Ad-9876
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    Why can't I bike?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    Why can't I bike and play?

    Ash clearly had a bike and became a pokemon master. I can't even hatch an egg?

    submitted by /u/Suitable-Dust-2265
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    Colour Swapped Legendaries #6

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    https://imgur.com/a/LAS7T4t Colour swap of Palkia and Dialga!
    Hope you guys like it, I had a lot of fun making it! The colours may be a little off but I tried my best.

    submitted by /u/TerraRifting
    [link] [comments]

    RIP in the chat for this Blaziken

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Was so excited when I saw this Blaziken pop up on my screen... until I saw the CP :/ I caught it anyways and it's damn near perfect 😫 gonna start saving up stardust and torchic candy 🍬 ✨


    submitted by /u/zonora
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    Incense post-changes

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    Anyone try an incense since the changes yesterday? Does it work if you are just sitting around or must you be out walking now?

    submitted by /u/whiskeytails
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    Legendary Pokemons

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Hello, I wanted to ask a question: Legendary Pokemon can only be obtained in raids and / or as a reward from special missions, right? 'Cause I've never seen a legendary pokemom show up while I'm walking.

    PD: Sorry for my English, I have used the translator for some words that I did not know

    submitted by /u/Brunitox69
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