• Breaking News

    Friday, April 16, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon GO has become incredibly Pay to Win and Anti-Consumer over these past few years.

    Pokémon GO - Pokémon GO has become incredibly Pay to Win and Anti-Consumer over these past few years.

    Pokémon GO has become incredibly Pay to Win and Anti-Consumer over these past few years.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Pokémon GO has become incredibly Pay to Win and Anti-Consumer over these past few years.

    Over these last few years, Pokémon GO transitioned from a fun game with a few flaws, to being a buggy, loot box filled mess. Every feature implemented breaks another, the Shiny Deino and Flower Crown Happiny situation, Mega Evolutions and many more things have ruined this game for so many people. And yet, I and countless others still put so many hours into this game.

    Back in 2016, this game barely had any features, but it was still fun. Not only was the spawn balancing was great, it was a huge event when there was a Dragonite on the nearby tracker. The footprint system gave us hints on exactly where the wild Pokémon we were looking for was. The servers went down constantly because there were so many people playing.

    Now, in 2021, the footprint system is gone. There is barely any spawn variety. Rare Pokémon are locked behind Eggs, Raids, and difficult to find or complete field research tasks. Shiny Pokémon are featured in one event and then locked away for a year or being turned of by mistake. There are bugs everywhere. People are being unfairly banned. This game has become a mess, and all because of incompetence.

    Niantic gets millions of dollars each year, yet barely any of it is put into the game. This game could have been something special, but greed took over. Features are released unfinished, and it doesn't have to be the case.

    If this game wasn't as profitable as it is, then we probably would have seen a better game as a whole. They would have a motive to push the game to be better to make it profitable. Less bugs, better features, less anti-consumer. I've heard Wizards Unite is better then this game, and it's probably because it isn't as profitable as Pokémon GO.

    Why did I make this post? I'm passionate towards a game that could be so much better. If the game can be made better because of this, than I've done my job.

    submitted by /u/GabeBit08
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    Feel bad for enjoying the game

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    I've been gone off the game since 2018 and picked it up again recently and I'm really enjoying it and playing everyday. Yeah it has it's flaws, it's buggy, etc. Yeah I've spent a good amount of money on pokecoins but the money doesn't really feel like a waste since the game brings me so much enjoyment.

    Scrolling through this sub and seeing pretty much only talk of how awful pokemon go is now and how it used to be so much better and how it's a broken game trying to milk your money. Obviously everyone is free to feel what they feel about the game but I guess it's just a bit disheartening to see lol?

    Considering the game has helped me actually lift myself up and go for walks every now and again despite me suffering from depression is close to a miracle so I really like it for that.

    I guess no real point to this post haha, sorry

    submitted by /u/ChalkSpoon
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    I caught the best Pokémon ever.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    I caught the rarest and the most coveted Pokémon ever. I know you can't contain the jealousy but please, behold my white whale: Best Pokémon ever.

    submitted by /u/newguy208
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    Come on, Niantic, get it together.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    I've enjoyed some of the challenges, as it adds something different to a game which has been growing fairly stagnant lately with such controlled spawns that each week you only get whatever 5 pokemon spawning that King Niantic gives us. But can we talk about how STUPID it is for Niantic to release this 40,000,000 raid challenge when there is ONLY ONE tier 5 pokemon worldwide? Seriously wtf, sorry rest of the world, we're certainly going to hit the target, but not due to me. I'm not waisting every pass I get on stupid therian landorus. If they were going to do this raid challenge they should have spiced up raid encounters so we would actually be incentivized to do raids. Niantic is the new George Lucas; screw the fans, just give me money.

    submitted by /u/iamcalifornia
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    Hey Niantic, since you don't QA your own product, I did QA of my own; here's all the issues I've personally found since the last update :)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I work in software development in QA for a living, and been playing PoGo since day 1. I do love the game, but there's a vast number of issues which have been going on, several of which got pushed to the forefront with the latest update. I've done some testing on my own end, and found a few workarounds, but as with classic PoGo, even the workarounds are not consistently working. Here's a list of the things I've personally come across while playing the past few days:

    • Raid notifications for Remote Raids coming in after the raid is over. I've gotten several remote raid requests, but when I go into the app, the raid shows as 0 seconds left. This has been tested both on wi-fi and on network. The only workaround I've found is based off location of the remote raid; the closer the remote raid is to the actual device, the sooner I got a notification for the RR.

    • Gift notifications not showing up from buddy until after gifts have been sent out. This relates to the 5 free gifts we get once a day from our buddies. I've sent out free gifts multiple times, and had to reboot the app several times to get the notification for the gifts to show up. Gaining 14 gifts from your buddy then see none in your inventory feels like a bug, but it's "working as intended" because stuff had already been sent out.

    • Footsteps for Pokemon aren't working. When footsteps got implemented, it was awesome to see where new Pokemon were in the area, especially since I live in a rural area. With the new Pokemon being released, I hoped to see some on the radar using footsteps - nothing showed up, and nothing has shown up for multiple days.

    • Remote trading has been reverted to 100 meters. This is the biggest bug that I can see with the game currently. The pandemic is still going on world-wide, and it was at one point up to 40 km. That was fantastic for being able to trade with people I couldn't physically meet; I haven't found any official notification stating the remote trading distance was reverted, so this goes in the bug pile.

    • Removal of Rocket Balloons was not well-documented. "Oh, but you can scroll into Settings, and go to this webpage to show all existing bugs and issues" N. O. You are a multi-billion dollar game. You have the ability to give a pop-up like the damn weather every time you log in to alert us that you broke Rocket Balloons due to the time changes and you don't know how to fix it. Give us some alert besides a Twitter comment that no one outside of Twitter would read.

    • XP bonuses are not always applying while Lucky Eggs are active. This one is actually more severe than I believe a lot of people realize. Yes, the Friendship bonus XP is not being applied, and that's been well documented on the subreddit. However, there's also inconsistencies when you do a First Catch of the Day when a Lucky Egg is up, as well as getting bonus XP for finishing a tier 1 or 3 raid, AND when evolving Pokemon. All of this stems from the Lucky Egg; workaround, sadly, is to not use them until Niantic sorts it out.

    • Trainer battle notifications are not appearing. This is also similar to the Remote Raid issue, but I couldn't figure out through testing how to get Trainer battles to work, both on wi-fi or on network. As a clarification real quick, this is not Go League - this is battling your friends.

    I do wish Niantic would take the time to truly look into the issues they've caused in the game. All this testing I've done took, at most, 2 hours to do. C'mon Niantic.

    submitted by /u/billyK_
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    Game is still Great. ☺️

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    I've been playing since July 2016 and my experience with this game has been great.

    A lot of day1 and year1 issues have been resolved and there's been so many new features added since then.

    There's enough Freemium items to enjoy a majority of content.

    The addition of remote passes was nice given the state of the world in 2020 and current.

    This game has consistently gotten me out of hibernation/being inactive every time warmer weather starts up again.

    I've gone through 'hardcore' playing phases and it's great that being able to play casually feels just as rewarding.

    It is likely going to end up my longest played game right after RuneScape lol.

    When we started, wife and I were expecting our first kiddo. Now, 5 years later- he's catching his own Pokémon and loves to play with us too. ❤️

    Anyway, just wanted to share some positive feedback.

    Happy hunting everyone!

    submitted by /u/OGDuckDaddy
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    Lack of communication on Team rocket balloons and grunts removal is unacceptable

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    How is it acceptable for Niantic to send a single tweet about this issue and not provide a timetable on when the issue will be fixed?

    So many of us have tasks to complete to level up but are at a literal standstill because of the lack of rocket encounters. This is yet another example of Niantic trying to sweep a problem underneath the table and expecting us to pretend the problem doesn't exist - it's unreal how they won't even tell us this in-game.

    All we're asking for is an update on how the fix is going, is that too much to ask for?

    submitted by /u/wolfrain007
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    I just made the most incredible catch ever today and my wife doesn't believe me

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    I wish so badly that I had a screen recorder running because I made the most incredible trick shot I've ever seen.

    So I was trying to catch a Skiploom for the extra Hoppip candies, (which I just learned that evolved forms give almost double the candy) but as soon as I released the ball, he attacked! And, if you're familiar with Skiplooms attack, they do a backflip and a quick lunge forward. It's also worth noting that the ball physics are surprisingly accurate in this game when it comes to pokemon deflecting them.

    Well, the ball hit with perfect timing, and in just the right spot for Skiplooms lunge to send the ball flying straight at me and bounced off of me (didn't know that was even possible) and then, by some freak occurrence, flew straight back to Skiploom, scoring me a great hit and catching him on technically the first throw.

    It was the coolest thing I've ever done on the game and nobody was there to see it. I don't care if nobody believes me okay maybe a little I just had to tell someone about this

    Edit: Okay I see now that this is what the game means by "catch assist." I've never gotten a pokemon to the best buddy level before and I had assumed it meant that the pokemon were just slightly easier to catch. This is much more exciting than that! Also it makes me so happy to know my reaction to this brought some smiles to people faces. I'm just kinda learning as I go.

    Edit 2: Just told the wife about the buddy assist and now she believes me. Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/k_chaney_9
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    This game needs improvement.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    I just want to share my thoughts. I play every day and this game isnt better by the day, its getting worse. I picked the game up again last year, and the new features was great and all but the other parts of the game are lacking extremely! Add more to the egg system, let me at least scrap the eggs i dont want. God! Make it like it works in the other games. Let me try to hatch a shiny dratini if my dragonite is in the daycare. Add the GTS, i definitely cant get the regionals without cheating, because the airlines dont go there right now. 100 metres or the slight boost to 40km at special events is unreasonable where i live. Theres houses who wont have a neighbour for 40km in this country. And covid was the time to make these changes, the remote passes are good but if no one is online right now to invite, then ill just forget about that legendary raid thats happening on my lunch break. Or, i can go somewhere else, where theres specific apps to find a group because niantic wont do it. They want our money but the shop is broken in my country. In Australia its $1 Aud for 100 coins, cool thats fair. But if i want more at once, then its $7.99 for 550 coins. seems like the worst trade deal to date, and it gets worse on the higher "bundles" im now level 38 and i only have 1 permanent incubator, what is with that? I can't imagine the time and money for the players at 50 and + (whenever that happens) and still have to earn 50 coins a day and grind or spend good money to hatch a low to mid 2/3 and transfer it. Cause thats gambling to me, and the house always wins right? Dont even get me started on shinys. I could go on forever about my suggestions to make this game from the Pokemon series, quality id expect. Thankyou

    submitted by /u/Infinite69s
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    Spawn variations

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    Does anyone feel like the novelty of seeing a new Pokémon wears off extremely quick when you see that same Pokémon over and over and over again. I feel like there's no variation anyone and it's just what they set to Spawn that day. Going on walks used to be so much fun because I could see anything and that's what makes this game fun not seeing the same 5 Pokémon everywhere. I don't have to leave my apartment anymore because anything I'm going to encounter is going to be be obtained from my couch. Kind of disheartening knowing what this game used to be and how it is now.

    submitted by /u/Bone-Apple-The-tooth
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    I miss you Team Rocket...

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:37 PM PDT


    I hope they are back soon. I don't frequent many stops throughout the day, so I'm still 5 leaders away. I should have hit it this week. The wait is killin me lol.

    submitted by /u/EpicMemorableName
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    Shiny Pokédex

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    It is long over due for there to be a Shiny Pokédex, we have a separate dex for mega. I would love a tab for shiny only Pokédex.

    submitted by /u/Dat49er
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    [Meme] Have my friends always raided this hard and I didn't know?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:41 PM PDT


    When members of your raid group chat do lots of raids, but haven't even invited you. Kinda jealous of my friends that can raid every day.

    submitted by /u/suddencactus
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    Xl conversion

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    I really wish the conversation was 25 to 1. 100 to 1 is just so incredibly steep that it takes forever to grind a Mon for PvP if you are playing normally or aren't using puffins/walking 100km a week. There's so many things I want to try out in cups but I always feel like I'm behind or at a disadvantage cause I'm not able to xl anything that hasn't had a community day. The current system just seems to really only cater to the players who have been playing for years or spoofers.

    I play a few hours a day and I've been walking my medicham to get candy but im still only at 100 xl candies with 5000 regular candies that I can convert and im only half way there. This is also only one of the 10 xl pokemon I want, just feels like by the time I get enough candies it will be too late.

    submitted by /u/Lithar
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    Shadow Electabuzz Question

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    I have an Electabuzz that is 15/11/11 which turn out to be 82%.

    Should I max him out to level 50 or just throw him away and use my candy XL on a hundo electivire?

    submitted by /u/VictorMazz4
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    [HELP]Counting steps but not for egg hatching and buddy walking?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    I am having a problem with the app atm.

    So it counts my steps, but not for the hatching of eggs and for my buddy.
    Does anyone know why this is and how I can fix this?
    Battery saver is disabled and i enabled google fit too.

    submitted by /u/Citizen160823
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    Let us do raids in gyms we are defending.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Sometimes you can be defending a gym for weeks or even months if you put a Pokémon in a rural gym. Why not let gym defenders do raids at gyms they are defending, even if out of range. This would be really good for rural players who can't see any gyms from their house. I'm currently defending a gym on a hilltop 100km from my house and I'd love to be able to raid there and also get the gold badge faster.

    submitted by /u/CaligulaBlushed
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    Auto catcher broke

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    What's the best auto catcher for Pokémon go. I drive in the city a lot so it's gonna be used mostly in the car. I had a gotcha ranger and I loved it until the screen just died on me.

    submitted by /u/xGAguiar
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    Adventure Sync Not Working

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Around two weeks ago, my Adventure Sync was unable to turn on. Usually, Adventure Sync would turn off randomly when you quit, but last time I could re-enable it without any issues.

    They ask for which email I want to use, but every time I select an email it just says something like "Adventure Sync Not Enabled, Enable it in Pokemon Go settings". When I try to enable it again, the same annoying thing appears again.

    I had already enabled "Fitness Tracking" and "Data Storage" for Pokemon Go in my App Permissions (Settings), but it does not seem to work. I've Googled for solutions, but they all don't help at all. Google Fit also can't be installed on my phone as I'm not old enough.

    I'm not sure what is causing the problem. Can someone help me out? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/IceApprentice
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    When is Thundurus coming back?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    So..... i got my torndus, got my landorus, but have never caught a thundurus so im stuck at taking a photo of thundurus in season of legends research task.

    So does anyone know when it might be back?

    submitted by /u/GoDiegoGo_uy
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    Arena motivation

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    Does anybody know anything about a bug that prevents the motivation of my pokemon in an arena of falling?

    I've my pokemon placed in an arena three days ago and the health is constantly at 432 without me feeding any berries to it.

    submitted by /u/ellaeric
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    Pokemon Go Players not Getting Double XP for Friendship Level Increase due to Delayed Notification Bug

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    When using a Lucky Egg, Trainers do not receive doubled experience as their Friendship levels increase. Issue description: Trainers may see a delayed notification after the effects of the Lucky Egg have run out, causing them to not obtain doubled experience for their Friendship level increases.

    Source: https://www.futuregamereleases.com/2021/04/pokemon-go-players-not-getting-double-xp-for-friendship-level-increase-due-to-delayed-notification-bug/

    submitted by /u/SnowFlakesMilkHoney
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