• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 13, 2021

    Pokémon GO - I picked up Go again last year after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. That diagnosis is now officially as gone as it can be.

    Pokémon GO - I picked up Go again last year after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. That diagnosis is now officially as gone as it can be.

    I picked up Go again last year after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. That diagnosis is now officially as gone as it can be.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Those who understand the diabetes terminology can check this post for the details, but in this context the tl;dr is that Pokemon Go has been one of a handful of "exercise games" I've used to get rid of the diagnoses. It's not something you can technically get rid of completely, though for it to become a problem again I'll likely have to make the same bad choices that would give it to me again from scratch, so for all intents and purposes, it's gone.

    I will say that Go is a good motivator for exercise, assuming you get motivated by it. Special events, eggs, and the buddy system are particularly helpful motivating factors, and activity sync on iOS is an absolute godsend. The same goes for the inclusion of mega energy and XL candies as buddy rewards.

    At the same time, there are aspects with the game that aren't great for this purpose. The wait time for (solo) raids, the unnecessary animation time to catch pokemon, and similar "walking pace slowdowns" make more sense from gameplay perspectives than exercise ones. I hit lv 40 four years ago and stopped playing after raids came out due to the feeling of needing to chase them around all the time, and I think the only reason Go helped me this time around was a decision to stay more casual and focus on things like buddies instead of anything requiring 5* raids. Luckily the game is extensive enough to allow for cherry-picking features.

    These type of stories are a dime of dozen for these games, but at least this adds a bit to the pile.

    submitted by /u/Canatee
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    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    I just got home from school and I decided that it would be a good idea if I checked pogo. The first thing I see is a dratini, and I'm thinking, wow that's rare to spawn in the wild. I checked it and it was a FREAKING SHINY!! https://imgur.com/gallery/dohDjNb

    submitted by /u/Sir_Rxiny
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    The game feels pretty boring at the moment, right?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    I picked the game back up last June when I was Level 27. I'm Level 39 now, and the game feels as stagnant as it ever has been in that time. Does anyone else feel this way?

    The spawns feels like they've barely changed across the past two months. Every day, all I ever see are the usual Bunnelby, Wurmple, Plusle, Minun, and the like. I never want to catch anything when I'm not grinding for EXP, and this also makes completing the Shiny Mew research even harder. I finished the "play for 30 days in a row" step two weeks ago and I still haven't caught 30 of every type. Also, Gen 6 was added into the game not too long ago; so, this SHOULD be an exciting time for the game where new stuff is constantly added, but I'm not even sure any new Gen 6 Pokémon have been added since the initial wave of them launched.

    And I don't know why Niantic is obsessed with Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus. We already didn't need a week dedicated to each of their regular forms, and now they've made it even worse. How long has Therian Tornadus been in raids now? 2 weeks? And that's not considering that Therian Landorus is most likely next. So, that's somewhere around 2+ months of these same three Pokemon dominating raids.

    It's been hard to pick up the game for the past month. Outside of spotlight hours and rare events, the game has felt so stagnant and boring in the most frustrating way possible.

    submitted by /u/paulryan220
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    Daily 50 coin limit is bad

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    Just like the title says, I believe the 50 coin daily limit you get from gyms is bad and anti consumer, especially when you have to go far out for gyms anybody else feel the same?

    submitted by /u/Substantial-Shame-39
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    This game may be saving my life. (Im not being dramatic i swear)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Im 16M and i my mum let me have her old phone that supports this game, I hardly ever go outdoors, in fact the last time before getting the phone i went outside that wasn't to go to college was in April last year. Surprisingly though, this last 2 weeks i've gone out twice and walked a collective amount of 4.5 kilometres, (Thats about 4.5 kilometres more than i walk regularly) I know its not much but i spend most of my time in my bedroom and i don't have the best metabolism so I put on weight fast, i dont have exact measurements but im pretty sure i'd be almost 20 stones which would be 280 in pounds. I have no idea how much weight i've lost but its probably not too much yet.

    submitted by /u/Darkurn
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    I made Snivy chocolate truffles for community day

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Made with matcha white chocolate ganache, dipped and decorated with white chocolate and candy melts.

    For anyone curious, some videos of my process are in the saved stories on my IG @miscellaneousmao.


    submitted by /u/miscellaneousmao
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    Rocket Grunts/Balloon Issues Not Announced in App

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    (If this is the wrong tag I'll gladly change it too)

    I'm sure as y'all know the temporary lack of Team Rocket Go has been a common topic in the subreddit lately. And most of us end up directing others to check Twitter or just telling them what Niantic said in a nutshell (and for those of you who may not know and are about to maybe type a post about it: here's the TL;DR: there was a bug with balloons that froze the app so Niantic temporarily pulled Team Rocket). But what I'm wondering is why this wasn't announced in the app. I know it's kinda a big thing in this subreddit to remind people to check in-app news and such. There's no guarantee that every single POGO player has Twitter or is following others who play and/or are involved in groups on other platforms that they would be able to get this news from, so why wouldn't Niantic announce something this big in app where more people would be able to see it?

    submitted by /u/secretly-a-mess
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    Even after the XP update, it feels like 99.99% of it still comes from raids.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:14 PM PDT

    They "doubled" catch, evolve, and some other sources. Yet the amount is still quite insignificant.

    I do not have many opportunities for raids - perhaps once a week(unless a remote pass).
    I noticed I have a pile of lures and incense - yet I do not use them.
    I hit 37 somewhere in December and my xp bar has barely moved this far - evolve, purify, gifts, daily+weekly catch, and normal catch xp barely make a dent.

    Doesn't matter if you $egg or not, Excellent throws are rare (and pretty much impossible on some pokemon).
    You can sit and catch for an entire day and still not see any actual progress.

    submitted by /u/dustofdeath
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    Stardust challenge? 40 MIL raids...

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    I think it's a fun new feature. Don't get me wrong. BUT:

    2X stardust is a free change that doesn't impact the majority of players. (In my eyes only the heavily invested players truly care to hoard stardust. Myself included)

    But I find it kind of funny how Niantic says "fight 40 mil raids and you can have this" it'll cost them $0 to change stardust and they're going to make millions of dollars on raid passes. To me it would've seemed far less of a ploy to make quick money if they had an addition 3 free remote passes box in the shop and put out a whole new crop of raid Pokémon. Bc when this thing launched it was still the boring same stuff it's been since March.

    It's not a complaint. It's more or less constructive and I want to know if others feel the same way. I have friends on my list that have fought 40+ raids in less than a day since this launched. I wish I knew if I was being too harsh or if others share this feeling.

    submitted by /u/BriLoTer
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    Professor Willow's Trade Offer

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:32 PM PDT

    A friend of mine made this, and I thought it might be enjoyed here: https://i.redd.it/hf871p1wtts61.jpg

    (Here's a link to the original post on r/Pokemon)

    submitted by /u/GuitaristTom
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    A little heads up before Mankey spotlight hour!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    Mankey spotlight hour.

    Taken at a Dam in Thailand. Went to try and get a picture with real monkeys 😅 but, they had already left to the mountains.

    submitted by /u/Thomastm3
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    Shiny problem...

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Help! I have 28 shiny snivy from community day and they eating a lot of my storage. Should i transfer them and just leave 5 good snivy or keep them for trading. (Sorry for my english)

    submitted by /u/xXInfamous23Xx
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    Google email account link

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    So I emailed Niantic about deleting my account linked with my google email because it was an old account and I never used it and I wanted to link this email with my current account. I did everything I needed to do to delete it and I log into it today to see if it got deleted, but it says that the account was permanently terminated for violation of policy/terms of services. I never did anything related to cheating or harassment on the account, after all it was only level 7. I'm not sure if it got seethed because I requested it or because I got banned. And my question is can I/ is it safe to link the email used on that account on my current account that is linked to apple?

    submitted by /u/DaSavageNoob
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    Nearby Pokemon

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    Does anyone actually find the Pokemon that the app says are nearby?

    I've actually walked to areas where they claim a pokemon is and I don't ever find it.

    Is that my luck or is it just nonsense?

    submitted by /u/neeeeeenz
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    Niantic should let you pick some special items when sending gifts to friends.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    I have a friend who's just getting back into the game, whereas I've been playing longer. He's also my buddy in real-life and we've really enjoyed roaming, trading and raiding together recently.

    I have an excess of special items like Sun Stones, Upgrades, Lucky Eggs and Lure Modules. My friend needs a Sun Stone to evolve his Gloom and could benefit from having an extra Lucky Egg or Lure Module.

    Niantic should let me pick certain, special items like these and send them to my friend—it would make the gifting feature more personal and add a cool element to the game!!

    Upvote if you like this idea!

    submitted by /u/karlulu2
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    Raids are impossible

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    I'm tired of seeing raids that need 10+ people to beat. The highest player count I have ever seen in a raid was 3, and that was on my college campus that I've now graduated and moved away from. I have no hope of ever taking on these 20 player raids.

    If there's some way that you guys know of to still be able to deal with raids, I'd love to hear it

    submitted by /u/eaglebirdman
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    Can you play remotely with people that aren't remotely?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    I was wondering? If I am using a remote raid pass, can I join a raid if someone is using a regular raid pass?

    submitted by /u/rogart14
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    Positive Post on Incense

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I had a pretty critical post about the Glacial Lure last week, but figured it is worth giving some credit where credit is due, I really think the incense have been great since the pandemic hit last year. I popped one today since I was so excited for Rivals Week (during rainy weather) and here is what it yielded.

    15 Nidoran (M/F) meh

    9 Meditite (love this!! going to go hard for XL Medi this week)

    7 Litleo

    6 Makuhita and Magmar

    3 Zangoose, Surskit, and Bunnelby

    2 Pikachu, Joltik, Minun, Plusle, Electabuzz

    1 Bidoof, Caterpie, Buneary, Hitmonlee, Wurmple, Panpour, and Venipede

    submitted by /u/onlyfijiwater
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    New global challenge.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    I saw there's a new global challenge to battle in 40 million raids and its lasting for around another 159 hours. I haven't seen anyone mention it here.

    submitted by /u/Chrisbells
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    My local gym's being hoarded by a group of high-level friends that moved to the neighbourhood and I need to vent

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    It's got me so frustrated! It was a blue gym before my little brother and I (yellow) moved to the neighbourhood. We live a block away while the previous leader (blue) lived right in front of the gym.

    It was fun! The girl that ran the gym was high level but between my brother and I (both level 25) we could take her! She'd beat us, we'd beat her, we'd all get a fair amount of daily pokecoins, subject to other players driving by and joining our teams or beating us and everything. The blue gym leader even changed teams to yellow so now it was us against the world! Yay!

    Then a group of red players moved into the neighbourhood. They live in front of the gym too. They're at least 3 and the lowest of them is level 41. They beat us, put their huge blisseys and snorlax and gyarados with over 2000 CP each and feed them tons of berries everyday. At first we tried to play with them, but the moment we beat the gym, not even 10 minutes would pass before they reclaimed it and put even more powerful pokemon. This happened multiple times the first few days.

    Now everyone's given up, even the high level girl who previously ran the gym. They've been in the same gym for days, constantly feeding their pokemon berries so their CP stays maxed. I don't even know why they do it... You gain nothing having your pokemon unbeat in a gym for that long and you ruin the fun for everyone involved.

    Especially in the middle of a pandemic when we can't all go out much, having your local gym hoarded by people who've already reached level 40 is really frustrating. My little brother and I simply don't play as much anymore.

    submitted by /u/outstorm
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    Shiny Tag Organizer

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    Shiny Tags

    Does anybody else organize their shinies like this?

    I find it very satisfying to scroll through my shinies sorted by colours, and found a great way to segregate them.

    Some people think this is obsessive, tell me what y'all think!

    submitted by /u/tipsypanda666
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    Trading Idea.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    This is just a shot in the dark idea but as someone who wants to complete the Pokédex or mirror trade Pokémon go try and get better stats/IV then trade distance can always create a wall and prevent you from doing so. Understandable there's a trade distance for a reason (sometimes increased with events) but what if they're were able to add something like a "Remote Trade Pass" for a sum of coins which allows you to trade globally for set amount of time whether it be a day or a couple hours or even use a limit of Pokémon traded (e.g. the pass has a limit of 10 Pokémon to trade and ones you've used those 10 Pokémon up that's it; you but a new one) might sound outlandish and far fetched and something unlikely to happen but what do people think?

    submitted by /u/WellBehavedUser
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