• Breaking News

    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

    If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread.

    Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

    Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

    Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I pushed my limits this week

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    for the first time in my life i've walked about 100KM in a single week. averaging just over 15km a day, I finished the weekly adventure on friday. I then learned about the reward eggs, and pushed it even further to make egg space by eliminating two 12km eggs and five 2km eggs between then and now.

    My final distance count before I switched to an excersize bike (bad knees, needed walking break) was 77.8km, and with the bike, I got to 90km while clearing a 12km and two 2km eggs. I'm so proud of myself and honestly the bike is pretty fun, I can just jam with music and feel the burn while turning up the resistance!

    Not only this stuff however! I also just managed to get to rank 20 on the league, and caught Yveltal on the last possible day! It's not perfect stats, but it doesn't need to be. He'll remind me of this week whenever I have to pull him out for a battle.

    submitted by /u/Killzone3265
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    I’m new to the game and didn’t realize this was a big deal oops

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    Okay listen: I was not into Pokémon before Pokémon Go. I'm 22, I've been playing this since it came out in 2016, but I took a looong break and now I'm back.

    My boyfriend is having me play every Pokémon game starting with Blue (he's a collector), and PoGo has really helped with learning the Pokédex.

    Anyway- I caught this, https://imgur.com/a/lMENOda , and leveled it for the good stats. I showed boyfriend and he freaked tf out, so I figured I'd show you guys too lmao. What are the chances of this ig is my only question because he was s o jealous and I found it very funny.

    He may be good at the classics but I'm better with Pokémon go most of the time!

    Edit: Mild dyslexia moment sorry lmao

    Edit 2: when I say I'm new to the series I mean relatively- literally everyone in my life has played either with cards or video games from childhood, whereas I was poor and a library book nerd lmao. I'm just really undereducated in the series, generally speaking, but now that I'm able to engage in it I'm having a lot of fun :) also, thank you for the awards!!

    submitted by /u/rybabyyy
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    Official Pokémon Go concept art that should’ve made it to the real game

    Posted: 30 May 2021 03:03 PM PDT


    This is definitely something I'd never get tired of looking at. Some new soundtracks that weren't so "techno" would've really topped it off imo.

    submitted by /u/Dry_Preparation3217
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    My biggest achievement

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    I have been playing since 2016 but this my fellow trainers, this is my biggest achievement .

    Have been grinding like crazy for acre candies after getting one in the wild sometime last year but the ivs were terrible and I didn't wanna evolve him, today on a run, I hatched a 10km egg which finally gave me such a great axew and I couldn't wait any longer.

    I present to you Haxorus, one of the rarest Pokémon that's probably gonna be the community day Pokémon soon.

    submitted by /u/MrDollarBills
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    I am a generous Pokemon master

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    My workplace is a gym so every time I come to work, I check to see how long other people have been defending it.

    If its over 8 hours, I knock you out. If you're still under 8 hours, I'll leave ya in there even if I knocked out the others.

    I don't do it for the praise, maybe a little, it's more for the coinage.

    So, you're welcome people defending my work gym. I hope you only had that pokemon at a gym so you actually get something out of me knocking you out so I feel good about myself.

    submitted by /u/neeeeeenz
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    Caught a shiny after re-downloading

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    http://imgur.com/gallery/Q4rIi4X re-downloaded the game after not playing it since 2016 and got a nice welcome

    submitted by /u/AdeleDesktop
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    Noticing a Lack of Potions and Revives Lately(?)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    Anyone else noticing the lack of Potions and Revives from Gyms, Gifts, etc?

    Got a slew of fainted and can't for the life of me get enough P&R to keep going vs Rocket.

    Am I the only one?

    submitted by /u/flafferay
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    What a way to start the day!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:19 AM PDT

    I very rarely get any shiny luck besides comm days but when I claimed an event research task this morning I was absolutely overwhelmed!! Thank you to the Pokémon gods!


    submitted by /u/One-one-eight
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    Grinding Pays Off - Level 40!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:04 PM PDT


    I started this week at like 500k XP into level 39, then I played a lot on the first day of the event and realized I could actually hit 40 before Gible CD. So, I did it! And I guess I wanted to share, along with some of my collection.

    I didn't really start playing until 2018 even though I have the early start date. I stopped playing last year because my phone was… bad lol. But I got a new phone this month so I've been playing a lot.

    I wish I had played more earlier than 2018, though, not only for in-game reasons but because I've explored a lot of irl places thanks to PGO. I like to play mostly to collect shinies (esp of Pokemon I really like) and explore the world and places of interest. I've been to a lot of places in the last few years and it's really nice to have caught Pokemon that remind me of where I was on a certain day or who I was with.

    Anyways! I just love Pokemon and PGO and feel kinda proud of this I guess. Thanks for reading (:

    submitted by /u/il28cf
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    Just incensed this...

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    https://imgur.com/gallery/ry9iapy ive been trying my best to get enough candies to evolve a magikarp and then i saw this, im happy yet confused

    submitted by /u/Cheap-Astronomer-216
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    Reviving Pokemon without revives!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    Hi, so I'm new here so apologies if this trick has been mentioned before. I was pit of revives but was playing around powering up one of my fainted vaporeons and noticed that when I powered up a fainted one twice that it gained 1hp. This meant that I could then use a potion to power it the rest of the way up. Thought this was cool.as I was out of revives and had a shed load of potions! Let me know if this is new or known anyway. Cheers folks

    submitted by /u/Donttellhimpike1979
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    Caught my 1st Shiny Pokemon today.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    A random Shiny evee popped up while I was out for dinner. Low Cp but I'll take it.


    submitted by /u/WeOwnNY
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    You can double tap and drag to zoom in and out with only one finger

    Posted: 30 May 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    The game doesn't tell you but it's much easier to do when you can't easily reposition your hand. Just double tap and drag up and down to zoom in and out on the map.

    submitted by /u/ActivateGuacamole
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    Question about Incense during community day

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:34 AM PDT


    On the upcoming community day i'll be in a low spawn rate area. Using incense in a low spawn rate will attract the specific pokemon no matter what?

    submitted by /u/DamnBoyStudios
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    Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. Best as shadow or as purified?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    Basically the title. Is there a reason to keep them as shadow (without considering the cool looking effect, just considering mechanics)?

    Edit: to give more details, I have a shiny non-shadow articuno (2*, back from the days when weekly rewards were legendaries), two shadow articunos (one 1*, one 2*), one shadow moltres (1*) and one shadow zapdos (2*).

    submitted by /u/fraidei
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    3 star pokemon only ones worth keeping?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    For strictly battle purposes is there any real reason to keep anything less than 3 stars? I know some are more rare but is the difference between 2 and 3 very large?

    submitted by /u/Totentanzen333
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    Guess I’m not getting that Deino encounter after all.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    I know I'm not the only one here, or the first post, but the lack of Dark Pokemon spawning is really disappointing with this event.

    The Legends X one had plenty of fairies spawning and I was able to finish that one easy, but this one it definitely felt like they had the boosted dark spawns ended way too early.

    I'm stuck on page 5/7 at 11/20 caught dark Pokémon. I completed the first few pages pretty quickly, and I try to play every day, but I'm lucky if I find even just one dark spawn a day.

    I know it's not the first time Niantic has made an event disappointing, but still. Definitely sucks because I really wanted that Deino lol. Hopefully the next one has better spawn rates.

    submitted by /u/mason_the_mutilator
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    How to complete "distracted by something shiny"

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    I'm currently doing this quest and it said defeat Jessie and James. I heard that these 2 left the game a while ago. How do I complete the quest

    submitted by /u/redskeleton0
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    Anyone else not getting coins even tho they should be?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    Like it said cloyster has returned after a hard battle and I should have gotten 50 coins but I didn't get any. It doesn't even show up in the journal but the pokemon is back.

    Edit: now it happened with a othe pokemon too. It was there for a few hours but I still should have gotten a few.

    submitted by /u/Wireproofplays
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    Question to walking 10km

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    So I just got a shiny Eevee a few minutes ago (finally) and I want to evolve it into an Umbreon. Sadly I've already used the nickname, so I have to get 2 candy and walk 10km with it as buddy. My question is if I just habe to have it as a buddy or do I need to have it walk on the map with me? Please help me, i really don't want it to fail ;(

    submitted by /u/UmbreonGamer06
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