• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    Pokémon GO - Suggestion: Let us change our premium raid passes to remote ones.

    Pokémon GO - Suggestion: Let us change our premium raid passes to remote ones.

    Suggestion: Let us change our premium raid passes to remote ones.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:46 PM PST

    A lot of countries are still neck deep in a pandemic and not everyone is in a situation where they can waltz out of their homes to their closest gyms (ex. In quarantine/lockdown/live in a condo). The premium raid passes and remote raid passes cost the same in the store. I'd say it would be a fair trade if they let us somehow change our existing premium raid passes to remote ones.

    Especially with all these time limited tasks and level up tasks requiring 30 raid battles (which I know is a money grab for us to buy more remote raid passes); what does everyone think of this idea?

    submitted by /u/CuteWendigo
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    1 raid pass should be given to everyone every week

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:08 AM PST

    Many people who play pokemon go don't have a gym in close radius. So ... they can't get a lot of Pokecoins. And if u dont have a gym nearby or enough pokecoins to buy a remote raid pass, u can't raid .But if everyone gets 1 every week , they can raid and collect unique pokemon from raids and is helpful for people who want to level up.

    submitted by /u/Astromemegod
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    Is it just me or does Niantic not value their casual players anymore?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST

    With all the updates, level requirements, research, etc it just seems damn near impossible to actually progress in this game anymore unless you're willing to spend several hours a day grinding. Don't get me wrong, I used to be one of those people that played for hours and hours a day. I currently only play for maybe 30-45 minutes a day. I just simply don't have the time anymore but I still enjoy the game and want to continue progressing.

    In the beginning of the pandemic they made it very easy to play and progress from home and now they're like "lol jk go do 6000 raids and spin 2800 pokestops so u can level up once lolz"

    I just keep feeling like Niantic is trying to discourage users like me from playing and cater to those that live for the grind.

    Also.......... If you're going to require players to catch certain Pokémon for a timed research, Niantic, make sure. those Pokémon are actually appearing in the wild!! Where the **** was froakie?!?!?!

    Is this just me? Anyone else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/darkgray37
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    Excellent catch rate makes the vein on my grow

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:34 PM PST

    Anyone else experience the rage of throwing an excellent curve ball w/ an ultra ball and having the Pokémon burst out at the last second... and then you end up catching it on a horrible throw the next chance??


    submitted by /u/abelandready92
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    Thanks niantic. We're in Germany.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:53 AM PST


    I don't even lnow what to say. We're not having dollars. We don't have panera. What the heck am I supposed to do with this?

    submitted by /u/KateNoire
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    Shouldn’t we be able to trade premium raid passes for remote raid passes?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:23 PM PST

    I have 76 and support refuses to budge. I just wholeheartedly believe that since I've spent cash on the premium passes, and I refuse to go out and raid with the world in the state it is, it would be completely fair to trade. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/BruvLoL
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    Little blue frog blues...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:58 AM PST

    I live in Minnesota. If you've seen our state license plate, it says "land of 10,000 lakes". That number is actually very inaccurate, the real number is closer to 20,000.

    I have access to water biomes. I DO.

    Only caught one Froakie, and it was while I was in a suburban area, by a mall.

    If you think you're complaining too much about Froakie, you're not. It's ridiculous. I figured I'd have an advantage of sorts, but Froakie's biome knows no master.

    submitted by /u/HandsomeJackMask
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    In game adverts?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:28 AM PST

    http://imgur.com/gallery/uY8PqBS Found from spinning a pokestop. I am a uk player as well so this is useless.

    submitted by /u/itisillogical
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    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:00 PM PST


    Pokémon Go trainers old and new, you can finally TM away Frustration again during the Game Awards 2020 event from Thursday, December 10, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. to Friday, December 11, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8)

    Please use this opportunity to power up your Shadow Pokémon as well as Pokémon you want to evolve during the December Community Day!

    Link to the blog for more info: https://pokemongolive.com/post/the-game-awards-2020/?hl=en

    submitted by /u/Fireblade_13
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    As my first one, this feels like a sick joke Niantic.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:23 AM PST

    wow niantic. good one. - Imgur

    After rushing out of bed to see the shadow, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

    submitted by /u/yaboytroyhere
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    High epicness, low motivation.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:26 AM PST


    "Arlo, come on, man... It's 4am, and we both know how this song goes..."

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    I doodled some of the Pokémon Go stickers!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:06 AM PST

    this is my first post here so I'm sorry if this isn't the correct format lol but here's the link :)

    submitted by /u/Okfuckinrip
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    Alright peeps who don’t know already, there would be a special event tomorrow!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:22 PM PST

    Ok so Niantic will make a mini event for tomorrow and it will be 24 hours long, I bring this up because you will be able to TM frustration off any shadow pokemon during that 24 time frame! Take advantage of this and get grinding! Also if someone already posted about this I'm sorry for saying the same thing twice, I just want people to know about this important feature!

    submitted by /u/1Saldana2
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    Magikarp candies won't update while walking

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:40 AM PST

    I'm at 394 magikarp candies and walking has worked up until now, the distance updates but I earn absolutely no candies, any fix?

    submitted by /u/DARTHLOGICUS
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    If the Kanto event requires trading, trade costs should be reduced for the event.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Title pretty much sums it up. If a paid event requires trading for completion, like it sounds like Kanto Tour does, the stardust cost for trading should be reduced for the duration of the event.

    It it has been a while since Niantic offered reduced trade costs and I think this would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jay_bro
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    Imagine if they removed Trubbish and Absol from the 12km eggs

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:57 AM PST

    Imagine if 12km actually contained Pokémon worth hatching. Imagine if Trubbish and Absol werent there and we would not have to fear whenever a 12km egg hatched. I have personally hatched 5/9 Trubbishes, thats a 55%, probably bad luck but damn it's annoying.

    These two Pokémon, toegther, hold roughly 1/3 of the hatch chance, According to TheSilphRoad

    I did a lazy little job just removing these two and distributing the hatchchance evenly among them. Imagine such an amazing hatchpool . Granted they would probably have distributed it differenly (No way there would be more than a 5% of hatching Sandile, sadly) But you get the point, alot of space is wasted on just these two Pokemon that have already existed in lesser eggs and been in raids. The "Worst" Pokemon here left would be Larvitar, but atleast that one is usable..

    And before you say it, yes its lazily done, I know.

    submitted by /u/Nordic_Krune
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    Whats better for my shadow mewtwo, shadow ball or psystrike?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:22 AM PST

    Ive got a pretty good shadow mewtwo (12/13/13) and with the event announced that frustration can be TMed off of shadow pokemon, which charge move should i add psystrike or shadow ball, i do have 2 elite charged TMs and about 170 mewtwo candy so i could potentially get both but that would be a pretty big investment. Not to mention i would then have to pour rare candies into it in order to power it up as well as its currently at the standard catch cp of ~ 1500

    submitted by /u/Zyxtaine
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    Drop in charged TM drop rates before TM frustration away events?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:48 AM PST

    I just finished GBL sets trying to grind more charged TMs for the frustration-away event later today, and after 3 silver pinaps in a row and a sinnoh stone on top, I'm quitting doing the last set. I have 2 CTM and 2 ECTM and would like more but I haven't gotten one since last week. I saved enough for 3 remote raid passes and would consider buying them if there's still a fair chance of getting them in raids. Anyone have had any luck getting them the last couple days in GBL or raids?

    submitted by /u/JamesThePeachyGiant
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    Shiny lapras for Riolu?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:09 AM PST

    So, my sister has shiny lapras. Is it worth trading for riolu? She wants a good pvp pokemon, but the shiny lapras is three stars. And the iv for riolu might not be so good since they are not ultra friends or best friends.

    So, should she trade her shiiny lapras or not?

    submitted by /u/OxxPIONEERxxO
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    We have definitely entered the Era of Pokemon Go I feared...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:07 PM PST

    This is like... a Complaint/Discussion/Idea with a LOT of reading if you want to dare.

    We've entered the situation I feared from the beginning.

    There are now so many pokemon just available, that it's hard to find a number of pokemon just because the RNG pool is so big. And I'm not exactly saying that rare pokemon shouldn't be rare, but the ratio to super common to uncommon is incredibly abysmal.

    EX: Apart from nests (which is a different RNG happenstance), finding an Omanyte in a pool of 140 pokemon is a lot easier than finding an Omanyte in a pool of over 550. That's simple math of the matter.

    We reached the point where there's this sense of "If you don't get this pokemon during its featured release, good luck finding it ever again" issue.

    >>An Example I'd argue is right now. Froakie was immensely difficult to find. I don't know what the reasoning behind that was. Or if the RNG just... didn't play to Froakie's favor, or what. I found tons of Chespin, not many Fennekin, and.. 5? Froakie? And not all of them I caught. I think I caught 3 maybe.

    And since the Kalos event ended yesterday. I've see both Chespin and Fennekin, and no Froakie. This may change in the coming week. Give it more than a day, I know.

    >>Deino is another pokemon players have been frustrated about. Deino was advertised for the Dragon Week that was earned from Go Fest and there was little to no Deino in the wild (at least where I was) during said event. I don't remember catching any apart from research. But it also took... a good few weeks to find a Deino in the first place when it was released. I don't remember when it was released, but I was living in Tokyo at the time, and I could NOT find one. I randomly saw one 'near' my apartment at like.. 11 PM one night. It was close enough so I went to go get it. Didn't see another one for the rest of the time I was in Tokyo. Never saw Axew

    Take a second to understand. Tokyo. Which has a massive population playing that game, and there are pokemon everywhere. There are tons of stops (especially because 7 Eleven is a sponsored stop and they are as frequent as we joke about Starbucks being in New York. On top of all their other sponsored stops). I've found less than 5 since coming home. And that's including the Dragon Week in that timeframe.

    Pokemon Go was literally the only thing I did there too since I didn't really have friends there to hang out with and I had 3 free days a week.

    Other examples of Pokemon that... just disappeared and I've seen.... MAYBE once since an event:

    Emolga Ducklett Solosis
    Gothita (minus the recent event with it boosted a little bit) Archen (have never caught. Only hatched until this last event) Elgyem
    Tirtouga Petilil Sewaddle

    Not to mention the pokemon I haven't seen noticeably in the wild or.. anywhere in months

    Mankey Krabby Voltorb
    Lickitung horsea Goldeen (until the Lake Trio)
    Kabuto (though always harder to find than Omanyte Spinarak Aipom
    Hoppip Wooper (until recent event) Shuckle
    Slugma Remoraid (until recent event) Stantler
    Lotad Nincada (though that was never really... a non-special) Electrike
    Carvanha Numel Korphish
    Anorith Finneon

    I'm taking out the ones that return every year. (Obviously the new pokemon have yet to return "next year"

    ALso.. I might have been unobsservant, but usually I tap the pokemon i find that I haven't seen in some time. Like When Wooper came back I tapped on it cause I knew I hadn't seen one in a LONG while.

    Am I wrong to compare Sewaddle as a basic bug pokemon in the same standings as Weedle, Wurmple, Caterpie? Like the starter area bug pokemon? I'd include Ledyba and Spinarak, but I know they haven't been around that much in game, so I can't consider them "pokemon go common"

    But we have about 600 pokemon available in game. And I know at times they change the rarity of what pokemon spawn at times at the base level. (though with the massive amounts of events, sometimes that's hard to really tell what the base spawns are). But they don't adjust it very well at all honestly.

    Flipping through the Pokedex, I can see double the amount of Kanto available vs the amount of other region available. So Kanto has like 12, and the other regions barely rack up 4 of 5. But also just the ratio that the kanto pokemon spawn. I see SOOOOOOO many weedles. compared to other common bugs. I see SOOO many more pidgeys than other birds like Pidove or Starly.

    Not to mention the ones that had basically dropped off the map entirely until recently. Like Hoothoot and Goldeen. Goldeen was incredibly common upon release (at least where I was living).

    And I'm trying to be fair about this complaint. I don't live in a super city anymore, and I get that in more rural areas that certain pokemon tend to spawn more than others. The balance is just not there.

    At the same time, they do do some seasonal pokemon. Like Delibird. Delibird only comes out for holidays. Yanmask. I'm really hoping that this "Seasonal Event" that they are doing sticks around and really pushes a real rotation of pokemon.

    I think what would work well if is they made a number of groupings in which they shrink the pool down to about 6 groups (by continent?) and those cycle throughout the year. Maybe Kanto pokemon are more widely seen in Europe while Johto pokemon are seen in North America. Obviously the groups should be balanced and approximately equal. And the rotation resets every year. So In a year, each region will see the cycle of all the pokemon in 2 month rotations.

    To offset the problem I've been talking about. Maybe any pokemon released in game for the last year aren't in the rotations. So Any pokemon in January 2020 released, are available everywhere until 2021 when they get put into said rotations.

    It "kind of" makes all pokemon regional? But... At the same time, the main ones all go around the world. And I would say that 2 month is a decent amount of time to get excited with the new set, to then get bored enough when a new rotation is about to start. Obviously they can keep the region specific ones where they are. I've accepted that I'm never going to Africa for a Tropius, even though I REALLY want one.

    So eventually... 932 total pokemon (counting Alola?). In 6 groups is 155. Take out the legendaries, actual regionals, mythicals.... 125 per group. Which would similarly be like when they released the game. And obviously... the evolutions don't tend to spawn for most pokemon. Take out so many evolutions and you've got a good 85 to worry about. Probably less. Not saying to take them out of the rotation, but I'm not running around looking for Persian or Magnezone.

    I don't think that's horrible. Very doable. And Pokemon go is releasing pokemon faster than main games are being released. And if they really wanted to, they could just keep a set of pokemon available everywhere all the time while rotating the rest more effectively.

    So with this Seasonal event right now, I really hope it's a test to see if they can effectively implement this kind of idea. And I hope they can implement a way to have most to all pokemon available in some way.

    submitted by /u/Rexyggor
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    Great Gifts !

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:34 PM PST

    I was thinking about the recent bonuses that have been given concerning friendship and really appreciated the fact that it was possible, for the first time, to level up 2 days in a single interaction, so that lead me to think about an idea that would motivate players that grind gyms.

    Ladies and gentlemen, behold... the Great Gift !

    I see it like this :

    1. 3-5 maximum Great Gifts slots in inventory
    2. They would give better items (1-2 rare candies, great balls minimum, max revives/potions and maybe even a TM in a rare case and/or evolution items)
    3. They would be acquirable only from a gym that you have GOLD and only one Great gift per gym per day so you'd have to go to your GOLD gyms in order to get them every day.
    4. They would increase friendship by 2 days once opened by your friend (2 interactions)
    5. That would let you increase friendship a little faster with someone you're really wanting to be best friends with sooner (like a IRL friend)
    6. It would give you something worthwhile to motivate GOLD'ing gyms around your neighborhood other than a medal
    7. They could possibly give a 10km egg (20% chance) if you have an open slot
    8. Would encourage caring about friends and sending them better gifts to show appreciation and kindness

    What do you all think? Any other suggestions I might've forgotten?

    submitted by /u/Sebaslegrand
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    Using rare candy just to get a Comm Day move?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Since returning to the game I've collected about 100 rare candies. I've seen a lot of posts saying you should mainly use them on shadow mew but it just happens that I have enough to fully evolve my 4* Bagon all the way. I don't see a lot of them and I don't have a Salamence. I can always collect more rare candy for Mew in the future but is the Bagon comm day move set worth the rare candy?

    submitted by /u/InspiredSalmon
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    It's bad enough that the new pokes have such a high evade rate, and I'm not even going to get into frokie, or the litleo variant... however,

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:57 PM PST

    Am I the only one that thinks the evade rate on literally everything is jacked up now? I mean, we all know that Abra gonna Abra, but it seems like literally every route x01 poke at this point is shrugging off 2-6 throws and has a much higher chance of running off for no reason.

    Am I the only one that notices this lately?

    submitted by /u/MrWhiskeyDick
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