• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Pokémon GO - The Lake Trio have reinforced the fact that remote raid passes are the best thing Niantic have introduced

    Pokémon GO - The Lake Trio have reinforced the fact that remote raid passes are the best thing Niantic have introduced

    The Lake Trio have reinforced the fact that remote raid passes are the best thing Niantic have introduced

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:52 AM PST

    Let's face it, Niantic get a lot of things wrong, but remote passes isn't one of them. Sure, there's still an element of p2p/p2w, but I've had a heap of fun helping my European and American brothers and sisters get their Uxie and getting to raid Mesprit and Azelf in return. It's really helped put some of the community back into pogo amidst the pandemic - all helping each other get regionals that would otherwise be extremely difficult to get.

    I'm a small town player, so without the ability to invite remote friends it makes t5 quite difficult. So credit where credit is due, it has been a great concept

    submitted by /u/BigWooper
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    Nidoran research was great!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:20 PM PST

    Please, please continue to do events like this. High IV rolls and got 2 male shiny and 2 female. Very happy with this experience. Also, nice while combined with another event that makes the wild pkmn more exciting as well. Good on you with this one Niantic.

    Edit: didn't expect to wake up to this having so many people generally feel the same way but I love the positivity. Thank you to all of you and those who went the extra mile to give this post any kind of medal.

    submitted by /u/Surffff
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    maybe i’m the only idiot that needs to hear this advice, but:

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:00 PM PST

    don't evolve a pokémon until you have all the candy needed for it to get to its final form.

    there's been too many times where i have evolved a pokémon to its 2nd or even 3rd form only to turn around and catch the 1st form with much higher IV and CP.

    submitted by /u/user02181981
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    Make the overworld a bit more fun

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:43 AM PST

    Im not saying it needs a complete makeover but the overworld could be a little bit more interesting (since you spend so much time looking at it) instead of just a simple grid pattern with a few different shades of green. I'm thinking like an occasional tree, bush, rock, etc. just to make it feel a little bit more alive. It would change according to season, so now with Halloween everything gets kind of a spooky vibe. Again, nothing overly substantial probably since it needs to be clean enough for visual clarity and not be a memory hog (could be a toggable setting I guess).

    Maybe some objects could even be interactable in some way. Like tip over a rock and you can find some semi-rare bug Pokémon you wouldn't normally find. For Halloween there could be jack-o-lanterns which would give you rare candy (y'know, trick or treat) with a daily limitation. Or during easter for example there could be eggs here and there that you need to gather for some sort of a scavenger hunt and a few could contain shiny Exeggcutes or lucky eggs. Hell, maybe there could even be the occasional NPC. I think it could be a lot of fun with events like that instead of just "Catch X Pokémon of type Y". Would give you a little bit more sense of excitement, suspense and discovery.

    submitted by /u/mustardthingy
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    I’m literally 20 feet from best buddy

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:45 PM PST


    After a full month and a week I did it boys. After clogging my camera storage with pictures of a yellow sheared sheep and slamming Nanab Berries. After a whole month of getting on every day and risking crashing the game trying to use buddy AR. Let's gooo!!!

    submitted by /u/aGuyHelloHi
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    Me vs Multiple Account Gym Defender

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:36 PM PST

    In my small town of around 5k population, we have around 10 gyms. There is a man, lets name him C. He has 6 instinct accounts and 2 mystic accounts. he keeps the main section of town solidly instinct, and the rest with his last 2 mystic. With me being team valor, I have no hope of getting coins unless I attack Mr C.

    If he is awake he will golden razz his pokemon every time for hours until you either give up, or he goes to sleep. Mr C has seemingly an unlimited amount of golden razzberries and he is active on average from around 10am to 2am. If you do end up catching him when him isn't paying attention, it will be taken over, most of the time, before you get more than a few coins. The only option for local players is to take a gym either before he is active or after.

    I for the fun of it decided a few months back to try and bleed his golden razz berries. So 4-5 days a week I will spend 1-3 hours attacking his gyms only to let up with spinning pokestops or catching a few pokemon. 95% of the time I do not take the gym.

    He usually only heals when the pokemon are at 1/3 hp, but I noticed that if I leave the gym at 2/3 hp then leave it for 15 min. it will bug him enough to golden razz them anyways. So I started a new strategy. i would attack a gym once, then immediately go to another gym. rinse and repeate.

    Yesterday was one of my few successes. I started at 10 pm, and followed my previous strat. Each and every time the gym was fully healed after I left it. I continued to bleed his golden razz berries until he finally went to bed at 2am.

    So I'm pretty proud of myself for finally getting a full 50 coins and for bleeding an absurd amount of golden razz berries!

    submitted by /u/Fur_nando
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    This Absolute Unit of a Wobbuffet

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:31 AM PST

    I have been grinding RocketStops to catch up on the events that I've let pile up in my two year lapse. I had been looking for a Wobbuffet for my Dex as well as a potential scrapper when I was so generously rewarded with this.

    submitted by /u/relativelyunbiased
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    Where can I check if a pokemon is good? IV and CP aside

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:48 AM PST

    For example Gallade. Mine has max CP and best moveset but feels weak. Rakou and Gyarados on the other hand feels strong while Snorlax seems to be almsot asleep. Would be cool to know which pokemon doesn't really have and real potential.

    submitted by /u/ArnoldArmstrong1990
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    Who is going to grind to 40 before Dec 31st?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I've been playing since launch and I'm sitting at level 37.6. Looking at the requirements, even with double catch, is a daunting amount of experience needed. Most likely several hours a day using a exp egg on top of it. Is it really worth it to just grind to 40?

    submitted by /u/Ouryus
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    The Weirdest Glitch

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:14 AM PST

    I completed some Field Research and got a Togetic encounter, except it was 2 👀

    I caught one, returned to the Overworld and tapped a Chimchar, but another Togetic was bouncing the Pokeballs away!

    I did get the Chimchar by sort of...rolling the Pokeball along the ground 😂

    Picture & Video

    EDIT: A word

    submitted by /u/Pure-Gallus
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    Petition: Niantic tell us the hatch rates for eggs!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:31 AM PST

    You know that situation:
    You walk 12 km to hatch an egg from the GO Rocket Boss and hope for a shiny Deino or something good. The egg hatches and all you get is another Trubbish.

    Do you know the Rates for specific Pokemon to hatch?
    Oh well, TSR tries to tell us the Rates, but it costs much effort and a lot of time.
    Time is what we don't have in an just one Week Event.
    So what is the solution to this?

    I can tell you: Niantic should show us the rates for the hatches!
    In some Countrys it's illegal to offer Lootboxes in Videogames and i think this is the biggest point in all of this.
    The Eggs in Pokemon GO are like Lootboxes for a long time now.
    You remember that Event where shiny Deino was released and noone seemed to get one? After the Lootbox thing was brought to the table, Niantic did an ajustment to the rate for Deino.
    But how many players did already buy incubators and hatch worthless eggs?

    To prevent this in future Events and change Pokemon GO to the better:

    Niantic, tell us the rates of the egg hatches!!

    Find my petition here: https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/niantic-tell-us-the-rates-of-egg-hatches.html

    submitted by /u/KryptonYugana
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    To commemorate, Kadabra's TCG card being unbanned by Uri Geller, here's my 0 IV Kadabra

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:09 PM PST


    Fun Fact: Uri Geller is the magician who made the spoon 🥄 bending with your mind trick popular. Kadabra's Japanese name is literally this guy with a letter changed or two. That said, Mr. Geller banned Kadabra cards for 20 years due to suing via his likeness, but had a change of heart (most likely due to fan demands)

    submitted by /u/EHnter
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    I've got a pretty good grasp on mainline pokemon battling but am new to pokemon go pvp. What are some differences between the two that might help someone like me better understand (and enjoy) Go's battling?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:03 AM PST

    I thought go's battling was a bit shallow at first in comparison to the main games. I now am starting to see that it's a bit deeper than I initially gave it credit for

    submitted by /u/Davidpx1337
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    Should i evolve my shiny magikarp or not

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:01 AM PST

    The place where i live does not have many pokemon spawns yet i somehow managed to get 800+ magikarp candies. Now the dilemma is that i have a 96% lucky,a 96% normal with very low cp and a shiny 13/45. Now which two of them should i evolve is what i cant decide.like shiny gyrados is so cool i want it,but these ivs are bothering me. Please help

    submitted by /u/EliteChamp03
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    Funny number xp

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST


    I spent like 30 mins trying to get 69,420 xp just after getting to level 37. I really don't know why.

    submitted by /u/RUSH_MrLmb
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Shiny Lucky Hundo Purified!

    A lucky friend and I were planning what to trade and just happened to both have shiny shadow Mawiles. We said screw it, let's purify these and give it a shot, and luck prevailed! Both stardust and candy costs are reduced for leveling up, and the second move has the usual cost reduction for a purified.

    submitted by /u/Capodomini
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    Does your character also walk around there randomly when you're standing?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:01 PM PST

    So I live literally next to a pokestop and in a place filled with pokestops so I can just open the app at home and spin that thing every five-ten minutes for pokeballs while doing my homework or stuff.

    But sometimes my character starts randomly walking around there and it gets so far it even allows me to spin other pokestops near my appartment. Is it normal? Does it happen to you too? I downloaded the app in the Play Store and I've never used hacks because I'm afraid of being banned, sometimes I'm even afraid of getting shadowbanned because of this glitch, it only gets fixed if I close and open the app :/

    submitted by /u/AquaticPinkCat
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    Not a single shiny from these last events

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I am just wondering if anyone shares the same unluckiness like I do? In the last few days, I have seen 900 plus magikarp and I haven't seen any single shiny. Not only that, yesterday on the nidoran special research event, I also didn't catch any single shiny. The game must be hating me so much haha.

    I just hope that I can get the golden magikarp in the next few days. They are my favorite pokemon...

    submitted by /u/MythicalAubergine
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    Personal messages on gifts sent

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:39 AM PST

    I'm not sure why it hasn't been implemented already since the gift mechanics of PoGo already work like post cards, but short personal messages should be added to the gifts we sent.

    This would especially useful for finding friends I'm lucky with and have no current means of getting in contact with. Not just that it would make each gift just a little more personal and actually be more like sending post cards.

    Instead we have stickers in which some try to relay generic messages but are rarely if ever relevant. Like I don't actually mean it when I send you my Torchic sticker that says, "Thank u"...

    submitted by /u/ayera28
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    After 4 years I finally made my first "best friend"

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:59 AM PST

    I'm a casual player so yes this has taken me a long time! But I finally have a best friend. I don't know who he is, but he lives in my city and added me from the local Pokémon Go Facebook group.

    That's all, I'm just excited to have finally reached this milestone.

    submitted by /u/aerialpoler
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    GBL Season 5

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Does anybody here know what the rewards will be for the end of season 5 in the go battle league if you got to rank 7 and above? will it be the same as season 4 with the stardust and elite tm?

    submitted by /u/3godtryptamine
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    Which shiny will you NOT trade for?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I still don't have a shiny Duskull after playing pretty hard since the beginning. At this point, I've decided not to trade for one bc I want to celebrate actually catching a wild one.

    Which shiny has eluded you forever and ever and you won't trade for it?

    submitted by /u/MyPotatoNotUrPotato
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