• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    Pokémon GO - [Suggestion] Even more extra stuff: More egg sprites + getting eggs from Sierra (as Spark's counterpart) to identify the different egg pools and give us more choice in what pokémon to try to hatch

    Pokémon GO - [Suggestion] Even more extra stuff: More egg sprites + getting eggs from Sierra (as Spark's counterpart) to identify the different egg pools and give us more choice in what pokémon to try to hatch

    [Suggestion] Even more extra stuff: More egg sprites + getting eggs from Sierra (as Spark's counterpart) to identify the different egg pools and give us more choice in what pokémon to try to hatch

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Phanpy in his natural element

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:34 PM PST

    Had the opportunity to visit the Elephant Nature Park outside of Chiang Mai, Thailand today.

    I couldn't help but take a picture of Phanpy with his family.

    Beautiful, ethical sanctuary worth a visit. No shady stuff like elephant rides, bathing with elephants, etc. All in a safe sanctuary

    submitted by /u/TheFencingCoach
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    Little confidence boost for my little girl

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:54 AM PST

    I play PoGo with my kids. The youngest ones tag along on community days and the likes, but my oldest daughter (8) often walks with me to catch some pokemon.

    Now, a little backstory. My daughter loves pokemon and mainly pokemon go. It has helped her make social connections which is very hard because of her autism. She had a few moments where she bit into a goal and refused to give up, like beating Giovanni. And more importantly, it has given her the biggest smile so often.

    At school her class got a moment to relax, which to her playing pokemon go and memorizing long number lines and decks of cards (I am a memory athlete, she wanted to try some time ago, so I taught her how to do it and it stuck around) both of which she does on her phone. Because of her autism she has approval to carry her phone and use it in the relax hours. She relaxes because it lets her be in her own world for a while, and when she has to put it away, she will, because those are the rules.

    Her current teacher doesnt like that. She got a new teacher about a month ago and my daughter has been more stressed since. She even asked if she could leave her phone home because the teacher takes it away. If people touch her stuff without reason she gets a panic attack, so it is not fun. A few days ago she told my daughter that memorizing the things is not healthy for her, and pokemon is only for babies. She even said that her parents would probably never approve of such hobbies, because I am an operations supervisor (not sure if that is the correct term in english but I'll roll with it) and part-time teacher with medical emergency team stuff on the side (basically work 24-7) and hubby is a special forces member. Both jobs that dont seem to match with nerdy hobbies. This broke her and I am still fuming in anger at that comment.

    Last weekend, my daughter went catching pokemons. My hubby went to walk the dogs together with one of his buddies from the special forces, she wanted to come along as it was an opportunity to catch pokemons.

    During their walk, my daughter nudged my hubby and gestured (she cant talk very well, especially when stressed) that the teacher who insulted her was also walking her dog at the park. She had already told the story so hubby knew all about it, and he knew her from the teacher-parent meeting a few weeks ago. So he grabbed his phone, started pokemon (he has it installed for her, still level 15 because he rarely plays) and handed the second phone my daughter was using to his buddy. His buddy also plays with his kids but he had left his phone at home, but hubby was set on completing the picture.

    He straight up went her way. The oldest of the dogs stuck close to my daughter because he felt her nervousness. Hubby politely greeted the teacher, asked if she walked the dogs here often and then said that they went here often to catch pokemons while I trained for memory championships. He even included a little hand around our daughter while saying that he hopes that our little girl grows up to love the little hobbies and great ambitions as well. All with the politest smile.

    Our daughter came home smiling again. Today she said that she was allowed to play pokemon again in the relax hour.


    Thank you for the silver! It put a smile on all of our faces :D May you catch a shiny pokemon as a thanks for your kindness!

    submitted by /u/Amayax
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    So I'm standing there waiting for my coffee.....

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:17 PM PST

    And I see these 2 others waiting as well, but while they are waiting, they are battling a gym right outside.

    That gym is my colour, and even though I have no pokemon in there (full) I stand there feeding berries to the others, making their health full.

    This happens for 5-6 minutes and they are getting more and more frustrated questioning each other what is going on.

    They get their coffee and give up the attack as I'm standing there grinning.


    submitted by /u/Blitzznt
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    You saw Venusaur and Blastoise Sculpture,and now is time for Charizard naturally :).

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:06 AM PST

    Would you like me to continue sculpting this series? If so, comment which one should be next ,I'll do it if it reaches let's say 50 thumbs up on that particular Pokemon. Maybe I'll do something a bit different then this ones but hopefully cool :).

    Hope u guys having great day/evening where ever you are


    submitted by /u/ABmodeling
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    how 2 virizion: a simple guide [gamepress]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 12:46 PM PST

    guide here

    Virizion's coming out today! The Grass/Fighting Musketeer has a crippling double weakness to Flying-type damage, which makes that your best pick to counter it! Moltres is top dog (bird?) here, most notably with the Wing Attack/Sky AttackL set, but if you're low on TMs, Fire Spin can do fine. Other top picks include Honchkrow (Please use the Flying set) and Unfezant (it's much better than you think).

    submitted by /u/tforge13
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    Luckiest Night Ever

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:40 AM PST


    tldr; caught my pokedex Gabite ,shiny Poliwag, 100% level 34 Anorith, pokedex Aerodactyl, pokedex Meltan, shiny Meowth and pokedex Durant all in the span of 2 hours.

    submitted by /u/cerealosu
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    Please stop calling every feature a “Cash Grab”....you are giving us a bad reputation.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:26 PM PST

    I may be the only one here but can we please stop referring to everything Niantic does for the game a "Cash Grab", it is really making us a spoiled and ungrateful community.

    First and foremost this IS a free to play game. This game can be played at all levels absolutely free. Yes, raid passes and incubators cost PokeCoins but they are not needed to play, we just want more of them so we can do more of the things we want...well Niantic has a HUMUNGOUS player base and still need to pay for all of the support needed to keep the game we love not just running but evolving over time. Coins can be earned through play, albeit slowly, so that we can supplement the things we want to use more of. This isn't a Pay To Win game either with the best stuff locked behind pay walls....you can be competitive in all facets of this game without spending a dime. PVP, raiding, collecting...all can be done for free. Yes it takes longer, and yes it is more difficult, you can pay to get ahead faster but not to get things that others can't.

    Gible in eggs is a GOOD THING. Yes i understand that there probably won't be a Community Day where they give out this rare and strong Pokémon for free to everyone but the reward for earning a strong Pokémon is better than being given it. And on top of that i HATE not knowing if i SHOULD evolve a good Pokémon out of fear that a CD will roll around and make that Pokémon less viable. My 100% IV Metagross and Salamance with non-CD moves never get to come out and play anymore.

    Now I agree that there are things that need a rework desperately. Specifically the TM system especially with new move rollouts that make getting a specific move very expensive. Or the uselessness of XP beyond level 40, and why does EVERYTHING have to cost so much stardust....leveling, trading, secondary charge moves, purifying....cut is some slack there. But if you want examples of how much Niantic is doing for us just consider how much this game has evolved in the last 3.5 years...even the last year! More events, more shinies, PVP updates out the wazoo, the return of Legacy Moves that most of us thought would NEVER be back, Shadow Claw Gengar anyone!

    TLDR: Some things are meant to be hard to get, some things are meant to be very rare. In order for this game to keep growing financial support is required but that doesn't mean everything is a cash grab. That mentality just makes us sound spoiled and ungrateful of all the work Niantic is doing to make this game great!

    submitted by /u/TheOneJoel
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    [Discussion] Pokemon Go Buddy Adventure

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 04:24 AM PST

    To start I want to know what everyone thinks of the upcoming Buddy Adventure system and if you think it'll be a good addition to the game or not. Is it necessary? I want a good discussion no "I'm right you're wrong". Have at it trainers.

    This next part will be all my thoughts and opinions, and I'm sorry if this is bad grammer or anything my English is not 100% so please don't be rude and downvote just because I have a typo or something silly like that. :)

    First thing first I was planning to get to 1000km with my buddy Pokémon by the end of the year and it's definitely possible.

    My plan was to get to 1000km then I can switch buddies to other Pokémons that I need to walk to evolve or earn more candy for.

    Hearing about the new system/ feature got me so exited like a teenage girl going to her first concert, I love how we will be able to interact more with our buddies and how our buddies will do more. And that update lays the ground work for us to see our fellow trainers' buddies in AR+ and that so just so amazing.

    HOWEVER, a big part of me is upset and confused because I want to switch buddies after I hit 1000km with my vulpix so I can do as I said earlier, but I want to keep my vulpix as my buddy forever now so we can have all the bonuses together. If you read this part I want to know your opinion on if I should just switch buddy Pokémons or keep my vulpix.

    Regarding the buddy adventure I do think it's a very good idea and I'm sure many trainers will enjoy it. It adds a little more depth to the game with your buddy instead of just popping in a Pokémon to earn candy or flexing to your friends who look at your profile when they open/send gifts.

    I don't think it's necessary to the add to the game but don't get me wrong, I would be very sad if they just scrap the idea and it never comes. Necessary, no. But very much welcomed addition to the game.

    I'm very curious to see how far this feature will develop and if it'll have a major or minor effect on the daily gameplay.

    Final thoughts, I love it and I can't wait for it to come. I will be keeping my vulpix as my buddy unless I hear some very good reasons as to why I should switch. and thank you for reading. <3

    submitted by /u/PoppingPaulyPop
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    I finally got my first gold gym!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    There is a gym down the block from my house that I've been working on getting to gold for months now, well I finally got it and put my golden Steelix in there to guard it! https://i.imgur.com/BHgusSR.jpg

    submitted by /u/eldarknight
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    Unofficial Christmas 2019 Badge

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:42 PM PST

    I made this image featuring the Community Day pokemon from 2019 to celebrate the holiday season. It's meant to be in the spirit of the typical silph community day badge art.


    submitted by /u/FloppyKing
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    Avatar reset?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:06 AM PST

    since updating my avatar returns to a default every time i launch the game, is anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/AbsoluteSaddestMan
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    I wrote an article about how RNG makes video games addictive, particularly games like Pokemon GO.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 01:47 PM PST

    How many chances a day do you get to become lucky friends with one friend?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:37 AM PST

    For example, you can send a gift to a friend once a day and also receive a gift once a day from a friend - if my friend and I send and open our gifts from one another on the same day, do both gift openings provide a chance at becoming lucky friends or only the first opening that 'boosts' the friendship level? (Even though you're already best friends.)

    submitted by /u/Newly-Yorked
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    Game requests camera permissions every time I tap a Pokémon

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:32 AM PST

    As of 0.129.0 on iOS, Pokémon Go is asking me to allow camera access every time I tap on a Pokémon.

    I intentionally have camera permissions disabled, as I don't use any of the AR features. Clicking "close" lets me continue playing as usual, but it's annoying to have this pop up every single time I want to catch a Pokémon.


    submitted by /u/Stevoisiak
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    For pogo Final Fantasy fans

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:13 PM PST

    So I have a thing for final fantasy names, so I thought I would share this with you!

    What kind of renaming do you usually do on your favorite pokes?

    pogo for ff fans

    submitted by /u/El_Veethorn
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    Rotating pokemon is a lot difficult after the new update!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 10:19 PM PST

    So I've evolved some brand new pokemon , want to rotate them around and see how they look . But I've noticed it became really difficult to rotate them after the new update . It is less responsive compared to the previous version. We have to hold one tiny spot ,press and hold it down and then rotate it. Not a game breaking bug but it's a bit annoying . I hope niantic fixes it.


    submitted by /u/chaitu1204
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    Thank you, Pokemon Go and the world community of Trainers, for 3 years of fun!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 02:55 PM PST

    My name is Joshua* and Pokemon Go is the best phone game I have ever played.

    TLDR: After 3 years I am quitting Pokemon Go and having my account deleted. It's a great game, but it's time to move on. I'm sharing my final score and avatar+buddy pic here with you and for the benefit of posterity.

    THE FULL STORY: After I reached level 40 some months ago, I realised I should stop playing. It was no longer as fun not being able to level up further, but I kept on playing and playing, and I became worried that I was seeing the world around me too much in terms of Pokestops and Gyms, even when I wasn't playing the game.

    As much as I loved the game, I needed to stop. I tried just deleting it from my phone, but I kept installing it again. I finally concluded that I needed to ask Niantic to delete my account. I had always taken screenshots of important events, milestones and discoveries in the game, so I decided I also would take a snapshot of my account right before I asked that it be deleted. I took screenshots of all the main screens in the game, to have a forever record of my experiences with this incredible game. And then I went through the account deletion process.

    It's a cool game, I've got lots of good memories, but it's time for me to move on.

    Please wish me well, and thanks again! :)
    \Not my real name)

    submitted by /u/henkyhenky
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    [QUESTION] Anyone noticed lag during Friend screen and hiccups during catch screen on Android 10?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:34 AM PST

    I recently updated my Xiaomi Mi 9 to Android 10. And I've noticed hiccups during catching (more noticeably) and lag in the friend screen. I don't know if it's because of Android 10 or another app hogging resources in the background.

    submitted by /u/AMZAROK
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    Non-alolan shiny Vulpix and Ninetales in pokedex

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:36 AM PST


    Looks like after the update the pokedex shows non-alolan shiny forms for pokemon that didn't get their shiny released yet.

    submitted by /u/pluszak90
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    Hacked or glitch?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:09 AM PST

    When I opened my game this morning my avatar had changed to a different gender and completely different clothing. Has this happened to anybody else before and could it be a glitch? All of my Pokemon are accounted for.

    submitted by /u/Tgheron2
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    "Shiny Sparkles" effect now applied to all of my Pokémon since the update.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:26 AM PST

    I looked around and hadn't seen this reported yet but since I updated the game, all of the Pokemon I have in my storage have the shiny sparkle effect applied to them.

    On evolve it goes away until I exit from the Pokemon I was looking at, but on reentry it's sparkling again.

    Had me wondering how many people have this visual bug and if it is because of either the buddy update coming, or shiny visuals bugging out leading up to the Christmas release of the new shiny forms because maybe something didn't get implemented right.

    submitted by /u/RivalTrainerSkittle
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