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    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    Pokémon GO - There's certainly worse things to get from a 10km egg

    Pokémon GO - There's certainly worse things to get from a 10km egg

    There's certainly worse things to get from a 10km egg

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:08 AM PST

    Was having a long day at uni, went out to get some lunch around 1pm and shortly afterwards, my egg hatched.

    Say hello to my new baby


    submitted by /u/SynthhInHD
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    How I got 11 new friends in Pokémon Go from saying "Yes"

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:16 AM PST

    I am looking for a job - as a teacher - and to earn some money while waiting for my first job, I am a substitute teacher. So, i had a 3 day job at a school, I've never been to, so I was unaware of the culture and the students.

    The kids introduced themselves, and had to come up with a "fun fact" about themselves. One kid mentioned he plays Pokemon Go. As an avid player myself (lvl 40, 100+ shinies etc.), I said "how cool is that?!" where one of them asked me if i played.

    I said, "yes".

    The kids went absolutely mental. Apparently, PoGo is becoming popular again, and the school is in this rural area with very few stops. They all (the PoGo players) wanted to be my friend, and asked me for trades to remember me, and we talked about the game, I showed my shinies and legendaries, they showed theirs and everything.

    Today was my last day, and I traded with all of them, because they wanted to have something to remember me by. I also promised to open and send gifts everyday.

    That's how i got 11 new friends, and became either "the cool teacher" or "the dorky teacher who plays a childs game". Either way, was awesome.

    EDIT: First of all. Thank you for the gold!! Means a lot, really. Also, yeah, i agree Pokémon isn't a child game, but it kinda have a reputation where I'm from, that it's "for kids". Which is stupid because a lot of adults play it too!

    submitted by /u/ThisMayBeMike
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    My wife's 2nd shiny ever, and it's perfect

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:20 AM PST

    Crazy luck! She didn't even realize it was perfect until I 4* her inventory and the only thing that popped up was this fish: https://imgur.com/a/De7WNYb

    submitted by /u/hotrod08
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    Give 7km eggs a very small chance of hatching regional pokemons based on where the eggs came from.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:24 AM PST

    I don't know if this idea appears here a lot but I think it makes total sense. For the player that don't have a way to travel or don't know anyone on other countries this would be a good adition to the game.

    submitted by /u/tojiside
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    [Complaint] I just learned that Chingling can hatch from 10km eggs ...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:36 AM PST

    I know Sableye is the poster child for "bad 10km Pokémon" but a Chingling?? Seriously? After 10km I get a Chingling??? Baby Pokemon should not be in 10km eggs! Now that the december community day has been announced, I actually WANT Beldums! But ofcourse I have not gotten any since it was announced. I know there have already been hundreds of posts about this, but I am hoping maybe, just MAYBE this will make a difference. If not, It helps to vent

    submitted by /u/Nordic_Krune
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    Many members of my local communities are so far gone in terms of cheating that they no longer listen to reasoning and I just don't relate anymore

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:37 AM PST

    These are the kinds of people we hear about on this subreddit all the time; the ones who will fill gyms with multiple accounts, either their own or friends of theirs. They know this is against the terms of service but will do it anyway because they do not believe anything will come of it. They will attack gyms with whatever team you're not on to get revenge if you've upset them at their own discretion. I have talked to some of these people and their expectation is that if you don't like it, make your own accounts and fight back in the same way.

    Many of these people are also anti-spoofing. They will tell you that it's okay that person X put 3 accounts into the gym because at least they're there in person.

    Niantic keeps pushing community play constantly but the more they do it, the more I don't want to play this game anymore. So many people in my local communities play in this way that it's impossible to create your own network of active players who isn't linked to one of these players.

    I am so tired of hearing people talking about their "alts" in every second sentence. I don't relate to anything they say so anything that comes out of their mouth is just pure garbage. It's not even the fact that "they're going against the ToS" that I'm tired of. Cheat all you want while keeping it to yourself and not negatively impacting others and I really don't care.

    I understand that ultimately this is Niantic's fault. Niantic is responsible for breeding this culture in players. They tell you they value fun and fairness yet they have little show for it.

    I loved this game as it encouraged me to get out and be active. We often hear success stories on this subreddit of people overcoming depression and others who have transformed their life into something they're happy with. I would honestly say that I was one of those too. I lost 10% of my body weight since July 2016. There was a time that I regularly met up with people to grind and have dinner. I'm still very fit but I no longer have the network of friends that I used to have as their attitudes towards how this game should be played changed.

    I can't be the only one, right?

    submitted by /u/Eon-Rider
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    Show me your shinies!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

    I love seeing everyone's shiny catches and would love to have a little insight into everyones shiny collections!

    I'm a reasonably casual player of 1 year:- shiny collection

    Look forward to seeing everyone else's!!

    Edit- kinda down seeing I'm being downvoted :-(

    submitted by /u/oatandham
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    first shiny ?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:28 AM PST

    i believe i caught one of those shinys i always see people on here talking about....


    submitted by /u/nomattermatters
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    I'm done with legendary raid hours until there is a reason to participate.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Ridiculously difficult to catch Pokemon who are practically useless in battle is not a fun way to spend coins. I'm not gonna bother with raid passes until there is a reason to. Cobalion and Terrakion really soured my view on raid hours. Everyone in the 15+ person raid group I was with left bummed tonight after they blew through 7 or 8 passes and walked away with 1 or 2 catches. A couple people didn't get any. If Niantic's goal is to get people to want to spend money, this is a pretty piss poor way of doing it.

    submitted by /u/remlapca
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    Finally completed my kanto dex

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:33 PM PST

    I finally completed my kanto dex this morning, I never thought I would enjoy a game as much as I do pokemon go.

    submitted by /u/collapsedbark8
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    I just discovered the shadow world

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:20 PM PST


    So this Bug happened to me this morning. I think it's quite funny, so i wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/Einzelkind_22
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    How I celebrate a Completed Regional Pokedex:

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:22 PM PST

    Last year my wife completed her Kanto dex when they first did the special 7km eggs hatching Kanto regionals. This year she finished Johto with the unown hatches. I celebrated her completions the only way I knew how: http://imgur.com/gallery/A62cgMX

    submitted by /u/M_Dragmire
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    I love hatching 7k eggs

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:17 AM PST

    So me and my friend were hanging out playing pokemon go, and I start hatching a 7k egg. My friend and I always watch the other person's egg hatch. So he hatches it and he flips out. I was thinking it was just a rare pokemon but instead I hatched a shiny Kanguskon. My friend is still mad at me and i hatched it before chimchar community day.

    submitted by /u/Moist_Cats69
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    What Pokemon do you find the most frustrating to catch? And why?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:20 PM PST

    Just yesterday, I was trying to catch a Yanma and I feel like it has the most crazy flying patterns (which actually I think is fun, variety is good!) but I literally missed the first 10 or so throws. I probably should have just given it a nanab berry at that point... but still. It made me start thinking, I wonder what pokemon for you all is the most frustrating to catch. Any particulars?

    For me, it might have to be Zubat or Golbat. They look so close but are actually very far away! That in combination with the size of their circle and their movements, I've always had trouble catching them...

    submitted by /u/uwlryoung
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    Shiny chances

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:01 AM PST

    I was wondering if there are different shiny odds for what leave you are because I have been play pogo with my friends for ages now but he has triple the shinys I have and I was wondering if it has to do with the fact that he is level 30 and I am level 29 and if he has better shiny odds Please help me I need more shiny Pokémon

    submitted by /u/kyethecactus
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    Forgot to show this gem

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:13 PM PST

    I caught this during Team Rocket Go Takeover event last weekend and I was surprised that this was possible. My second 0IV but first shadow 0IV! zero

    submitted by /u/aggie_alumni
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    Seriously, it’s time for an in-game communication feature for raids

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:18 PM PST

    I've put up with this for long enough. Trying to keep up with Discord while driving around town for Terrakion raid hour was beyond frustrating. I wish there was some sort of raid signal that told you where people were planning to raid next or needed more people. Even if I try tapping on a Gym to see what the Gym stop is called, I have to wait 7 seconds for the raid boss to load, all just to see the Gym name. Thankfully I had a partner to help navigate and watch Discord, but that's not enough.

    Communication between players is absolutely terrible, with the raid people want to do changing every 30 seconds. I'm fairly new to the area, so I'm still trying to figure out all the shorthand names for the stops. Missed a few raids today because I had no clue what they were talking about, and neither did Google. Today I learned:

    "Pink building" is actually the big green building that used to be pink.

    "Mary B" is Mary Burnham Park down an obscure alley I never would have noticed. Couldn't google it because they didn't specify the last name or that it was even a park.

    "Crosspointe" is actually Highland Church, formerly known as Crosspointe Church.

    "Censi" is not the scented candle business, but a sign for a lake underneath a highway bridge on the outskirts of town.

    TLDR: We need a simple and quick means of communicating in-game with other players to coordinate raids! I want to spend my money on you Niantic, give me a way to find raids easier!

    submitted by /u/Prodigal96
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    "... So, do we go out yet?"

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST


    I do hope this year's Christmas event will be more than just shiny Stantler and some ice Pokémon, but well... if their focus is set on developing the new features, i won't mind.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Weird gym I saw today

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:55 AM PST

    I was visiting my in laws, walking down the street I see a grey gym with no one in it.

    It was only around the corner, so I walked around and chucked one of mine in it, and walked off.

    Within two minutes my pokemon was knocked out and the gym was back to grey. And it stayed grey for at least the next half hour.

    I've got to assume that someone who lives or works near there constantly knocks anyone out of that gym, but never bothers to put their own in.

    submitted by /u/adomental
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    Comprehensive list of changes that pokemon go desperately needs:

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:11 PM PST


    1. Rare candies from T5 raids to go up to 3 again (or more) per bundle.
    2. Team Rocket\* battles rewards are non existent. Same for the bosses and Giovanni quest.
    3. Research Tasks*\* rewards (except encounters) are laughable most the time.
    4. Raid rewards**\* (especially for anything below T3) are low.

    *Team Rocket addition is GREAT, and i love the challenge it added to the game. I hope it opens the game for more NPC battles in the future. It's really sad that the rewards are not really there for most people to keep doing them.

    **Examples: Hatch 3 eggs for 1 rare candy?!?, Catch 10 weather boosted pokemon for 2 pinap berries?!?!, Battle in a raid for 5 potions??!?, etc. etc.

    ***Don't know about you guys, but for me, if the rewards are good, i consider spending more, on the other side, if the rewards are not there, i just don't bother.

    Quality of Life:

    1. TM overhaul, TMs should be selectable (or at least roll between all available moves one by one).
    2. Catching animations skip button or speed up (x2 or x3 option would be great).
    3. Ready button for raids.
    4. Sending/Opening Gifts like in HP:WU.
    5. Mass Power-Up button (imagine something like Rare Candies +/-).

    Other more long term (but important) changes:

    • Nearby tab overhaul, time to change it to show more pokemon.
    • There should be a way to mark pokemon (probably from your pokedex) for nearby tab to prioritize (like the shadows we see from new pokedex entries that go first on the list). This should make it easier to hunt for specific pokemon you want, imagine events, comm.days, shiny hunting, etc.
    • It would be great to have the ability to choose raid difficulty for every raid encounter.
    • Distant Trading (between your Ultra/Best friends) or Wonder Trades.
    • Repeatable rewards above level 40, make exp matter once again.
    • Evolved forms should be shiny, i mean why not. Take the shiny hunt to the next level.
    • A way to get Legacy moves (maybe a very very low drop [call it Legacy TM or something] from rocket battles?!).

    Tell me if you agree or disagree, i tried to keep the format as simple as it gets, with many of the flaws this game has and could be changed for the best gaming experience.

    submitted by /u/Vissarionn
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    My avatar suddenly looks different?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:49 AM PST

    My player avatar is suddenly male and looks completely different. Is this a bug or did someone hack my account and changed it? I only just noticed it

    submitted by /u/SaintDiabolus
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    Help is appreciated :)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:01 AM PST

    Hi all! My son has been dragging along with me watching me play PoGo for about a few months now, and he really wants to get into the game! The only problem is he is in elementary school, so I don't yet want him to have a *real* phone yet. I want to get him something he can use when we go out, but I have a tight budget right now so I don't really want to spend anything over 80-100 dollars since this will be all that he uses it for. Also, I should add that I want to get him something that runs the game smoothly. Someone in my community suggested the LG Stylo 4, which I'm not against. I'm open to all ideas! Happy Thanksgiving!

    submitted by /u/AmbitionZULUL
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