• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 29, 2021

    Pokémon GO - The random eeveelution system is outdated and frustrating

    Pokémon GO - The random eeveelution system is outdated and frustrating

    The random eeveelution system is outdated and frustrating

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    There's no need for it and frankly I feel sorry for someone whose favourite eeveelution happens to be one of the OGs. Got a perfect IV eevee and really want a vaporeon? Better hope you're lucky if you didn't already use the Rainer trick in 2016 like everyone else!

    It doesn't even correspond to the main series either. Eevee isn't wurmple. You should be able to pick your evolution.

    submitted by /u/O2M
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    A Home-made June Event Calendar :]

    Posted: 29 May 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    Henlo! I'm back again, with a June event calendar this time around!

    June is packed with a bunch of question marks, repeat Raid Bosses, but also some new things!

    There are 2 versions, mobile and desktop. Please use the one on the device you're using, this has to do with quality issues between mobile and desktop images.

    There were some issues with the image (that I wasn't aware of, since it looked fine on Discord), that had to do with the size of the image. The quality of the image was only suited for desktop and turned out to be blurry on mobile, so I made a quick fix by uploading two versions. :]

    (Hopefully that fixes the quality issue. If it doesn't, please comment or shoot me a DM!)

    I added a notification marker for when timed events are set to end. You'll see the marker on the calendar, it's quite obvious.

    Parting words; Please take June 25th with a grain of salt, it does say it's not confirmed, but at this point it's being speculated and it seems obvious.. But we won't know until Niantic releases more info.

    Stay safe, have fun during Gible Community Day (I know I sure will!) and feel free to share with friends, family, or even your community/communities!

    submitted by /u/DashingGames
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    Please let us inform nearby players when entering a lobby for gym battles.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    I'm part of a local group that mainly uses Slack to communicate with the community and organize raid groups. There's also Discord groups as well.

    However, it's extremely irritating having to use 3rd party apps to arrange it. There should be a function of some sort that notifies players that you're looking for people to hop in and help.

    Surely I can't be the only one.

    submitted by /u/LowercaseSpoon
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    The two best dogs in the world

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    AR shot

    We came for a stroll in the mountains and brought along our two babies. They have already marked their territory a lot so basically the mountain now belongs to them.

    submitted by /u/RBarbus
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    Pokemon Go in my dreams: a result of playing too much Pokemon Go recently.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    Hi there, I have a short funny story to tell you guys...

    This happened a couple days ago, so I don't exactly remember what happened in the dream except that I was playing Pokemon Go at what looked like the outside of a laboratory in the middle of a forest. It was so vivid. I remember I was freaking out in the dream, jumping up and down(?) because I spotted a wild non-raid Xerneas with a Christmas hat on (even though it's summer now). That's when I realized I was right next to MewTwo's laboratory from Detective Pikachu (2019). The laboratory was a gym, but wasn't occupied by any of the three teams. It was occupied by this unknown group that was represented by the color white. To save MewTwo from the hands of the evil scientists, I battled them with my new Christmas-hat Xerneas for an hour (some other trainers helped me). We ended up saving MewTwo (yay!)

    This was a really weird post. Weirdest one I've ever posted, to be honest. Hoped this was interesting or fit your taste of humor. If it didn't, I'm sorry for wasting your time.

    submitted by /u/sweetnight313
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    Got my first shiny!

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    Had to restart after forgetting my username and password after taking a break from the game. But finally got a shiny carnava today. ^

    submitted by /u/Cayleb247
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    Can we have a main screen indicator when a friend wants to trade?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    Can we have a small indicator, similar to the remote raid invitation indicator, that somebody wants to trade with you? This could be shown in the form of an orange highlight around the character portrait on the main screen.

    This would be easy to implement and would make trading with people in your city/community (from whom you do not have the contact information) possible during 40km trade distance events.

    I'm lucky friends with a few people i met during raid hours in my community. It's kinda frustrating to know they are living within 40km trade distance and are currently online, but they don't know you are trying to trade with them unless they open the friends menu.

    submitted by /u/Syrics
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    Verizon event

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Hi I am wondering if I'm too late to get the event code? I am a Verizon wireless member and I have completed all of the steps to get the code, however I don't see a code. Maybe I had to redeem it before today? 🙃

    submitted by /u/xheyshorty
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    You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like: LV 50 Bidoof!

    Posted: 28 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Caught this beauty two weeks ago and been deciding if it's worth it to max out...yea I know no brainer.
    I don't know why I took this long to pull the trigger; 500k stardust well worth it!

    Behold, the almighty himself! - Imgur

    submitted by /u/AKsuited1934
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    This is by far the least stable version of the game. I am seriously considering to stop playing.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    It just blows my mind how buggy the game has become...


    I am using S21 Ultra with the app's latest version and since the last few updates the game crashes on a regular basis pretty much every other day. I am sick and tired of the battery draining issues that this causes and how little Niantic cares about a stability or bug fixing update. All we get are "new" half assed features that keep slowing the game even on latest hardware and all the crashes on a constant basis

    submitted by /u/tiradium
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    I have finally evolved it!!

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    I found some more Dratini and Dragonair to evolve my shiny Dragonair into a shiny Dragonite I actually didn't expect it to be green! I thought it would be pink! But I realised it was my strongest Pokémon I use it all the time it's just goated it was only a couple of weeks ago but it is 2752cp I only started in January, I would like to say I am making my way up the food chain

    submitted by /u/NoWayItsAdam
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    Sylveon with flowers turned out way better than expected

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    I was saddened by the fact that I did not catch enough flower Eevees to evolve all the Eeveelutions. That being said, I went ahead and applied one to Sylveon and it turned out perfect! By far the best Eeveelution with flowers.

    submitted by /u/galloog1
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    I just hit level 40! Are there any perks?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    New wild encounters? Higher level encounters? More 3 and 4 star encounters?

    It appears one perk is more grinding, so I'm stoked.

    submitted by /u/gobluefanjp
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    After Catch Bug

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Hello all :D I have a question - You know the catch screen that tell you how much stardust and candy you get for catching? Does anybody else have an issue with it staying on the main screen and forcing to close the app? I can't post a photo to show it.

    submitted by /u/Defameddevil
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    Returning player: PMG used to run fine back in -17, now it kills my phone.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    I played PMG back in 2016-2017 on a Nexus 5, and I don't remember having much issues with it. Now I've started playing again on a Samsung Galaxy S8+, which might not be the newest phone anymore, but it's a beast compared to the old Nexus.

    But Pokemon Go drives my phone to the brink of standstill, and it's not that Pokemon Go itself is slow, but everything else on the phone turns into to a stuttering mess. Also apps just self-close without warning. I like to listen to podcast on Spotify while walking, but Spotify can just disappear suddenly and won't even remember how far I've listened. (I'm guessing RAM issues).

    Has Pokemon Go really gone so totally downhill in three years, that a couple of years old flagship phones barely can run it? It really doesn't look much different from 2016.

    submitted by /u/an-can
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    Gym Disc Spin Bug?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    https://imgur.com/a/BRX4TdN - six photos in chronological order

    Has anyone else experienced an overlay bug from a new (I haven't seen before) feature to the gym discs? There is a pink button at the top right that states "View Over" (maybe?) with an arrow over the text past the "O". When I spin the gym disc, the overlay from the gym information stays on the screen, even when trying to catch Pokémon.

    When I visited another gym and spun the disc, the bugged overlay turned from English to a Sci-Fi alien language. The bug goes away after I restart the game.

    Just wanted to share and see if anyone else has experienced this lately!

    submitted by /u/KBmichael
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    Any way I can get some poke balls?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    I had tons of poke balls and great balls and they all just slowly disappeared now I'm stuck with just a few ultra balls anyone got some advice?

    submitted by /u/Cayleb247
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    Special weekend question

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    Sorry this might be a stupid question, ticket holders has an increased chance of getting lucky mons when trading a friend right? So for example if I trade with a non ticket holder will it affect their lucky odds since they'll benefit from my bonuses?

    submitted by /u/Ayoitzbenzo
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    Can’t get past the Warning screen

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Hey guys Im an off and on (seasonal) player just picked this game back up. Everything was fine yesterday but last night and today I can't get past the warning screen. I still feel the buzzes of spawns past the warning screen, it won't let me click ok or anything.

    I've turned iPhone off/on I've deleted/RE-installed app I can't report this bug in-app, obviously.

    I've tried searching this sub prior to posting…any ideas?

    submitted by /u/QueenOfCrap
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    Anyone else find the stickers mostly annoying, but still secretly like looking at them in the inventory screen.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 09:30 AM PDT


    I don't like to send stickers so they max out and don't show up when opening presents, but still like to check which rare ones I have from time to time.

    submitted by /u/Dacky27
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    Trying to Locate Specific Pokestop on NYS Thruway

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    Hi, I know this is a longshot, but I know there's a rest stop along the NYS Thruway that used to have a statue of a Black guy crushing grapes in a bucket to make wine. I used to see it all the time as a kid when my family would travel down to Queens from Toronto. The statue was pretty racist and was removed, but (at least in 2019 before the pandemic) it still has a 'historic statue' Pokestop with the picture. I was wondering if anyone knows which of the rest stops this was at? It has a McDonald's in it. The reason I'm trying to find it is when I was a kid I lost a piece of jewelry there that my grandfather gave me. He's since passed and it never occurred to me until now that maybe this rest stop has a lost and found it's been sitting in all these years.

    submitted by /u/ThrowAway426613
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    Item drop rework idea

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Am I the only person that feels the drop rate for certain items is a little exhausting? I have a few reasons for feeling this way. When a stop is spun you are most likely to get a few balls, a berry here and there, a potion quite rarely, and so on. I feel like if it guaranteed dropped one to three items from certain categories it would make for an easier, more interactive way to not only cleanse your item bag when needed, but to personalize your item bag to your needs. In regards to the item categories I mentioned, I would suggest balls, berries and potions/revives. So that when you spin a stop, you would receive 1-3 of one kind of ball (maybe a higher chance for 3 pokés, or 2 greats, or 1 ultra), 1-3 of one kind of berry (rare chance for golden or silver), and 1-3 of one kind of potion or revive item (in the same fashion as the balls, where regular you get 4, super 3, hyper 2, or whatever), all on one single spin of a stop. If you were to get all three categories of items in a single spin every time, you could customize your bag to your needs much more freely, instead of relying on the rarity of items and feeling limited on what you can do because of the difficulty in obtaining the specific items you need for tasks, or personal gain. Such as, participating in battles, raids and gyms, or for just collecting as many mons on your daily walks, by allowing you to allocate which items you want to hoard most. It would also allow for us to spend our precious poké coins on more desirable things than item bag space, but for the die hards, you still can get more. I think this would also alleviate some of the pain for the more rural areas where there might be only one stop for the whole town. If you sit for half an hour you get some of everything and can use it more freely, and in cities/places with an abundance of stops, you can fill your bag and allocate to your needs easily. Anyways I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this idea.

    submitted by /u/ozQuarteroy
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