• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Pokémon GO - PSA: Remote Raids can be used to determine your general location.

    Pokémon GO - PSA: Remote Raids can be used to determine your general location.

    PSA: Remote Raids can be used to determine your general location.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    This is a "duh" thing for most of us, but I am in several area discords and keep seeing people post screenshots of the nearby screen with "I can reach these from work/home."

    I know we're all super-excited for remote raiding, but we've also all heard the stories of people who take PoGo (and Ingress) too far, harassing people outside the game.

    For your safety, I personally recommend not posting nearby screens and declaring it's your home/work. In general, I would stick with just posting raids using whatever method your group uses (Meowth, PokéNav, just screenshots of the raid screen, etc.) and leave out the remote/in-person details.

    Remember, just because you don't have a crazy stalker now, it doesn't mean one might not scroll back through your posts in six months from now.

    Be safe, fellow trainers.

    submitted by /u/FreeSilph6969
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    No matter what Niantic does to improve the game & help people play the game even when isolated most of you will always still bitch about it never being "good enough."

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    ›"Hey Niantic, give us a way to raid from our houses during this trying time with this deadly virus please please please we beg of you!

    ›Remote Raid Passes become available

    ›"The Pokemon are too strong, the remote raid passes are useless. Niantic BETTER fix this or else I'm not playing anymore!"

    Please just STFU and play or don't play the game. Niantic DOESN'T have to actually add any of these cool features that help us, why can't the majority of you who complain all damn day just be happy that Niantic is actually making the game more fun and playable? Or just don't play the damn game at all.

    ›Que all the butthurt righttt..... Now

    submitted by /u/Double_Conversation
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    When you break a vase but then your brother enters the room

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    You Love to see it.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Has any one actually beaten a darkrai remotely?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    The remote pass is a great idea and all, but darkrai is 53k hp and there is literally zero coordination what so ever in terms of being able tocommunicate with raiders. Nirmally you can see groups of people out and about in the vicinity of a raid and deduce where to go. I live in a populated area with 3+ raids at a time and havent been able to use a single remote pass yet

    submitted by /u/Sly_98
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    I've got a simple solution for the remote raiding issue, make the daily free raid pass usable for remote or in person raids.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    You could also get 2 to make up for combining 2 passes into 1.

    Additionally you should be able to see how many are in the lobby from the map/raid list and also be able to wait in the lobby in the background possibly with a longer wait time so more can join.

    Everyone around me has already burned their raid passes.

    submitted by /u/Voyager87
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    Looks like Niantic has never seen the expressions of someone battling in GBL so I fixed the promotional image in their last post!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Niantic just posted GBL Season 2 announcement, featuring two models merrily pretending to play GBL on their phones... however no sane person would sport these happy expressions while suffering from lag and phantom shields, so I fixed their promotional image:

    What we really look like while battling

    submitted by /u/kiwidesign
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    When are we going to get a good research breakthrough reward actually worth looking forward too?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Remember legendary pokemon coming out of the 7 day research breakthrough reward. Every week I would look forward to possibly getting a shiny legendary but atleast a strong pokemon. Ever since flower crown eevee we have gotten much worse pokemon in comparison. Shinx... OK, cool shiny, but still... its not anywhere near the awesomeness of a legendary pokemon. This needs to be changed. I can't be the only one thinking this??

    submitted by /u/JFor_
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    I love the AR+ photos ^_^

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Genuinely, what is this group for?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Ok so people are getting annoyed with pictures of shinies and of people asking questions that can be answered by looking up google and of people asking questions without reading other posts first incase it's been asked already.... can I ask genuinely what it is this group is for?

    My understanding was that it was a friendly community of pogo players helping each other out and sharing experiences. So far lately I'm just seeing people getting negative feedback and responses to either pictures or questions. I'm not trying to be sarcastic in any way, I'd like to know what it is you all want to be posted in here. I'm scared to post without getting slated to be honest.

    No pictures that brag. No questions that can be answered on google. No questions that have been asked previously.... what's left? Should we just shut the whole thing down?

    submitted by /u/Fugglefrog
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    Finally caught this boi

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    After being punished by Niantic for winning 4 in a row 18 times and wasting hundreds of pokeballs, they finally got rid of Landorus. The silver lining, at least I ran into [Rufflet](https://imgur.com/a/K00faG2) on my first one after that.

    submitted by /u/nypuzzle
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    Bring back legendaries in GBL rewards

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    I personnally dont like Niantic removed legendaries from GBL rewards .Their remote is not helping us at all coz there's no nearby raid appearing on my phone .During quarantine days, GBL rewards is the only hope to get Lengendaries .I wish trainers who is facing trouble like me, can u ask the Niantic folks to put legendary in GBL reward again? They are making Laggy PVP to lose interest without amazing reward. After covid 19 is over, Niantic u can remove all rewards as u wish 👎.

    submitted by /u/blank444444
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    My extra small flower crown Eevee buddy

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    This must be some kind of bug but I thought it was pretty funny so I figured I'd share it.

    eevee buddy

    submitted by /u/superbud96
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    Remote raiding is great. But if I can’t see who is interested in raiding, why would I use a remote pass?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Pretty simple. I'm in a semi rural area. I have a gym in distance that I can visit. If there is a 5* raid and I use a pass, it's totally useless. I have to wait for someone else to bite.

    I wish there was a way to let people know you are interested in raiding. It would make this feature so much more useful.

    submitted by /u/StaticMaine
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    Chillin’ in a park

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Can you feel the pain?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    I evolved an old scyther I had laying around which was perfect & came to this conclusion. If only it was a little weaker. [https://imgur.com/nUbRHYF]

    submitted by /u/Relicofpast
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    How did my daugther evolve Chansey?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Ok, noob here. I played myself when it first came out, but haven't played myself in years.

    My five year old daughter plays on her iPad. And I have now become that parents that looks at her playing and don't understand half of it. My mom on the other hand still plays and has been since.

    But maybe you guys can help me understand something.

    She had two Happiny that she got from eggs. I know that there was some special egg-candy-something event during Easter so she gained a lot of Chansey candy by that. She then later caught a Chansey by chance.

    She was then about to evolve the Chansey but learned that you must walk with it as your buddy for a long time, and she didn't want to do that, as she had another one she was happy with.

    Then, a few days back she's playing and then calls me to come see that she can now evolve Chansey, and there to go: Blissy.

    I figured she must have had the 100 candy (she didn't have any rare candy left), but how could she have evolved it without having had it as a buddy? My mom says it impossible 😂

    And mind you, my daugther is only 5, so she doesn't know how to hack anything and we usually play it together for shorter periods of time. Not can she explain what she did, she just pressed the evolve button.

    submitted by /u/urgh_eightyeight
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    Changes to GBL

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Some necessary changes to GBL.

    First, I think that each bracket needs it's own ranking.

    Second, which should be fixed in conjunction with separate ranking. Is the release. Having Great, Ultra, and then Master at different times throughout a season, is a weird format. (My kids for example aren't level 40 yet, and naturally struggle more in Master than they do in Ultra/Great. There shouldn't be a by week(s) for players because they aren't really suited to participate in that league. There should always be something they can participate in appropriate for their level.

    Last, can we please be allowed to use our free daily pass for entry? I mean I get that it's a free game and it's a business to make money, but I already spend money on passes and incubators. It's a small change that shows you care about your players. We pay because we like your game, and in the grand scheme of things a dollar or (2 days in a gym) really isn't that much, but it still feels a bit like they're just trying to nickel and dime us. I spend a raid pass for a targeted encounter... I know what I have a (strong) chance to get at the end of the raid. Using raid passes for a starter Pokemon is infuriating.

    submitted by /u/Rex_Partysaurus
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    About making darkrai tradable

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Should they let him be tradable and do you think they will ? It's kinda weird it has a chance to be shiny and you cant trade it Theyve broken the mythical rule with meltan so I dont see why not Thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/rmayne384
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    Feedback on the remote raid passes.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:07 AM PDT

    So, I got a bit of feedback regarding remote passes and something I can see as being improved.

    1. You do not get a refund on your pass if you exit the lobby, now this doesn't sound too bad but if you look into it a bit further. I look at my raid lobbies, all have zero participants, I join the raid in hope that someone else will join if they see someone in the lobby. They do not, I leave the lobby and I have now wasted my pass. From what I my experience so far, the chance of people joining the lobbies when no one is in the lobby is slim. I have only had 1 person join me in a 5* raid so far and we had to waste our passes as we were unable to kill the boss, for the entire hour no one else joined.

    2. Please introduce a trade up system for raid passes, I have 50+ raid passes obtained from boxes, with PVP I have been chewing through these quite a bit as it's the only way to use them when on lockdown. Would it not be great if we could trade raid passes for remote passes?

    submitted by /u/runtman
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    Dear Niantic, on PoGo, at my house, you've added this path that doesn't exist?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    It's literally happened within the past couple of months, because I'm almost certain when I first checked the area, when we moved in, in September, this path did not exist?

    I absolutely can verify. I do not have have a path through the middle of my house. Or my garden. Or the field behind me house.


    submitted by /u/RinkaNinjaGirl
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    Will the April research breakthrough last into May?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Specifically, I'm three stamps away from the April research breakthrough reward. Allegedly the reward for that is an Alolan Exeggutor encounter, which would take care of the "catch a dragon-type Pokémon" task. As today is the last day of April, will this last into May? Like, can I still try to get the reward after today or will all my research progress be reset?

    Sorry if someone's already asked something like this.

    submitted by /u/Yanakura
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    Has the Field Research breakthrough pokemon reward been updated yet?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    I need a legendary for a special research but I'm not getting one from a raid so I need to get it from a field research breakthrough and I don't wanna redeem it just yet incase in hasn't been updated yet. For me, it's the first but I also don't have the throwback challenges. About how long should I have to wait for it to change?

    submitted by /u/Jalen2612
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    Special research breakthrough change

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hi is there any chance that some of you know exactly when special research breakthrough will change is it 00:00 local on the first or is it something else? And leave a quick comment so that I don't have to waste a week of time

    submitted by /u/Nodin14
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    Remote raid pass glitched out and didn’t work.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    So I said to customer support that it didn't work and a few hours later I got this I was very happy and grateful, but as soon as I left the conversation I realize that I hadn't gotten it yet so I waited a few hours, then a day, then another day, and nothing has happened yet.

    Sorry for bad English

    submitted by /u/Sajumm
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