• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Rivals Week without Sawk and Throh is a missed opportunity.

    Pokémon GO - Rivals Week without Sawk and Throh is a missed opportunity.

    Rivals Week without Sawk and Throh is a missed opportunity.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    What's the point of having a Rivals week that's also focused on fighting types, and not including two fighting types that are rivals? It isn't that they're avoiding regionals because they've done that with Seviper and Zangoose.

    And for that matter, wouldn't it make a thematically stronger "Rivals" week to have Groupon and Kyogre in raids? At least those have shown up recently, but still this event seems very half-baked.

    submitted by /u/kenmorebrian
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    Excellent throws - XP reward is great but catch success is way too low for some non-legendaries

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    I'm grinding through level 47 needing a few million more XP. Since the increase in XP for excellent throws I've really started honing my skills. With the current event there are a lot of easy enough targets: Electabuzz, the Hitmons, Magmar, Makuhita, Zangoose etc. I appreciate the extra points but the catch rate for excellent throws would be lucky to be 75% for some of these. I've thrown 3 excellent ultra balls in a row to some of these to have them break out, then catch on a crappy throw for a lousy 120 XP vs 1170 XP. I understand legendaries breaking out of excellents but with these fairly worthless mons I'd appreciate a better success rate - 95-99% would be my take.
    But that's not going to change. Just had to say it though.

    submitted by /u/imapassenger1
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    Pokémon Raid Trolling Needs to End

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    Sorry if this has already been posted...

    I'm so tired of people joining a raid and then backing out before you get enough people. I know things happen sometimes and we get kicked due to a glitch. I also know that sometimes people are trolling you so you waste a raid pass and get abandoned. This is worse than cheating. Trolling people on a game based on a children's show: get a life and grow up. This goes back to wishing pogo had a friends chat feature. It would help with organizing remote raids. I've learned not to trust any random people who join a raid which is unfair for the legitimate raid hoppers.

    TLDR: Rant on people who hop into a raid for the sake of leaving you stranded amd out a raid pass.

    submitted by /u/puppies717
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    Don't be a grinch Niantic... Leave Shiny Smeargle in the game post event.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    Outside of special events we are limited to a maximum of one Smeargle encounter per day - providing we take snapshots until we get said encounter.

    Right now there is little incentive to perform this monotonous task each and every day - sure, I could get a hundo or a nundo, but realistically I'd have a higher chance of that hundo by doing lucky trades for one.

    Leaving shiny Smeargle in the game post event gives us at least a tiny glimmer of hope for a shiny one to appear and may just be enough incentive for me to at least try and get a daily encounter.

    Removing shiny Smeargle post event is just miserly, plain and simple. I would say penny-pinching, but Smeargle isn't even behind any paywall

    submitted by /u/GeordieAl
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    Coolest/most interesting Gym Defenders

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    No matter where you are in the world or what team you're on you'll probably see the same 7-8 pokemon in gyms: Metagross, Gyarados, Snorlax, Slaking (cursed), Gardevoir, Dragonite & Garchomp, and the pink blobs (Clef, Wigglytuff, and of course Chansey and Blissey). Personally I like to put in or a variety of stuff if I can, so I was wondering what kind of stuff you like to see in gyms as a breath of fresh air or a break from the usual. Personally I like to see/put in things like:

    - Corsola

    - Ampharos

    - Crobat

    - Wailord

    - Shuckle

    - Muk

    - Steelix

    - Aerodactyl

    - Poliwrath

    My mons aren't the best and my options are pretty limited, but I kind of wanted to hear from other people on what they think make cool or interesting gym defenders, not necessarily the strongest; now gym defense is kind of a joke, and anyone with enough determination can take down a gym no matter how strong, so what else do you guys think are fun picks?

    submitted by /u/TheBoxSloth
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    What are some of the fastest charging moves and which pokemon can use them?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    So basically, I'm just starting to get into trainer battles and the leagues and I was wondering which pokemon should I use with quick charging moves to get rid of the opponents shields quickly. Also, which move/moveset? (I've only got back into PoGo for a few weeks so I might not have some of the pokemon)

    submitted by /u/ASL66778899
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    Anyone else’s phone randomly start lagging and bugging out when you’re in a raid and then trying to catch them?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    For about 3 weeks now whenever I'm in a legendary raid my game freaks tf out... almost like it doesn't want me to have my moment. Like I'm talking my Pokémon just stands there and doesn't attack as I'm tapping it and when I go to catch it after we win it's like the touch screen just stops working correctly. Sometimes I can't even pick up the damn ball

    submitted by /u/user122817
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    Shiny smeagle

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Oh boy. For the snappy event, to celebrate the release of pokemon snap, smeagle will be shiny. A small chance, with a limited amount of photos, for a incredibly rare shiny we won't see until the 5th anniversary or even beyond? Yeah, this is worse than unown. That being said, hope its community day odds

    submitted by /u/PokeHobnobGod21
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    Deleting the custom name on a Pokémon doesn’t revert it to the original name

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Like i used to be able to delete the words on a Pokémon and click "ok" and it reverts it to the og name but now it keeps the name and i don't feel like spelling back all the names of the Pokémon who i have changed.

    submitted by /u/VrLights
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    My first perfect Pokémon Espurr

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    Hello everyone I just caught my fist perfect Pokémon Espurr and I am really excited about it, can you please tell me if it has any particular hability? (PvP or raid) Or it is just a cute Pokémon

    submitted by /u/Echo_Groundbreaking
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    App crashing on launch

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    I recently downloaded iOS 14.4.2 thinking that it would solve my crashing problems, which didn't work and has caused me to resort to Reddit. My Pokemon Go app crashes on launch, not even getting past the white screen with the Niantic logo and I am baffled as to why. Since Niantic support specifically for Pokemon Go can only be contacted through the game itself, I am not able to contact them. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, I have changed my region, reset, changed my region back, and reset again, and have tried plenty of other "fixes" to this issue fruitlessly. Please help!

    submitted by /u/Aryahomo
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    Rank 1 shiny Empoleon for GL

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    https://imgur.com/gallery/RQyEnHC Had this Pokémon for ages and only just realised it's a rank 1 shiny for GL?! Saving dust and candies to rank up ⭐️

    submitted by /u/AmethystPoppy_
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    Why are lower IV's good for PVP?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    I have heard a lot about pvp IVs and why lower attack IVs and high defense and stamina IVs are better. Is there something that makes it better in the lower leagues, or not?

    submitted by /u/New-Ladder8593
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    do iv matter much?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    im payin now since a week or two and all my friend are going for the 3 star pokemon etc, does that even matter i mean we are casual players 1- 2 hrs a day does it matter or is CP something i should worry more about?

    submitted by /u/Skeledon
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    Why is no one talking about the constant required restarts?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    This has been going on for a couple months now. Traveling short distances (say 1 mile) above ~15mph requires a game restart. Gyms, pokestops, pokemon, egg hatches, etc. Will not show up! Our group has to restart at EVERY raid during raid hour. What is going on? Fix this already!

    submitted by /u/StunningFennel9908
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    Gym Platinum level update

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    Expensive niantic very well that you won the medals at the platinum level . maybe you could do the same with the gym

    submitted by /u/Marijosius
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    Remote Ex raid pass creation

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    It is very good that you have created Remote Raid Pass. Please Niantic create a remote Ex raid pass

    submitted by /u/Marijosius
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    Battle League: Why is it so trash?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Battle league matches are 50% team comp, 40% lead matchup, and 5% latency, leaving only about 5% left for actual skill at the game - which is next to nonexistent. It's just spam that hurts my fingers before long and causes more hand pain than any other game I've ever played. Why is this game mode so awful?

    submitted by /u/just_one_point
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    Research with members of this sub about the role of imagination in playing Pokémon GO published!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Respected fellow Pokémon trainers,

    Nine months ago the moderators of this sub were kind enough to pin our survey here and we got plenty of responses from you. Thank you once again for that!

    We subsequently analyzed the data and wrote an academic paper about the findings. The research has now been peer reviewed and published in Computers in Human Behavior.

    The study can be openly accessed here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563221001394?via%3Dihub

    In this work we had a few quite interesting findings, but here are my two favorites:

    1. Having nostalgic feelings about Pokémon is important specifically because of imagination. Nostalgia enables players to better imagine Pokémon to the real world.
    2. Playing Pokémon GO feels meaningful partially due to social relationships and a connection to other players, but also due to really caring about your pokémon in your inventory.

    I hope to in the future dwell more to this topic and plan even more rigorous and interesting research on meaningfulness and imagination in Pokémon GO. Thanks and take care! Let's hope that shiny 100% deino hatches soon.

    submitted by /u/PokemonResearch
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    Raid invitations

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    I always feel bad when I get invited to a raid but I don't have any remote passes to use. I promise I'm not ignoring you I just don't have coins to buy a new pass

    submitted by /u/Uhlman24
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    Anyone care to help?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    I've been a very long time Pokemon fan and player (I'm 26 and started right from the beginning on my gameboy with pokemon blue lol) so I've played like every game. Just started playing pogo last week and I don't have anyone to play with really. On my research tasks I have to send gifts to 3 friends and I want to add some people. Can anyone help me out with letting me add em as a friend and I can send gifts. Possibly even get help with some raids so I can catch some better pokemon? Thank you for helping a fellow trainer!

    submitted by /u/Vernblock
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    How do you get more Pokéballs without moving anywhere?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    I'm new to Pokémon Go, and I want to keep catching Pokémon so I can level up, but I don't have any Pokéballs so I can't catch anything. I also don't have any money because I can't level up my Pokémon and do the gyms. Please help I have no idea what I'm doing.

    submitted by /u/TheMostSimpleOfNames
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