• Breaking News

    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Pokémon GO - There is nothing more infuriating than a first throw excellent curveball NOT catching a Pokémon.

    Pokémon GO - There is nothing more infuriating than a first throw excellent curveball NOT catching a Pokémon.

    There is nothing more infuriating than a first throw excellent curveball NOT catching a Pokémon.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    Every time this happens to me I just immediately full close my game. Maybe I'm just too impatient, but if I line up my excellent perfectly, (with exception to evolved forms, or legendary/mythical Pokémon) I feel VERY perturbed when the Pokémon breaks out of the ball. The catch rate should be spiked drastically, upon a successful excellent throw, upwards for at LEAST common spawns. Nobody wants to use two, three balls on a Pidgey or Lillipup, Niantic.

    submitted by /u/mstuver15
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    Petition for allowing Lucky Friends to trade globally

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    I have recently got back to playing PokémonGo loving it!! I found out that they still haven't implemented Lucky Friends globally. So i found a petition which already has 2500 signatures!!

    It would be amazing if we were finally be able to! It's free and you could also donate if you want to. Will you join the force Pokémon Master?

    Petition trading globally

    submitted by /u/CuriousBenjamin94
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    A sequel to the Lucario Girl rant! I finally found the guy with 6 accounts taking the gym and we got to talk!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    Okay, this is going to sound a little insane.

    So i was checking the gym at home just now when I saw it was under attack. 6 blue tanks, so that gave me just enough time to rush out if i don't waste berries on delaying it. I was legit expecting a spoofer like the other times I also rushed out when i saw it getting attacked, but if not, then i could at least immediately take it back. I promise you I'm not a stalker, I just want my daily coins.

    Nope. Ran into a guy with six phones! So I was like "hey, you playing pokemon go?" And he's like "yeah!" and i'm half jokingly like "you're not the guy on team yellow named (name01 name02 name03) right?" And he's like "yeah that's me!", we got to chatting a bit and i found out he's got 3 yellow, 2 blues, and a red on his phone. i don't know how he does it but he did a raid with all 6 characters just then. it was actually a little impressive. Especially since it was only 3 stars so he could easily have done it 2 or 3 at a time and still made it just fine; it wasn't like we were getting fisted by Mewtwo.

    Yes, he was pressing on all six phones with both his hands, if you must know.

    So long story short, I told him how a little girl lives down the road and she's in a wheelchair, and she's team blue and always puts in a lucario, and honestly if it's possible for him to take the other gyms with yellow, but leave this one in blue. I'm not going to tell him that the girl's there in the morning, because again, creepy af to talk about a 7 year old's schedule at the park; but generally I asked if he could just put his blue guys here if necessary, and maybe if he's gonna do a yellow, then at least don't be so aggressive about defending it.

    And he's like "yeah okay, that sounds fair."

    We added each other as friends and went our merry way; but i'm just glad that at least one person's (or maybe 3?) off this gym, so maybe it won't be such a huge pain in the arse to take it from the other spoofers in the morning now, and if Lucario Girl wants to take it, then that's at least one less person who will kick her out within 30 minutes.

    Also, while adding him as friends, I found out his team blue accounts are the ones that I, on more than one occasion, cheered on for kicking out his yellow accounts; so there's that. I got bamboozled.

    So that's it.

    submitted by /u/Sparkism
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    Bidoof Week

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    In the beginning there was nothing, and the universe was Unown. Then, there was Arceus. The god of all. Arceus brought with him order from chaos. Arceus then created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. The rulers of their respective worlds and times, and Arceus saw that it was good. Arceus then created Mew. The Father of generations. Mew looked down on his world, and saw that it could be better. He then created the almighty Bidoof, the most powerful of Mew's dominion, and Mew knew it would rule the world in fairness and generosity. Bidoof knew that life was perfect, and wanted to watch as the eons pass, and thus became the magnificent Bibarel. Bibarel wished to view all that was under his graceful care, and learned all but the most trivial of HM's, and passed on this knowledge to future generations. And life was good. And the universe was perfect. And thus Niantic gives you Bidoof week. To honor the creation of the most noble of pokemon.

    submitted by /u/SanguineTribunal
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    did they really think bidoof learning shadow ball would incentivize us…

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    some of these events are just… like why. what is even the point? like oh thank god i can get a bidoof with shadow ball now. i think i just found my new cressalia counter!!!! a bibarel with hyper beam too?? sign me the fuck up!!!

    bidoof has already been spawning en masse lately??? there are so many better things to do. so many better options for rewards or events. literally ANY OTHER pokemon to feature. it was kinda the same with the slowpoke event but at least slowpoke evolutions are somewhat useful. they could have at least done a limited research with some other rewards, but no. i just get to look at this buck-toothed fuck even more than i was before.

    i just don't really get it.. ironically my 0 IV pokemon in my collection is a bidoof from a few weeks ago. idk if it's supposed to be a joke but i really don't understand.

    EDIT: wow there really are people that would defend niantic if news came out that they ate puppies huh.

    submitted by /u/tnarg500
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    Shiny Pokémon should have a sparkle effect in the gym

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    Purified pokemon have that white lighting effect but shiny Pokémon don't, i think it would add to their more special look.

    submitted by /u/internetnobody23
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    Can we change what's in 7K eggs please?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    I am sick and tired of the regional variant pokemon clogging up my egg box. Stunfisk is useless, I don't care if it's a steel type its still not gonna live to see the light of day. Off to Willows horrible Pokompressor9000 to become 3 fish flavored candy.

    Stick the regional variation pokemon in the same eggs the original comes from, with a lower chance of hatching. Instead have 7k eggs a random starter or pseudo legendary pokemon. If I'm outside mowing for a few hours at least give me something that doesn't hurt my feelings. We all have enough alolan geodudes at least thank fucking god

    submitted by /u/tantanthepeepeeman
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    I know there are lots of big criticisms about the game right now but I have a real serious one...

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    When you throw a ball at a gulpin and it attacks, it should swallow the ball. It's a no brainer. Seriously, this game is impossible to enjoy anymore.

    submitted by /u/enigmachs
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    Don't forget about the quality improvement removals just because of gym updates and raid announcements!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    Often companies will roll out a new feature, product, etc when there is some backlash or disappointment to try and distract from the negative. Don't let the new gym UI or the announcements about the Go Fest raids hinder the fight to keep the covid performance bonuses around.

    submitted by /u/PenutButrJeliTime
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    All Pokémon healed glitch?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I just started playing again after a year due to my phone data plan changing but I've been playing pretty solid the last two weeks, working through the special research I've missed and Team Rocket Go stops.

    I just logged in to go Bidoof hunting, and all of my Pokémon had been fully healed! I literally had north of 70 at different HP levels due to a lack of potions. I'm not complaining, but is this something that just happens sometimes now?

    submitted by /u/theremightbedragons
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    So, Niantic asks what do we love of Bidoof...

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:05 PM PDT


    And i ask, what's NOT to love? it's cute, cuddly, innocent, goofy and its Holy Wrath strikes down the wicked.

    submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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    Biking is pointless

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    I finally started remembering to start the game when I go bike riding thinking it'll be easy miles to hatch eggs and earn candies.

    The first two times nothing happened. I bike around my block so I thought maybe the internet connection going in and out of range was messing with it.

    After a few weeks of constant biking, absolutely no progress. I guess if I'm going faster than 6.5mph it doesn't count? (I usually bike at a pace of 8.5-9mph)

    Very disappointed. It doesn't even count the activity logs from my watch like it does walking for Adventure Sync. Like, at least make one or the other work. Damn.

    submitted by /u/ValerieInHiding
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    Who is this new raid system for? Why is it there? It LITERALLY just assigns people participation medals whether they contribute or not.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    Tl;dr: Love the new visuals, but the system itself doesn't seem to serve any purpose, as the achievements are just randomly assigned for participating, whether they're applicable or not. As a semi-hardcore player, I'm personally disappointed with the implementation not having more of a competitive edge and spoon feeding people for simply joining, whether they contribute or not.

    So, first off, I think both the visual redesign and the idea behind this new raid system / achievement screen is awesome. My first thought was "nice, incentivising more people to not AFK and contribute" and "some hardcore players are probably gonna go grinding for bragging rights, making for a secondary mini-game of sorts". Both of these thoughts were wrong, and here's why:

    The system is just visual fluff on our screens. Nothing more. Thinking that you might only get these achievements in raids with 2+ people, a friend and I jumped into a T1 raid to test.

    He did nothing, I did everything. We even swapped out pokemon for small ones etc., to see if it was possible to get ALL of the achievements in a single raid. My friend did absolutely nothing in the battle.

    The reward screen popped up, and I got the most damage dealt, and they got the final strike on the raid boss, without attacking a single time.

    We tried again, since this struck us as weird with a different raid, same drill, I did everything, they did nothing. This time, I got the final strike, and they got style savant (best dressed in the raid).

    As far as I can see, at least up to the number of maximum rewards this system will assign each player participating with a random achievement. If it cannot find anyone suited (as in, only one person dealing damage/KOing the boss), it will just randomly assign either of these achievements to a player that wasn't eligible to them, simply for participating.

    Alongside the fact that you cannot earn multiple of these in a single raid, I'm not sure if it's healthy long term. There will still be people pursuing these, but as it's one per raid, there will never be such a thing as 'bragging rights' floating around with people trying to get to the highest number, as it essentially just shows you who joined the most raid (or spent the most money).

    Rather than people going in 'try-harding' to get multiple achievements in a single raid for personal achievement or a competitive nature, we're more likely to see people using stuff like Alolan Exeggcutor when it has no play against a raid boss, just to easily build up their medal, doing more harm than good.

    Do I think it's a bad addition to the game?: Hell no, I think it's awesome. More stuff like this is always welcome. Do I agree with the implementation of it?: Not at all. Letting people earn multiple achievements (at least in raids with multiple people) would incentivise more people to put in effort during raids, just like people have gone out of their way to get as many gold gyms as possible, or build up various other medals. So who is this feature for?: Everyone and no one, but mostly casual players. If you're at a high level and playing dedicated, you can't not get one of the achievements after every raid battle. But as you only get one, so will a level 5 joining your raid of 6 people. There's zero prestige in building it up, no cosmetics attached to it, and really no harm or good coming out of it being in the game, other than looking cool.

    Once more, I think it's a solid addition to the game, and the basis of it can be elaborated upon for amazing additions over time. When I saw it announced, I guess I figured it'd add a "semi-leaderboard" to raids, making people put in more effort (I'm sure many others have often seen people join a raid and AFK (and no, I'm talking damage numbers, not just idle animations here)). Instead we just got a "well done" screen, that features players' contribution, even if it's just randomly assigned and not applicaple. I guess I just don't see what purpose it serves, without a competitive edge to building up your medal, the possiblity of earning multiple achievements at once, or anything cosmetic or such being attached to it.

    In smaller raids, everyone will essentially just get a participation trophy, whether you did 90% of the damage or 10% of the damage, with nobody getting anything more.

    What are your thoughts of the system? Are you a dedicated/hardcore player or do you just play it casually? I'm genuinely interested in knowing what both sides of the coin thinks.

    submitted by /u/AldorinDK
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    My second ever perfect pokemon

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    I got it today in the distracted by something shiny challenge my first perfect was a marowak I hatched a while ago http://imgur.com/a/3S3tF28

    submitted by /u/MemeBoy1645
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    It’s 15:45 here, and no Bidoof… anyone else?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    Literally no Bidoof on my nearby. Just temporary unluckiness?

    Bidoof proof

    submitted by /u/thenoister
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    You know, if Niantic hasn't reconsidered the gym/stop radius nerf after the backlash and media coverage, that can only mean...

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    ...they are planning to put extended radius into subscription as the main selling point. And it will sell. Oh boy, will it sell.

    We deal with so much $hit already with this game, can we win this fight? Can we PLEASE win this fight?

    submitted by /u/Cozzolino92
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    All my pokemon randomly healed?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    I was down several Pokemon, and randomly after spinning a couple of gyms, my pokemon have all healed? I didn't use any revives or any potions.

    Is this a glitch or am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/gxy94
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    All mons fully revived to full health?!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    I just did a rocket boss battle and got some revives as reward... went to use them and ALLLLLLL my mons are suddenly fully revived and at full health. I had dozens of fainted and not full health mons... But magically every single one is now at full health. I restarted the app thinking it's a glitch.. but they're all still here. What in the wonderful world is going on??

    submitted by /u/goulio
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    No Friends in My Area

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    I have zero friends on my friends list and live in a very remote region. What's the best way to getting friends? Just post my trainer code? Thanks

    submitted by /u/danglingfupa
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    What is the point in these Bidoof with special moves?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    They aren't useful for any battling right? And When I evolve it it will lose the move. So is there any point to these Bidoof with special moves.

    Maybe I'm wrong but they certainly don't seem useful. How many words do I have to write for this to not be removed? Helpfully this is enough. Thanks

    Edit: Got no problem with the event, just making sure I'm not missing some key to Bidoof's true greatness

    submitted by /u/Gremlin303
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    Shiny Linoone!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    I caught this in a raid today and I'm so happy! I heard it's rare so I thought I'd share it! Shiny Linoone!

    Sorry I didn't explain properly. I evolved this straight after getting it.

    submitted by /u/Alexibinks
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    Looking Forward to the Raid Bosses After Go Fest

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    With the news that Go Fest will be introducing almost every legendary to raids, I think it's worth thinking about what the schedule for raids might be afterwards, especially since some people might want to try to focus on legendaries that we may not see again.

    Very Unlikely to See Again Soon

    Regigas, Registeel, Regirock, Regice, Landorus T/I, Thunderus T/I, Tornadus T/I, Yvetal and Xerneas

    This one should be pretty obvious. We just had a month for the Regis and a Season for the Forces of Nature under the new XL candy regime with new shinies for a bunch of them. Yvetal and Xerneas just made their debuts under that regime as well, and it's probably at least a year before they get their shiny released. If for some reason you're new or you just didn't get a chance to grab one, I suspect now will be your last chance for a while.

    Very Likely to Be in Raids Later This Year

    Dialga, Palkia, A/O Giratina, Lugia Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem

    Dialga and Palkia haven't had their shinies released yet, and there is a game release in November featuring them on the covers. It would be shocking if the Pokemon Company didn't demand some synergy and we seem them released in November.

    As for Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem, they haven't been available since last year (last summer for the first two, last winter for Kyurem), and no shiny has been released. This combo makes it likely they'll get a chance pretty soon.

    Lugia also last appeared in November before the XL system was introduced but unlike the others its shiny is out. I think it's still a good candidate for a trot out, but not quite as imminent as the others.

    I put Giratina in this category because Niantic likes putting Giratina in raids during October, and it hasn't been introduced during the XL system. While it will have Darkrai and Yvetal now as competing dark types for the spooky season, as we're not getting Giratina-O for Go Fest it seems a safe bet. If you don't have a Giratina-A I'd probably grab just one to be safe but I wouldn't go crazy for it.

    Uncertain Status

    Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo Groudon Kyogre

    These all had raids earlier in the year but before the changes to XL candy rewards awarding 3 XLs per catch. That need to farm XLs, particularly for Mewtwo, Groudon and Kyogre makes it possible that they pop again sooner then they ought based on their recent availability. I considered dropping the Kanto Birds from this group, but the Kanto birds are so popular. The other reason I kept them together? The possibility of other forms. Galarian forms of the Kanto birds, Primal forms for Groudon and Kyogre, and Mega Mewtwos mean we could see these appear in different forms, making it harder for me to rule them out.

    Heatran, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Latios, Latias

    These also last appeared during this year, but they're not as popular and there isn't as much of a need for XLs and the shiny has already been released. That say, Niantic seems to love throwing these mons into raids randomly so you can never count them out, but there's nothing schedule wise that suggests they're due.


    I put this one in a different category because it has appeared during XLs this January, but not the most recent iteration of guaranteed Xls. Ho-Oh is Master League relevant, but not a great raid attacker, so there may be less impetus to put Ho-Oh back out there, especially as we just got the Shadow version.


    I put Rayquaza in its own category because Ray did appear during the 3 guaranteed XL rules but only for a weekend and it always makes Niantic a ton of money. That probably means we don't see Ray for a while after this, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if we see Ray again for a quick week.


    This is its first appearance since September. Shiny has already been released and there's no demand for XLs. It's probably due for a return after Go Fest [A word of warning for new trainers trying to get Cresselia during GoFest-Cresselia is good in PVP because it's a ridiculous tank, but that means you need a big group of trainers with good counters to beat the clock. I worry that most strong trainers will pass on Cresselia leaving inexperienced players to try to battle it with subpar groups. Make sure you have a strong group with good counters before using that pass).

    Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf,

    The Lake Trio made its appearance in raids last November, but there's no shiny released for these regionally based Pokemon. However, they're not really relevant outside of dex entry, so I suspect Niantic may just let the shiny sit on the shelf while taking advantage of the demand inherent in region-locked mons.

    Other factors to consider

    Niantic has said they are going to reintroduce EX Raids in some fashion, and whatever that looks like with a Remote Raid system could effect what gets made into Raid Bosses. They're also giving the USA and New Zealand an extra free raid pass each day, and I suspect they may to make sure those passes are coveted. Perhaps this leans towards an August release for Reshiram/Zekrom shiny?

    With Xerneas and Yvetal out now, there's a real good chance Zygarde gets introduced to the game at some point this year.

    Go Fest does not include any Mythicals. Those Mythical raid bosses are Genesect, Deoxys, and Darkrai. Darkrai probably gets a run during October, but the others could come at any time, and with Niantic playing with permutations of move/form and shiny (Like not releasing Burn Genesect as a shiny earlier this year) Niantic has given themselves a lot of flexibility to drop them in randomly to fill up time. I suspect Niantic may just make July a month of mythical raid bosses as to not detract Go Fest in any way [Defense Deoxys PLEASE] but we'll see. Darkrai was last available in October, Genesect in January, and Normal form Deoxys last August.

    submitted by /u/MikeDatTiger
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    Which Legendaries Should I Raid for Go Fest: A Few Tables

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Now that Niantic has announced that every previously released legendary Pokemon will be in raids on day 2 of Go Fest, I'm already seeing lots of posts asking which ones should be prioritized. Below are tables for each hour explaining what (if anything) each Pokemon is useful for to help determine your priorities.

    Wind Hour (10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)

    Pokemon Great League Ultra League Master League Raids Shiny XL
    Mewtwo No No Rank 7 in Open, Rank 9 in Classic, considered one of the best safe swaps in ML 11/10 Yes For Open ML
    Ho-Oh No Rank 61, spicy pick but usable Rank 5 in Open, Rank 7 in Classic. Very good Not useful right now, maybe good if/when Sacred Fire gets released Yes For Open ML
    Latias No No No No Yes No
    Latios No No No No Yes No
    Regigigas No No No No Yes No
    Giratina Altered No King of Ultra. Rank 8. Very good Rank 20 in Open, Rank 11 in Classic. Less used than Origin but still very usable No Yes For Open ML (also used for your Origins)
    Cresselia Rank 9 in GL, prefers to have legacy Grass Knot, needs to be traded to be under 1500 Rank 2 in UL, very good, doesn't need GK as much No No Yes No
    Virizion No No No No Yes No
    Tornadus Therian No No No No No No

    Lava Hour (11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.)

    Pokemon Great League Ultra League Master League Raids Shiny XL
    Moltres No No No Best non-shadow, non-mega Flying-type raid attacker (with legacy Sky Attack). Number 2 non-shadow, non-mega Fire-type raid attacker Yes No
    Entei No No No Nubmer 3 non-shadow, non-mega Fire-type raid attacker Yes No
    Regirock No Rank 10 in UL, but seldomly used No No Yes No
    Groudon No No Rank 17 in Open, Rank 1 in Classic Number 3 Ground-type raid attacker Yes For Open ML
    Heatran No No No Number 5 non-shadow, non-mega Fire-type raid attacker Yes No
    Reshiram No No Rank 9 in Open, Rank 18 in Classic Best non-shadow, non-mega Fire-type and currently released Dragon-type raid attacker No For Open ML
    Terrakion No No No Number 3 non-shadow, non-mega Rock-type Raid attacker Yes No
    Landorus Therian No No Rank 18 in Open, Rank 25 in Classic Best non-shadow, non-mega Ground-type raid attacker No For Open ML
    Yveltal No Very spicy Rank 4 in both Open and Classic Number 4 non-shadow, non-mega Flying-type raid attacker, number 3 non-shadow, non-mega Dark-type raid attacker No For Open ML

    Frost Hour (12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

    Pokemon Great League Ultra League Master League Raids Shiny XL
    Articuno No Rank 14 in UL No No Yes No
    Suicune No Spicy pick No No Yes No
    Lugia No Rank 26 in UL Rank 2 in Open, Rank 3 in Classic No Yes For Open ML
    Regice No Rank 20, rarely used No No Yes No
    Kyogre No No Rank 31 in Open, Rank 32 in Classic Best non-shadow, non-mega Water-type raid attacker Yes For Open ML
    Palkia No No Rank 22 in Open, Rank 13 in Classic Number 4 non-shadow, non-mega currently released Dragon-type raid attacker No For Open ML
    Kyurem No No No Normal Kyurem is pretty useless, but Black Kyurem, which has not yet been released, will be a dominating force No Maybe to stock up for Black Kyurem
    Uxie No No No No No No
    Mesprit No No No No No No
    Azelf No No No No No No

    Thunder Hour (1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)

    Pokemon Great League Ultra League Master League Raids Shiny XL
    Zapdos No No No Number 4 non-shadow, non-mega Electric-type raid attacker (with legacy Thundershock) Yes No
    Raikou No No No Number 3 non-shadow, non-mega Electric-type raid attacker Yes No
    Registeel Rank 8 in GL Rank 1 in UL No No Yes XL preferred for UL, but 100% IV can reach close to 2500 with Best Buddy boost
    Rayquaza No No No Number 2 non-mega, non-shadow Dragon-type raid attacker, number 3 non-shadow, non-mega Flying-type raid attacker with legacy Hurricane. Mega Rayquaza, when released, will be number 1 for both Dragon- and Flying-type raid attackers Yes No
    Dialga No No Long reigning king of ML, Rank 3 in Open, Rank 6 in Classic Number 8 currently released, non-shadow, non-mega Dragon-type raid attacker No For Open ML
    Cobalion No No No No Yes No
    Thundurus Therian No No No Number 2 non-shadow, non-mega Electric-type raid attacker No No
    Zekrom No No Rank 6 in Open, Rank 10 in Classic Best Electric-type raid attacker, number 3 non-shadow, non-mega currently released Dragon-type raid attacker No For Open ML
    Xerneas No No No No No No


    1. Some Pokemon may be viable in Great League, whether open or limited metas, but raid level is too high to be under 1500 CP even after trading to re-roll IVs.

    2. PvP rankings taken from http://www.pvpoke.com

    3. Raid attacker rankings taken from the GamePress Comprehensive DPS Spreadsheet sorted by DPS3 x TDO

    4. XL column is for Pokemon that need or very strongly prefer to be XL for a specific use. Raid attackers of course can be XL'ed and perform better, but generally XL raid attackers are not necessary.

    5. Some of the Pokemon I've marked as "No" for Master League may be viable in certain scenarios, like draft tournaments. This is for basic overviews; if you're playing in a draft or other similar tournament, you probably don't need this chart to begin with.


    A few people have commented not knowing when Go Fest is, so here's links to the in-game news articles about it:

    You do not need a ticket to participate in these raids. Raids are available to everyone and raid bosses are the same for all players. Ticket holders will get, among other bonuses throughout the weekend, 10 Raid Passes from spinning Gyms to be used for in person raids, a free bundle in the shop with 3 Remote Raid Passes, and Timed Research awarding 8 more Remote Raid Passes, for a total of 21 free raids (plus one more free Raid Pass carried over from the day before).

    submitted by /u/ThisIsMyPokemonAlt
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    GO Fest Catch Day Infographic

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    GO Fest Catch Day Infographic

    This is a infographic to help with the first day of GO fest, its incomplete though because we dont have the full information.

    submitted by /u/Turnip_God333
    [link] [comments]

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