• Breaking News

    Monday, November 4, 2019

    Pokémon GO - Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Pokémon GO - Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Have you been the one missing the Mewtwo EX raidpass? Maybe you haven't been lucky the whole week and that damn raid Tyrannitar ran and everyone else caught him.

    Or the worst part, maybe it's monday again?!


    Here we rant about everything that goes wrong, someone who sniped a gymspot (  ̄Д ̄), a missed Tyrannitar again (ಠ_ಠ) or that stupid bug which made you miss your raid because of the server desync, ending the raid prematurely (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

    No personal insults, no trolls and provocation but all salty stuff is accepted.

    • Only salty posts allowed ( ಠ_ಠ )

    • No uncivilty or personal information allowed. ☜(`o´)

    • Complaints can be posted here as well, agree that stuff needs to change here as well, like the spawn rate or gym bugs.


    Don't forget to hydrate after all the salt!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My First 100% and 0% Caught in the Same Day, Same Mon!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:29 PM PST

    I traveled a bit today and caught these two, my first 100 and first 0! I guess these guys aren't that lame after all. :')

    submitted by /u/maggiemarieeeee
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    Caught my very first shiny Pokémon today

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:34 AM PST

    So stoked about it. I am lvl 25 and I have never ever caught a shiny.


    submitted by /u/CptObvious94
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    Could niantic please stop scheduling ex raids for 1pm Monday?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PST

    This last wave of ex passes is the 3rd or 4th wave of passes happening at 1pm Monday IN A ROW for some people and it's starting to get incredibly frustrating.
    I've missed all the other shadow ball mewtwo raids I've got due to personal reasons and the last 4 invites have once again been for for Monday's which I, aswell as many others in my community won't be able to attend because of crappy dates.
    This wouldn't have been a big issue if I knew the current ex boss would have been around for a year,but since mewtwo was only available for a short time I'm now completely locked out of having a shadow ball one because someone at niantic thought people have nothing else but Pokemon go in there's lives and that everyone can surely be able to do ex raids at noon on Monday.
    TL:DR make the ex raids be all at least 5pm or later

    submitted by /u/TLK8
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    For a game that suppose to make me feel like a real life pokemon trainer, I can't help but feel the opposite

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:50 PM PST

    So today I went on a long walk to take full advantage of the event before it leaves. While I was on my way back I began transferring almost all the pokemon I had caught and a thought popped into my head;

    "Oh my god, I'm literally Silver (Giovanni's Son)"

    While this might be an over-exaggeration, I couldn't help but feel that way after feeding 100+ pokemon into a blender. Then I started thinking to 10 year old me and how he first began his pokemon journey.

    While there were many reasons as to why I originally fell in love with pokemon, the main one has to be the pokemon themselves. Nothing compared to finding, catching and training pokemon in those original games. The best part was that it didn't really matter what pokemon you wanted to use because if you trained long and hard enough you could make any team work. On top of this, each pokemon would be given its time to shine with the various gyms, trainers and wild areas. For example, I remember thinking my Cyndaquil was the coolest pokemon ever since it was able to take down the Bell Tower in Silver like it was nothing. I would quickly become attached to these pokemon and to this day I refuse to restart some of my game carts with some of my beloved pokemon.

    Cut to today and I spend my time catching LOTS of pokemon only to transfer them all unless they have IV's I like or are shiny. I don't use any of the cool pokemon I used to love in the original games because a lot of them are unusable, and the ones that I am able to use mean nothing to me. I mean it's hard to be attached to your Machamp if you have 5 identical ones waiting right behind it in your battle party. On top of this, using the same pokemon against the usual raid/gym types really doesn't help. Of course, there are some exceptions, I personally have a couple of pokemon I really care about in this game, but it's not the same at all.

    Let me end this by saying that Pokemon Go is easily in my top 3 favorite pokemon games, I absolutely love this game and I plan on playing it as long as I possibly can. Plus I was very excited about the game since the very start, I couldn't wait to be the real-life trainer I've always wanted to be! But as it turns out, my dreams for that are just gonna have to wait. In the end, it's just interesting to see how my philosophy regarding pokemon has changed due to my love for this game.

    Let's just hope I don't spend hours grinding for a perfect nature shiny Grookey in Sword and Shield!

    submitted by /u/FugTig
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    Anyone else think the Regi event is too short?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:02 AM PST

    So fun story before my point, I got up Saturday unintentionally as I'm a grave worker and my parents, my sis, and her husband were going out to raid the Regis and do the Regigigas event which I also paid for but didn't realize it required the Regi raids to do. I decided to throw sleep out the window to go do them. No shinies but I did finish the research and get Regigigas. My brother in law wasn't so lucky and had to wait as he didn't have a surplus of candy to get through the research completely. Cut to early last night where we go out for an EX raid and we decided to hit some Regi raids as he needed the last catch request alongside the steel research set, but the two raids we hit we couldn't catch it for him and he just decided to call it a night even though there were more raids and he probably won't finish the quest before Cobalion takes the raid stage.

    The point I'm making here is they either should have made the Regis available for at least a week for those with tight play schedules, or included them in research boxes and allowed catches through that way so the research is still good to complete without waiting for them to put Regis back in raids unless they planned ahead for that which I doubt. I though this event was to make getting Regigigas easier for those who either don't get EX raids or can't trigger them. Maybe just my point of view but I feel bad knowing my bro-in-law paid for this event and won't be able to reap the reward of it.

    submitted by /u/aLinktotheGinger
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    Drove through Texas. What a load of bull.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:41 PM PST


    Stopped at this cool mural at a gas station and thought this deserved a picture.

    submitted by /u/MasterTrav666
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    PoGO Trunk or Treat!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:40 AM PST

    This year, my work decided to do their very first trunk or treat. It was for the coworkers and their immediate families. We have our own little PoGO community here that raids on breaks and lunches at the building next door. One of us had the idea to make a Pokemon GO themed trunk and it turned out great. I think she did a pretty bang up job :D.

    submitted by /u/Katabing
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    Galarian formes from Pokémon Sword/Shield have been leaked - when gen8 console games release mid November these pokémon might join us in P-GO

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Galarian formes (left to right):

    • Meowth line (with new evo Purrserker)
    • Ponyta line
    • Farfetch'd line (with new evo Sirfetch'd)
    • Weezing
    • Mr Mime line (with new evo Mr. Rime)
    • Corsola line (with new evo Cursola)
    • Stunfisk (gen 5 mon currently unreleased in P-GO)
    • Zigzagoon line (with new evo Obstagoon)
    • Darumaka line (gen 5 mon currently unreleased in P-GO)
    • Yamask line (with new evo Runerigus)

    What do you think of these new formes?

    Hoping to see them soon or expecting they'll be added in summer (cfr. Alolan formes)? (or even thinking we won't get these until the year two thousand whenever gen8 hits P-GO?)

    submitted by /u/liehon
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    Thank you Ditto. Finally.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:18 AM PST

    So my fiance has been stuck for a long time on two "catch a ditto" quests. We were getting ready to leave the park when a Bidoof spawns across the street in someones yard so I catch it thinking what's a little more stardust and candy before we leave. Turns out its's a Ditto!! My fiance can't reach the spawn from her side of the car so she asks me to run over and grab it for her. I do and then another bidoof spawns next to it and it's a Ditto as well! To say the least she has never been happier that she can move on with her quests and she is activaly playing again. Also whoevers front yard I was in to get the Dittos I do apologize. They did have a nice pupper outside who greeted me haha. Don't trespass my friends. Please share your stories of Dittos elusiveness if youd like.

    submitted by /u/SilphRed
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    TM System needs a massive rework with the new PvP update due to drop in early 2020.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:05 AM PST

    Before I get started, I am a Silph Arena PvP player first and a massive fan of what it has brought to local communities everywhere. PoGo PvP as an esport will always owe its roots to the Silph Arena.

    However with PoGo PvP officially being dropped in early 2020. The main issue is going to be TMs. The functionality of them is completely broken as it is currently a lottery as to what moves you end up with. This has been further expanded by Niantic's amendments to Pokémon move pools to make them more competitive on the PvP side (which I absolutely welcome).

    However the random selection of moves from TMs is now starting to become a huge issue. Classic example being Hypno with its 6 TM able charge moves at present. If you have both charge moves unlocked, you still only have a 1 in 4 chance of the move you want actually being alloted!! Resulting in multiple raids required and wasted items through TMs being depleted through no fault of the trainer (yes I know you can get them from PvP, buts let's be serious that's not the main source of them).

    For me there are three possible solutions to this impending situation:

    1. Increase the drop rates of TMs - most players don't need revives or potions, they need to be reduced and the TM drop rate needs to be increased drastically. The issue of moves selection becomes slightly more bearable if you've got a stack of TMs to burn through to get the move you. However whilst I would find this acceptable, it's not an ideal solution.

    2. Give the option for the trainer to select the move they want. By far the easiest and most simple solution and I believe the most welcomed solution. In the main series games the player always had the control of what moves were given to Pokémon. Yes this is a different game, but I think that core idea of control with the player needs to be brought back.

    I can understand how we have ended up where we are, Niantic is a business which needs to make money at the end of the day (demand for TMs equals demand for raids and therefore passes $$$). But they could still achieve this and still make money:

    1. Make TMs purchasable in the shop either through boxes or directly. Aside from a small number of exceptions, every item is purchaseable in the shop. At the moment I would happily purchase them with my Pokecoins. Although you then move into the pay to win arguments which exists for all mobile games.

    I'm not entirely sure what the ideal solution is, but the TM situation cannot continue in its current state with such a huge update around the corner. There are already issues with TM availability, unless something changes if will only get worse for more people.

    submitted by /u/mattcalladine
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    Anybody else feel that field research feature could be improved a lot?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Hi All

    Just wondering if anybody else feels that the field research feature could be improved and if so how?

    I have a few ideas of how it could be improved:

    1. Make the encounters be with better / more rare pokemon.
    2. Give us more than 3 slots (e.g. 5 i feel would be a good amount).
    3. Ability to see what the pokestop task is before 'picking up' the task, so that we can make sure we have a free slot if it is a task that we want.
    4. Make gyms give out field research tasks as well.
    5. Ability to know what pokemon the encounter is (even just a shadow of the pokemon would be great).

    Feel free to comment with your own ideas or even with your thoughts on my ideas.

    submitted by /u/danbywinby
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    does anyone have a list of the field research tasks and encounters for this event?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    i wanna know which ones give aerodactyl because i need to pass the special research by catching one, but i heard you can only get them from one task but i seen someone get it from another

    submitted by /u/x_L4G_P34NUTPWN3R_x
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    What am I missing here? Is there another type of Wheezing?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:19 AM PST

    What am I missing? https://imgur.com/a/z9u4Zhh

    I'm just asking a question but automoderator says it is too short so I have filler. Also I know there is Galar Wheezing, is this Niantic already preparing to add it to the game to cross promote sword and shield like they did with Alolan types or is there something else going on here?

    submitted by /u/derf_vader
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    [DISCUSSION] So was the Colossal Discovery event worth £8?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:53 AM PST

    As someone who opted not to buy the event ticket... choosing to wait for Regigigas in EX raids... I'm curious what people made of the first worldwide paid event in PoGo?

    Was it worth it?Good value for money?Good as a solo player?

    Would you pay for it again if they did another event like this for the next EX raid boss?

    I'm interested to hear what people thought :)

    EDIT: So from the first load of responses it seems the event was a bit disspointing... So let me ask you this... if they did it again should it be closer alligned to a Safari Zone type event? By this I mean, feature a regional, an Unknown and have an increased rate of shiny encounters? Would that make it better?

    submitted by /u/Nathan4653
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    Bonding over Regi-Raids

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:57 PM PST

    So yesterday, my friend (who also plays PoGo) and I were at the mall with our bunch of friends. We were there to celebrate one of the friend's birthday, but the celebration wasn't scheduled till about 2 hours later (since she loves shopping and we wanted her to enjoy herself) There were about 3-4 gyms at this mall and we noticed that they were pumping out Regi-raids like crazy. We go first to a Registeel one. At first, we thought we had to duo it, but about 8 other people joined (which was crazy because when we entered the lobby, it was just us two and then people started joining like crazy afterwards)

    We got it and then we headed over to a Regirock one. Same thing happens, I get kicked out of PoGo and have to re-enter the app, but I join in on the raid when it had just about half its health bar left. Both my friend and I get the Regirock (friend got a **shiny** !!)

    Then, we head over to the Regice one. I know I'm rambling, but hey, gotta set it up, you know?

    So we finish that one with relative ease as before. This time, there are at least 4 people in the lobby already. While raiding, we get samples from Green Crush, a juice place. While we try to catch the Regice, I notice that two guys standing in the corner are doing the tell-tale curveball spin on their phones. I walk over, say hi, make some small talk, and ask if either of them got a shiny (which they didn't, none of us did :( ) Literally seconds after that, I caught my Regice! I was about to ask them to friend me when this guy in a motorized wheelchair wheels/remotes himself over. He has a speech impediment and can mostly make handsigns and make noises, but there was a phone in his lap and oh my god, he was in the raid with us!

    One of the guys says that he might want us to catch it for us, because the guy in the wheelchair was literally frozen. Kind of like his body seized up and was stuck in that position.

    I volunteered to do it and on my first try, I did a curveball that almost missed (thank god it didn't) and got it for him !! We were both really happy and afterwards, we started friending each other.

    Holy sh*t, the two guys I saw were literally in all three raids with us! It was so cool and we hit up another conversation. My friend's really shy so she mostly said nothing and just nodded and stuff, but we still friended each other and us. I just opened a gift from the guy in the wheelchair and it made me really happy, haha!

    PoGo really brings people of all creeds together

    submitted by /u/oriental_angel
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    Is it just me or do you keep getting these tasks?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:48 PM PST

    Ever since the Halloween field research tasks have gone away I have been spammed with these three same tasks 🙄

    Anyone else getting them too?

    submitted by /u/vbvnox
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    PoGO Halloween 2019 in retrospect (Luck vs Effort & the Lack of Spawns)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:46 AM PST

    In this post I'm going to brag a little, complain a little and rant a little, but please hear me out. I love this game, and I want it to be the amazing game it can be, but I did not love this event, as it was definitely not as amazing it could've been, and here's why--well, in my opinion anyway:

    I was very excited about this year's Halloween event upon reading the announcement, as the Halloween and Christmas events have usually been the PoGO highlights of the year for me, and this year looked out to be the best one yet!--Or at least so I thought...

    As a shiny hunter, I couldn't be more excited about the costumed starters in raids, and Yamask and even Pikachu in the wild. Shiny variants of exclusive event Pokémon with cute costumes sounded perfect to me, but as the event started, I was utterly disappointed upon seeing the general lack of Tier 1 raids and low spawn rates in the wild in regards to Yamask and Pikachu. I had low-key feared this on beforehand, seeing how low the Pikachu spawn rates were during the One Piece event, or even during the Pikachu "outbreak" event. Now, to be fair, the majority hasn't been too keen on these Pikachus in a long time, if at all, but this time people actually seemed a bit stoked with how cool the idea and design was. I know I were at least, though I actually like the Pikachu events. However, I don't think it's very motivating when if, hypothetically, you spend between 5-8 hours a day hunting in an area with high spawn density, you can only ammount to reach a good hit below 450 seen of a said species, which gives you a decent chance at most for a shiny with the 1/~450 odds. That's roughly what I calculated after a few hours daily of Pikachu shiny hunting during the One Piece event. Pikachu spawns felt roughly the same to me this event, and don't even get me started with Yamask! I saw a few of them around in the first few hours of the event, but then there was only Pika if anything. My point is that it's just not doable, and there's no point in trying with such an extremely high effort/low reward concept. You jut have to be lucky, which is usually fine, as I like that some things actually remain rare and sought after in this game, as opposed to making everything desirable overly accessible a bit further down the road like usual, which has made me lose any interest in any new Pokémon being slowly milked out, but I believe there should be a middle way. When the release of new shinies is usually and exclusively the new content during events, I think people should at least be able to actually play for it, and if you actually were to spend 5-8 hours of the day during a whole event, such an insane effort should at least have a noticably higher *chance* of being rewarded in my opinion.

    I am not saying this out of spite, in fact I'd like to show you the pretty ridiculous catch I ended up with after casual playing, as opposed to usual, when I would spend hours a day grinding and shiny hunting, so in other words there is no personal bias as to where this post is coming from, but here it is:

    • 1/1 Tauros was shiny
    • Special Research reward Litwick turned out to be 98%
    • 1/1 Onix was shiny
    • 1st Charmander out of 33 starter raids was shiny
    • 100% Shuppet was alerted in a local chat
    • 1/2 Team Rocket encounters I did turned out to be a 96% Shadow Drowzee
    • 1/6 Alolan Raichu was shiny
    • 1/~25 Sneasel was shiny
    • 1/~175 Pikachu was shiny
    • 1/~300 Gastly was shiny

    I'm truthfully very stoked and plenty satisfied with this, but also realize I've been extraordinarily lucky considering the few encounters, and I'm not satisfied with the event just for that.

    Furthermore, spawns in general were disappointing to me, and I saw quite the number of posts being posted on r/TheSilphRoad addressing this issue. Yes, there were undoubtedly a lot of Gastly and Murkrow like promised, but when it was raining, as an example, Ghost and Dark type spawns were quite literally drowned in Bug type spawns. Here are a couple of screenshots from the event, taken during rain and cloudy weather respectively, with 0/9 and 3/9 only being event spawns:

    Compared to last year, (and previous years,) I think that's a pretty disastrous turnout.

    Personally though, I think this was the most fun and exciting PoGO Halloween event to date--in *theory*! I've usually been playing pretty intensely these events, but this event I was only playing casually, and the fact that I was playing a good bit after all I think has more to do with my timely over-the-top good luck rather than the sad distribution of event raids and spawns, which I think, in addition to lack of handling, made it an objective disappointment, and to some extent "unplayable", to use that expression. As a regular day in PoGO, I'd say it was definitely playable, and quite enjoyable even, but not as what is perhaps the most anticipated event of the year. Like mentioned, this is coming from a player who lives in an area with a high spawn and Pokéstop density, now imagine this event in a rural area.

    Next year, I hope to see content just as creative, but issued out a bit more generously, so that effort is actually rewarded, or at least feels a bit more motivating, and so that hopefully all players can participate in the festivities.

    Does anyone share this opinion? What are everyone's thoughts on this year's Halloween event? (In general and compared to previous years.)

    submitted by /u/LaffeSommerpels
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    What pokemon did you max out then regret it in the future?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Just for a bit of fun I wanted to know if anyone else has wasted precious dust only to find later on down the line it was a complete waste!

    I have done quite a few, when I first got a 100% IV barcoach I maxed it out to realise there was no point, and because I loved Spheal and Torterra I maxed them out- now I have a lot of legendaries i'm trying to max I wish i had saved the dust!

    Whats your worst/ most pointless use of stardust?!

    submitted by /u/ScamScamm13
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    My first hundo!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:08 PM PST

    I've been checking every Pokemon I've caught since Niantic made appraising available, and I finally got one!

    submitted by /u/chipdipper99
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    Can Niantic please add boxes to our pokemon storage?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST

    I think the addition of boxes /folders will help a lot of people with storage management. There are pokemon that I use for PVP, pokemon I'm saving for a trade, legacy pokemon, trash pokemon, etc.

    It would save a lot of time if instead of renaming every single pokemon if we could select multiple and 'Move to Box 1'

    submitted by /u/kbzero
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    Finally completed the halloween quest!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST


    I live in Aus so just had to wait for a Kangaskhan to spawn, then risked it all and got my 3rd excellent with a Doduo

    submitted by /u/asianburb
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    When you spend months looking for Ditto, then two show up in less than a min

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:09 AM PST

    When you spend months looking for ditto, then two show up in less than a min! https://imgur.com/gallery/vcMDsaM

    submitted by /u/amyjay1986
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    Just got back into PokémonGO after two years & am out of the loop

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:57 AM PST

    Hey as the title says I have just recently got back into PokémonGO after a long break, I don't really know much about all this new stuff so if anyone had some cliff notes to catch me up that would be great, or just some advice for a "beginner"

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Tr3ywayy
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    Amazing luck!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:43 PM PST

    This chain of events has been the best I've had since playing the game:

    1. Last night I received my first lucky trade (Onix)

    2. This morning I completed 7 days of field research for the first time since Flower Crown Eevee disappeared and received Articuno.

    3. As a result I completed a section of Jump Start Research and caught a shiny Eevee

    4. The new task was take a snapshot of Eevee - and a Smeargle appeared in the picture!

    What's the best lucky streak you've had?

    submitted by /u/jambo_1983
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