• Breaking News

    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Pokémon GO - It sucks to walk ~10 minutes to the one visible Rocket stop only for it to despawn just before you can battle it. Please give us a timer on them.

    Pokémon GO - It sucks to walk ~10 minutes to the one visible Rocket stop only for it to despawn just before you can battle it. Please give us a timer on them.

    It sucks to walk ~10 minutes to the one visible Rocket stop only for it to despawn just before you can battle it. Please give us a timer on them.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:54 AM PST

    Not on the overworld, but let us see a timer when we click on the stop from across the map. There's literally no downside. Let players see if they have enough time to get to the thing they're trying to get to before they decide to go to it.

    We just want to play the game. Let us.

    And finally put a timer on lures while you're at it.

    submitted by /u/j1mb0
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    Took a 10min stroll, caught this guy out of the "blue".

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:34 AM PST


    Always liked this shiny so I'm pretty happy rn. Also my luck has been trash these days so it feels good to get some shiny luck back.

    submitted by /u/JoyJace
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    I enjoy nicknaming my pokemon. This might be my punniest yet.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:03 AM PST

    It won't let me post a picture for some reason. I nicknamed my shiny rayquaza captain Holt, because he's a black ray. What's your best nickname?

    submitted by /u/Just__Google__It
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    Geez, light a match, Koffing! (2019)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:44 PM PST

    I noticed a foul stench coming from the bathroom, and to my surprise this little gas ball was farting it up in there: https://i.redd.it/9ceorgg9wpy31.jpg

    At least she left the room shiny. ;)

    submitted by /u/LaffeSommerpels
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    What Pokémon is this?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:02 PM PST

    So this just hatched from a 10km egg. I think it's a glitch since I've never seen anything like it before. Should I contact Niantic support and get it fixed? /s

    In all seriousness, I seriously screamed a little when it hatched. So excited and happy right now esp since I resigned myself to never seeing one, let alone getting one. I'd like to think it's a reward for the past 5 sableye eggs in a row lol. Next up, deino.


    submitted by /u/Anacrisis
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    "Super effective!"

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:18 AM PST


    Got to admit, the battles against the Rocket leaders are intense... even against a Pokémon with x4 weakness, the CP difference still lets it hold its ground.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Caught a shiny Lilipup without realizing it

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:08 AM PST

    So I woke up and caught a couple Pokémon. Closed the app and then started my day. Well I was driving and found a 2* raid that I need for the special research. Don't like the three they chose to fight Magcargo with, so I clicked and I have my settings to recent. Saw my Lilipup had some stars around it. Realized he was a shiny pupster!

    Also bought Sword and Shield with the gold tin just before!!

    submitted by /u/Kenmore11
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    Farming shadow pokemon more worth it than looking for lucky?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:56 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I've been working on my "shadow medals" (purify and rocket battles, don't recall the badge names now :D) and I got a 100% today (13/14/13 prior purifying, so 100% after) and I thought about it. A purified pokemon has a 20% discount on candies when evolving and a 20% on candies and stardust when powering up. Shouldn't people be more interested on farming shadow pokemon? I agree there aren't many meta-relevant atm ( larvitar, dratini, ralts, sneazel...) but now that Giovanni has been confirmed to be a monthly quest and (probably) will have rotating legendaries as a reward I think TGR grunts should be done more often, but people on my community don't pay attention to it. When I tell them I have +500 purified and +800 grunt battles won they get surprised....What do you guys think?

    Edit: I wanted to make 2 points/questions actually: Do you find worth it to farm shadow pokemon? Do you think purified pokemon are better thank lucky since they have 20% candy cost reduction but only 20% stardust vs 50% stardust and no candy reduction on lucky ones?

    submitted by /u/MysticalTh0r
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    Community Day in Tokyo

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:34 AM PST

    Hi! I'm on vacation in Tokyo. Where would be a good spot to play during Chimchar's Community Day? Thanks in advanced!

    submitted by /u/A_Ghost_of_Onyx
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    Community Day?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Hello, this is my first community day and I wanted to know if theres a specific location I have to go to in order to participate, or is the spawn just increased in general everywhere? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Schiift
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    I've struck Gold! ...But I need help. (TLDR)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    I deliver pizza in a small town, and a while ago one of my co-workers and I got to talking about hobbies, games, etc etc.. It turns out that homeboy played pokemon go back when it was released, but hasn't played at all in over a year and a half. I showed him some of my better Mons and he ended up recovering his account and showing some of his. I invited him to some raid days or out to play in general, but he's shown no interest in over a month now.

    Well, I brought it up again last night and asked him if he had any pokemon from 2016, he reinstalled, we take a look - he does. (Surprised Pikachu Face)

    Long story short, I explained how guaranteed lucky trades work with oldschool pokemon, and he said he'd hook me up with all 10 of his trades!

    My question is, without knowing much about which pokemon he has, are there any that I should really keep an eye out for and try to get? His trainer level is 25 so I'm not sure if he has any super special mons or whatever. What do y'all think?

    TLDR; Friend is trading me 10 mons from 2016, guaranteed lucky. What should I try to get from his account?

    submitted by /u/Bright_Side_Of_Lyfe
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    Community Day in London

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:23 AM PST

    Hey guys. I live in North London - Enfield, and I'm looking for the best place to play for community day? Shiny hundo Chimchar 🤞

    submitted by /u/Life0fty__
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    Players with age registration past 18 years old should be able to access TR leaders and raids 24/7

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PST

    I get there will be those kids that lie but at least it will be a release of liability factor in this option. After you hit 18 it's expected you will have a job and we've all complained at some point about this issue with the game. People should have access to the game 24/7 if they are old enough to be considered an adult in their own country. The reason for the rant - I missed out on a Sierra battle tonight by 1 minute... No one told us they wouldn't be available 24/7 like the grunts are... Why would they limit this feature but not the grunts?


    Also, its stupid af to not allow stacking up TR radars - especially since you have been discovered to have allowed them to be bought already.

    submitted by /u/keptfloatin707
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    Unova stone

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:57 AM PST

    Just got my first unova stone from research breakthrough and i wanted to ask what should i evolve. Right now i can only evolve pansear and i only have 2 candies in lampent so im miles away from evolving it into chandelure. So i wanted to ask whether i should evolve pansear or wait for some other pokemon from unova to be released which need a stone to evolve since ive seen that unova stone is pretty hard to find.

    submitted by /u/chrisl_003
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    I think it was worth walking through the rain

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:12 PM PST

    Rainy ass weather in Germany. Perfect for catching my first 100IV legendary. Best one I had before that one was a 98IV Raikou (or however the English name is).


    submitted by /u/M4rk4yy
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    pokeball plus won't spin pokestops??

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    so i recently got the pokeball plus. it occasionally lights up blue but every time i hit the button to collect a pokestop, it either does nothing or flashes red. shouldn't it be collecting them automatically anyways?

    note: -i know there's a pokemon in there, i've checked twice. -i've collected those same pokestops before in the app. -battery is fine. -i've been able to use pbp to catch pokemon. -i've had no problems pairing the pbp to my phone or switch. -it's new, and i redeemed the mew a couple days ago.

    someone help? i'm kinda (really) disappointed tbh.

    submitted by /u/queen_hellcat
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    Community Day Box

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:01 AM PST

    When will the CD Box go live? And what do you think the contents will be? A bunch of 'baters for the 1/4 hatching bonus?

    submitted by /u/deathbysalsa
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    Team Rocket Leader are here to beat my ass

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:29 PM PST

    I am currently level 32 and I encountered one of the Team Rocket Leaders and I was demolished. I know they are meant to be tougher than the grunts, but are they meant to be this tough? Should I be higher level before trying again?

    submitted by /u/NickolaosTheGreek
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    [IDEA] character customization

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:27 AM PST

    Good day community,

    I'd like to hand in an idea to Niantic about the character customisation or at least I'd like to ask them to change something about it, because it's trash.

    I think many player would spend money on their character, at least I would.

    Clothes glitching through others clothes, glitchy poses where the pose and the clothes look unnaturally.

    The female model has so many boring looking clothes, if we would have more colour options you could at least do something to make you look special.
    You can't even look at something properly before purchasing it, why can't we make a style and pay when we want to save it. This way we can see the style we want and then we can purchase it.

    All the players look the same. What about new faces, hairstyles and more stuff like that, it can't be that hard.

    I feel disappointed that the only thing that differs us from other players is so bad implemented.

    I hope they do something about it soon.


    submitted by /u/Neikohl
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    Stupid questions: #1: Does defeating rocket bosses count towards the task of defeating rocket grunts? & #2: is there any point to holding onto a rocket radar before step 3?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:47 AM PST

    As the text suggests, I'm kinda confused, and I don't want to make extra work for myself and waste coins. I finished step 2 this morning, now I need grunts, but after getting my rocket radar yesterday, all I keep finding is arlo the rocket boss. I'm not sure how to proceed here, because I don't want to fight a boss for no reason and then lose my radar when in theory I could keep the radar to find grunts

    submitted by /u/Brocky70
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    My latest Community Day promotional poster for the month of November [OC]

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:22 AM PST

    You can check it out here: Chimchar Community Day Poster by HigherFructose.

    Thanks for checking it out, and good luck to all the shiny hunters!

    submitted by /u/HiOnFructose
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