• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Wanted to share these paintings I made of the all the teams!

    Pokémon GO - Wanted to share these paintings I made of the all the teams!

    Wanted to share these paintings I made of the all the teams!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    We have to pay coins for remote raid tickets, is this a bad joke?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    Remote raids are awful because there is no coordination, too many gyms everywhere in my area so no one knows who goes to which gym for 5 star raids. And then you need to pay coins raid tickets.

    Not sure if Niantic favours Wizard Unite players over Pokemon Go players but:

    • Do a centralized remote raid like Wizards Unite. All gyms within a certain area will be connected.

    • Daily quests that will give remote raid tickets like Wizard Unite.

    • Refund a ticket when one leaves the raid. I wasted 2 tickets because people leave before it even starts and the raid ticket end up being wasted.

    submitted by /u/lafietafie
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    No more GBL legendary

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    I'd like to thank everyone who complained about the legendaries and how hard they were to catch. For those of us who can't raid it was our only access. Yes, it was annoying getting Landorus over and over, but before that Giratina and Darkrai were great.

    Before, the legendaries in raids were also available as encounters for GBL. They're not anymore.

    Thanks guys.q

    submitted by /u/SpecialPeschl
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    i wish they would put Darkrai in GBL

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I believe they should add Darkrai in GBL its almost impossible to coordinate with a group of 4 people randomly for remote raids and I haven't been able to find anyone on Reddit or other social media in my vicinity to coordinate with, I wasted 2 of my remote raid pass because no one joined or max 1 person only would join.. its really frustrating because I know Naintic is trying and the remote raids sound like a fantastic idea on paper but its just kind of hard to get everyone around in one spot maybe if they add how meany people are waiting before they use the pass?? or maybe they can only do 1 to 2 raids at one time idk :(

    I just want to catch some cool mons and have some fun (as im sure everyone else here does too.)

    submitted by /u/illssss
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    Every Raid Lobby 4-5 stars has 0 people to raid with

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    We got a really cool feature but it lags the quality that we need in those time. I wonder how many other players just look at raids for hours and hope to get a lobby with players in it.

    Nobody likes to waste there pressure raid passes and on top of it we cant even get the legendary through pvp. We need a way to know if other people would like to battle the raid in one way or another.

    I hope Niantic improves the remote raids rather fast cause its already frustrating and a waste of money.

    submitted by /u/Pharir
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    Got my first Darkrai thanks to the Remote raiding pass

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    I and my son are casual players and dont have level 40 dragons etc. Hence both of us would not have dreamed of being able to successfully raid a Darkrai.

    Thanks to the remote raid pass , we stumbled upon a group of 3 people who were in the lobby. We joined the raid and with 30 odd seconds left , we were able to win after 3-4 teams were used up

    My son also got a 3* Darkrai. This would not have been possible without a Remote raid pass. Thanks Niantic

    submitted by /u/shahan83
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    Can we stop with the posts about the shinies you have, please.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    There are subreddits for this like r/pokemongobrag that help to keep this subreddit undiluted with posts that are purely to flex

    submitted by /u/GymLeaderFatz
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    Makes me smile to see all the new accounts in my local gyms! So- I've been working hard to make them more stops and gyms around us. I hope it gives them something to be happy about in these weird times.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    I'm a level 40 player, have been for awhile. I typically travel a ton for work, and make things into pokestops along the way. For those that don't know, we can only submit a limited number of locations as new stops in a certain time period. So, by the time I get home, I've typically submitted my max allotment. I work long days, almost all outside or active, so when I'm home, I'm just a bum till my next trip.

    Now with the quarantine I'm home all the time, so I took it upon myself to increase the pokestops around me locally. There are lots of people and kids going for walks, so I thought this might help give them something to look forward to on those walks. My stops are showing up in the game all over, and causing old stops to become new gyms!

    I can see a few of the stops and gyms from my house, and I've noticed such an increase in the "young" accounts! It's actually fun to watch how often the gyms are turning over!

    I wish I could see their faces when they open the game to see new stops almost every day!

    Anywho, old, new, welcome to, and welcome back to the Pokemon fam y'all! Go catch em all!

    submitted by /u/LilMissChief
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    For Your Consideration: Thoughts on a New Held Items Mechanic

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    I apologise in advance if I'm putting this in the wrong place, but this is something I haven't seen discussed here in a long time, nor this in-depth.

    Something I've been thinking would be a good idea for PoGo for a while has been held items. There are two ways this can be implemented that I can think of: held items on wild Pokémon, and held items on Pokémon in your inventory. While the latter has some interesting implications for GBL, I will be focusing on the former for what it could mean for us right now.

    In the main series games, sometimes you would come across a wild Pokémon that was holding something; A Paras with a TinyMushroom, an Aron with a Hard Stone, etc. Some of these can be directly translated to PoGo, such as Magnemite having a low chance of holding a Metal Coat, and Solrock holding a Sun Stone. But I think we can go further than that. To explain, I'll defer to Wizards Unite.

    In Wizards, no matter what "trace" (Pokémon) you catch, there's a very very low chance that it will drop an item along with it's XP. These can include Potions (Berries), Dark Detectors (Lures), Silver Keys (Incubators), and even Gold (Pokécoins). The odds are low, less than half a percent each catch, but it's there. Having these base underlying chances at items would be wonderful, not just for the above items, but for potions (the Pokémon ones), revives, even lucky eggs and incense. With a low enough chance, this shouldn't break the game balance and also help satisfy F2P players while still getting people to buy boxes. Evolution items could be slightly boosted on Pokemon that use those items. This isn't very farfetch'd either in the Pokemon lore; many of these items can be found on Pokémon in the main games.

    In addition, this opens an opportunity for some interesting events. Mayhaps a Chansey event with a higher Lucky Egg drop rate. Or a Snorlax event that drops berries with every Snorlax catch (like leftovers). Wizards has such an event going right now where certain traces are almost guaranteed to drop Gold, Potion Ingredients, or Spell Energy (Basically Pokéballs) and let me tell you it's lovely. There's so many creative ideas that could come from this, which I'd love to see implemented.

    How might this look in-game? Well, here is an idea of what I think it might look like in PoGo. Here is how it currently looks in Wizards, with the potion and gold being extra. Since the code already exists in Wizards, I don't think it would be too difficult to port over (though I'm not entirely sure how that works).

    One more idea: With many of us stuck at home, this could be at least a partial answer to the Great Pokéball Shortage of 2020 that doesn't require being near a POI for gifts or buying 1 coin ball boxes. For instance, they could create 1 hour Pokéball events in which every Pokémon you catch for an hour drops 5 Pokéballs or so, ensuring people get access to the balls they need. With incense, people could get 200+ balls in an hour. There are probably other ways this could be executed to help everyone out, but it's one of the reasons I thought of this was as a way to help quarantiners.

    This does open the door to potential new berries (Oran, Sitrus, etc.) and new items that could even include held battle items for GBL (choice scarf, quick claw, charcoal, etc.), but that's for another post.

    Anyway, this has been rattling around in my head for some time now, figured I'd let it out and hopefully start some discussion on this. Do I think it'll happen anytime soon? Lmao probably not. But it's nice to dream. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/AgathokakologicalAz
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    "It's right on top of us..."

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:36 AM PDT


    • Eagle two, please clarify, what is "right on top of you"?
    • Control... you wouldn't believe me if i told you.
    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Ran over to the park quick to drop my Pichu off at the festive PikaParty

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    I hope he has a good time and that the older kids include him in the activities


    submitted by /u/TheBigLTicket
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    Remote Raid Pass system badly needs a notification system aswell.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    If I join a raid people in my area should get a notification (if they opt in Ofcourse) that there is a remote raid happening that they can join knowing they won't waste their pass. I would assume this would greatly increase the number of passes they would sell.

    submitted by /u/MattChapMahomes
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    Game hangs if I try to do a remote raid in a far away Gym

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    When I try to do a remote raid in a far away Gym the game hangs.

    I click on the Pokemon in the gym list, which makes it appear in "Nearby -> Raid", but once I click on "View" all the game controls disappear and the game screen hangs: https://imgur.com/a/yDj9j3P

    The gym is about 4km away.

    Is that a known bug or is it just me?

    submitted by /u/proweruser
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    Guys I caught a Pidgey. It’s not shiny don’t worry, no bragging here.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Buddy bringing gifts?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Does anyone else have the error/glitch where your buddy will bring you 10 gifts, but only 5 show up in your inventory?

    submitted by /u/Dragon1599
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    Disco Came And Went But My Trusty Slaking Is Still There

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Came across a glitch today. Took down a gym before egg hatched, got network error when I put him in. Rebooted game, gym was still unassigned..tried to put another mon in and it wouldn't let me. Egg hatched, gym was still grey.

    Beat Darkrai, got the gym bonus extra balls. Went to my today screen and saw that timer. Apparently my trusty Slaking has been defending that gym for 50 years now!


    submitted by /u/Malkelvi
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    The remote raid passes have actually caused me to waste so many raid passes

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    I'm lucky enough to live next to a statue which is a gym. Unfortunately, no on around me on quarantine plays which usually means I can't do level 4 or 5 raids at the gym.

    However, with the introduction of the remote raid passes, the last couple days I've noticed 3-4 players in the lobby for most level 4 raids.

    The problem: these players seem to be always like, low level 20s. I burn a raid pass thinking "we'll I can do about half of the boss, so I'm sure between the rest of them they can do the other half", and then we get stomped during the raid as they do next to no damage. And they're probably wasting their remote passes on level 4 raids because they don't know any better.

    This isn't a real complaint TBH. more just a funny side effect of people getting to do raids remotely. I think I'll stick to saving my passes for raids I can do solo however.

    submitted by /u/DoctorLotus19
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    Thank you for the remote raid pass! My first Shundo!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Haven't gone out to any raids in a long time, so i figured i'd give it a shot. Well worth it!


    submitted by /u/7inchsofty
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    Buddy Gifts not showing up?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    For some reason my buddy keeps saying they brought me gifts and then spitting them all out and when I collect them it says 10x, but when I got to my inventory, it only loaded 5 gifts. Is anyone else seeing this?

    submitted by /u/bangogirl
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    It took so many resources..

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    But after weeks of jumping hoops and many resources spent, I was able to recover my original account from 2016 that I lost access to over 2 years ago.

    I feel very accomplished and just had to tell y'all!

    submitted by /u/JSunshine11
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    Anyone else dealing with this??

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Pretty much all day, I've been having this glitch where I click a pokemon on my map and they disappear and the red 'alert' bar crosses the screen saying "Item cannot be used at this time." 50% of the time the pokemon shows back up and I'm able to catch it after about a minute or 2, other times it doesnt show up at all. playing with someone else on the same WIFI has shown proof of this

    I'm only asking because I havent seen anything else yet and I honestly feel like it has been getting worse as the day has progressed

    submitted by /u/danksta888
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    Go Battle League not registering wins

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    My husband and I both experienced an issue within 24 hours of each other where we won a battle in GBL but rather than it taking us to the 'you win/ good effort screen it took us straight into the main screen. When we checked our progress in the journal the battle is not registered however it counts as 1/5 of your battles but doesn't give you the reward.

    Has anyone else had this issue?

    submitted by /u/mrsclariefairy
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