• Breaking News

    Friday, May 29, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Returned yesterday after 2 years and got this guy today :)

    Pokémon GO - Returned yesterday after 2 years and got this guy today :)

    Returned yesterday after 2 years and got this guy today :)

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    No Melly you cannot eat the cars! Don't you give me that attitude!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    The new Galarian collection that may soon appear in PoGo!

    Posted: 29 May 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    It would be fun if police officer NPCs enforced curfew at night in PoGO

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Empoleon defending his territory

    Posted: 28 May 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Made cookies of May's 4 hat Pikachu (& fan shinies)

    Posted: 28 May 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Reason to play.

    Posted: 28 May 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    First at all, I know that my pokémon pool is not so strong and I don't have any fighting-type pokemons.

    On april, I finally managed to finish Sierra/Arlo/Cliff trio, so Giovanni battle was unavoidable.

    Well, first battle was bad, and I mean very bad. My party was completely destroyed by Persian, but 1 time I've managed to get to Entei only to be crushed to dust.

    Ok, time to get stronger. So, during Hoenn Throwback I've catched all Swamperts and finally got 4*. Now we put some candies, some stardust and we're ready to fight again.

    Because I don't have any decent fighting pokémons, I've chose Metagross due his halving Normal-type damage. Well, he managed to down one Giovanni's shield and get Persian's HP to 60%. For my second I chose Jolteon (Giovanni's second was Kingler). He managed to deplete second shield, but both of them was knocked off at the same time! Can't give up, putting all my Eevee candies in Jolteon, and he survived with 2 to 4 HP and full charged attack, so Kingler was destroyed with no problems. And here it is - Shadow Entei. Of course, Jolteon was immediately knocked off, but now it's time to Swampert to shine. And he did it amazingly with more than 50% HP left. I was nervous, my hands was shaking, but I was happy to finally beat Team Rocket boss. I can't even remember what Giovanni said after my victory.

    Entei catching time. I've became more nervous, 14 premier balls, 14 tries to get him. What if I miss? What if he break free? Ok, Golder Razz, Great throw and, boom!, First throw catch! I can't correctly describe my feelings at this moment. Happiness, joy, relieve.

    I undestand, that Entei not so best pokemon or this quest not so hard at all, but for me this was great achievment and it was great game experience. That's one of the reasons why I play Pokémon GO.

    Sorry for long post, here's my frustrated boy - https://imgur.com/rtqwK15

    submitted by /u/Linnderoth
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    For the last time, no, you cannot drive the car. You are way too small, your feet can’t reach the pedals, and - don’t give me that look, young man!

    Posted: 28 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    If you think about it...

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:20 AM PDT


    It hatches from an egg, confused and overwhelmed at this new world, blinking in the light, only to find half-a-dozen trainers standing round waiting to beat it up and trap it in a tiny little Pokeball for the rest of its life. YOU MONSTERS.

    submitted by /u/ogsonofsanta
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    Rhyperior made a friend

    Posted: 28 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    The friends list really needs an update

    Posted: 29 May 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    I know this has been said before, but the friends list could be so much easier to use! I have a few ideas:

    1. The ability to see if your friend has an unopened gift. This would save so much time from not having to open a profile to check this!

    2. Swipe left and right through friends, like we can with Pokemon! This would make it much faster to send gifts.

    3. Favourite friends! So people you play with in person, people that you're close to levelling you friendship levels with etc all appear at the top.

    4. A send all/open all gift button would be amazing but that's probably asking too much lol.

    5. A way to mass delete friends. I have 200 friends, but more than half of them have stopped playing or don't open gifts anymore. I want to delete them so I can add new people but it's so slow having to go onto each profile, scroll all the way to the bottom and press delete for each person.

    Let me know what you think, and if you have any other ideas :)

    submitted by /u/agiantalpaca
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    Giratina living his best life, finally being able to go outside

    Posted: 28 May 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Reshiram Duo - Partly Cloudy - Fire Fang/Overheat

    Posted: 29 May 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Finally hatched a decent Gible!

    Posted: 28 May 2020 09:36 PM PDT


    This is from a 10km egg.

    I just moved and got so lucky as to live on a pokestop now. Well needless to say I've been going through incubators like crazy. After about a week of constantly playing and a dryspell of shiny luck my jaw dropped when this hatched.

    I'll see myself out 😙

    submitted by /u/BroJoeJoeJoe
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    Shadow pokemon

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:43 AM PDT


    I did some research on shadow people, they seem to be one of the strongest pokemon out there, especially in PVE which i am mostly interested in. Now i've got some shadow pokemon, but is is a 60% shadow electivire worth the candy and stardust or should I wait until I receive a 90% + electabuzz or any other pokemon.

    Ive also got victreebell and abra, but both not great IV's. Should i still upgrade them or wait until I find a better one?

    Would appreciate some advice, thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/EpicBomb
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    Literally every update breaks the PvP more and more.

    Posted: 29 May 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    First you had 3 shield glitch

    then you had no shield glitch

    then you had the "why are my pokemon getting hurt while benched" glitch

    and now, coming to a theater near you, people are capable of using a different pokemon's move before even throwing the thing out.

    Fix your game for christ sake how difficult is it to make the spam tap combat not fall apart every other update.

    submitted by /u/Squashling
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    Moves that make the Mon : Part1

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Moves that make the Mon : Part1

    Hello folks , in this post I'll be looking into some moves that could make some Pokémon meta relevant.

    These Pokémon generally have good enough stats but are mostly held back due to bad/unusable move set. With Niantic prioritizing PvP content as evident from the last few CDs & CD polls , Below are two candidates that could benefit from a new move . ( Note that one of them already had a CD & other had its shiny released , So I would like Niantic to add these moves via a mini water event of some sorts.(No double CDs please 😊 )

    Candidate 1: Empoleon

    Move : Shadow Claw (Fast)

    Base Power 6
    Duration 1
    Energy Delta 8
    Move Cooldown 1.00


    The big navy blue emperor penguin has its Community day and got the standard CD move Hydro Cannon , a very good move by itself but unfortunately not very useful on our penguin , primarily due to its lackluster fast moves - Waterfall is an okay move and Metal Claw is just bad .

    With its current best move set of Waterfall + Hydro Cannon & Flash Cannon , Empoleon is ranked at #117 in great league . Against the common great league meta , it has 13 wins and 24 losses. Some of the notable names it beats right now are Lapras , Clefable , Wigglytuff , Jirachi , Bastiodon and Skarmory .

    With current move set

    With Shadow Claw

    With the addition of Shadow Claw (can be learned by TM in MSG) , the big emperor penguin (I really love penguins 🐧 🧡 ) can finally shows its true potential . Its win rate jumps to 20 wins and 18 losses , not game breaking but certainly meta defining . Now it has some big scalps like Azumarill , Altaria, Cresselia along with the Pokémon it already beats with old move set.


    Candidate 2: Kingdra

    Move : Icy Wind (Charge) [ 100% chance to decrease Atk of Opponent by 1 stages. ]

    Base Power 60
    Charge Energy -45
    Damage Per Energy 1.33


    Ah , Kingdra - the curly tailed sea horse - hands down one of the best Pokémon designs . This beautiful beast has been traveling with us since Gen II and frankly deserves a new move .

    With an attack stat of 122 supported by good enough defense and stamina , Kingdra has the potential to become one of the well rounded Pokémon in great league .But currently it has a laughable tally of 6 wins and 32 losses against great league meta.Not good at all .

    And looking at its current move pool, Dragon Breathe + Hydro Pump , Outrage , Blizzard & Octazooka .

    Wow! It has access to one of the best fast moves in the game , one of the best charge moves , two of the biggest nuke moves and a bait move which also reduces opponents attack . On paper Kingdra is a beast but where has it gone wrong for our curly tailed friend ?

    It already boasts one of the best fast moves in the game in the form of Dragon Breathe . Paired with Kingdra's high attack stat , Dragon Breathe hits hard , but unfortunately it's let down by its unusable charge moves . It can still throw an Octazooka & possibly an Outrage before it faints but that's not enough to beat the thicc boys of great league .

    with current move set

    with icy wind

    Lets go double de buff shall we!

    With the addition of Icy Wind (can be learned by TM in MSG) , big king 👑 jumps from a meagre 6 wins and 32 losses to a whopping 23 wins and 15 losses . It can now land some big W's against Hypno , Sableye , Skarmory, Meganium , Vigoroth , whiscash , Azumarill , Umbreon ,Tropius along with its usual wins against Alola Marowak, Haunter , Swampert , Toxicroak and Stunfisk .

    With Season 2 Great league coming to an end and people getting tired of current meta , I think it's about time for a small meta shake up . Although I must say that I'm not a big fan of locking meta relevant moves behind elite TMs/events , that is how it seems to be at least at the moment .

    Hope you guys liked this . What are your thoughts on this . ?



    submitted by /u/OnionSaurr
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    The point of saying a charge move is ready to use in PvP?

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    When the charge move is ready, it should be READY. What's the point of the charge move button saying it is ready, only for your opponent to beat you to death with a fast move while you beat on the READY charge move button.

    Is the button ready or not? Because when I tap 3 times on the ready button and it doesn't work instantly, it's not really ready to use, is it? So why fucking say it is.

    submitted by /u/randomWIGHT9000
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    Is this a pigeon?

    Posted: 28 May 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    [Bug] Smeragle not appearing after photobomb

    Posted: 29 May 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    When I take snap shots of my buddy Pokemon Smeragle will photobomb but not appear on my map. This has happened 2 times now

    submitted by /u/Dontlosethisaccount
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    Right now there is no event going on, which means spawns are back to "normal."

    Posted: 29 May 2020 12:51 AM PDT

    In the past year, we've seen Niantic ramp up the events to the point where like 97% of the time there are events and event spawns.

    While events can be nice, it's also nice to get back to a diverse range of spawns!

    Event after event after event, back to back to back, non-stop nearly forever makes it difficult to just catch some more random spawns.

    I woke up, today, and caught 6 completely unique pokemon all around my house. That was nice.

    submitted by /u/jostler57
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    Is there gonna be a Unova research task???

    Posted: 29 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    This is a great time to add in new mons around the map and as rewards. I want them to make a cool unova research task because it's one of the regions I grew up with the cards of

    submitted by /u/Pica-BooTheBalloon
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    Older players

    Posted: 28 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Me and my daughter went for a walk today and on our walk we heard the familiar pokemon go theme playing. We headed towards the sound to say hello to a fellow player and swap friend codes.

    It was an older gentleman who was telling me that there are quite a few players in his age group who use it as a reason to go for a walk every day.

    I asked him why he had the sound on loud though and he said he's done it because when he's on his own he doesn't want to be accused of taking indecent photos when all he wants to do is play Go :(

    Has anyone had something like that happen to them while playing Pokemon Go?

    submitted by /u/AgeofSteamNerd
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