• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 2, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Niantic forgot about Gym hunting players...

    Pokémon GO - Niantic forgot about Gym hunting players...

    Niantic forgot about Gym hunting players...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:19 AM PDT

    The point i want to make here is that people who love interacting with gyms by either collecting gym badges or collecting gold gym badges, have been long forgotten by the game's company... The gym badge cap is at 1000 after 4 years of the gym rework, making this "hobby" too frustrating for most gym hunters as they keep losing gym badges from places they visited long ago, or badges they had a hard time turning gold, or gym badges that don't exist anymore etc...

    The gyms and gym battles don't get any improvement updates for years now. The events related to the gyms are limited to 1 fighting event per year (x2 gym badge exp). And the reason for all this? Probably because gyms won't make you spend coins on them, or at least as much as other features in the game.

    And if you ask me "why do you keep bothering with gyms since the game has too many things to do these days?" i will answer to you that this "hobby" is the only thing left for people who like to explore new areas and see new places outside of their neighborhood and aside from that, we just like it, we have the right to do it since its an implemented feature.

    submitted by /u/Ultim02
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    I think we have actual Team Rocket members in our town

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    No idea why, but we have a group of people that will go around town taking gyms and leaving them grey. I just moved into this town recently and apparently this group is only active around Summer time for some reason?

    They will hunt down people taking gyms, wait for them to leave and then knock them out and put nothing back in. Apparently one of them even lives across from a gym and lets nobody have it

    These people are actually more villainous than the actual Team Rocket in the game

    submitted by /u/VolksDK
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    Woke up today and caught 100% Charmander 15/15/15

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Caught a Charmander today and i could not be more happy about the appraise check :D


    submitted by /u/AamirBarkawi
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    Can you guess my girlfriend's favourite pokemon?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    There's only one buddy pokemon for her.


    She should be kept busy after this sunday

    submitted by /u/Omnitheo
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    Go Fest will be the biggest day of my life

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    By this I mean I am getting married on the 17th and heading for my honeymoon on the 18th. I will have no time to participate in the festivities.

    I hope you catch every shiny you want!

    submitted by /u/gagagarrett
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    I am loving this event!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    So with numerous first dex encounters being a relatively new player this event, I have gotten three shiny first dex entries! First raid I hosted got me a shiny registeel, at 1am this morning i caught my first Goldeen being shiny and also just got my first egg shiny in Alolan Sandshrew!!! I hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am! Let me know what you've gotten

    submitted by /u/Nova1452
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    I think lot of players know this feeling

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    When you hatch and hatch those eggs and get it in result.


    submitted by /u/Czytalski
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    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    I started playing Pokémon go on the 2nd of April. Today marks the two month anniversary, and I just caught a SHINY CHARIZARD in the WILD!!!!!! Wish I could swear to show emphasis but this sub is supposed to be child friendly. I have no idea how to show photos of this as I'm on my phone right now and Imgur doesn't allow mobile anymore. This is the greatest day of my life!!!!!

    submitted by /u/JustFuckedaMcChicken
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    I have 3 lucky friends in different countries. I’ll never be able to trade with them. Pokémon GO should create a long distance trade system for these types of situations.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    It would only apply to lucky friends in different countries, states, etc. I've heard about people having 6 or more yet they'll never be able to trade with their friends. Whose to say one of their lucky friends wouldn't get upset over seeing that constantly and just unfriends them? In this situation, It wouldn't necessarily be a hard thing to achieve as it could be done in the same sort of way as Pokémon Sword and Shield:

    1. Players each select 2-3 Pokémon they feel comfortable trading

    2. Each player chooses a Pokémon from the other trainer's selection that they'd like to have in exchange for theirs

    3. The trade will commence from there and will result in a successful lucky friend trade, which will trigger the long distance trade to be turned off after each Pokémon arrive

    Does this seem like something that Niantic and Pokémon Go should consider? It's a very unique situation that hasn't yet been addressed in the game as far as I'm concerned I haven't seen anything in regards to this idea.

    Plus it expands on the hope that one day longer distance trades can be fully done. In the effort to expand Pokémon Go even further it would be an amazing thing to be able to get a lucky Tropius.

    submitted by /u/Trzy
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    Thank you Poke Genie

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    Just got my first legendary hundo from a Poke Genie raid for Registeel. Needless to say, if they had not offered the remote raid service, I would not have gotten it. So thanks to the dev(s?) of Poke Genie, cause it was awesome to find out once I hit that appraisal button!

    EDIT: this is my first post in the group and got asked to put a flair. This isn't much of a story, I guess, but that was the closest flair topic I could think of.

    submitted by /u/ichthyoidoc
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    Friendly tip: During Community Day, evolve an extra shiny with the special move.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    If you have enough candies to spare, I advise evolving an extra shiny gible into Garchomp on next community day. And it applies to all subsequent cd.

    Later on, when you will get lucky friends, people may be interested in getting a LUCKY shiny rare pokemon with a special move, even though they participated in that community day! For example i'd be down receiving a shlucky Rhyperior with rock wrecker. It saves dust for a great pokemon!

    Plus, maybe you will need it yourself.

    Start building your trade binder now.

    submitted by /u/TaupeMorose
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    Just lost a wild Axew because of spotlight hour

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Could genuinely cry.

    It spawned at 5:55. 6 o'clock and gone. The only time I've ever hated a spotlight hour!

    submitted by /u/Rizzleshizzle22
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    Such a good game!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    I've come back to PoGo after a few months not using it, I had thought that I had outgrown it but turns out it's been great! Helps with car journeys, it's fun to catch new Pokémon and beat challenges, overall I am very glad that I made the choice :D

    submitted by /u/Penguin_Vanilla02
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    Niantic, when are we gonna have the ability to switch the order of moves?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    It has been a feature in the main series since generation 1 to be able to reorder moves

    It's a pain to have to use charged TM's over and over again to flip one move with another. And for legacy moves, it's even worse because you literally can't TM it off.

    It just would make life so much easier

    submitted by /u/azumarillhater2527
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    I just want to say...there is a god

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    I opened my app to see a little shadow on my pokemon nearby thing. I said hmm did they release new pokemon. Looked closer...axew? You mean that thing ive hatched hundreds of 10ks to get but havent? Mind you, this was during spotlight hour. It was ab a mile away. I live in a city, so I sprinted. And there it was, within a large pile of dwebbles. I can die happy. Shitty ivs and need 125 rare candies now, but wow. It felt like 2016 again.

    submitted by /u/vinskaa58
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    Stats after exactly 1 year of playing Pokémon Go

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    June 3rd 2020 - June 2nd 2021

    LVL - 38 Distance Walked - 103.5 Pokémon Caught - 10,091 Poke stops Visited - 2883 Total XP - 12,109,988 Total Shiny - 57

    I love seeing stats and numbers, I'm just curious what others think and have for there accounts! I made a full video on it if you'd like to look it up "Trainer Tsume" on YouTube!

    submitted by /u/treybelair
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    Best Buddy Help

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    I'm trying to get my Mewtwo to best buddy and I found out that you need 300 hearts. I have well over that but no best buddy. I have 193 feed buddy, 62 play togethers, 90 battles, 76 snapshots, and 10 new places. Would like to know why I'm not best buddy yet. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/CraterCuberYT
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    Metagross Advice

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    I have a 3 star 1833 Metagross and a 3 star 355 Shadow Beldum. Should I power up my Metagross or Evolve my Beldum?

    submitted by /u/Hitachi_Sensei
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    Raid bosses and grunt battles only allowing me to throw great balls

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    So this is a weird one... any time I beat a raid boss or defeat a grunt, instead of the regular white premier balls, I'm shown great balls only and whenever I throw them, the pokemon breaks out instantly every time. It does not run away, and the number of balls I have stay the same (usually around 14 per raid boss). I literally have 3 registeel that I've defeated just sitting there waiting to be caught... I can run away and re-encounter but the issue still persists. I have a screen recording of the issue but for some reason this sub won't allow images/videos

    submitted by /u/akshaynanda08
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    If I’m in the open ocean on Gible community day, will I still get community day spawns?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    On June 6th I will be in Alaska on a boat off the coast. Will I still get community day spawns? What if I use an incense? All answers welcome.

    submitted by /u/DangerNoodleTheSnake
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    Thrilled to welcome my first shundo, Fouldinand von Destrier

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    While there aren't really any shinies I feel like I HAVE to have, more to keep from disappointing myself than anything else, when I first saw the Galaran Ponyta shiny I thought, "oh! that's lovely!" It was the only thing keeping me from getting bored of the May research tasks, but no luck there. Then today's limited research dropped, and I plugged through a few easy tasks to find, lo and behold— one minty-fresh, sparkly boi!

    Went to check IVs and audibly gasped.


    I like to name my Pokémon after Fire Emblem characters (every time I get a 776 CP I name it after a Thracia character, but that'll be another post for another day), and while the color scheme isn't quite right, it seemed fitting to christen this one after the one and only Ferdinand von Aegir. He'll totally exude the right amount of sparkly nobility and rock some luscious locks once I evolve him. But the Ponyta form is too cute, so I don't know when I'll take the plunge on that LOL

    submitted by /u/RisingSunfish
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    Egg incubator/adventure sync not working

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    So i installed pokemon go again after 1 year break.

    Im trying to hatch my eggs, but the incubator is not working,

    Dont mather if i got game on or off when im walking, eggs not moving from 0/7km

    i need some help

    submitted by /u/meojs
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    Flygon is too OP

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    If you have a Flygon with Mudshot for fast attack and Dragon Claw for ultimate, it will make your Flygon overpowered in Great League battles. Flygon is able to charge his Ulti in 4 fast hits of mudshot, which allows you to be able to whittle down your opponents shields. Once you've whittle down both of their shields, that's when you go ham and are able to do massive damage. You preferably want a Flygon with higher defense and health, you need more health and defense in able to rank most hits. I've been using this type of Flygon build for a bit now and it's been my best build for great league battles.

    submitted by /u/Poroxas
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    Randomly stumbled across this 3 star beauty today!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:40 PM PDT

    Anyone else ever have a crazy encounter they were not expecting? I was walking my typhlosion for candies (with no intention of hunting for anything cool) and had this appear out of nowhere! Needless to say, people looked around when I gasped loudly lol


    submitted by /u/Joni_Jazz
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