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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Pokémon GO - You should earn coins for clearing a gym

    Pokémon GO - You should earn coins for clearing a gym

    You should earn coins for clearing a gym

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:38 PM PST

    Super frustrating to clear a gym and then have your pokemon ousted 10 minutes later and you just get 1 coin for 20 minutes of work. Each pokemon kicked out of a gym should give you 2 coins. If you clear a full gym, that's 12 coins. Totally reasonable even with how greedy Niantic are. There's still a stupid 50 coin cap on each day, but now you're not at the whim of chance or spoofers knocking you out before 12am denying you coins.

    You should be rewarded with actually playing the game and battling/interacting with gyms. It shouldn't be 100% reliant on your pokemon sitting there inactive while you either have to hope someone doesn't knock you out before a certain time or that someone does knock you out after a certain time.

    With this change people could hit the cap of 50 coins by going around taking down gyms, and those that want to opt for the current system still have that option.

    submitted by /u/Cube_
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    What the actual f*ck

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:50 AM PST

    That's one hell of a creepy pokemon, that or End of Evangelion happened again.


    But really, Niantic needs to fix those visual bugs/glitches.

    (repost cause I forgot flair)

    submitted by /u/Hajime124
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    Today I actually sent a friend a gift from a POI that I submitted last week and it was one of the greatest feelings ever.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:38 AM PST

    A friend had messaged me yesterday saying that one of my POIs went live and that it helped create a new gym in our area. We both freaked out. I was at work when it happened so my screams were internal. She showed me the image and I just couldn't believe my eyes. After leaving work I drove by myself and... there it was lol. My POI submission, my pokéstop had gone live. Not only that it went live in Wizards Unite and Ingress as well. I actually helped make the ge better for all 3 platforms. Incredible.

    Today I was sending gifts out before work, at the bottom of the bunch was a gift from my pokéstop. I flipped out again LOL! I actually just sent out a gift from a pokéstop that I created.

    This game has it's downsides but when you actually become apart of the community and do good by your fellow trainer you worry less about the little things. I can't wait for the others to go live because this Wayfarer project is a huge success and to any level 40 that is not using it I have this to ask you. What are you waiting for? GGs!

    submitted by /u/ImNotReallyANerd
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    terrakion: a simple guide [gamepress]

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:58 PM PST

    [guide here]

    Terrakion's here! And it's actually pretty good! Not quite on par with Rampardos, but it beats out Tyranitar both in terms of DPS and DPS^3*TDO, with comparable (but slightly worse) TDO. The counters are somewhat weather dependent (Roserade beats out Metagross but not Psystrike Metwo in Sun), but like...there are a lot of good options.

    GP's got a duo guide here if you wanna try something a bit more exciting, but not too hard.

    submitted by /u/tforge13
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    I feel like I will never earn enough stardust to do everything I want to do :(

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    That's it. Just venting.

    I have sooo many Pokémon that I want to power up, but I'm constantly running out of stardust. Don't even get me started on how far I'm going to have to walk to power most of them up. It feels like an impossible task.

    submitted by /u/frankylovee
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    (Un)Lucky Friend

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:31 PM PST

    I have been friends with this person since the day friendship became available in the game. I live in the US and he's from Japan. I'm actually not even sure how we became friends, because I only give out my friend code to my local group, but some how it happened. We've consistently sent each other gifts, managed to battle a few times and yet I have no idea who he is. He was my first ultra friend, then first best friend and today, we became lucky friends. I'm sad cause I'll probably never have the chance to do this lucky trade. Although it may seem strange, I have cherished this friendship with someone I don't actually know. 10,000kms separate us but I think it's great we can be connected through PoGo. So TokyoT if you are on here, thank you for the friendship, the gifts and all those 7km eggs. (Un)Lucky Friend

    submitted by /u/makeitwork1989
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    The giant head is not enough for todays bugs on my phone

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:27 AM PST

    Now we have a Missingno over the gym.


    sigh my game is so... so broken today😑

    Back to (facepalming over) the game

    submitted by /u/Hajime124
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    Now This is What I Call Lucky

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:16 PM PST


    After a 2 week luck streak of continuous shinies and lucky trades, this just tops my lucky 2016 perfect eevee. I hope this post gives good luck to anyone who sees it.

    submitted by /u/Orson_Krennic2003
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    So i was coming home from school and i was thinking that the last shiny i got was about one month ago shiny ekans and i thought that well this zigzagoon could be a ditto so i went to catch it and then shiny zigzagoon i was so shocked i felt like i don't even know

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:16 AM PST

    So i was coming home from school and i was thinking that the last shiny i got was about one month ago shiny ekans and i thought that well this zigzagoon could be a ditto so i went to catch it and then shiny zigzagoon i was so shocked i felt like i don't even know i can't prove it bc i tried to post an image but it didn't workbut he is orange

    submitted by /u/artin_TRM
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    Just a man... and his childhood Pokémon.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:20 PM PST


    Other Pokémon may come and go, be traded away, or they can change themselves and become different... but Shuckle?

    Shuckle is forever.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Third First Strike in the same month

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

    I receive this month my THIRD FIRST STRIKE. Anyone with problem like this?
    At 7th Nov I received the fisrt one, at 14th nov the second one, sent a lot of messages to the support and only automatic answers. Now I received my THIRD FIRST STRIKE.

    Thats make no any sense, how could this happen?

    submitted by /u/Raphaelrj29
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    Traded my lucky friend a gible for this

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    My new favorite Pokémon. and my first ever Meltan! Not sure if I should evolve it or not, but I guess we'll see in 8000 km lol.

    Hoping for a non-shiny too but have yet to finish 8/9 of Let's Go, Meltan because of the aerodactyl :(

    submitted by /u/petiteduck
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    Not a bad research breakthrough

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:51 PM PST

    I ended up missing out on my research tasks for a few days, but the wait seems to have paid off with this Kyogre

    submitted by /u/lewis482
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    Let us add little notes with our gifts

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:20 PM PST

    I want to say thank you to the strangers on my friends list (and maybe poke some fun at others about sending more) that consistently send me gifts, especially those I would never have interacted with otherwise.

    Just seems like it would be a nice little something that would help interactions.

    submitted by /u/Taocman
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    Incense broken?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:40 AM PST

    Is anyone else having issue with incense not attracting pokemon at all? But yet the phone vibrates like there are multiple pokemon spawning all throughout the incense timer?
    I have used several incense the last couple weeks, but it has been really glitchy for me. When I pop an incense,...I get nothing from it. When I stop to catch or spin a pokestop, my phone vibrates as if there are several pokemon spawning, but nothing is there. Hopefully it's just a glitch, and not just my luck. Lol

    submitted by /u/IronMaiden_1987
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    Who are must-have legendary pokemons at this point?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:19 AM PST

    I'm deciding on trading for legendary mons I wasn't able to obtain in the past. What are in your opinion must-have legendaries (good at raids, gym battles, pvp, etc.)? Legendaries I already have are psystrike mewtwo, rayquaza,groudon,kyogre,altered gira, 3 regis

    submitted by /u/aesop0
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    [Request] Is there any way to check for nearby gyms?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:19 AM PST

    I just went back home for holiday from college and I started playing Pokemon Go at school. I've never played it in my hometown and I don't know of any gyms/pokestops nearby.

    Is there anyway to look them up within pokemon go?

    submitted by /u/Buzzs_BigStinger
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    Here are the PvP reward odds

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:56 PM PST

    I just did some research today and finally found the odds of the PvP rewards, I hope this helps you all!

    Analysis was done by Silph Road on 6-19-2019

    PvP has set rates that don't change based off win/lose:

    Stardust: 67.23%

    Sinnoh Stone: 15.08%

    Rare Candy: 14.73%

    TM Charged: 2%

    TM Fast: .97%

    Team leaders - not exact values Lose: 300 stardust Win -

    Stardust: Great- 92.46% | Ultra- 90.06% | Master 83.08%

    Sinnoh Stone: Great - 5.17% | Ultra - 5.85% | Master - 10.04%

    Rare Candy: Great - 1.15% | Ultra - 3.05% | Master - 5.19%

    TM Fast: Great - .51% | Ultra - .45% | Master - .87%

    TM Charge: Great - .70% | Ultra - .58% | Master - .82%

    Then that's why I never get TMs when I battle my friends...

    submitted by /u/DaviAxe
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    Meltan without a switch

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:08 AM PST

    So I've got a plethora of rare candy, can I use these to evolve my meltan even tho I don't have a switch? I just wanna make sure there's not special thing about a switch being involved for evolution.

    submitted by /u/anon052555
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    Midwest Furfest Pokemon GO meetup?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:26 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I'll be attending Furfest (MFF) next weekend in Rosemont, Chicago and considering a lot of people from all over the world attend it as well, I'm hoping there will be some Pokemon GO players there to trade some regional mons. I myself have some good stuff to trade if you're not scared of the stardust costs. Post ur friendcode in the comments if you'd like to at least get us to good friends before the convention!

    submitted by /u/chaarmanderchar
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    Good Community Day Locations in Singapore???

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:21 AM PST

    Singaporean player here, I want to get ready for the December community day. I wanna know a good spot I can go to where there are lots of pokestops and I can walk around to hatch eggs while still being in range of lures

    submitted by /u/Film-
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