• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Pokémon GO - I have finally reached Level 40 after 11 hours and 49 minutes of gameplay!

    Pokémon GO - I have finally reached Level 40 after 11 hours and 49 minutes of gameplay!

    I have finally reached Level 40 after 11 hours and 49 minutes of gameplay!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:15 AM PDT


    Okay joke asides, it's a speedrun attempt on level up from 1 to 40. A lot more players probably did this before already but I still want to share my own record here. I always want to try this speedrun when I first saw 4x Catch XP is available but I didn't have time back in Luminous Y event, this time 4x Catch XP with Bidoof being relatively easy to aim for excellent curveball throw + relatively high catch rate made this run very enjoyable.

    I did this without relying on friendship XP, raids(I didn't even choose a team), also I didn't pick a buddy.

    With 4x Catch XP it gives 9360 XP if you catch it with first throw and also being excellent curveball throw. This made TL 40 possible within 2.2k catches at minimum.

    The first 30 levels went up very fast, and often overflow the bag, but I tried to avoid tossing Nanab berries since those are really helpful went it comes to excellent curveball throws.

    While Aipom's low catch rate seems to be hurting this run, I actually yielded more XP in average since most of them end up being caught in excellent curveball throws and I don't need to walk around to find more sources.

    The biggest problem of this run is I still need to acquire enough pokeballs in order to catch that amount of pokemons, as you can see I didn't able to spin too much stops so I actually have to keep on buying balls from shop.

    Here are the list of items I have bough from shop during this run:

    Lucky Egg(8-pack) x2

    Pokeballs(200-pack) x12

    Pokeballs(20-pack) x12

    Bag upgrade x1

    I also have incense and lucky egg active for 12 hours, since level up rewards up to 35 gives 14 incense and 10 lucky eggs so I don't need to buy additional incense for this run. If you can find a route with more pokestops you might able to spend less on pokeballs than I did.

    Going beyond 40 is impossible without picking a team since you will be automatically redirected to team choosing screen when you try to raid, and raiding is a level up requirement for 41.

    If you are not 40 yet, these few days of Bidoof event are probably your best bet to level up and get prepared for go fest and those Legendaries XL candies. Good luck on your level grinding trainers!

    At last, 1752 Bidoof seen without any of them being shiny :(

    submitted by /u/Nikaidou_Shinku
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    My thoughts on the PokeStop/gym interaction distance decrease

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    I feel as if Niantic isn't listening to us. I want to be able to reach a PokeStop without crossing the street and it's much easier to stay in one spot especially in a really busy area.

    Before the pandemic and at least in my area I've noticed people playing Pokemon Go and the cops would come over and talk to them for being "suspicious" and it's frustrating because they're just trying to reach a PokeStop. I've also spent extra time waiting to cross a busy street to battle in a gym and almost getting hit which was honestly scary. I've felt much safer being able to not worry about crossing the street and not being deemed as suspicious since the cops hang around our area a lot.

    We're still exploring, I've been to many new places and I've explored another city with the increased distances and I've had much more fun than before the pandemic. Sometimes I'd even stop and put my phone down just to enjoy the new sights, I thank Pokemon Go for that. But now it honestly makes me feel sad hearing they're going to decrease the interaction distances.

    I also feel bad for the disabled people who found joy in the game only to have the interaction distances taken away. I want them to experience the same joy as I and many others did because it's very fun. I hope Niantic will have a change of heart and let us keep the interaction distances increased.

    submitted by /u/vaporwave_anxiety
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    Most pathetic gym defence?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    Was at a bit of a posh evening on Saturday and managed to claim a gym at this hotel I was at.

    For shits and giggles, I put in a Wurmple with 10 CP.

    Tuesday lunchtime, he is still there.. on his own with 2CP!

    Someone please put him put of his misery!!

    submitted by /u/ahmediapm
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    i made my favorite Kanto ghost, Gengar as a pancake!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    I've been waiting for a Gastly community day for ages now but it doesn't seem like there'll be one for a while :( But to celebrate getting my 100th Gastly candy today, I made a Gengar pancake in the hopes of being able to have myself a hundo in game! hope you enjoy :)


    submitted by /u/hornetsearlgrey
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    Featured mon from spotlight hour not interesting? Use a mystery box to get dust, xp, etc.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    My area still has a soft curfew, so going out after 6 is discouraged. I usually only do spotlight hour with incense if the featured mon is meta relevant or otherwise interesting, and I skip it otherwise cuz incense is expensive.

    If you make a pokemon home account and transfer a mon there from PoGo, you can get a mystery box once every 3 days. MB acts like a Meltan specific incense, except it's free.

    So it just occurred to me that you can use the mysterious box to get the bonus xp, dust, etc for spotlight hour if the featured mon isn't interesting to you. Take today's Aipom spotlight, I have no use or interest in the lil guy, but the 2x dust bonus is nice, so I'm gonna use my MB and get some much needed dust. Or I would if I hadn't used it earlier today like a dumb dumb.

    Obviously if the featured is dratini or something actually good, I'd use an incense, but otherwise I'm gonna use MB to get the xp and dust bonuses from now on.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Progress202
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    69k? Nice.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:30 AM PDT

    Lucky egg, 7 day streak, 4x xp from bidoof event and excellent curveball just let me slap a 69,360 xp capture! (Was so nervous for that first throw!)


    submitted by /u/nicopavlou
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    Is This Normal for Gym Defenders?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    This situation just seems so counter-intuitive to me. At my work there is a convenient gym nearby and it's my best way of getting coins. But recently it appears that the same 6 people are putting their powerful pokemon in the gym, which I can defeat all on my own (at the annoying expense of having to heal up like 9 of my own pokemon), except, they heal their pokemon up as I'm battling!

    And if I manage to defeat one or two, new ones are immediately added to the gym. When I do defeat the gym, my pokemon is kicked out shortly after, having only gained like 5 coins.

    When I find that the pokemons' hp are full, I don't bother and let time bring down their hp. Yet, the defenders keep feeding them, and their hp remains full for legit consecutive days. They're not receiving any coins for this, I don't quite understand why they hog it!

    I am currently just letting their pokemon sit in there collecting dust, to avoid giving them free coins. But this is so low, why can't we just battle normally? Is this a new trend happening nowadays?

    submitted by /u/IndigoDingoBells
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    Pokedex update - anyone else going on a transferring spree?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    I can't be the only one who's hoarded event Pikachu et al just to know I caught them. Before there was no way to keep track of them if you transfered. But now I can clear 50+ useless event pokemon out of my storage! I can't be the only one who's about to rampage and transfer a bunch of poor Pikachu.

    Best update in ages!


    submitted by /u/mrsmeltingcrayons
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    Poke Genie actually works

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    At first I was a bit skeptical because like yk, third party raid app can't be that good but holy. This app is amazing. As a fairly rural player with not a lot of player base around, it's made it so easy to do raids and actually win. Like, I'm the lowest level in these lobbies at level 35 and am basically being carried to these wins. This app is amazing. If you're skeptical of it, don't be. Download it and save yourself so much trouble.

    submitted by /u/Kronos_14362
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    Gym hog killed the community

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    At my apartment complex for the last 11 months everyone had been very cordial and lets everyone from a team sit for 8 hours before kicking them out so we all get coins which is nicer than a lot of places usually. The last month a specific user on another team kicks ANYONE from the gym after 5 minutes maximum and hogs all the coins by forcing other players out. How to help deal with this so others want to play again too? I've been trying to give him a timeout and let him sit his butt there and earn no more coins, but obviously not many others are following because they're trying to play normally. But now no one wants to play at the gym and he's killing the community. I tried to kick him out just as often but I don't have the resources to kick a 3000+cp pokemon 15x a day. Dude single handedly killed the game here and idk what to do bc I'm not usually the one fighting back but i want to give a decent battle. I'm mad and I just need to complain because no one else will understand my anger/frustration

    EDIT: i know 8 hours is not a rule, i know. I said it to show the general community involvement. 8 hours is fine, and regular fights are fine. Thats not my gripe i promise. You don't have to agree with me but i just shared a complaint under that flair

    submitted by /u/anywahs
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    More Bidoof incoming...

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Bidoof! Bidoof! Bidoof doof doof. Bidoof...Bidoof! Bidoof.


    submitted by /u/idk012
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    Exploud jump scare??

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    Just out of sheer curiosity, has anyone else had an image of an Exploud flash on the screen momentarily when you select a Pokémon in the wild? It happened to me a few minutes ago when I went to catch yet another Bidoof. It was really close and off to the right side kind of like when a Smeargle photo bombs. Probably just a glitch but it got me wondering.

    submitted by /u/splodetoad
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    The pogo league meta is so stale

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Swampert, togatic, giratina

    That's all 50% of the league uses. If they aren't using this exact setup they are using at least one of these pokemon.

    It's just so stale. Even when you plan for fighting this exact party giratina is so strong it can just about destroy every single one of it's counters and, if you're getting lucky, they'll just play hot potato with you by swapping it then throwing it back out for free after the other one feints then swapping it again when you throw out your counter.

    I'm not saying giratina is too strong, but, giratina is too strong.

    I was having so much fun with the battle league then I got into the higher ranks. Now it's just utterly boring. Same pokemon, every. single. time.

    submitted by /u/Nightshade9000
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    Is Niantic trolling with these Recommended Teams?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    Imagine you're an idiot like me and heal up your squad mid raid only to re-enter with a bunch of useless randoms... I'm so triggered.

    submitted by /u/nncyberpunk
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    Police tape around a park at in pokestop image...

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Looking around at pokestops in this area, I noticed this one has "DO NOT CROSS" tape along the bottom of the image. It's at a playground.


    submitted by /u/I_am_Joh
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    I accidentally caught a shiny at work

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    My workplace has a poke-stop next to it, so I turned on my game for a second and caught a bulbasaur, little did I know, IT WAS SHINY. I realized this literally hours later looking through my Pokemon.

    submitted by /u/IkeTheKrusher
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    What should I prioritize during go fest as a player that just came back?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    I played in 2016 but really haven't played since then I basically have all of kanto but not much else. I also have 0 legendaries apart from regigigas. Which legendaries should I prioritize getting during go fest it seems like I'd be lucky to even get a third of them.

    submitted by /u/thanman1234
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    Catch location not showing or displaying the wrong area?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    I just noticed it this morning when I caught a pokemon at my house that it shows the catch location as Tokyo, Japan. I most definitely do not live there, am in fact in the USA. I went back and checked older pokemon and recent ones (since the update I'm assuming) all say Tokyo and older ones don't say anything at all.

    Anyone else noticed this? It's not a big deal, but sort of annoying.

    submitted by /u/RainbowAaria
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    Ultra league gone?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    i cant see ultra League anymore. when i press battle it just shows me master League, master League classic and element cup

    submitted by /u/AshorK0
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    Monochrome map

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    No idea what happened to my game, but the game became monochrome.

    The Bidoof God has finally arrived and is bringing doomsday upon us


    submitted by /u/realtroll4days
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    Can someone please explain why I would ever want a Bidoof that knows Ice Beam?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    It'll lose it on evolution anyway.. I just can't thing of a single reason why anyone would want this

    submitted by /u/WubLyfe
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    best way to get pokeballs without pokestops or without paying

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    i live somewhere where there are basically no pokestops, and i always run out of pokeballs, so does anyone have any tips?

    submitted by /u/battlecatsahead
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