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    Friday, January 1, 2021

    Pokémon GO - This aged well...

    Pokémon GO - This aged well...

    This aged well...

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:48 PM PST

    To me this picture signifies hope at the end of tunnel. 2020 was rough and hopefully 2021 will shed more light. I want to wish you all a happy new year and I love being a part of this group. Much love ❤️

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:34 PM PST

    I just applied at a position with Niantic.

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:42 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I just applied to be a data scientist for Niantic. I have almost completed my degree in Computer Science, and working on pokemon go would be a dream job. Wish me luck :D

    submitted by /u/spinachwiz
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    I missed it so much

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 12:59 AM PST

    Trubbish seems like more appropriate Pokémon to represent 2020 [OC]

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:53 AM PST

    Shiny Turtwig approves of our Pokémon puzzle ���� I’ve honestly never had more fun doing a puzzle before .

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:36 PM PST

    When you evolve the 2020 glasses slowpoke the slowbro has 2021 glasses ��

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:15 PM PST

    At least I got a funny hat

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:54 AM PST

    Niantic doesn't get enough credit for making raids, eggs, and battle rewards so unappealing that there's no motivation to spend money on them, helping us all save during these difficult times

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 01:58 AM PST

    Today I almost spent a few dollars on pokemon go. With candy XL in the game, there's suddenly so much more gameplay breathed into it which could last for months, even if Niantic made it easy.

    Half distance eggs and double candy? Here comes a good reason to walk a bunch. It's an easy gym fee! Except... nearly every egg is 2km with costumed babies which definitely aren't worth using incubators on for a tiny bit of candy and a few minutes of saved walking. The few 10k eggs I had saved turn out to be Sawks, Alomola, Audino, Feebas, and Klinks. I figured I'd maybe go through a bunch of incubators and would get luckier with further 10k eggs, yet in several hours, I didn't find any.

    Well with candy XL I'd happily knock off a bunch of 1* and 3* raids of interesting things, since there's so many types that are appealing right now. It would still take months or years to get enough candy XL, but it's a good excuse to spend a few dollars on walks which I know will make me go further out of the way, really just the price of a small snack. They could be packed with beldums, larvitars, hell maybe even swinubs (and I did drop a few remote raid passes on them recently), and maybe Niantic could use the advance weather prediction system to ensure most raids line up with weather boosting for a good candy XL chance, to make them hard to resist.

    Only, raids are consistently full of the most unappealing junk which can be caught dozens of times on any walk, usually around the gym itself. If anything I'd in fact rather pay a subscription fee every month to not have to sit through the endless countdowns and loading screens and victory animations which are involved with raiding, where your walk comes to a hard stop of pointless waiting and doing nothing, where pokemon go becomes pokemon slow.

    Money saved again.

    5* raids could have a bunch of stuff in them which groups from around the world would love to be inviting each other to for chasing candy XL for right now, like mewtwo, kyogre, etc. Only... They're filled with the most unappealing legendaries for months on end, and megas which I might do if they had a solo option but which I'm not bothering my friends over, because who wants to spend money for a short barely useful buff which is the very essence of the RPG potion hoarding anxiety problem.

    Then there's the fact that I can walk for hours around gyms I made and not find any raids anyway.

    I would be dropping a few dollars on gameplay-worthwhile raids, but money saved again.

    Finally there's the PvP battle system, which I spent a few seasons working my way up to the top of to unlock just the possibility of interesting pokemon if luck in the battles went my way. Only, every time I get there, exhausted and needing a break, the season wipes all my progress, and once again I have to spend forever just for the chance to maybe get a pokemon I want, and up to that point there's no point using paid passes, which are barely worthwhile even after reaching that point. You'd think using a paid pass would guarantee a decent pokemon encounter, and it wouldn't be filled with junk.

    Money saved again.

    Overall it seems Niantic has really hit the sweet spot in making any paid system in the game completely unappealing, missing the mark entirely on what's actually attractive in the game right now. By the time something appealing is in raids, I'll probably have gotten enough candy XL from ambient spawns anyway, and won't have any reason to give Niantic my money. It has been immensely considerate of them to pack everything with junk, though it's not great for my fitness which was really benefiting from when pokemon go had actual exciting reasons to go walk in the early years.

    submitted by /u/AnOnlineHandle
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    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 09:59 PM PST

    At least it’s a good shiny

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Press F for this legend. I will miss that 2340 XP. Best part of this event (and Snover, Spheal, Snorunt, and Delibird).

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 06:10 PM PST

    This is hilarious

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:03 AM PST

    Happy new years, hopefully not a dumpster fire like 2020.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 06:21 AM PST

    Where the heck are James and Jessie?!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:25 AM PST

    Ho-oh Infographic!!!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Highest XP in a single throw, the odds of this happening...

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 03:20 AM PST

    Highest XP in a single throw, the odds of this happening...


    Don't know how common this is, but it's probably my luckiest throw ever with 17k XP. Probably never seeing this again.

    submitted by /u/Tiger_Dog
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    Celebi is here to wish everyone a happy new year! Can’t wait to see what niantic has in store for 2021!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Beating Leader Cliff with one Swampert, taking only 1/4 damage

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 04:25 AM PST

    Beating Cliff (YouTube)

    Ok, fine - and a tiny cameo from Jolteon! I had beat Cliff really easily a few times, so decided to do a screen recording on the next time. Watch as my Swampert annihilates his whole crew! I only lose about 1/4 of Swampert's HP, and that's only as he sneakily got a fast attack in near the end 😕 Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/fpvfpv
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    Named him The Holy Grail, I had given up hope on this but my last Adventure Sync egg of the year had other plans

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Shiny slowpoke and I wish everybody a Happy New Year! Be safe!

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:03 PM PST

    The order of the colors of the second rainbow in the new loading screen should be reversed.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 05:25 AM PST

    All rainbows technically have a secondary rainbow but most of the time they are too faint to be seen. But occasionally they are visible and they are beautiful. However, the order of the colors of the second rainbow is the reverse of the primary rainbow, which is not the case in the (otherwise very well-made) new loading screen.

    But of course, it's a world where Pokemon exist so who really knows.

    Happy New Year everyone!

    submitted by /u/carllyq
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    PvP is the worst part of this game by extremely far

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:42 PM PST

    Someone needs to help me understand how anyone can say anything even remotely decent about PvP. The flaws are so overwhelming that any real game developer would have removed the "feature" a long long time ago. I put that in quotes b/c this so called "feature" is more of a detriment than a benefit to this game.

    Let's get started with a few of the major flaws:

    1) Switching:

    Switching in the main series games has always flowed seamlessly. You sacrifice a turn to switch your Pokemon. Basic. Straightforward. User friendly. This game completely manages to botch it up. Forcing the player to stay in for a full 30 seconds (at least I think it's 30 seconds, it feels like forever) which in turn completely diminishes any fair strategy annihilates any chances of Switching being the smart move. As soon as you make one bad switch, just forfeit, because the game is absolutely over. I can't tell you how many times I made a bad switch (usually by accident, that's coming soon though) and lost games to it. All because I have very little control over what my Pokemon can do. I can picture it out.

    Ash Ketchum: Charizard is in a pinch....Go Pikachu!

    Opponent: I'll send in my Golem then!

    Ash: Pikachu! Come back for Blastoise!

    Pikachu: I'm sorry, sir, but the invisible timer you cannot see has not reached 0. As such, I must remain here and get the ever loving garb kicked out of me for the next 30 seconds.

    Ash: ...but you won't survive that long...

    Pikachu: Yep.

    Just how stupid is that??? Handheld games had it right with free switching at the cost of a single turn. Why hasn't Niantic looked at the core of their terrible PvP system and tried to implement any changes?

    2) Overlay:

    The overlay is so freaken terrible. You can't see your switching Pokemon when using a Charged move, which sets the player up to memorize where they are. And NO, the player should NOT have to memorize where the Pokemon are. That is NOT a player responsibility but Niantic's responsibility. They are there for Rocket battles, so why not in online matches??? It makes NO sense and the fact it still isn't fixed yet is just the tip of the iceburg.

    3) Queue system:

    The biggest criminal here, how PvP actually works, through apparently a queue system. There's no better way to say it...the queue system has absolutely no place in anything Pokemon related. Why do you think the battle system in the handheld games is so revered? I understand that Niantic was probably forced to reinvent the wheel and make a unique battle system but...this is not it. This is easily the worst system you can possibly have, especially for something that is online where lag can and will cost you games. This is why even with terrible internet, one can battle online in the handheld Pokemon games with little to no issues. Lag can't cost you a game there.

    4) CMP ties:

    This has GOT to go. This combined with the poor queue system makes battling more frustrating than it ever should be. Ties happen in the handheld games too, and they suck, but for this game it constantly favors one side and one side only, and that's definitely part of the problem. I think the addition of CMP ties vastly changed how PvP runs and most definitely not for the better.

    I'm not even going to touch on XL candy, but I can safely say XL candy is even further trashing PvP and what it's about. Spoofers are having a field day in Masters. I refuse to touch it, and know almost everyone else is refusing to touch it also. Great job further destroying PvP, Niantic.

    I could keep going on and on (like how lower attack is best for PvP...the exact opposite of what battling is about which should be sending in your best...not your best of the worst) but I've said more than enough. The best way to fix PvP is to scrape it entirely and go back to the drawing board. The current system is just garbage and doesn't deserve the data/space it takes up.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/NianticSucksBooty
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