• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

    If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread.

    Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

    Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

    Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    So when is that "Pokemon Go to the Polls" feature Hillary mentioned three years ago being implemented?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:11 AM PST

    It's been three years already! If they don't hurry, they're going to miss the next election as well! What has Niantic been doing???

    submitted by /u/Hei77
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    [Rant] repetitive pokemon are driving me nuts!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    Everywhere I go there is just rhyhorn torchic, teddyursa and murkrows no other pokemon to be seen. Its like a plague and I dont need more please help!

    submitted by /u/theproblemdoctor
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    Shiny Squidbilly

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST

    So today I got off work, hopped into the car and did a Rocket battle. The field research that popped out of it was to use a super effective move in a gym. So I did that before my doctors appointment and when a shiny squid popped out I was like "oh crap, no way??" And I got happy. Decided to appraise the shiny squid guy a little later and almost dropped my phone at my first Shundo.

    Edit: yes I know he is a jellyfish but I call him a squid anyway.

    shiny Squid

    submitted by /u/MikeMert3ns
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    My First Legendary

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:21 AM PST

    Completed my research breakthrough and got this guy! Zapdos He's only a 2 star but aye it's MY FIRST LEGENDARY!!! I would also like to thank u/HoldenSanchez for helping me on how to post this picture! Thanks dude!!

    submitted by /u/Jupidness
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    My first shiny, and it’s also my first legendary!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Got this bad boy out of a research box. I'm level 22 btw, super happy right now!


    submitted by /u/Solarius__
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    Do Torchics give anyone else a hard time?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:39 PM PST

    I swear to gosh no matter how many berries I use, ultra balls, CP, no matter WHAT. I always find myself yelling at Torchics that just refuse to be caught. :|

    submitted by /u/CurtFitz5
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    I know it is a little late but I finally found a masked Pikachu!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:59 PM PST

    So a little bit after Halloween I found a masked Pikachu. I haven't seen anyone sharing their pictures of theirs here so I am sharing mine!

    Masked Pikachu

    submitted by /u/YetiNOTForgetti
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    Shiny Zubat!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:17 PM PST


    Been searching for this one for awhile so I'm super happy to have gotten it! I'm glad I decided to go out today cause I didn't really feel all that great today, but again I'm glad I did now! :)

    submitted by /u/Xd0015
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    What's the point of mass evolving after level 40?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:48 PM PST

    I'm not interested in attaining XP for some potential for level 40+. Is there any point to saving and evolving things now that I'm at level 40? Or should I just keep the candy and move on?

    Sorry if it's been asked, I searched and couldn't find it. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/OrangeCandi
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    Returning Player: help me

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:18 AM PST

    Does weather effect affect max CP?

    - I know that pokemon caught have higher CP and IVs when weather effect is active

    Does move set affect max CP?

    Do lucky Pokemon have higher max CP?

    - I know they change their IVs min. 80% max 100% wich means u could get a worse pokemon than it was before.

    Is it a good plan to trade pokemon with max lvl to have a chance on a lvled lucky Pokemon?

    - (no stardust cost)

    Do pokemon freed from TR and then made happy have higher max cp compared to others with same IV?

    submitted by /u/lecker_essen_
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    Cobalion Raid

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Help! I need to catch this as last day and I've been slack. My local raiding group in Kingston aren't raiding as they all have it so I'm heading to London. If I go to Trafalgar Square will there be raiders or can anyone hook me up with a Telegram London Raid group. I can be up there until around 8pm.

    Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/jamster4699
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    So... This just happened...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:45 PM PST


    Hundo Regigigas with Giga Impact! Thanks so much for everyone who came out to raid on a snowy work day 😅

    submitted by /u/thursday010
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    What sort of issues do you expect to see from spoofers in the Go Leauge arriving during the 1st quarter of 2020?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:18 PM PST


    Currently the biggest issues that some trainers have with spoofers right now is there ability to spoof gyms and devaluate anything rare such as Pokémon with favorable IVs and even visiting Pokéstops with rare tasks. But honestly, even though it's frustrating that they spoof gyms and catch the best stuff, they don't really affect the next person's playstyle in a sense if you get what I mean. For some, unlike myself, these acts of cheating don't bother them but with the Go League I believe we will see a huge problem emerging.

    Take the Vs Seeker for example. To charge it you have to walk in order for it to function. Spoofers can simulate walking with spoofer apps by just joysticking themselves around which will basically keep their Seeker always charged. This is a huge advantage.

    Spoofing the best IVs. Many will say that IVs do not play a substantial role in battling. This is not always true. Many battles I've won/lost were the results of my opponent or I having better IVs. Having one extra HP always takes place for me and when you are someone that understands how breakpoints work you start to look at things different. Those little differences can and will either change the flow of battle.

    Spoofing right now is a problem. It's been causing drama in the Silph Arena as well. So I'm very eager to see what happens with it in the Go League because you can't have an actual competitive feature if people are able to spoof.


    submitted by /u/mythicaltimelord
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    Got my first perfect, shiny legendary today

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:07 AM PST

    After years of playing, I finally have a perfect Pokemon. To make things more interesting he's shiny and legendary. Looks like today's going to be a good day. here he is in all his glory

    submitted by /u/MandarinTea
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    Picking which Pokémon to evolve

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:39 AM PST

    As a filthy casual, I'm wondering what advice you guys would make on how to pick which Pokémon to evolve?

    For reference, I almost never raid but do enjoy taking gyms and battling team rocket.

    The main question is- how important is it to get a 3-star rated Pokémon? I used to always wait for a 3-star Pokémon and evolve it regardless of CP... but now I'm starting to get to the point where I see that I need to start rationing stardust.

    Is the 3-star impactful enough to evolve them regardless of CP knowing I will have to spend stardust to power them up later? Or as a casual should I just evolve the highest CP regardless of Stars because that's just good enough?

    submitted by /u/Chlemtil
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    Adventure sync not working anymore.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:24 AM PST

    Over the past month adventure sync for me has degraded to the point where it no longer tracks any progress. For a couple weeks it would track the progress but just very delayed, where I can turn AS off and on, then it'll update. However, now even if I do that, it does't work.

    submitted by /u/TheNamesFrosty
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    I'm finally back

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PST

    It's been a few years since I've had an unlimited data plan. Now that life is coming together and we're financially doing well I no longer have to worry about wifi hotspots. It became frustrating seeing the pokemon I wanted out in a baseball field and no way of catching it without burning data. I ended up deleting the game after a few months of couchsurfing and using all my lures.

    But tonight. I have downloaded it again. And I'm excited for the changes I missed.

    submitted by /u/Tilted-Turtle
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    [Question] Question about the move frustration

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:19 AM PST

    I have a shadow Sneasel with frustration. If I evolve him now will Frustration stay? And what if I use a charged TM when evolved? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/dry-dragonfly
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    Trying to recover old account w/ broken email

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:04 PM PST

    So long story short I was a day 1 player and had to make 2 account because of the login issues with the trainer club. Point is, the account I made became my main account (using gmail), and I eventually deleted the data of the trainer club one. I've been playing on the trainer club account because the email I used doesn't exist anymore as it was an old student email.

    Do I have hope to have my favorite account again?

    submitted by /u/Skywave28
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    6 unique electric types vs Vaporeon in sunny (no WB). Just for fun

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:13 AM PST

    Tier 3 Vaporeon raid (Water Gun/Hydro Pump) solo in sunny weather (no boost) with 6 unique electric Pokemon. https://youtu.be/e0yMFfRK5kU

    submitted by /u/Elpanachevere2
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