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    Sunday, May 30, 2021

    Pokémon GO - Verizon event everything megathread

    Pokémon GO - Verizon event everything megathread

    Verizon event everything megathread

    Posted: 29 May 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Howdy Trainers, to keep the sub from being flooded with verizon related content for the next day or so this mega thread has been made for literally everything.

    Complaints, brags, praise, bugs, suggestions, can you hear me now jokes, whatever you got.


    outfit code

    Yes it is too late to get a code for the event

    submitted by /u/BootsMade4Walking
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    Lucky Shiny Bestie Sylvie

    Posted: 29 May 2021 05:35 PM PDT


    Just wanted to share my latest pride and joy. (Not to be dramatic but I would die for him)

    submitted by /u/merystic
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    Playing with Buddy is such a hassle.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    Does anybody else need to find some extremely specific surface or area to look at while trying to find their buddies footsteps? Why cant i just press play, then have my buddy pop up in front of me from my couch? Or better yet, why cant we just use the "quick treat" option as a "quick interact" option so I can just get my buddy out, scratch feed and play with him and be on my way? And dont even get me started about the amount of crashes that occur while simply feeding my buddy

    submitted by /u/DoctorMarmyPC
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    Guys... I caught the white whale guys!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    It was almost 2am, after a long slog at work, I collapsed into bed, by eyes were heavy but I decided to open my 7 day streak reward before I slept. Boy am I glad I did.

    The White Rider https://imgur.com/gallery/GlP88BG

    submitted by /u/kriegbutapsycho
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    This hurts��

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:41 PM PDT


    This really hurts. It would've been my first legendary hundo had I been able to catch it, but alas, even after mostly excellent throws, it still ran away. 😭

    submitted by /u/crosswithyou
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    I caught my first raid shiny today! Im soo happy!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:31 AM PDT


    The second I was loading into the chatch-screen, I thought about how cool a shiny Alolan-Vulpix!

    Its not a hundo, but pretty good too! Just wanted to share this luck with someone :D Have a great sunday everybody!

    submitted by /u/BigPlaysMadLife
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    Luminous Legends Y didn’t offer enough dark spawns.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 01:11 AM PDT

    This is just a rant, but if enough people raise their voices then maybe something will be done. Sure, some of you have finished the quests but this isn't directed at you.

    I've logged on every day since the event started and I'm struggling. For an event where steps 5/7 and 6/7 require catching dark types, there is a serious lack of opportunity. I've popped incense, I've popped lures, I've got 1 day to go and I've only found 11/20 dark type pokemon. All I'm seeing is fairy after fairy. I think this event is poorly organised and would have been a lot better if they allowed more dark spawns.

    I know I'm not the only one, I've talked to other players and they feel the same way. I'm posting to voice my disappointment. Thank you for listening.

    submitted by /u/XDXkenlee
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    July 2016 vs May 2021, A lot sure have changed :')

    Posted: 30 May 2021 01:55 AM PDT


    These are my top pokemon from the first month of release for pokemon go, and my top pokemon today. I've had some fun memories in these almost 5 years of playing :)

    submitted by /u/PoofessorP
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    Introducing my mum to PokemonGo has been pretty wholesome

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    TLDR: Saw my mum and played pokemongo with her and it was nice.

    My mum has been shielding during the pandemic but now, for the first time in over a year… I drove the 3 hours to get to her and could actually stay for a proper visit!

    She likes walking so I thought I'd introduce her to the game… and we've played all day! She chose a squirtle as her first pokemon as she thought he was cute. And has an Aron for her buddy now.

    She still hasn't quite got the hang of the curveball throw but luckily new players get a lot of balls to start with so she's only occasionally just throwing them straight off the screen now.

    We've battled a gym and put our pokemon in to defend it (although got kicked out in less than 10 mins - who does that?!) and sat on a wall in the shade to do an Espurr raid. A man whose house we were standing outside of while she caught a pikachu came to ask if we were ok (i.e. why are you loitering outside my house). He looked amused when we explained and walked off shaking his head (at the decline of society and the absurdity of modern life, I presume).

    We even did a midnight walk round the corner to add our pokemon to a friendly gym that had spaces in so she could get some coins overnight. She was giggling and couldn't believe we were "sneaking out" at midnight to do a little quest. She kept clicking back to look at the gym after we got home to see which one we were in and I nearly died laughing when she asked "which one is mine?" The gym had a Blissey, a Snorlax, an Exeggutor and… her Eevee. We were kicked out after 40 minutes this time so I think she's done with gyms for now (who kicks out a level 12 trainer after 40 minutes?!) but hey ho.

    I offered to battle her so she could see how it works. Showed how she could go click on me in her friends list (her one friend!) but she took one look at my Machamp and said (with genuine worry) "Ooh no I don't think I want to battle you, you have a very impressive looking friend and I just have a mushroom…" It's ok though, I let her win. And lol at the Aron-mushroom vs "my impressive friend".

    I have to admit, I was initially planning to post mini rant about inconsiderate trainers kicking low level trainers out of gyms ridiculously soon, but overall it's actually been a pretty wholesome day. So made a little story post instead. Hope you don't mind me sharing :)

    submitted by /u/freezingsheep
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    Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon

    Posted: 30 May 2021 05:59 AM PDT


    Today I finally completed the Luminous Legends Y Research Quest, where you need to defeat a Team Go Rocket Leader 3 times… all the effort for it got rewarded with this Beauty.

    submitted by /u/4rekusu
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    why I love Granbull

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    let me give u some context. so since there was like a million fairy type pokemon, I thought of picking Granbull due to me liking dogs (0 hate for cat lovers) so after me trying to find a good snubbull I find this ALMOST perfect snubbull with the attack being the weakest while the others are at red. but the attack is almost on red, too. so that's a story and my first post

    submitted by /u/Hippeux_
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    I got a nundo tauros!!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Nundo tauros https://imgur.com/gallery/Czkf3UE When I got it, I thought my pokemon go wasn't loading, but then I realized it was a nundo! I am so happy about it!

    submitted by /u/KCPlayz21
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    Nundo Bagon

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Hey people, i show you a Nundo Bagon i got during Luminous Legends Y


    submitted by /u/PyshicShoka21
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    Returning Player

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm a returning player and have Pokémon from 2016. Mainly Kanto (non-shiny) Pokémon. Have two shiny eevee as well.

    Anyone would like to trade Pokémon with me?

    ID: Jimbanne

    submitted by /u/jimbanne
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    My distance is not being updated so I can't hatch eggs or get candies with buddy

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    I am using a OnePlus Nord. No matter how much I walk, the distance on my eggs on incubator or the distance is not updating. Even tho the Avatar moves in game perfectly fine. There are no gps errors either. I've already ensured my gps and cellular data is working well. Can anyone please help me guys?

    submitted by /u/Boatssnortcoke
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    Posted: 30 May 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Is it normal to face the same leader 3/4 times in the same month? I've faced arlo 4 times and cliff once or twice. Haven't encountered Sierra once since beginning of May is this normal? Apologies if this is against the rules

    submitted by /u/Heimer_VirJhin
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    Where’s all the team rocket?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    I'm on the catch 12 shadow Pokémon but I'm not getting any rocket balloon encounters and there doesn't seem to be much nearby. Anyone else not seeing any rocket balloons? No way I'll finish this take in 1 day...

    submitted by /u/erae16
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    Why can't I use my vaporeon on the Kanto Cup?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    My vaporeon is under 1500 PC but I can't use it. I don't understand why I can use eevee but not vaporeon.

    submitted by /u/00elika00
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    Example of 100% Lucky Kanto Pokédex

    Posted: 29 May 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    If you want another element to the game, try to 100% lucky your Pokédex (minus the Pokémon you can't trade like Mew). Y'know, if you're a crazy person. Like me: https://imgur.com/gallery/7cpX2H5

    submitted by /u/pinkhairgirl37
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    What do you guys do with shiny but absolutely trash pokemon?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    Should I keep it just cause they are shiny? Im talking about 0-1 star pokemon that I wont ever bother evolving

    submitted by /u/solareonwow
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    My body is ready!!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    On my eternal search for the best shot, I usually get tempted by the the world and his sins, but I always must resist! This time however, I think I will fall without hesitation.


    submitted by /u/Dalvenjha
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    I can’t get into the master league even though i did the requirement

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Ive been wanting to get into the master league, since my other 2 main pokemon went past 2500, and today, i evolved my eevee into sylveon, getting it to be more than 2500 as my third 2500+ pokemon, but when i try to play the master league, it only says that i can do the kanto cup, can someone help?

    submitted by /u/ImmyCena
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    I wont stop this madness til i get that shiny galarian zigzagoon

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Niantic can hide it as good as they want to, this is one of my favorite shinies, i will zigzag the citty for zigzagoon daily, morning til midnight every single pokestop, with AND without ar missions until this event is over, and i wont be stopped #gottaspinnthemall...TWICE!!!

    submitted by /u/Moblin_Moe
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