• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 30, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Girlfriend bought me this t shirt for our anniversary and I caught this shiny charmander after an hour of wearing it

    Pokémon GO - Girlfriend bought me this t shirt for our anniversary and I caught this shiny charmander after an hour of wearing it

    Girlfriend bought me this t shirt for our anniversary and I caught this shiny charmander after an hour of wearing it

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    The heck?! They open??

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:19 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I was at home, and I was GOING to save my remote raid pass for one of the 5 Star raids.... but I was impatient and luckily caught this little guy!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Anyone else a little sad that the throwback challenges and stay-at-home benefits are coming to an end?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Despite the lags and frustrations, I have really enjoyed playing this game over the last couple months, and I'm bummed it's ending. They added a lot of great features, like the extended pokestop distance, half egg distance, and no walking requirement for pvp.

    I feel like it'll be hard to go back.

    submitted by /u/bortlesforbachelor
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    Welcome, new recruits

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Shiny Absol in it’s native habituate, Butchart Gardens Victoria, British Columbia.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Hello Sir. Is it a good time to talk about my pay raise?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Anyone else happy to finally have ordinary spawns for a bit?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Not a great deal to talk about here, I'm just happy to finally have a normal diverse range of spawns for the time being. The last three weeks of Throwback events have been terrible with only about six or seven specific spawns for each Gen, and even separate from that it feels like there's constantly some event going on.

    Honestly I feel like events are being thrown out so often that there's no sense of novelty to them anymore. I do get what they're trying given the pandemic, but still. A little bit of ordinary is like a breath of fresh air.

    submitted by /u/BilliusNudell
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    The wife and I started playing Pokemon Go a couple weeks ago. She loves how her Squirtle is so photogenic and friendly.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Put number of players in public raid lobby visible from main map

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Add a little number for how many players are in the lobby above where the number of stars is for boss difficulty.

    This would allow pick up groups to form more easily especially with the remote passes. Considering a lot of people don't click on the boss to check but would be interested if they knew a party was forming.

    submitted by /u/RyZenSun21
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    Lapras enjoying the sunset !

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    PSA: Play-from-home features extended by one month

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    I saw that people were worried that the covid features like enhanced incense were leaving in 2 days... my app now shows it has an expiration date of 32 days. play safe my friends...

    submitted by /u/cheersdom
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    Uh ohh we have an intruder!! Boulderdash use Boulder Smash!!!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Is niantic seriously putting trapinch in the research breakthrough encounter?!? It's one of the most common Pokémon! I get it that it evolves into a dragon type, but even then it's ridiculous to complete tasks for a whole month to get 4 trapinchs!

    submitted by /u/devulicious
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    I think she was looking for her friends

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Walked 5 miles to get this Gym. A picture I took there.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    From shix to now trapinch :( niantic absolutely dont like breakthrough rewards

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Whats wrong with Niantic? It is 7days effort rewards. Why are they downgradjng from month to month.Why niantic so stingy to give us rare pokemons like dragon pokemons or legendaries.Such a disappointment hearing 7days research rewards.Stop giving us trash pokemons

    submitted by /u/blank444444
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    Posted: 29 May 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    "Wait, get away, that's not Vaporeon anymore!"

    Posted: 29 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT


    Remember to be alert at all times, stay aware of your surroundings and don't wander in creepy streets at night.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Zekroms Pokémon GO debut and more in June!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Why do people hate on Niantic so much?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    For a company that's managing a FREE game with 60 million monthly users... I would say they are doing really well. Also, this is probably the best Pokemon game that exists, it fits in your pocket, and did I mention its free?

    It makes playing casually easy. It rewards dedicated and skilled players. Its always there for you when the schedule of your life ebbs and flows.

    They almost always fix the bugs we are crying about on reddit. And id say rather quickly.

    Sorry rural players, but Niantic didn't choose where you live. (I'm also rural).

    They are battling the same pvp issues other games deal with. They also have to deal with our crappy mobile data networks and ISPs. Stop overtapping.

    If every Gible were shiny, it would no longer be cool.

    I feel incredibly grateful to Niantic. Change my mind.

    submitted by /u/shepskeez
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