• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 23, 2021

    Pokémon GO - No Niantic I am not going to scan a children's playground and/or the headquarters of the CIA. Stop asking. I will be arrested.

    Pokémon GO - No Niantic I am not going to scan a children's playground and/or the headquarters of the CIA. Stop asking. I will be arrested.

    No Niantic I am not going to scan a children's playground and/or the headquarters of the CIA. Stop asking. I will be arrested.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    Niantic needs to look at the Pokestops it has been asking people to scan for years which haven't been scanned and figure out that grown ass adults can't spend 20 minutes taking pictures of children playing on a playground. Or like, a public toilet. Or a federal government facility.

    Signed, a P Go player from DC.

    Edit: Learning how "lawful good" my disposition is because it quite literally never even occurred to me to lie directly to Niantic by not even scanning properly but I will do that from now on.

    submitted by /u/BlatantConservative
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    When Niantic inevitably reverses the Pokestop distance changes, remember that they are still an incompetent company - not heroes

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    Just a heads up as a long time PoGO player who actually loves this game.

    Niantic is a truly inept company (you can even read some of their Glassdoors reviews, managers seem to be some of the worst ever - no idea why they are not regularly fired) who just had the luck of riding on a franchise as insanely powerful as Pokemon - which basically makes it so that almost anyone could be successful with it.

    I've been here for a long time and let me tell you, it's always the same. Extremely misguided, dumb decisions, public outcry, reversal, "we care about the players, we are heroes!", people being happy again, repeat.

    Taking into account the huge social pressure on this issue and the fact that it LITERALLY doesn't give them any kind of extra revenue (like, I can sometimes understand their greedy decisions in terms of getting people to spend more raid passes, etc - after all, they are a corporate company), I'm pretty sure they will, soon enough, revert it back.

    But just as a comparison, reducing the Pokestop distance is basically akin to having successful online game such as Call of Duty and saying "hey let's go back to 1999 servers with 500 ms lag it will be fun! Lol! (insert monkey noises)". Makes absolutely zero sense and will simply encourage players to quit.

    But, WHEN they revert it back, don't cheer on it. Reflect on the fact at how insanely GOOD this game would be (it sometimes still is - miraculously - due to the charm of the franchise) with a "decently" competent company behind the wheel. Just think about it.

    Peace and keep it up.


    submitted by /u/DantehSparda
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    The most likely reason Niantic is reverting the Pokestop/Gym distance. Money. More specifically the $0.15-$0.50 they get per unique daily payer per sponsored Pokestop/Gym spin

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    Like pretty much every Pokemon Go player i was shocked to see the announcement this week they are planning to revert the Pokestop/Gym distance back to pre-pandemic distances, and like everyone else i thought this is a stupid move that serves literally no purpose and will actually loose them money from people playing less.

    Everyone thinks Niantic make the all their money from ticketed events and "whales". People who spends $100 and $100s on the game every week, but in reality they make almost as much money if not more from their sponsors as they do from in game purchases.

    Sponsored Pokestops contribute a large portion of Niantics income but just how large exactly?
    15-50 cents per unique account visit, per sponsored stop, per day according to interviews from Niantics VP of strategic partnerships.

    And that between 2016 to June 2017 the current sponsors had more than 500,000,000 visitors at 15-50 cents per visit, or $75-$250 million depending on the price of the sponsors.
    That was as of June of 2017 when their main sponsors were McDonalds in Japan with 3000 stores and Sprint in USA with 10,500 stores. Since then they have signed sponsorship deals with:
    -17,000 7-11 stores in Japan
    -12,800 Starbucks stores in USA
    -7,700 7-11 stores in Korea
    -2,500 McDonalds stores in South America
    -1,800 7-11 stores in Mexico

    Since those figures in 2017 sponsored stops increased from 13,500 to a minimum of 55,300 sponsored Pokestops, each paying out between 15-50 cents per unique daily account and most likely more sponsors i didn't find during my quick google search.

    That is literally 100s of millions of dollars from sponsors each year paying for a Pokestop/Gym in their store. You would have to imagine they want to keep the range on them as small as possible and that was probably the reason they backtracked announcing the change was permanent last year and instead claimed it was a "typo"

    On top of the large sponsorships Niantic also offers small businesses a Pokestop for $30USD a month or a gym for $60USD a month.

    For the record i am strongly against reverting back to pre-pandemic distances for Pokestops/Gyms i just wanted to point out the most likely reason they are doing it, MONEY!

    Source on price 1: https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/31/pokemon-go-sponsorship-price/

    Source on price 2: https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/1/15724196/niantic-pokemon-go-sponsorship-app

    Source for small business: https://nianticlabs.com/en/sponsoredlocations/

    submitted by /u/ttmmoo123
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    Been here since day one, casual as they come. Today I finally caught my first "perfect" pokemon and it really fits me.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Finally I understand all low level fishermen in the Pokémon games. I love this little, useless, and beautiful dwerp. Our journey begins today, my friend https://i.imgur.com/5s2kT7B.jpg

    submitted by /u/EdyLuro
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    600,000xp in ONE Hour ��

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Over the last couple of weeks I've been saving pidgeys, caterpie, wurmple, and pidoves which only require 12 candy each to evolve. During spotlight hour it was 2x xp for evolutions plus I used 2 lucky eggs. As boring as it was I managed to get ~150 evolutions done for 4k each. So anyone looking for a major xp boost start saving for next month's spotlight evolution hour ✌

    submitted by /u/blairg8
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    These lame changes are not about money. Because Whales.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    I hate these changes too. Especially the ones about distance on pokestops and incense spawn rates. And I see a lot of complaints that this is all about Niantic wanting to make money. But I really don't think it is. I think it is about then wanting people to get back out into the world and walk around and maybe interact with other people. Yes there is still a pandemic going on, so that's kind of stupid of them. But I do feel that's there genuine reason.

    Why? Because of whales. For those who don't know free to play games(F2P), like cam girls, make most of their money from Whales. People who spend $100s to $1000s of dollars a month. Even Fortnite, which is "pay for cosmetic", doesn't make their money off of little Timmy pestering is Mom a few times a year to bust out her credit card so he can get the cool skin he really wants. It's whale players in their 20s to 60s who will buy every single skin that comes out, spending several thousand dollars a year. Or games that have loot boxes coughIncubatorscough, where whales spend $100 a month or more gambling that they will get the "thing" they want. And then there's the pay-to-win games where whales can spend thousands of dollars just to have the best gear, characters, ammo (etc) in order to always win. F2P games are estimated to make 90 to 95% of their revenue from whales.

    So let's take a look at what Niantic is changing and theorize how that will affect the whales. Being that I'm not a whale, I can only theorize about how they spend their money in this game. If there's any Whales out there, i would love your input. My assumption is whales spend money on raid passes, things that help them with battle leagues, and incubators. Maybe incense. If whales are chasing raids, none of these changes will affect that. They can still hop onto friend code trading sites and do remote raids all day with people all over the world. If it was battle league stuff, then reinstating the old requirements might increase their revenue. It's been so long, and I almost never do battles, so I don't remember what the old requirements were. Wasn't it a walking requirement, or you could use a raid pass to keep battling? So again, it's raid passes. But Niantic is not reinstating the old rules. Incubators are unaffected by these changes as well. This leaves incense. They finally became useful during this pandemic as they now spawn pokemon frequently enough to be used from the comfort/SAFETY of your own home. This will only hurt their sales, even among the whales. As it is, a whale can sit around their house using incubators and buying balls all day to catch Pokemon. If they were decreasing their time but not their spawn rates, it could increase their sales. But by decreasing their spawn rates, it just makes them pointless as avid Pogo whales could just go for a walk and catch way more Pokemon. If they really wanted to increase their revenue on incense, they would make them like lures where they could be type specific incense. If a whale needed a specific Pokemon for regular and XL candy in order to use in the battle leagues, then typed incense could be worth it. In general, incense were misdesigned from the beginning. They really should have brought the Pokemon from your "nearby" directly to you. Allowing people to play from a stationary place. There's almost no benefit to using them out in the public/ Wild, specially in high density spawn areas where whales play. They were basically waisted inventory space until they made these covid changes. I had unfortunately just gotten rid of 20 from my kids inventory until I learned that incense contonously spawn community day pokemon on community days. Like as soon as you're done catching one another one spawns. I am not looking forward to that going away and having to walk around in the extreme heat of summer and extreme cold winter community days.

    So these changes don't seem to increase Niantic's revenue, but they probably won't decrease their revenue from the whales either. These changes will effect a big portion of their player base but not the ones who really impact their bottom line. So why do it? Because Niantic's genuine goal is to get people out and walking around. Do I think these changes are bad for the game? Absolutely. Do I think their irresponsible in that this pandemic is not over yet? Absolutely. Do I think that it's some sort of cash grab so Niantic can make more money? Not at all.

    submitted by /u/DeadpoolAndFriends
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    Yesterday I lamented about a perfect Regigigas escaping. Today I was rewarded in a big way.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Missed out on a perfect Regigigas yesterday while hitting every throw. Today the RNG gods rewarded me with this: Regigigas 100 https://imgur.com/gallery/AheR6ox

    submitted by /u/TheCryptocrat
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    Proposed reversions in the game.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    I am a 55 year old woman who started playing this game on 7/8/2016 with my son. He no longer plays, but I am a lifer. The changes they made with the increased range for pokestops/gyms and the increased incense activity have improved the game immensely. I generally walk approx 3 miles a day playing this game, Most serious players I imagine are back out if they can be. I live in a city. Niactic posts a message during a lead up to a raid about respecting others peoples needs around us. We need a bit more space do this. And sometimes its freezing or raining or your tired and having the ability to stay home and throw an incense and have it be worthwhile has been terrific. For that matter I think lures should last an hour as well. I wish they would take these thoughts into account. Happy hunting.

    submitted by /u/karenremom
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    Thank you, Niantic!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    This update has been amazing. Before this update my game wouldn't freeze or crash or take forever to load the simplest commands. I would spend hours a day playing and also so much money. Now I've become so annoyed that I am able to put the game away and live my life.

    Thanks again, Niantic! You gave me my life back.

    submitted by /u/kx2UPP
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    Just wanted to remind and point this out to all my fellow PoGo players in all Regions of the Earth

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    TL,DR: whatever the fuck Niantic does to this game, remember Health and Family first and put Pokemon Go in the last of your list trust me, it aint worth it.

    To open this thread i just wanted to share this Screenshot.

    The testing regions of reverted feature is conducted in two Countries: USA and New Zealand which we prolly knows that New Zealand got their Covid situations under control thats why the players there are probably can go out to the park happily without the need to fear the virus.

    And with the USA although the cases already reached to 33 millions according to google, probably has the biggest player that still plays and spends money.

    But for us in the other side of the Earth in which their Country is still under locked down or there are new cases and new type of Covid variants mutated or some shit, pls listen to what your government said and put aside Pokemon Go or any AR games which force you to go outside.

    There are plenty of games to enjoy being home, just dont force yourself to catch that goddamn Legendary shiny piece of code strings and ignore the health of you, your family, or your community.

    You dont want to be that employee which being forced to work at the factory even tho he got Covid.

    We have choice, we have choice to not play Pokemon Go, we have choice to only open gifts once a day. We have choice to only rub our mons and not walk outside. We have a choice to make Pokemon Go as our tamagotchi pet.

    As someone from the other side of the Earth myself in which there have been sudden spike in Covid cases, forget community days, forget any events if your community or Country is still in locked down.

    Celebrate for our comrade/friends here who can play the event or join once in a year event. Be humble, love yourself, love other players and dont judge them if their country is better than ours for letting them gather in the park.

    Embrace all of this and be happy, your life is more precious than Purifies Shiny Mewtwo :)

    submitted by /u/TrailEagle
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    Super Excited!!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    I know it's not much to most, but I just caught a wild Blastoise! It's the first of the original starters that I've got at final evolution. I started playing Pokémon with Red back on original Gameboy, and while I've always preferred Charizard, I'm ecstatic to have gotten a Blastoise! Can't wait to evolve my Charmeleon!!

    submitted by /u/AffectionateNose7858
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    How are gyms made?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    i just got to level 38 and i live in a very remote village and i would like to make a gym somewhere here

    submitted by /u/sinineneeger
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    Hatched my first hundo today!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    I've hatched countless eggs and today I not only got my first hundo from an egg it's a Pokemon that can only be hatched from 10km eggs!

    100% Lucario Pokemongo https://imgur.com/gallery/ZucYfwY

    submitted by /u/MathematicXBL
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    Why keep playing?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    I must admit that I stopped playing 2 years ago, and am for some reason still subscribed to this sub. But every post I see from here seems to be a complaint. So....stop playing. It will be such an unnecessary weight removed from your shoulders. There are so many other things you can do to feel part of a community, and if that's not your goal, this "game" is a time waster at best.

    Hit Niantic where it really hurts. Their active user base.

    Much love and happiness to all of you.

    submitted by /u/effing_nerd
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    Was the idle pose of some Pokemon in AR+ changed?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Edit: I meant when playing with buddy in AR+.

    Recently I sometimes feel something is off with the pose of some Pokemon when I use AR+, and when I used AR+ on Skarmory today I noticed something is different: in AR+, Skarmory used to be standing on the ground when idle but now it's flying instead. It seems like some other Pokemon also had their idle pose changed from standing to flying.

    submitted by /u/leo3065
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    Sign in issues after update?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    Hi has anyone else been experiencing sign in issues? I've been signed out of my account and it won't let me log back in, saying this account does not exist. I log in through Facebook and it's even saying that I've logged in with Facebook before, but then won't let me actually sign in. I really hope I don't lose my account.

    submitted by /u/Hylian_77
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    Does anyone else notice a significant amount of added lag following the latest update?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if it's just me but I've been noticing that the game is much more laggy lately.

    Animations such as applying berries, throwing pokeballs, pokemon movements, etc, halt and and then skip a bit as the frame rate struggles to catch up.

    After exiting encounters the screen stays white for a longer period of time and when the map finally loads in my player runs to catch up to where I am now.

    I've even been finding that balls get tossed to the side when I'm expecting to throw a curve ball because the game is not responding to my input as quickly and as fluidly as before.

    It's quite annoying and really detracts from the game play experience. Anyone else having these issues? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/CheckboxBandit
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    Need More Elite TMs

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Why are elite tms like the golden ticket to Willy Wonkas chocolate factory. I'm a returning player and I'm sick of losing every Swampert mirror cause my opponent has a community day move. Honestly what is the harm in making them more readily available!?

    submitted by /u/nadnabs
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    What to hunt? (A returning newbie player)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    I've played the game in 2016 during first few months, reached level 27 and left the game due to some heavy work schedule.

    Recently, as one of my nephew's started to play, I started to play again with him.

    I like hunting part of the game mostly. I realized I did not participate any raids, etc before. I remembered I was waiting for L30-L40 for raids to get pokemons at max (L30-L35) As I started to play again, I'll try to "catch-all" till 30, then start with raids etc. (I know I can do it rn, but I am planning to wait till L30) .

    My question is; what should I try to catch? What should I keep an eye on? As I don't have any legendary or mythical ones, I'd like to get some good pokemons for my first raids and pvp battles. I'd appreciate any feedback on what to look for/catch.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/rullaz
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