• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Pokémon GO - (A rant about rural players be excluded form events) As a rural player and a Mewtwo fan, I am legitimately upset right now :(

    Pokémon GO - (A rant about rural players be excluded form events) As a rural player and a Mewtwo fan, I am legitimately upset right now :(

    (A rant about rural players be excluded form events) As a rural player and a Mewtwo fan, I am legitimately upset right now :(

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:13 PM PST

    "Hey, Pokémon's birthday is coming up! And our gift to you for being such a dedicated fan is to make you cry helplessly for a week!" -Niantic

    So if you haven't heard the news, armored Mewtwo, clone Pokémon and party hat Pokémon will be appearing in raids from 2/25 to 3/2. Now if you're a rural player like me, you were probably excited until you read the word "raid" and you immediately checked out.

    Why Niantic? Why do you keep hyping us up for these events and then tell us it's behind a system that rural players cannot participate in? What's worse is that you put these Pokémon behind insanely difficult raid levels, so if a rural player is lucky enough to find another rural player or to just use another account on a different phone (or as it's better known as, cheating), it won't help.

    What's worse is this community will not help rural players who have good ideas that will help rural players participate in these events. "Find a local discord or convince other people to play." I'm tired of hearing it because we've heard it so many times and the reason we continue to give these idea is because we can't. We don't have a discord server in our local area. We can't convince people who don't like Pokémon to play this game where your love for Pokémon drives you to play it.

    "If we just give players legendaries then it'll just be unfair." It's already unfair. Also we're not saying to just give us legendaries. Why is it fair for rural players to not have any sort of chance? It's not fair for me to disable the timer and sacrifice 100 of my highest level Pokémon to get 1 legendary that may not even be that good? I don't even want these Pokémon to battle with, I wanna catch them all and complete the dex!

    "Well if you complete the dex then you'll stop playing and they want you to play for as long as possible." I'm considering to quit the game now. Why would I play a game I can't have a chance at beating in? If rural players could do legendary raids then I would definitely play the game more. I'll put my shoes on and sprint down the street for a legendary, and probably play longer since I'm outside. I will however not even consider getting out of bed just for a Cloyster.

    If you're an urban player and are still unconvinced and think that rural players are being brats, then I invite you to feel the experience. The Pokémon day event, don't participate in raids. That's right, watch those raid timers count to zero and disappear. That is what a rural player has to deal with every day. If you aren't willing to miss these event Pokémon, then don't say we're spoiled.

    February is defiantly going to be a rough month for rural players. Not getting any love in a month about love, ironically. Do you have to agree with my solutions to this? No. But at least agree that the these events should include everyone and they should find a way to make that happen.

    I'm a huge Pokémon fan, but I'm also a rural player. All I want to do is be apart of these events and to enjoy a game that I love. But I may quit because getting angry at this kind of stuff just isn't worth it anymore. I'm just tired of seeing rural players get the short end of the stick and seeing urban players not give us a hand.

    Please upvote this so more people can see. Maybe a miracle could happen and Niantic will see this and maybe throw rural players a bone.

    May all of your Pokémon be shiny, trainers!

    submitted by /u/Trevor-On-Reddit
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    Kecleon changing colors until it is released (Day 12)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:12 AM PST


    Today's Kec is light red, I am not gonna lie, running a little low on colors and I feel like just slighty changing the hue or saturation is cheating a little. From Saturday forward every Kecleon post will feature the Pokémon dressing up as an anime character.

    submitted by /u/KnowsItBetter69
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    Boi does a sneeze

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:50 AM PST


    Found this little guy and since it's become a hobby of mine to screenshot Pokémon in funny poses, I present to you a sneezing Electrike.

    Ah and he's shiny.

    submitted by /u/deDoohd
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    [Study Report] Go Battle League - Rating vastly depends on progress in BADGES

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Hello pretty people!

    Edit: here comes what was missing - graphs presenting the data created by u/empoleon_dynamite - Rating vs Win-Ratio, Rating vs Number of Games and Rating vs Badges. http://imgur.com/gallery/gp0qUBJ

    Thanks to hard work of all the people involved - PvP Poland Team, u/Empoleon_Dynamite - mr. PvPoke, u/Spawciu251, u/ClaunFiesta, u/plenzni, u/F1ash0ut - mighty ValorAsh,and over 900 Trainers from all over the world who shared their in-game stats with us.

    Here are the results of a few days long studies regarding Go Battle League's (GBL) Rating.

    The game creates Initial Rating for every player in the moment they start playing in GBL basing on the values of 5 Badges (Badges with the highest values are displayed in each Player's GBL Lobby):Ace Trainer, Hero, Great League, Ultra League, Master League.

    That Initial Rating that is hidden until a Player reaches Rank 7 is being influenced by wins and losses on their way there, however that influence is pretty minor (most probably the same as you can experience in further Ranks ~around 5-8 points per match).As you can already guess - the moment you enter your first match is crucial to your Rating in Rank7 and higher.

    Our studies has shown that Players with e.g. 1 Golden Badge with over 1000 points in it, is basically guaranteed to get around 3000 Rating points no matter how bad their Win-Ratio might get. The higher the numbers in Badges the higher that guaranteed number is.

    On the other hand Players with only Bronze Badges even if they get around 90% Win-Ratio they still end up with 1500-2000 Rating depending on the exact numbers in their Badges.

    As per ending, Players having a lot of points in all the Badges (all over the Golden Badge threshold) are getting close to Rank10 Rating (3500) with about 60% Win-Ratio which with all honesty is not hard to accomplish.

    Current system is not fair and does not promote skill of Players at all. Everything you have to do is to grind your Badges before you start competing in GBL.

    As probably all of you agree this should be changed - please help with promotion of this post so it can reach Niantic - yes Niantic - we see what you have done there - we appreciate that you gave us our long awaited feature but very please improve this Rating madness.

    Once again big shoutout for everyone involved!!! u/F1ash0ut - mighty ValorAsh, u/Spawciu251, u/ClaunFiesta, u/plenzni u/Empoleon_Dynamite, PvP Poland Team <3

    Wish you all reaching Rank10.



    submitted by /u/Adamaster89
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    Idea: Niantic should add dark mode to pokemon go (example images)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

    http://imgur.com/gallery/1fEtyym it's long over due for dark mode, here are some example images to help demonstrate what it could look like!

    submitted by /u/Footzah
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    Caught my favorite shiny pokémon today

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Looks so cool in this color

    I'm probably never going to evolve it tho

    submitted by /u/GabrilLokaum
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    Spotlight Hour seems like a great chance for Niantic to make regionals available temporarily for the whole world

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Yes, this idea makes it so regionals aren't as rare, that's an understandable viewpoint. But imagine the following notifications for people who cannot travel the world, who would love to have some of these Pokemon:

    • Trainers! Torkoal has been spotted steaming across the globe; catch them during Spotlight Hour for a chance at nabbing one!
    • We've been getting reports of Volbeat and Illumise shining around the world; grab them during Spotlight Hour!
    • Relicanth, the longevity Pokemon, has been sighted around the globe; catch this living fossil during Spotlight Hour!

    Same concept with any sort of regional, to just allow even the most casual players a chance at getting one. I might be mistaken on this assumption, but outside of the ability to get people to fill out their Pokedex easier, there's really no reason to restrict the Pokemon regionally, right?

    Would love to hear other thoughts to see what people think and what could help refine this idea even more :)

    submitted by /u/billyK_
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    Caught this little guy for the first time!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST

    I finally got my first Gible! He isn't perfect nor shiny but I wanted one so badly because he's just so cute and here in France it's literally the very first time I've seen one. He showed up on my radar last night around 2am and I honestly jumped in my shoes and went out just to catch him. Couldn't miss the chance! I'm really happy!

    First Gible!

    submitted by /u/jaymini_
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    Party hat overkill

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:27 PM PST

    overkill Niantic going overboard with the party hat theme? Of course they are, complete with a raid locked shiny variants. Edit: clarified that I was talking about shiny

    submitted by /u/Hyrul3e
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    No Gifts?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Not getting any gifts this morning. I was trying to hoard it up to 10 so that I can gift friends and get returns for the event tomorrow?

    I have spun 20+ poke stops with 0 gifts. I have none in the inventory.

    submitted by /u/Best-Republic
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    On this day, I went to buy many lotto tickets.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:56 PM PST

    This buddy of mine just hatched out of a 10k egg. I don't know what the chances are but I feel really lucky to have gotten 1!! https://imgur.com/a/I8An5os

    submitted by /u/RenoNYC
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    Idea for allowing rural players and dead raid zones to become viable for soloers.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:46 PM PST

    So if this idea has been thrown around then ignore it....but here's what I like.

    So normally when a player sees a T5 in a "dead" zone they can't do anything about it. What if instead of players not being able to do the raid, when a solo player enters the raid a prompt shows up, asking if they're sure they want to do the raid solo.

    If the player selects yes, the overall difficulty of the mob moves to T3 status, if they win the raid ends as it normally would, with T3 rewards. They're then rewarded 1/5th of a token (you can't have more than 5 at one time) and the raid is over (showing a completion on the gym as it does for any normal success). Once a player has gotten 5 tokens they then are prompted into a catch screen for the current T5 mob in raids, the mob is level 20. Even if they chose to leave or quit, the raid remains a unique T3 that only they can enter.

    Now players can still get T5 mobs that are otherwise unavailable, and no one can complain since the raids are completely ended at T5s.

    If the player selects no, then they're taken to the world map again and it remains a normal T5.

    Thank you for listening to my Ted talk. Sometimes i get overly wordy, please let me know if they're any holes in the plan.

    submitted by /u/Elpacoverde
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    Just in time for the next community day!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:50 PM PST


    Also how did the voting results end up being Rhyhorn? I assume people (like me) just turned in each vote to get the stardust.. or does it only count the first submission?

    submitted by /u/0Frokachu
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    Kecleon changing colors until it is released (Day 11)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:32 AM PST


    Give it up for Day 11 accompanied by a dark blue Kecleon, still going strong

    submitted by /u/KnowsItBetter69
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    A day with Virtual Grandpa

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Having so much fun with AR pictures~ヽ(・∀・)ノ Pictures of my Yorkie with my Stoutland! https://imgur.com/a/fbj5mAz

    submitted by /u/KnlghtLlghts
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    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:51 AM PST

    many pokenames

    Was just admiring my old screenshots of the names I gave my pokemon back when I played pokemon go early on.

    submitted by /u/wave-forms
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    Honestly this is so sad Niantic (rant)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:41 AM PST

    During the chinese new year event i was always short on presents. Not because i have so many friends but because i simply didnt get any from pokestops. It was insane, i had to visit so many stops to just get one present. What a coincidence that the event was build around giving presents. Needless to say i got 3 special candy in two weeks.

    And as soon this event was over i get presents from almost every stop. This is so cheap niantic. Your revenue from this game is insane and yet you still keep screwing over your players at any given chance.

    Even the new event is a slap in the face for rural players. All you care about is money instead of doing sth for the community. Basic features that players ask for since the beginning (f.e. raid ping system) are still not implemented.

    Shinies and new hats do not count as content and even the rocket invasion is executed so poorly and designed to get more money. I cant really say anything about the new PvP content except thats its buggy as hell. But it just came out and the idea seems legit so lets wait and see.

    What makes me sad the most is that this game, like every pokemon game in the past years, has huge potential but is executed so so poorly every time (hello shield & sword). Especially if you consider the size of the company and the financial opportunities.

    Rant over

    submitted by /u/Soermen
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    Seriously niantic just go and let us customize our Pokémon with party hats.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Just party hats everywhere please. You know what go a step further let us just catch party hats. You literally just throw a pokeball at a stationary hat on the floor.

    submitted by /u/iateyourdoglol
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    Battle music!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:12 AM PST

    So within the main series games most Legendary Pokemon have their own unique battle music that plays when you encounter them. I think it would be really cool if they added that music, instead of the regular music when you're capturing a legendary. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Ziptie650
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    Go Battle League Closed for 16-24 hours

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:23 PM PST

    Dynamax in Pokemon Go?!?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:09 PM PST


    walked by two intersecting gyms and encountered this:


    submitted by /u/JG_McBoots
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    Looming in the Shadows 3/6 - Great League Battles

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:00 AM PST

    I just did QR code scan battles. No progress.
    I just did Team Leader Battles. No progress.
    Do I need to do it from friends list battle option as in the feature that is battling across a distance?
    Do I need to battle in the new PvP arena option?
    Or is this research completely unusable.
    Thanks for any help!!

    submitted by /u/TheLordAmish
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    Acting else still frustrated by the inability to evolve party hat Wurmple?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:42 AM PST

    I have several 3-star I hatched and I can't evolve them. Thinking about just transferring them out because why bother if I can't have 3-star evolved forms?

    submitted by /u/IncubusHexx
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    Can my machamp learn dynamic punch?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Burned 6 charges TMs on a 100IV machamp for dynamic punch and I got rock slide (2x) , cross chop, heavy slam (twice), & close combat???

    submitted by /u/M1zuo
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