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    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Another Rural Player Meme

    Pokémon GO - Another Rural Player Meme

    Another Rural Player Meme

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Here's another rural player meme I've made for the upcoming event. And with Woobat in the research breakthroughs I guess the rural players will be receiving no love this Valentine's Day.

    submitted by /u/Trevor-On-Reddit
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    I need to learn how to read.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:52 AM PST

    I had been sitting on my 6 stamps for a week and wanted to get the last one at midnight for that Woobat since it would be February first, but I missed that it doesn't start until later in the day.

    So yeah here's my February 1st Lapras that isn't even shiny or a hundo. https://i.imgur.com/O314WRm.png

    submitted by /u/JRES1996
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    The Community Day voting method sucks.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:21 AM PST

    I don't have much else to say. I want to vote for Rhyhorn. It's hard to find Rhyhorn research and I live in a dense area with many pokestops. I have already walked many kilometers and I feel like Niantic has set this up for Vulpix to win based on my area. The research should have just given us a voting item as a reward that we can click, choose and submit our choice.

    People who use a Go+ will not even see who they are voting for if they catch 20 pokemon and didn't see the research they picked up.

    People who just want stardust will vote for whoever, but that just works against the community members who actually care.

    This method seems nice in theory but in practice it is horrendous and I hope Niantic never implements this type of system in the future.

    submitted by /u/novadaemon
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    Kecleon changing color until it is released

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:18 AM PST

    Hi you all, I am the guy who posts a differently colored Kecleon everyday. First of all I want to thank everyone supporting the posts. Having Kecleon constantly on top of the biggest Pokémon Go fan forum will not go unnoticed by Niantic and I firmly believe it helps them realize what big of a deal the last Gen 3 Pokémon to some people is.

    That being said I am unable to post anymore colored Kecleons for the time being. The power in my apartment went out and I don't know when my landlord will fix it. Only my kitchen and bathroom were unphased by this. I am currently posting this from my phone with which I can't edit the Kecleon pictures.

    I am really sorry to everyone who has been looking forward to the next post, but I am afraid I have to lay it off for a while. If anyone is willing to continue the Kecleon chain he/she has my full support in doing so.

    Thanks for understanding.

    submitted by /u/KnowsItBetter69
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    Woobat for a research breakthrough?!?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Absolutely disgraceful, Niantic. I guess we're just done getting legendaries in our breakthroughs. Tough luck if you live in a town without many people doing 5* raids I guess.

    submitted by /u/SneakerGator
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    Kecleon changing colors until it is released (Day 7)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:23 AM PST


    "hoho you are approaching my post? ZA WARUDO! Toki yo Tomare!"

    submitted by /u/KnowsItBetter69
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    Am I the only one who thinks 15KM a day in order to stay competitive in PvP is kind of an overkill?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:41 AM PST

    As the title states. I've been racking up 15-17KM the past few days in order to keep in the loop with Go Battle League but it feels like a non-sustainable model.

    Sure, I don't have anything better to do at this point in time but what about people who have jobs and other hobbies? I know I don't HAVE to walk the 15KM if I don't want to, but the thing is that I really enjoy GBL and would love to see it as a permanent thing in some form or another. Battling other trainers for the slightest of rewards or more is, to me, the peak of Pokemon experience, ever since 1999.

    Don't get me wrong, I do rack up about 70-80KM a week, but life happens and you might just want a more casual-friendly league every once in a while.

    TLDR; After so many years of gaming, a 15K walk per day is the most "expensive" form of competitive league entry I've ever seen :P

    submitted by /u/Inevia
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    Where did all the gyms and raids go?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Just did my normal 4-5km walk and noticed all the gyms and raids are gone from the city (Sydney) Did a reset and cleared cache... Very odd All gyms gone https://imgur.com/gallery/ncFz8yi

    submitted by /u/Azragarn
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    Got this boi today :)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:59 AM PST

    . https://imgur.com/gallery/uBKA0h2) Waited so long to get the 100 candy needed and im happy now.

    submitted by /u/PanKebab
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    Anybody else just feeling overwhelmed by Niantic's scheduling of events?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    With the release of February's events and new Pokemon, I found myself reading the notice and feeling completely overwhelmed, and not in a good way.

    The Swoobat is nice, it's just once a week and not having to get hopes up over shiny possibilty is nice.

    But with all the new releases in 7k eggs, events on all different times and days with varying perks, it's difficult to keep track of what will be when.

    And now to add in more shinies to the mix? Minccino, Happiny, Chansey, Riolu, Lickitung, and Hippopotas. And who knows what the Spotlight Hour will bring.

    All in all, they should just release a calendar graphic with all these dates and times.

    How do you all feel about it? Do you agree or disagree?

    submitted by /u/Optimistic_Mystic
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    Should I change my team?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:40 AM PST

    I have 9 gyms in my vicinity, and almost all of them are controlled by team mystic (me too). pic : https://imgur.com/a/gFSkblp . When the other team beat the gym, in a few hours it will be blue again with full pokemon. It will not be beaten again in a few days. So, it's so hard to earn pokecoins.

    The local football team here has blue as their prime color and identity (like Chelsea in EPL), I don't know if it's the prime cause but I think that is the reason majority of the trainer here is part of team mystic.

    submitted by /u/tazakkacaya
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    Election Posters, Let's Rock the Vote!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:14 PM PST

    Any proper election could use a poster or two to motivate everyone to go to the Pokestops.

    Dragonite is my Superpower
    Payback's a...
    My Pick's for Vulpix!

    Hope you enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Gauwin
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    Shoutout to Pokemon Go for being the best double checker for Google maps out there.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:27 AM PST

    Shoutout to Pokemon Go for being the best double checker for Google maps out there. Nothing like checking unvisited PokéStops to make sure you're going the right way. Also great for finding the best way to the closest convenience store.

    submitted by /u/bechtold1684
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    February events to make your heart flutter! - Pokémon GO

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:11 PM PST

    Finally got a golden pokemon

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:14 AM PST

    I've been reading everyone's shiny catches during the event and desperate to get a golden magikarp, to no avail just yet. But my egg just hatched and I didnt quite get the golden pokemon I was after but still very happy with this golden boy


    submitted by /u/Kieranuts
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    Sinnoh Event Announcement

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:52 PM PST

    Niantic: Gible and Riolu will be appearing in 7k eggs during the event....


    Niantic:...along with thirty other Pokémon found exclusively in the Sinnoh region!! Get hatching whales, erm, Trainers!


    submitted by /u/DaBigDaddyFish
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    whats the best way to grind stardust???

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:29 AM PST

    ive been been playing go battle a lot and and have been investing in my pvp pokemon but now all my stardust is done and and i need to power up my skarmory

    submitted by /u/quavoskrrt
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    Does anyone elses character wonder?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:01 PM PST

    occasionally, more so at night then during the day, my character will just wonder off, about a km away, then run back, causing the "woah slow down!" message to pop up

    submitted by /u/SmokeyHorizons
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    Anyone else experiencing a lack of gifts from Pokestops?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:23 PM PST

    I don't know if it's just me but I went out for a couple of hours the other night and constantly spun pokestops and only ended up with maybe around 5 gifts by the end of the night. Am I just unlucky or what?

    submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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    Can Go battle league consider the syschronization between two players?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:19 AM PST

    Due to the poor connection quality, I had five fails continuously in the Go battle league, where I just stall and can do nothing and the opponent can continue to fight. I do not think it is fair. A fair battle should consider the synchronization of both sides. Losing the battle because of the Internet connection makes me ready disappointed about this game. Sigh!

    submitted by /u/TendrePois
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    Anyone else not care about pvp?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:02 AM PST

    I tried to give it a go, but I just can't get on board with simple tapping as their battle method. It just isn't fun, I know it's been like this forever and it is okay with raids but I feel no competitive drive when all it basically involves is tapping. I wish I could like it more, but it just doesn't grasp me. Am I missing something or do you guys feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/Scotte8797
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    Can we delay egg hatch reveal to a notification instead ?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Probably one of the most annoying and frustrating things with the game are these events that cannot be avoided in this game. While I was trying to catch a gen 5 mon that I do not have. My eggs hatched and it kept going and going for 4 eggs. By the time it was over, the gen 5 mon was gone. I walked around and hung around and it never showed back up. This is the most annoying time consuming things with the game is these egg hatch reveals. Probably better to just have the eggs hatched while the game is in the background and just go through the storage. But I simply can't stand the egg hatch reveal back to back that cannot be canceled or delayed.

    There should be a notification that you have eggs hatching that gives you an option to reveal instead of this cycle of egg hatching without a way to get out except killing the game.

    submitted by /u/vision33r
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