• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 17, 2021

    Pokémon GO - It ain't much, but it's honest work.

    Pokémon GO - It ain't much, but it's honest work.

    It ain't much, but it's honest work.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    A huge thank you to all of you from the bottom of my heart.


    submitted by /u/lindolindolindolindo
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    Shinies combo and probability

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:29 AM PDT


    This thing^ happened to me one hour ago! I guess my next step is to play lottery just in case..

    I read there is a probability of 1/420 to see a wild shiny. Am I right it means 1/176 400 in order to see 2 wild shinies in a row (1/420 * 1/420)?

    submitted by /u/potatopath
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    Come back balloons!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    I have been absolutely loving this game lately! Loving everything about it! Since the balloons have been under maintenance I have been so bored though. Maybe I just loved and looked forward to those battles every day. I all but turned my hat backwards when I saw that shadow. Have they said when they could be back?

    submitted by /u/AToxicSalazzle
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    If you could change ONE Medal's requirements, which would you pick and why?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Some medals are unavailable, some medals work weird, some medals are easy, some are incredibly hard, some borderline impossible.

    Which is the most urgent change for you, wether it's a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum requirement?

    submitted by /u/DigitalMuscles
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    I can’t reach 45.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    I know, blah blah, no Rocket Balloons. Mia tic should at least try to hide their corporate greed. "Hey, gimme $40,000,000, pwease." Ignore that we haven't fixed the Rocket issue, the sticky ball issue, the GBL issue, the friendship sorting issue, the New Zealand getting screwed on Community Day issue, the map update issue, the legacy device issue, the shiny rate and egg loot box transparency issue, go+ random disconnect issue, watered down spawns and lack of gyms in rural area issue, lack of response for customer support issue, lack of Kecleon issue, friendship xp issue, removing Unicode issue and more. But please gimme $40,000,000." Let me know what I missed.

    I have been playing since day one. The ineptitude boggles the mind. If I ran my firm with all of the obvious mistakes and disrespect for the customer (we are customers) I'd be sued and wouldn't be able to hire another client again.

    Now, here come the apologists. "They are working on it or do better yourself, they can't take every call or complaint," BS. Hire somebody. Hell with 40 million dollars, hire a few somebodies. I'll sit on my butt and respond to emails for 8 hours a day for $100k a year for them.

    Nope, they're gonna sit in their ship shaped ballon basket and let the cash flow.

    So, I'll do my little bit by pausing my raid pass and other trinket buying till they can uncork the team rocket plug. 'Cause level 45 is unobtainable.

    [steps down from soapbox]

    submitted by /u/ktlevesque
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    I hit Ace for the first time!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    I'm excited to finally get it! I've been so close every season since the GBL started. This morning I won 4/5 and two minutes ago I finally caught the f*cking Landorus that was blocking my rewards all day. Ace trainer medal popped up along with a 2,003 ranking baby! Maybe I'll even catch a Deino!

    submitted by /u/lmpossibear
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    Help with PVP charge attacks

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    I can't really tell when my opponent is getting charge attacks. They'll often get 2 before I even get one fully charged. It'll be like 1.5 seconds then they'll have another attack. I just lost to a Poliwhirl who had no shields but I couldn't get one sky attack off before it pummeled me with two Ice Punches. Is this a glitch or do some Pokémon just have very quick charge rates?

    submitted by /u/kagesmith
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    Nominating gyms

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    In game, you can nominate pokestops and given if the conditions are met, it will become one. But how do you make a gym? Is there a specific site to go via Niantic? Or will a pokestop need to be favored so much it becomes a gym. Thanks for all and any responses! You guys are a good community.

    submitted by /u/deathfactor
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    Shundos are overrated

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    What do you call the opposite of a shundo? My newest shiny might just be my favorite.


    submitted by /u/cupnooder
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    It's the 2× catch Stardust really worth 40,000,000 raids?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    I just wanna know people's opinion on this matter. To me I really don't think it's worth it; unless this is actually really a good thing...

    submitted by /u/08Dreaj08
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    PoGo 0.205.0 Gotcha Classic Problem

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I don't know if I'm the only one facing following problem: Gotcha classic no longer works with last PoGo update in my old Galaxy A8 2018. I can't connect it.

    I have two scenarios:

    1) I try to pair it to my phone in "Bluetooth settings". Pair is correctly completed but when I open Pokemon Go, if I click on Gotcha icon, nothing happens.

    2) If I try to click on "Gotcha" icon inside PoGo without doing nothing before, the icon starts to search but can't connect to Gotcha after some seconds.

    What I've noticed is that from last update game asks you to activate sync adventure while using Gotcha. This is something new but even if I accept nothing change. I have used that gotcha for years without problems before last update. I have also tried to download "Gotcha" app, pair is correctly done and no updates are present but I still face same problem.

    Could you help me? Thanks,


    UPDATE: In the same phone I have 2 PoGo apk installed, one from Play Store and the other from Galaxy Store. Following scenario 2 I can connect Gotcha to my PoGo downloaded from Galaxy Store, it works!. Problem above is so only for Pogo downloaded from Play Store...

    submitted by /u/IceEyesPig
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    Thank you Niantic for the email telling me to save Shadow Zapdos

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Got the email today, got happy for a second, thinking they fixed the bug. But of course it's still down.

    But thank you so much for telling me to complete a challenge that I can't complete!


    (I would provide screenshot but can't upload pics here)

    submitted by /u/JBD168
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    Brandon Tan91 has carried us to double stardust

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    Brandon and his group of people have been doing raids nonstop and thanks to them a third of the 40 million was done. We casual player couldn't have done this ourselves, we practically owe it to Brandon Tan.

    submitted by /u/Rapid843
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    How long is too long for a player mons to stay in a gym?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    I have a nearby gym that just popped up due to one of my nominations being accepted. There a (local) player that just empties the gym and puts a Chanseys in. Attack it, and he berries it. I've been attacking him after he crossed 15 hours, and he already has his chanseey with 82 berries. It's quite annoying, and is taking the fun out of other players playing, since there's not that many stops around here. Not only around me, but he's been doing it in other towns ever since the game started.

    submitted by /u/Chaaqoti
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    Account was unlinked from my facebook, and someone else has access to it now.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    Hello there, I recently went to log in and play on my pokemon go account but it was unlinked from the primary way that I log into it, via Facebook, I'm not sure who gained access but they are actively playing on it right now. Please let me know what I can do to regain access to my account!

    submitted by /u/Leeham1337
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    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Ive been trying to complete the mission the higher they fly and needed to win against arlo cliff and sierra but when i only had sierra left cliff came so i didnt fight him and after that i hanvt been able to fight anythung for months plz help this is my final hope before i stop playing

    submitted by /u/PotatoManMain
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    GG guys we did it

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    We achieved 40 mil raids with about 2600 minutes to spare granted most of these we're probably from remote raid passes but it's still impressive let me know in the comments what amount you did, Let's go and Good game Niantic, Let's enjoy double stardust for 45 hrs


    submitted by /u/crepdet
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    Definitive answer on Samsung Health syncing with Pokemon GO in 2021

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    So, I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Samsung Watch Active 2, and use the Samsung Health app.

    Is there any way to get steps/walk distance synced between Samsung Health and Pokemon GO that actually works?

    I read some 2 year old threads and 6 month old threads where some people say it works, some people say it doesn't and there isn't a way. I was potentially interested in buying the app that says it syncs Samsung Health with Google Fit, which then Pokemon GO should pick up. But I don't want to purchase if it doesn't work. According to the convo I had 5 mins ago with Niantic support, apparently it won't:

    "Thank you for writing back.

    Here are some reasons why Adventure Sync may not be recording the data:

    • If you are using any other peripherals (such as Mi band, fit bit, etc.) then, even though the fitness data can be imported into Google fit, this will not sync with Pokémon GO.
    • If you are using your phone's battery-saving mode, then background data will not be tracked.
    • If you use Samsung health or Huawei health and import the data to Google fit, it will not sync with Pokémon GO.
    • If you have the Pokémon GO app open or running in the background, then the steps counted will be from Pokémon GO and not your fitness app (Google Fit).

    Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions."

    Then some people said the Pokemon GO app from Samsung store works, but not google play.

    Anyone have any insight on what will actually sync steps between Samsung devices and Pokemon GO in 2021? If no way to sync, is the recommendation to either leave Pokemon GO up and running or Google fit up and running while you're moving?

    submitted by /u/Reverence12389
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    Pokémon go plus type device

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    Can anyone recommend me a catcher and collector for Pokémon go so I don't need to keep using my phone in crowded areas.

    submitted by /u/TheMildOverlord
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    Caught a Zangoose with a second charged attack.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    I just caught a Zangoose and right after I caught it, before the stats screen showed, the animation for adding a second charged attack played and then the stats screen appeared with "Dig" showing as second charged attack.

    I'm quite sure I did not accidentally hit any buttons, since the stats screen had not even loaded and adding a second charged attack normally also shows a confirmation popup.

    Also the 'OK' button you have to hit after catching a pokemon, does not superimpose the 'New Attack' button, so it seems highly unlikely that I could have accidentally hit that button.

    Edit: To hit the 'New Attack' button, I'd even have to scroll down.

    I have not seen this before, is it a glitch, or a feature?

    submitted by /u/zunxunz
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    Can someone help me understand Guaranteed Lucky Trades?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    I've been playing for a long time but only ever made 5 trades, and only 2 of them were July/August 2016 guaranteed luckies. I have 3 more pokemon from that time period, and a couple others from the rest of 2016.

    Someone told me I should make sure to trade all 3 of those "guaranteed" pokemon before I do any other trades so that I don't accidentally waste a lucky trade if a random trade turns lucky. I guess I'm just really confused about the whole guaranteed vs not guaranteed thing. Does "Lucky Friends" count as guaranteed toward the 10 (from 7/ and 8/ 2016)?

    What are the odds that a pokemon from September or October 2016 turns lucky? Not guaranteed right?

    Lol sorry for the unorganized questions, I just don't have experience with this and don't want to mess up or waste something. I'm hoping to get a couple more trades done today with the increased distance.

    submitted by /u/wingsfan64
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