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    Pokémon GO - What happened to Magikarp?

    Pokémon GO - What happened to Magikarp?

    What happened to Magikarp?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:11 AM PST

    It seems as if they put him closer to the bottom of the screen when trying to catch. Like they lowered his position or something.. very weird.

    submitted by /u/roffasmokka
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    Me vs Mr Spoofer

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:00 PM PST

    I started playing this game 18 months back. Before the whole work from home scenario, I used to get a lot of coins from gyms. The main reason was train commute. Since most of the railway stations were gyms, all I needed to do was wait for instinct gyms and put my mons in it.

    However during lockdown, my movement was mostly limited and I started to spend whenever needed. I have around 15 gyms visible from my home. On rare occasions when I get to visit any of them, I try to put my mons in it. However, I started noticing a strange pattern over the months.

    Whenever I put a Pokémon in a gym, this person (let's call him Mr. Spoofer) takes it down within 2 minutes. All 15 gyms I can see from my home have his Pokémon at all times. I tried all the gyms from morning 6 to night 8 over the last 8 months. Everyday it's the same story. 2 minutes and the gym turns back to red from yellow.

    The funny thing is there are very few active players in my area. Mostly the guy gets coins because I knock down his gyms. Otherwise they stay there for more than a week before someone takes it down.

    Sometimes when I do raids, I get there five minutes earlier, so that he won't be able to take my Pokémon down as the raid would start.

    During the go fest I decided to drive a bit so that I could get spawns from gyms. I was also hitting the gyms that day. I hit around 10 gyms that day. But the trail of red never left me. As soon as I hit one gym, and moved on to the next, the last one had changed colours. After noticing this, I just left the last few gyms without placing my pokemons just to give him a little bit of hard time.

    After this incident, I had stopped hitting gyms altogether. Few months back I had managed to hit level 40.

    The wayfarer community thought me about the s2 cells and using that I got 10 new stops nominated around my area. Three of those stops are accessible from my home.

    This week one of them turned into a gym. I was so happy and put my Pokémon in it. As usual Mr spoofer, seeing yellow came to attack. This time I could fight back.

    It made me so happy to give him back what he did to me for so many days, from the comfort of my home. I kept feeding golden berries to my Blissey, to make him hit the gym again and again. Finally he gave up.

    Now even though there is red all around me, the yellow near my home shines bright, and I'm so happy about it.

    submitted by /u/Knightofthemoon
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    My sister-in-law got a holy grail Ponyta

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:40 PM PST


    My sister-in-law showed me this perfect Ponyta she got in a trade recently. 100%, shiny, and lucky. First one I've ever seen. It was especially great as shiny Ponyta was one she'd really wanted for a while.

    submitted by /u/Torrefy
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    Dark Mew Two

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:31 AM PST

    Sweet!!!! Just got a Shadow Mew Two after beating Giovanni The Boss!! 😁 Didn't get it when it was available in raids so this was a great find. Just missing Mr Mime now.

    submitted by /u/Dismal_Ad_222
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    I finished my Gen I lucky Pokédex!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:34 PM PST


    For those of you interested, I completed this most recently with goldeen being my 5,167th trade and over 5.6 million km trading distance. My buddy and I have been working on this together for ~1.5 years. I will be sure to update once I complete other generations. I'm close on Gen II and III but getting those regionals lucky is really tough (also Kecleon but I'm sure it won't ever be released).

    submitted by /u/DangMangoTango
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    Limited Timed Research is so much fun.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Nidoran Timed Research has been a wonderful experience for me. Just like the previous ( Drifloon) timed research, this had 16 steps each more involving and rewarding than the next. I got 4 Nidoran (male) shinies. Pretty good IVs. The best part was a Hundo Nidoran(female). Made my day!!

    Looking forward to more such fun timed research with good Pokemons.

    How was your experience?

    submitted by /u/Buzzoffiya
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    Limited Timed Research is so much fun.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Nidoran Timed Research has been a wonderful experience for me. Just like the previous ( Drifloon) timed research, this had 16 steps each more involving and rewarding than the next. I got 4 Nidoran (male) shinies. Pretty good IVs. The best part was a Hundo Nidoran(female). Made my day!!

    Looking forward to more such fun timed research with good Pokemons.

    How was your experience?

    submitted by /u/Buzzoffiya
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    third shiny nidoran male, while no female appears...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:42 AM PST

    im on stage 12 of the special research, and have 0 luck finding female nidoran shiny encounters, altough i just got my third shiny nidoran male. bad luck struck me hard :(

    submitted by /u/mattdv1
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    I think I’ve hit my limit

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:39 PM PST

    So I've been playing since day two, have spent who knows how many hours and a decent amount of dollars on this game. Had a lot of fun in the beginning, but becoming more disappointed in the game as it goes on. Tonight did it for me though. Two days ago I did a remote raid for a mespirit with fiends I had cultivated from Germany (I am on the west coast of US). 15 curveball catches with golden raspberries and it still fled. Tonight I did a raid with another friend I've cultivated from Asia, and another 15 curveball catches with golden raspberries, and no catch. I know part of the game is luck, but this feels ridiculous. This combined with the red eggs, the rocket radar, and the trickle of new/different Pokemon just make me want to quit

    submitted by /u/bluebeast66
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    Pokemon Go Accessories

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:14 AM PST

    I've been thinking about getting my wife and I each a pokemon go-tcha this Christmas, but I have seen a lot of very conflicting reviews online. Some say it works great, some say it continually disconnects from the phone and barely works, while some say it doesn't do much unless you're loving slowly (others I have read say you can spin stops on the highway using the go-tcha).

    My point is, does anybody have any thoughts about if the go-tcha is worth it?

    submitted by /u/thenoffya
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    Road To Legacy 40; Day 8

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:00 AM PST

    Just an update on my journey from Level 33 to Legacy 40. Super late post today but I've been a little busy.

    I'm still in the process of moving house and, between that and work, I've not been able to play that much over the last few days. It's set me back a lot, but I'm determined to make it up.

    I still managed to rack up almost 300,000 XP over the last day and a half through friendships, so I'll keep working on those and see where I end up.

    I'm not where I want to be currently but I'll keep grinding regardless. Hopefully I can make some decent progress this week.

    From Level 33 To Legacy 40

    submitted by /u/Hollow_Hubris
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    Mewtwo Skills?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:01 AM PST

    First, I wasn't fortunate enough to get a Shadow Mewtwo. I missed that event completely. So this is mainly in regards to normal Mewtwo.

    I have quite a few Mewtwos with okay-ish IV's. My best Mewtwo (CP4110) being a 98%-Lucky traded with the skills Confusion and Psychic. I also have a Shadowball Mewtwo at 84% (Def is maxed while ATK/HP are even).

    I have a few other Mewtwos with Psystrike but are all in the low 80's % and sub 3000CP levels. So my question is, should I unlock a new move for my 98% Mewtwo and teach it Shadowball with my elite TM? Or replace Psychic with Psystrike? Just looking for advice on maxing this Mewtwo. :)

    submitted by /u/Chrispy0530
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    Limited Timed Research is so much fun.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Nidoran Timed Research has been a wonderful experience for me. Just like the previous ( Drifloon) timed research, this had 16 steps each more involving and rewarding than the next. I got 4 Nidoran (male) shinies. Pretty good IVs. The best part was a Hundo Nidoran(female). Made my day!!

    Looking forward to more such fun timed research with good Pokemons.

    How was your experience?

    submitted by /u/Buzzoffiya
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    Anyone use a fitbit or similar fitness tracker??

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:55 AM PST

    I do a lot of walking with work and hit the treadmill pretty regularly, but can't always have my phone on me. I'm working with an Android. Is there a simple, Niantic approved, fitness tracker to get that could sync my steps and treadmill time to the game? With the Cyber-Monday deals I'm looking at a Fitbit Charge 4, would that work?

    submitted by /u/Sev7100
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    A Pokémon GO themed photoshoot

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:01 PM PST


    I hope this is following the rules properly, but I wanted to share these photos that my friend and I did using the app and a bit of cosplay!

    submitted by /u/HanaWartooth
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    Swimming comes more naturally to some than to others.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:14 AM PST


    Thank Arceus for water and for water-types. And YES, you probably can hear this scene in your mind.

    Unedited pic: u/Tide-HypeYT on r/pics.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Hey, i bought myself a go-tcha evolve but it will not connect to the app. Sorry for the long text, i have been struggling with this thing for hours and i really could use some help.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:24 AM PST

    Just bought myself a go-tcha evolve, because i live on alot of spawns and a pokestop and figured it could take my gameplay a step further. I charged it up and downloaded the app, but for some reason when i launch the app and try to pair it nothing happens... i have seen alot of people struggling with getting pairing failures, but i can't even get a response from the app or watch that it is even trying to connect.

    I have tried numerous things

    Uninstalling and reinstalling the pokemon go and the gotcha app.

    Checking if it was connected to phone via bluetooth (it was not)

    Trying another phone (still did not get any response)

    Charging it to full

    Trying to reboot it by plugging it in and out 30 times then restart phone aswell

    Have a samsung galaxy s10

    Would be forever thankfull if anyone have any ideas to what i can do.

    submitted by /u/TehMasterOfHam
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    Damn Uxie is so difficult to catch

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:40 PM PST

    I've done four Uxie raids so far and I was only able to catch one of them. Didn't lose a single Azelf or Mesprit but somehow Uxie eludes me.

    Makes me all the more grateful for the one I did catch, but also I need to mourn those wasted raid passes now.

    submitted by /u/raven-wg
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    Me to myself every time I open the game

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:08 PM PST


    My internal battle with myself every time I open the game and read the name. I will forever struggle not to hilariously call it Poke Mongo

    submitted by /u/poopsmith666
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    Catch Cup Is Bad - So I'm Making The Best Of It

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:37 PM PST

    All my opponents are showing off the luck of catching their meta-mons in Galarian Stunfisk and Azumarill and Skarmory and Altaria.

    So in response I am showing off my luck. I am showing off my shiny Psyduck, shiny shadow Drowzee, and shiny Zigzagoon while I lose all the matches. Not like if I even win 3/5 I get anything better than a Treecko as my prize. So I'll take my 10,000 dust and show off my shinies that are luckier than the PvP mons my opponents got.

    submitted by /u/Nickel6558
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    My First Best Friend

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:58 PM PST

    So after two accounts and three years of playing I've finally got a Best Friend who's not even a real life friend I play POGO with. If you see this H4VOKK, this is HzO710. I really appreciate the community here. Happy holidays.

    submitted by /u/Real_hzo
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    Magikarp Update??

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:58 PM PST

    I've been catching magikarp today and noticed that they're lower / closer compared to how they've always been? If this does happen to be an update, does anyone know why? Thanks

    submitted by /u/ericocheeko
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    (Concept) Raid Invite Sticker

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Have a foreign friend that you don't recall adding, yet you want to get in on their raids?
    Send them a sticker via a gift expressing your desire to join in our their raids!


    submitted by /u/Supersonicboom92
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