• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Celebrate Pokémon’s anniversary with a brand-new event—Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto! - Pokémon GO

    Pokémon GO - Celebrate Pokémon’s anniversary with a brand-new event—Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto! - Pokémon GO

    Celebrate Pokémon’s anniversary with a brand-new event—Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto! - Pokémon GO

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 09:03 AM PST

    My biggest flex

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:25 AM PST

    I'm sorry

    I caught this a year ago, even though I don't play the game often but when anyone ask me what pokemon I have. I show them this and they always look they want to punch me.

    submitted by /u/DingDongInHalf
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    Not sure if I should laugh or feel bad.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:56 AM PST

    There was a statue gym right by an apartment complex in my area. This gym was always held by Instinct players, and the same person would basically guard it what felt like 24/7. I could be walking by at midnight, battle and place a mon, only for it to be knocked out within 30 minutes. Pretty sure this players lives in said apartment complex, and is probably playing PoGO in their sleep.

    The thing with this gym was that it was placed several meters from the actual statue. While reviewing on Wayfarer I came upon a location edit for said gym. A couple of days ago it was approved and moved into another S2 L14 cell, thus demoting the gym to a regular stop.

    Funny part is that the new gym is now a playground out of reach from the apartment complex. I feel a tiny bit of schadenfreude. I imagine said Instinct player was less happy waking up to this.

    submitted by /u/Carninator
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    This is the first timed research quest that I’ve ever failed.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:25 PM PST

    Seriously, what was Niantic thinking with these spawns? Chespin and Fennekin were spawning like crazy, but I only saw 1 Froakie at the very start of the event. And I was hunting for hours almost every day. I just used up 2 incenses and found 7 Squirtle. SEVEN Squirtle and no Froakie. I heard the other starters also had poor spawn rates for certain regions. What a way to celebrate a new generation...

    submitted by /u/Specialist_Spell_796
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    Egg pickup should be optional - or they should be tranferrable

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:46 AM PST

    Like, I saw lots of people unhappy with the new 12km Eggs - or, specifically, the way you must have a free spot before fighting the boss to get an Egg. Meanwhile the ninr available spots are being cluttered with whatever we get from mostly pokestops, and while some would argue that it's not that hard to hatch a 2km, it's still getting rather tiring.

    We can transfer the Pokes we don't want, and we can also throw away items we don't want/need. Why can't we do the same with eggs? Wouldn't the lab be a great place to incubate them, maybe even better than a portable thing?

    I think we should be able to transfer eggs. Maybe just the lowest, or maybe with a limit of how many you can transfer within a day, but we should be able to do it.

    Or we could just... Not pick them. Like a small toggle thingie that allows us to only pick up items and not eggs from gyms or pokestops.

    submitted by /u/WhatsUpWithJinx
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    So I finally caught a Froakie

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Like everyone else, it was the last one I needed for the timed/special research. I've been looking for days. There was only a few hours left in my time zone and here I see the shadow at a local park with a pond. Berry, ultra ball, this sucker isn't running away. Well whaddya know...

    Literally the only one I've seen all week.

    submitted by /u/No_Reporto
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    Congratulations to all of you who are close to lvl 40 & who have surpassed it already!!!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:21 AM PST

    I'm sitting at lvl 36 and got here from lvl 32 since the boost to exp to push players to lvl 40. I know I won't achieve lvl 40 but seeing players in my friends list when I'm opening/sending gifts gives me some sort of happiness to know that they will get to lvl 40. Seeing others who are lvl 40+ players also makes me give a head nod to their accomplishment & their challenges moving head to go up in levels.

    I am very competitive & hasn't played since the first year the game came out and I got back into the game in October. I've finally accepted I won't get to lvl 40 but it was fun trying to aim for it.

    submitted by /u/solipsistrealist
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    In case you were wondering what Candela was holding in her left hand

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:45 PM PST


    My phone lets me use two apps at once and was messing around with the aspect ratio size and images got moved around a bit.

    submitted by /u/RunningEarly
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    My favorite Pokemon

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:33 AM PST


    Finally got him evolved after days of walking and hunting candies. Now to get him that BF Ribbon! #ThatCP

    submitted by /u/Groundbreake
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    Buddy in the snow

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:52 AM PST


    Somehow he looks at home now. Just the right weather for my snow bird.

    submitted by /u/ThatThereMan
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    Is Kanto the only region people care about?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:45 PM PST

    I've been playing this game since it came out. It has many ups and downs. Some events better played than others. I don't really complain about games much in general but my God, how many events does one region get? I love the original 151 but their are now FIVE OTHER REGIONS. Why does niantic mostly focus on Kanto? I'm exhausted by it. I'd love to see the stats on how many players have nearly all 151 by now. We got special events and cosmetics for Kanto and Johto then they just skipped Hoenn and gave us Galar cosmetics for the release. Niantic, please just give other regions some love! I do like the game and I'm certain people will disagree and downvote me. That's totally cool. I just hope they steer away from Kanto and have a Hoenn or Sinnoh or basically any other region event. Theirs literally hundreds of other pokemon. Do we really need to celebrate a tenth of them so often and so much?

    Sorry for the rant. TL;DR niantic plz give us more non Kanto related events. Stop tunnel visioning on them and give other regions their time to shine!

    submitted by /u/Bolten77
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    New to Pokémon Go. Can't participate in Community Day because I have covid.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:04 AM PST

    I started playing Pokémon Go about two weeks ago (I know, I joined the community very late in the game). From what I've been hearing, the community day coming up this weekend sounds like a very big deal and a ton of fun. My boyfriend and I have been saving up Pokéballs and have been really pumped for the weekend to come. However, I found out I have covid and we will now need to quarantine. I'm truly saddened that I'll be missing out on my first community day AND over a week of walking for egg hatching, Pokémon collecting, etc.

    Everyone going out to play this weekend, please be safe. Take care of yourself and others. I can honesty say I don't know where I got it from because I've been being very careful (frequent mask use, hand washing, social distancing as much as possible).

    Lastly, I hope everyone playing this weekend has fun!!!

    submitted by /u/kimm_possible
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    A Day Late and A Dollar Short

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Anyone else finally finding Froakie today? I've caught 3 this morning but couldn't for the life of me find them during the event.

    submitted by /u/HatTrick730
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    I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I wish there was a way to notify other nearby players in your area if you join a raid lobby and want more players (not necessarily in your friends list) to join you.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Everytime PoGo releases new Legendary bosses in raids, I see the same 5 people joining the raid lobbies I'm in for one day, and then the next day there's not a single player to be seen, and it's like this for a while until the next time the developers want to add a new raid boss to the game.

    I used to invite the same 5 people in my friend's list to raids but they all don't seem to play the game anymore, so I frantically invite others in my friend list who are either afk or don't want to join me in the lobby. I often spend 30 min-1 hour joining a raid lobby then backing out when the timer reaches 5 seconds, etc. and then I just give up on it entirely.

    Players in a raid lobby can click on a button that searches for and notifies nearby players who are within an appropriate distance based on what they specified in their game settings. Once the alert goes out they cannot cancel it, it functions like the raid invitations that people get from their friends. Countdown is the same, but instead of the icon being orange it can be a different color, like green or purple or something.

    Players can have the option to opt in or out of receiving notifications. They can also adjust the radius distance in which they receive notifications (ex. within 500 ft of where they live, or as far as their game character can see). The people who opt in for receiving notifications have to acknowledge that their location data would be used even when the app is not open (kind of like Adventure Sync) and that they are always welcome to opt out of sending location data and receiving notifications of someone pinging nearby players.

    **This is just an idea I had, if you hate it like heck that's totally fine.

    submitted by /u/playerunknown_777
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    200 Supereffective Charge attacks (Level 43 requirement)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 08:58 PM PST


    Grab a couple of your Suicunes under 1500. Change their moves to Snarl and Bubble Beam. Battle Candela at the Great League level. Spam the charge move and DON'T swipe at it.

    You should get over 15 supereffective charge moves per battle until the timer runs out. Knock it out in less than 45 minutes.

    You're welcome :-)

    submitted by /u/southseattle77
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    i just want a froakie man

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Lvl 47 Questions About Raiding

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Has anyone verified if the "Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less" task requires you win the raid alone or can you raid with other people in your party? Same question with the 30 raids with all unique species, but I'd assume the answer to that one is no.

    submitted by /u/Equivocalvision
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    Froakie where to find them

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:25 AM PST

    If people are looking. Just in case people are having a hard time finding Froakies my husband and I always found them hanging out in cemetery's and hospitals. I know weird but that's where they were. Good luck! And if anyone knows of other places let me know.

    submitted by /u/Street-Inflation7816
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    How rare are max revives?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:34 AM PST

    Okay so I've been grinding for the last week. Like I'm catching averaging out 600 Pokémon's a day and over 200 pokestops. I've yet to get 1 max revive. Is this normal? What's your experience with max revive?

    submitted by /u/narutoxborutox
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    I saw 2 Froakie this morning. Then another Froakie just now. Should I buy a lottery ticket?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:10 PM PST

    I've decided no lottery ticket, but I will send the Froakies to everyone here. Seriously. Good luck lol.

    submitted by /u/WolfBowduh
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    Who thought this was a good idea?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:35 PM PST

    We can have 200 friends but can only open 30 gifts each day? That makes sense, cuz I love waiting two days to open my unopened gifts while others load onto the back burner.

    submitted by /u/drubdob
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    The "Kalos Celebration" ended, share your Kalos Dex stats

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 03:24 PM PST

    • Chespin: Seen: 1 / Caught: 1

    • Fennekin: Seen: 3 / Caught: 2

    • Froakie: Seen: 2 / Caught: 2

    • Bunnelby: Seen: 51 / Caught: 46

    • Fletchling: Seen: 10 / Caught: 9

    • Litleo: Seen: 6 / Caught: 6

    • Espurr: Seen: 1 / Caught: 1

    • Klefki: Seen: 10 / Caught: 9

    • Noibat: Seen: 1 / Caught: 1

    Great Kalos celebration, guys. Sure not seeing any blatant discrepancies here.

    The worst part is I'm pretty sure I got mostly lucky there compared to a lot of other players.

    submitted by /u/YugnatZero
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