• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 1, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Things You Can Do While Waiting For The 2min Raid Lobby Timer To End

    Pokémon GO - Things You Can Do While Waiting For The 2min Raid Lobby Timer To End

    Things You Can Do While Waiting For The 2min Raid Lobby Timer To End

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    • Call a loved one and talk about your day

    • Order something from a drive thru

    • Play another game

    • Start up a vlog

    • Make a post about how raid lobby timers suck on Reddit

    • Fall in love

    • Work on your arts & crafts hobby

    • Catch up on that novel you've been reading

    • Take a nap

    • Write out your will

    submitted by /u/ImNotReallyANerd
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    TIFU opening June Research Breakthrough Box ... before 1pm

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    I've been sitting in my research tasks for three days, waiting for the bonuses that came with June: Free Remote Raid Pass! Double XP! By holding out until 6/1, I'd get those bonuses not only on the first, but a total of five times in June! So I held onto all those completed tasks for days, waited until 6/1, verified the date on my calendar just in case, and opened my research box. Alas! No double XP! No Raid Pass! And another Galarian Ponyta?!? [Not even shiny!] Then it hit me: In PoGo world, June isn't June until 1pm. Be warned Raid Pass seekers: don't unwrap that box until 1pm! TL;DR - don't be me, wait until 1pm today to open your Research Breakthrough Box! 📦

    submitted by /u/ricegator
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    What a day!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    Had an insane day for pogo today. On the grind today, walked 17.5km, caught a shiny ralts, and after hunting a ton of grunts (I live in suburbs so not a ton of poke stops) I finally got 2 rocket radars to finish off the luminous legends challenge track. I was praying for a shiny from my deino encounter, but of course I didn't get one because that's very unlikely. However, after catching and appraising my deino, it was a 4*!!! Wow

    submitted by /u/Its_Kimby
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    Here's all the new information that's been dropped this past week

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    There's been a lot of information and dates announced lately and I can't keep track of it all, so I made a list to myself to remember and share with you so I wont miss out on anything - so here is all the info coming over the next months, compiled in my best attempt to make it quick and easily readable.As you'll notice there's a lot of "and more" being thrown around.

    • GO FEST

    Both Days

    For everyone:

    All Lure Modules activated during event hours will last for three hours

    1/2 Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in an Incubator during event hours

    Pokémon hatching from 7 km eggs include Igglybuff, Chingling, Audino, and more

    Event-exclusive Field Research tasks, special on-map visual effects, and more

    Ticket Holders only:

    Take snapshots on both event days for a surprise

    Unown F and Unown G will be attracted to Incense throughout the event, with Shiny versions

    Open Gifts or spin PokéStops to get special event stickers

    Saturday July 17 from 10am - 6pm.

    For everyone:

    As far as we know, Saturday's main focus will be the feature of 4 rotating habitat spawns, which will rotate each hour (still unsure if Sunday will feature the habitats, but dont count on it).

    Using incense during these hours will also spawn pokemon correlating with the current habitat

    These habitats will include;

    Jungle - Scythe, Aipom, Froakie and more.
    Incense spawns will be - Ludicolo, Chatot, Leafeon, Serperior, Unown F and Unown G.

    Desert Mountain - Skarmory, Sheildon, Hippopotas and more.
    Incense spawns will be - Tyranitar,Flareon, Flygon, Unown F and G

    Ocean Beach - Dratini, Swablu, Alomomola and more.
    Incense spawns will be - Gyarados, Azumarill, Vaporeon, Sawk, Unown F and G

    Cave - Roggenrola, Galarian Stunfisk, Deino and more.
    Incense spawns will be - Gardevoir, Umbreon, Absol, Galvantula, Unown F and G

    During the event, Raids will feature the following;
    Hitmontop, Cranidos, Deino, plus Galerian Zigzagoon and Galarian Ponyta in special costumes.

    The following music related pokemon will also be spawning in the wild;
    Chimecho, Kricketot, Audino and Pikachu in special costume.

    A free Avatar shirt will be a in the shop.

    Shiny Debut: The following pokemon will feature their shiny version;
    Wishimur, Chimecho, Audino and Tympole.

    Ticket Holders only:

    During the event ticket holders will recieve a Special Research, wherein you will be able to pick between a Rockstar or Popstar costume Pikachu.Furthermore, you will be able to pick other pokemon to go alongside the Pikachu, featuring special event costumes aswell - This part is vague to me. From what I can find, it's unclear exactly which pokemon you will be able to pick for your band, but if anyone knows the specifics please share in the comments

    A Mythical pokemon will also come as a reward for completing the Research.

    There will be an (unrevealed) surprise for those who take a snapshot, after completing the Research

    Global Challenge Arena - Ticket Holders will work together to complete challenges each hour, themed along the current habitat, and earn a bonus for the remainder of the hour when completed. Keep track of the progress in the Today View.

    Shiny pokemon - Throh, Sawk, Unown F and Unown G

    During the event, pokemon attracted to Incense will have increased Shiny spawn rates on Saturday.

    Sunday July 18 from 10am - 6pm

    Raid day!

    Returning favorites - exact Pokemons TBA.

    Earn an extra 10,000 XP in raid rewards when you complete a Raid Battle.

    Spin Gym Photo Discs to earn up to 10 Raid Passes (not remote raid passes)

    Complete Timed Research to earn up to 8 Remote Raid Passes

    Pick up a free event bundle containing 3 Remote Raid Passes

    No info on which pokemon will be in the Raids yet

    All pokemon spawning in the wild on Saturday will return on Sunday.

    All pokemon attracted to incense during Saturday will return on Sunday


    Season 8 lasts May 31 - August 30

    The leagues will rotate as follows:

    Great League:
    May 31 - June 14

    Ultra League + Ultra Premier cup:
    June 14 - June 28

    Master League + Master Leagu Classic + Element Cup*:
    June 28 - July 12
    These two weeks will reward 2x Stardust

    Great League + Great League Remix:
    July 12 - July 26

    Ultra League + Ultra League Remix:
    July 26 - August 9

    Master League + Master League Classic + Ultra Premier Cup:
    August 9 - August 23
    These two weeks will reward 2x Stardust

    All Leagues:
    August 23 - August 30

    \Element Cup* is a new cup which will target
    Water, Fire, Grass types only
    1st stage pokemon
    500CP or less

    Go Battle Nights:

    June 3rd

    July 11

    August 26

    Battlers will recieve 20 sets = 100 battles

    Battle on these days between 6PM - 12PM for a 3x Stardust Reward bonus


    Research Breakthroughs

    Completing breakthroughs during June will grant players:
    Clamperl encounter
    2x XP bonus (continues throughout the new season)
    A free Remote Raid Pass


    Returns with Shadow Zapdos -
    June 1, 12am - June 12, 12am

    After June 17, Giovanni will have a new Shadow Pokemon (TBA)

    Legendary Raids:

    Legendary Regi trio
    June 1, 10am - June 17, 10am

    A surprise Legendary wil appear from
    June 17, 10am - June 30, 10am

    Mega Raids:

    Only one Mega Pokmon will appear in raids at a time

    Mega Lopunny
    June 1, 10am - June 8, 10am

    Mega Slowpoke makes its' Debut
    June 8, 10am - June 17, 10am

    Mega Gyarados
    June 17, 10am - July 2, 10am

    Raid Hour event

    From 6pm - 7pm, every Wednesday of June, a raid hours will occour, featuring the following:

    June 2 - Regirock

    June 9 - Registeel

    June 16 - Regice

    June 23 - TBA

    June 30 - TBA

    June Spotlight hours:

    June 1 - Dwebble and 2x XP catch

    June 8 - Abra and 2x Candy catch

    June 15 - Slowpoke and 2x Candy transfer

    June 22 - Swinub and 2x XP evolve

    June 29 - Aipom and 2x Stardust catch

    Gible Community Day

    Sunday June 6, 11am - 5pm

    Upcoming Events

    "A Very Slow Discovery"

    June 8, 10am - June 13, 8pmGalarian Slowpoke, Galarian Slowbro and Mega Slowbro will make their debut

    Solstice Event

    June 17, 10am - June 20, 8pm
    Summer-themed pokemon for players on the Northern Hemisphere
    Winter-themed pokemon for players on the Southern Hemisphere


    June 25, 10pm - July 1, 8pm
    Unexpected event TBA

    This took a while, loads of stuff is coming, so I hope it's useful to any of you.

    Feel free to pin the post as I will keep updating it whenever more information is revealed throughout the coming months.

    If I missed anything please let me know!

    From the looks of it, we will be showering in Pokemon, Stardust and XP! I'm hyped for a great summer of Go!

    submitted by /u/newthrowgoesaway
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    This is definitely a complaint, but also been playing since 2016 so guess its not that consequential............

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    Honestly, getting medals should give you xp. Like no idea if this has been said before here, relatively new to the thread, but im up to 6 platinum medals, and it feels very unrewarded. The chance to now buy clothes on a portion of the achievements is really all im going for? I do appreciate the +4 catch bonus, but I still feel like some xp should be thrown in there as well for getting the type collections.

    submitted by /u/unrealisticllama
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    GBL Season 8 is here, and I'm doing a Random Teams only challenge until rank 20 (if all goes well, maybe beyond)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    I've already seen a lot of people trying to structure good teams for pushing through the ranks, most of which are the exact same ones we've seen thousands of times before.

    SO, to keep the game fresh for myself, I decided to try doing a random teams only challenge from rank 1-20. My winrate is way lower than it was last season, but the fun I've had so far has been abundant. I'd really recommend trying something similar, if you want to mix things up!

    It's both good fun, and it feels really rewarding when you beat 'actual teams' with stuff that isn't the greatest! :)

    submitted by /u/AldorinDK
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    Would anyone else like a Team Aqua and Team Magma event?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    Basically title

    Would be a good time to release the weather trio as shadows and have Mega Sharpedo and Mega Camerupt released.

    Maxi and Archie could be bosses.

    Like the other rocket events frustration can be removed during the event.

    Boisted spawns for poison/dark types and shiny numel is released


    submitted by /u/streetmilitary
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    I got a shiny Zigzagoon today and there is a short story with it... :)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Hi. I want to share with you my little story for the shiny Zigzagoon. So when i log in today in Pokemon go one of my remote friends surprises me with an unexpected invite to a raid and that raid was Zigzagoon. We are best friends for almost a year and it was his first invite to me and for a moment i was thinking...i will do this raid or not? I didn't want Zigzagoon and then i said to myself because we are best friends and this is his first invite ok lets do it. I didn't have much time to think. After the raid is over i said to myself: Imagine if this shiny...and then boom when i click the shiny Zigzagoon appears. I was very lucky and im very happy! If you see this, thank you "Nutellasd3" You made my day :) http://imgur.com/a/oKgZnJP

    submitted by /u/ilikethisnow
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    No Sylveon option and plenty of hearts?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    First: Yes, I know I can name it kira and it will evolve to Sylveon.

    I made my eevee my buddy and adding hearts before Sylveon was introduced to the game, and I'm pretty confident he has plenty of enough hearts to evolve into Sylveon, but I still don't have the option to evolve him. Is anyone else facing this issue?

    I thought maybe I could switch buddies and switch back and it would fix the problem, but no luck!

    submitted by /u/mistersender
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    Registeel first try!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:58 AM PDT


    First shiny catch from a raid! Just wanted to share with you guys! Also caught on first throw which was crazy luck for me.

    submitted by /u/stzhydro
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    I created a PoGo Raid calculator over the course of lockdown with several hundred cups of tea and winding up my housemate.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    I very much hope people find this helpful, it's been great fun to build over the past 6 months and learn how to spreadsheet as I went. Please excuse any odd formulae and feel free to update and share away. Remember to make a copy of the sheet or it won't work :P

    Much Love, Stay Safe and Have Fun!

    Key Features:

    - A DPS calculator based on the exact stats, moves and level of the Pokemon you're bringing to the raid.

    - The ability to modify the Weather, Friend, Mega and Shadow Bonuses with a click.

    - A selection of recommended moves based upon the above criteria and the Raid Boss.

    - Suggested Raid Boss moves which would prove most deadly to the attacking Pokemon.

    - A Type Calculator to quickly identify the Raid Boss' weaknesses.

    - A minimum recommended group size based on the Attacking Pokemon you selected.

    - A toggle-able custom setting for people trying to achieve victory with a particular sized raid group.

    - A predicted KO counter and 'Beat time' based upon the number of party wipes required to complete.

    - A level calculator to help identify exactly what level the attacking Pokemon is based upon CP and IVs.

    - Easily updated formatting with only 3 Indexes requiring modification when adding new moves or Pokemon.

    Here's the link:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17nRDQJ2SLvLrm3DvyMA32HJu7a_o6qGl6sOwGreHAf0/edit#gid=0

    submitted by /u/GanMenourar
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    Why have I not recieved the celebi quest

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    I just randomly recieved the quest of "Lets go Meltan" after completing absolutely nothing and from what I can see from googling the Celebi quest should have been next. Did the Meltan quest just trigger because I used the Meltan box the other day?

    submitted by /u/Nova1452
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    How to find Giovanni?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    I am quite new to the game (back after a nearly 5 year break...). I had a special research that ended with a boss fight with giovanni and I got a cool legendary pokemon out of it.

    I just read that I can do the same thing again?

    Where can I find this special research?

    submitted by /u/Meliondor
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    Tips to find a ditto?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Anybody have suggestions about how to catch a ditto? It's been one of my special quests for ages.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/elis_co
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    3* Shiny Galarian Ponyta!!!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    My first 3* shiny after getting 2 0* shinies for some of my favorite Pokémon


    submitted by /u/RomeDaddy
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    I've been wanting to try PvP in this game and I heard Registeel was good.. Will this suffice?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:33 AM PDT


    I also caught the other two regis fwiw. I'm actually not sure how pvp in this game works at all, so I guess I'll ask here in my totally non-brag about a shiny post:

    What should I do next now that I have at least one good mon? Are there some mons that I should try & get to pair with Registeel specifically?

    Any tips will be much appreciated. Also, I hope everyone here has some good shiny luck soon ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    submitted by /u/ModsRNeckbeards
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    Team with irl friend? How? Thx

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:28 AM PDT


    I dont know how all this works now since it's 2016 last time i played this game.

    Question: How can i team up with my added friend when we go together take gyms etc? Isn't possible? Cant find a solution. And what is it good for being in a party with your friend?

    Would really appreciate it, if anyone could guide me step by step how to team with my friends when we walk around.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/EvoLmc
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    My friend didn't realize how lucky he was to find an evil shiny 3 star beldum.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    https://i.ibb.co/TBQz7cB/20210531-075137.jpg He's purified it which I know a lot of you would scoff at...but I didn't say anything about that because I was really impressed and didn't want him to feel bad!

    submitted by /u/ActivateGuacamole
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    Check out my ultra spicy team that has gotten me to 10 straight wins this season!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    So many people on the PVP subreddits gatekeep PVP and hate on any "meta" teams, only enjoying teams with non-meta "spice" picks. So, I present to you, my spiciest team yet!


    submitted by /u/Timmssmith
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Any tips on what to use in Great league. I usually don't battle in PVP but decided to try again and based on an article my buddy sent me I don't have much at the top 20 of those rankings.. I'm Level 41.

    submitted by /u/BrownsTownBrian
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    How to get regirock (and other legendaries) under 1500 cp for great league

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Hey I heard about trading pokemon with a lower level friend but how can that be if all pokemon from raids are at a minimum level 25? Or am I wrong?

    How in general is it possible to get a legendary under 1500 cp from raids? Or did other trainers get a lower level legendary from a research breakthrough?


    submitted by /u/100AdelaideToronto
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    I can't enter the fighting league scince last seasons 5/5 games

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    I even see under the blocked fighting button that I didn't played a single fight this season. I don't get it. It was blocked since last seasons 5/5 games. I waited a long time for the new season and hoped it will work. But nah. Is this a bug? can I do something?

    submitted by /u/auchKlarer
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